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The Schuyler Citizen
December 21, 1871Our Neighbors' Affairs
Hamilton Orr, an unmarried man, about sixty years of age, living near Macomb, shot himself in the head on Wednesday last. Insanity supposed to be the cause.
Miss Matilda Fletcher is to lecture in Macomb on the 8th of January. Subject "Men and their whims."December 28, 1871
The following persons, former residents of Rushville, have been spending the Christmas holidays among relatives and friends here:
...Miss Abbie Corfield, Macomb...Shorts.
D. G. Swan, late of the Havana Reveille, has removed to Bushnell to start a job office.January 11, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
There were 277 marriage licenses issued in McDonough county in 1871.
Mrs. Simmons, an intelligent and highly respected lady, wife of Judge L. A. Simmons, died in Macomb on Wednesday of last week from the effect of a surgical operation performed the day before. Dr. Bebee, of Chicago, assisted by Dr. Westfall, of Macomb, had performed an operation the day before removing an ovarian fibroid tumor weighing twelve and one half pounds. When too late, it was found that the case was very complicated, the tumor having grown to the vitals in several places, so that its removal caused such a loss of blood that she did not revive, but died in twenty-four hours.
Three fast specimens of Young America in Macomb last week concluded to make a raise. They had read how boys had run away from home and made fortunes, and why should not they? Our heroes were about ten years old each. On Tuesday noon, at the close of school, all started for weiss nicht wo, but after voyaging about a mile two of them got scared and went back home. The third, however, was not to be so easily frightened, and kept ahead. At night the parents of number three got alarmed at the absence of their boy. Numbers one and two "fessed" that "Benny was going to walk to Bardolph, get on the cars and go way off." Next morning Benny's paternal progenitor took the early train for Bardolph, found young Robinson Cruso worn out, scared most to death, penitent and glad to get home to mama. Thus ended the expedition.WELL DONE!--We see from the Macomb Journal that one of our fellow citizens has handsomely caned an old citizen of McDonough county, who befriended him and his family in those dark days when brave, true-hearted men left families and business to go to the front in defence of their country. The following letter which the Journal was permitted to copy tells it all:
RUSHVILLE, ILL., Dec. 27th, '71
MR. BLACKBURN--Dear Sir:--when I was in the army I cut this cane expressly for you. I cut it in Bull's Gap, East Tennessee, six years ago last April. The reason why I did not present it to you before, I thought I would get it finished up in good style, with a silver head. I can't get it done here. I will inclose five dollars, and want you to get a silver head put on it, and use it in your old days.
I never will forget your kindness to me and to my family while I was in the army. I never can return it to you, thought you will get your reward in Heaven for the many kind acts you did to the soldiers and their families during the war.
This is a cedar cane, take it with my love and respects, and my wife's also, as long as we both shall live.
Yours Repectfully, JOHN MCCABEFebruary 1, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
A fatal accident occurred in Macomb on Saturday of week before last. A runaway team ran into a dray upon which were two men, Mr. L. P. Phelps, and the drayman Mr. Fields. Both men were knocked senseless, and Mr. Phelps died the next day from his injuries.February 8, 1872
We notice that the Rev. Mr. Guild, the blind Baptist minister who was here a few years since, is holding a great revival meeting in Galva, on the C., B. & Q. road. He was recently in Prairie City.Our Neighbors' Affairs
Bushnell citizens are contemplating boring for coal, with the expectation of digging 200 feet in the ground. The state geologist tells them they will probably find three seams in that depth, ranging from two to three feet in thickness, the same as coals 1, 2 and 3, of this county. --Fulton Ledger.
Robert Hart, a step-son of T. L. Morgan, about fourteen years of age, had his leg broken one day last week. He was standing cross legged talking to a school mate, when another lad thoughtlessly jumped upon his back and crushed him to the ground before he could change the position of his feet. The bones were broken just below the knee. --Bushnell Record.February 15, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
J. J. Lower, an old citizen of McDonough county, died at his residence in Tennessee on the 1st inst. in the 69th year of his age. He had been a citizen of Illinois since 1822 and of McDonough county since 1835.
A lady in Macomb took a letter from the post-office in that place on the 5th inst. which she had mailed at the same office on the 5th of March, 1864. Seven years and seven months it has been on its "winding way." It was directed to Campbellsville, Ohio.February 22, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
The Colchester mines employ about three hundred persons, who earn on an average three dollars each per day.February 29, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
Mr. A. W. Thayer, a young man who has been in the employ of the C., B. & Q. Railroad for the past two years, was very seriously injured at Bardolph on Monday of last week. Mr. Thayer got between the cars for the purpose of coupling them, when the "bumpers" gave way, letting the cars together and crushing him in a terrible manner.
Andrew Allison, an old and wealthy farmer living about five miles south of Macomb, committed suicide by cutting his throat on Monday of last week. He was an unmarried man, and made money his god. At his death he was thought to be worth $100,000. He had been defeated in a lawsuit in reference to a road running throught his farm, and it is thought that the defeat and loss of money so worked on his mind as to cause him to commit the deed.
