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Obituaries - Margaret Barrett
from the Macomb Journal
The above named, widow of the late William P. Barrett of this city, died at the home of her son William, south of town, at midnight last Thursday (22 Feb 1900), after an illness of only a few days. Funeral services were held at the First Methodist Church in this city at 2 oíclock Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. H. Morgan of the Cumberland church, of which deceased had long been a faithful member.
Margaret Roberts was born Sept. 27, 1827, in Wales, and came to the United States with her parents when but a child. June 4, 1846, she was united in marriage with William P. Barrett of this city, who had come from England about three years previous. Their entire married life was spent in or near this city, where Mr. Barrett held various offices at the gift of the public. He died about eight years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett were the parents of nine children, of whom four survive: William of Chalmers township, Edward of Wardner, Ida., Mrs. C.E. Combs of Chariton, Ia., and Mrs. Maggie Fisher of this city.
A Last Farewell
Ere the lilies and the roses wither, beautiful floral tributes strewn by friendship's tender hand upon the coffin of our beloved friend and neighbor, Mrs. Margaret Roberts Barrett, let one who appreciated her inestimable qualities write a few words in memoriam in behalf of the many who held sweet communion with her in the days gone by. During the opening hymn of the funeral services, "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, from which none ever wake to weep" there seemed to linger a soft refrain from the spirit world, "welcome then, faithful one, enter into the joys of the Lord." No clock has ever been more true to its winding than she to her convictions of right, until that faithful heart ceased to beat. No duty was ever slighted, no promise unfulfilled. No summer's heat, nor winter's cold, ever kept her away from the house of God or the ministrations of the living faith. However tired in body, her feet were never too weary to bear the active soul to the weekly prayer meeting, however dark the night, or dreary. Only the calls for her presence at the bedside of the suffering could detain her. Early and late she was faithful at her post, whether in the performance of domestic duties by her own cheerful fireside or in ministering beside the couch of sickness. Said her next door neighbor: "She hath done what she could." Beautiful testimony and one that finds a responsive echo in many a heart!
She loved to linger where the songs of Zion were sung, many of which she no doubt had learned at the parental knees. In the vanished years her father had served as leader of the choir in the First Presbyterian church in this city. Farewell, dear friend. Every burden has rolled away; every care has fled. Thou art light hearted and free, as eret on the sunny hills of Wales! Thou hast only gone a little before, whence no parting words are ever spoken. Erewhile the summons comes to all. Once more, dear friend, farewell. E.M.K.S.
Contributed by Kay Barrett
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