Macomb is somewhat excited over the prospect of a railroad from Chicago to Keokuk, through Lacon, New Philadelphia, Macomb and Carthage.
Daily union prayer meetings have been established in Macomb, to continue throughout the year. The hour of meeting is from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., and everybody is invited to attend, whether able to stay the whole hour or only a few minutes.
Suicide seems to be getting fearfully fashionable in McDonough county of late. The Journal, after recounting eight cases within the past year and giving the circumstances and causes, says:--
"We have given the causes in each case as assigned by public opinion. Of all the number, not more than one or two enlist sympathy. Whether other reasons may have urged them on, rather than the one assigned, we do not know; surely, if there was no other cause than known, some must possess an infatuation for death either growing out of a diseased brain or from education by a diseased society. If society is in any way chargeable with the frequency of suicides, by all means let us set about to find it out and, as far as we are concerned, put a stop to the ghastly fashion."Shorts.
Mr. Ed. Worthington, of Bardolph, has been spending a few days with his mother, who has been quite sick, but is now convalescent.March 7, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
From the Bushnell Record, 2d inst.:
Bushnell is excited over the prospect of having a college located there... It is called the Central Wesleyan College of the Southwestern conference of the German M. E. church.
Bushnell has been relieved of its last "bawdy house."
As a specimen of the through trade of the C., B. & Q. road it may be stated that one day this week a down freight of about eighteen cars had the cars of no less than ten different roads.From the Prairie City Herald, 1st inst.:
The Schuyler Citizen says the "chinch bug" is believe to be killed in that section. There is a difference of opinion among the farmers here on that subject. Some say the bug has been killed by the severe winter, and others that it is only adopting a passive policy, and that it will "come out strong" in the spring. Some have even informed us that they have taken a piece of corn stalk, breathed on it, and the rejuvenated bug has wiggled responsively. We fear it "still lives."
From the Macomb Eagle:
During the past few weeks a good part of Macomb has been "on wheels." Eight or ten frame buildings have been moved from the public square in order to make room for the large and magnificent business blocks. There will be more substantial improvements in Macomb this year than at any previous season. Those who visit Macomb now hardly know the place where stood the old land-marks--the familiar old buildings having disappeared so suddenly.
From the Macomb Journal, 1st inst.:
One hundred and sixty-five dollars have been raised in Bushnell to prosecute investigation for coal. A Galesburg firm has offered to do the boring for two dollars per foot, provided fifty feet are bored.
We learn that on Friday of last week, Frank Higbee, twelve years old, while attempting to jump off a freight car at Plymouth, fell head foremost in the ties, cutting his head severely. The agent, we understand, repeatedly warned him of the danger he subjected himself to in clambering upon trains, and had forcibly removed him on more than one occassion.March 14, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
There is said to have been a mad dog killed in Macomb.
Macomb is rejoicing in the prospect of a new town hall. The building will be eighty-seven feet front by ninety in depth; the lower story will be divided into four basement rooms, and the upper story will be the hall, with a capacity to seat one thousand persons.
The Prairie City Herald says: "Four couples, lately married, sat demurely in their seats and listened to the sermon, at the M. E. church last Sunday morning."April 4, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
Macomb is to have an opera house.
Father Manion, a Catholic clergyman, has recently been installed over the congregation in Macomb.
Col. W. W. Bailey, of Macomb, one of the oldest and best known citizens of McDonough county, died on the --- ult.
Don Juan, the brown stallion formerly owned by J. W. Dilly, of Macomb, was recently purchased by the Japanese government for the purpose of improving the stock of that country.
A very estimable young lady of Blandinsville, formerly a school teacher in that place, died very suddenly a few days since under the following circumstances: She had spent the night at a neighbor's near by, and returned before breakfast. On arriving at her father's door she fell, and when taken up a moment after she was speechless. She continued in this state for about twelve hours when she died. Physicians attribute her death to disease of the spine and brain combined.
The merchants of Blandinsville have been annoyed for some time past by petty losses, not only of money but various commodities from their shelves. Mr. E. R. Jones kept watch and presently was rewarded by catching the depredator in the act. The youngster, a mere boy, was armed with a small willow switch, in the end of which was a pin fish-hook with which he fished money from the drawers and light articles from the shelves.April 11, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
Prairie City has forty or fifty thousand bushels of corn in store waiting shipment.
A young lady in Macomb was cleaning a pair of kid gloves with gasoline. She put them on her hands and held them near the fire to dry, when they instantly took fire and burned her hands and face severely.
"Rag carpet surprise parties" seem to be one of the novelties of Prairie City. Friend Charlie seems to be profiting by them. Will he please "explain their modus operandi," for the benefit of some inquisitive ones here-a-ways.
At the last term of the McDonough circuit court, a whiskey suit from Bushnell came off, in which a wholesale liquor dealer of that place was fined for illicitly selling whiskey $25 and cost, the latter of which amounted to the snug sum of some $400,--Macomb Journal.April 25, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
The daily union prayer meetings in Macomb continue with unabated interest.
Rev. G. P. Guild has accepted the call of the Baptists of Bushnell, and will become their pastor.
A boy in Macomb by the name of Fred. Clarke shot the forefinger from his left hand last week. Cause, careless handling of a gun.
The temperance ticket in Bushnell, McDonough county, was elected by an overwhelming majority--280 to 14--at the recent city election.
A Dolly Varden suit is described as a neat coquettish dress, resembling in appearance a cross between a bick wall and an animated window curtain.
A storeroom in Macomb was burned last week, greatly endangering some good buildings with which it was surrounded on all sides. Loss about $1,000.June 20, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
Seven pupils graduate at the close of the Macomb schools this year.
A Liberal Convention is called to meet in McDonough county to-day.
The McDonough county Republican Convention is to be held in Macomb on Saturday, June 29th.
The Macomb Journal computes the loss to McDonough county by the late storm to be not less than $10,000.
The third annual meeting of the McDonough county stock association will be held at the fair grounds near Macomb on the 4th and 5th of July next.June 27, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
The Prairie City Herald hoists the names of Grant and Wilson. Right.
Mr. James Robb, of Prairie City, was seriously injured on the 16th inst., by being thrown from his buggie. Mr. Robb raised an umbrella, and the horse became frightened and ran away, throwing him out and seriously injuring him internally.
Mrs. Ramsey, of Prairie City, after a long suit, has recovered $8,000 damage from the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad for injuries received in an accident.
The Republicans of Prairie City have raised the handsome sum of $60 for a campaign flag.
The Prairie City Herald says: "We are informed that there will be a grand base ball game played here on the Fourth, which will be participated in by such celebrities as Gen. Grant, Horace Greeley, Ben. Butler, Colfax, Gratz Brown, Wilson, Boss Tweed, etc."
The Prairie City Herald says: "Cut worms are making havoc among the corn, and a black insect is devouring the cut worm. It seizes the worm by the back of the neck, and eats its head off."
$50 in gold has been found in a stable in the eastern suburbs of Macomb. W. S. Hall, former occupant and owner of the place, was robbed some years since, and this unearthed treasure is supposed to have been dropped in the hurry of the thieves to escape.
The Macomb Journal says: "W. H. Hainline, of this paper, bought a new hat and a new pair of unmentionables, and started on Monday for the editorial convention at Champagne City." He brought a brick back in his hat, eh?
The Macomb Eagle thus "does" Snively. May be his old friends hereabouts can see as great a change indicated in his fortunes as in his politics: "He has a pocket full of Dolly Varden cards; wears a Dolly Varden hat; carries a Dolly Varden cane; has a Dolly Varden coat; wears a Dolly Varden ring and breastpin; has a Doly Varden nose and eyes, and publishes a Dolly Varden newsletter.* * * There is more of the genuine Dolly Varden about Snively than any one we have ever met. And notwithstanding all this Dolly Varden, he is a good looking fellow--publishes a sound Democratic paper--and is 'liberal in politics and religion.'"September 5, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
During the storm on Tuesday night of last week a stable in Macomb was struck by lightning and burned to the ground.
It is simply of no use for other counties to boast of long corn stalks. We have one in our office, raised by Mr. James Auble, which measures thirteen feet, eight inches in length, and eight feet from the ground to the ear.--Prairie City Herald. Hold! We have one measuring fourteen feet in length, and having two ears, the lowest being eight feet and two inches from the ground.November 21, 1872
Our Neighbors' Affairs
Macomb is agitating for a public park. Good! Rushville has also a duty to look after in the direction.
Col. Sam. Wilson, of McDonough county, left on the 8th inst. to make his home in Southern Kansas. He had been a resident of McDonough since 1834. The Macomb Journal pays a glowing tribute to his worth as a citizen. He was also well known in Schuyler and we join with the Journal in wishing "may his home be in sunny places"!
The McDonough Agricultural Society and the McDonough Stock Association have been united, by the latter assuming the indebtedness of the former--near $4,000. The Stock Association consisted of one hundred share holders, and the money is to be raised by an assessment of shares. The new society is to be incorporated under the name McDonough County Stock, Agricultural and Mechanical Association.
The late vote in McDonough county was: 2797 for Grant, 2600 for Greeley, 14 of O'Conner; 2800 for Oglesby, 1710 for Koerner, 6 for Sidney Breese; 2720 for Wm. H. Ray (for Congress), 2799 for Wm. H. Neece (same); 2755 for B. R. Hampton (for state senator), 2736 for Moses A. Luce (for same); 2834 for C. F. Wheat (state attorney), 2668 for John Bailey (for same); 2785 against stock law, 1794 for stock law. McDonough casts about twice as many votes as Schuyler, which gave 3149 at our last election and about 3400 in 1868.
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