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1862 Macomb Township, Ward 4
July 27, 1862, William S. Hail, Assessor.
List of able bodied male
Citizens of the Town of Walnut Grove and County of McDonough between the ages of
Eighteen and forty-five years, taken by G. N. Smith for William H. Randolph In
pursuance of General Order No. 99 of the War Department and instructions of the
Adjutant General of the State of Illinois.
Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, Remarks
ALBRIGHT, P. - Catholick Priest
ARCHER, M. C. - Kentucky, Physician
ASKEN, John - 35, England, Stone Cutter
ATKINSON, Chas. - 24, Illinois, Laborer
ATKINSON, J. W. - 32, Kentucky, ClerkBAIN, Wm. - Wagon Maker, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BEARDSLY, S. R. - 41, New York, Grain Dealer
BONNEY, G. W. - Co. B, 10th Missouri Regt.
BOYER, Allen - Laborer
BREP-----, John - 40, Germany, Laborer
BROWN, Chas. - 42, Kentucky, Laborer, Discharged Soldier
BROWN, H. S. - 38, New York, Station Agent
BROWN, Mark - 19, Illinois, Laborer
BUCHER, Nichole - 29, Germany, Shoemaker
BURRETT, Wm. P. - 43, England, ConstableCAMPBELL, G. W. - Painter
CANNON, S. G. - 33, Kentucky, Harness Maker
CANNON, Wm. - Laborer, Co. D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CARRIGAN, Peter - 33, Illinois, Laborer
CHASE, James - Illinois, Farmer, 2d Illinois Cav.
CHUSE, Geo. - Illinois, Laborer
CLARK, G. F. - 41, Germany, Grocer
CLUGSON, J. B. - 38, Pennsylvania, Harness Maker
COLE, Stephen - 27, LaborerDALE, Frederick - Sweden, Bar Keeper
DONOVAN, Jerry - Ireland, Laborer, Irish LegionEWING, -- - Gailer
ERVIN, Wm. - 25, Illinois, ButcherFALDER, C. - Prussia, Barber
FLEMMING, A. J. E. - 10th Missouri Regt.
FLEMMING, Frank - Laborer, Co. B, 10th Missouri Regt.
FLOYD, E. A. - 34, Massachusetts, Dentist
FLOYD, F. G. - 24, Massachusetts, ArtistGARRETT, Loven - 38, Kentucky, Farmer
GARRETT, Sidney - 21, Illinois, Tanner
GERMEYER, Geo. - 34, England, Butcher
GERMEYER, J. - 28, England, Butcher
GESLER, David - 39, Germany, Tinner
GILDING, James - Ireland, Laborer
GILDING, Mathew - Ireland, Laborer
GOODRICH, B. F. - 44, Ohio, Lawyer
GOODWIN, Washington - 27, Illinois, Blacksmith
GOSWELL, Leroy - 30, Ohio, Laborer
GREECE, Pat - Ireland, Shoe Maker, Irish Legion
GROUT, James - 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GRUBB, Frank - Drummer, 29th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GURLINGHOUSE, G. - 21, Indiana, Stone Cutter
GUSTINE, S. C. - 36, Ohio, Inn KeeperHAGERTY, John T. - Farmer
HAGERTY, Venice - Laborer
HAGERTY, Wm. - Clerk
HALEY, James - 30, Ireland, Grocery Keeper
HALL, Wm. - Illinois, Laborer
HANSON, N. - Co. H, 2d Illinois Cav.
HULL, David - Kentucky, Laborer
HUMMER, W. B. - Laborer, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
HUNTER, James - 36, Maryland, Blacksmith
HURTING, Julius - 30, Germany, BarberJACOBS, Isaac - New York, Shoe Maker
JOHNSON, Ezra - 31, England, Stone Cutter
JOHNSON, Wm. - 34, England, Stone CutterKEEFER, G. D. - 28, Maryland, Druggist
LANCY, S. F. - 44, Massachusetts, Merchant
LANE, D. W. - Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
LANE, J. E. - 28, Kentucky, Laborer, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
LANE, J. Q. - 38, Kentucky, Wagon Maker
LAYTON, H. C. - Co. B, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol
LEE, R. F. - 23, Ohio, Harness Maker
LOGSTON, C. - Stock Dealer
LOWE, John - Blacksmith, Co. I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.MAFREY, Alex. - 27, Illinois, Painter, Discharged Musician
MARTIN, J. M. - 40, Ohio, Carpenter
MASSEY, R. - 30, Illinois, Blacksmith
MAURY, T. B. B. - Kentucky, Druggist, Hospital ---, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
MCADAMS, David - 31, New York, Laborer
MCBRIDE, Peter - Carpenter, Paroled Prisoner
McCABE, A. J. - 27, Pennsylvania, Butcher
MCCAFFREY, Pat - 37, Ireland, Laborer
MCINTOSH, J. W. - 32, Kentucky, Sulloon Keeper
McLERIN, C. C. - 42, Pennsylvania, Cabinet Maker
MECUM, Martin - Ireland, Laborer, 2d Chicago Artillery
MERFORD, J. R. - Kentucky, Tinner
MILLER, J. D. - Kentucky, Carpenter
MILLER, Nat - Kentucky, Cegar Maker, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.O'RILEY, Wm. - 31, Ireland, Laborer
ORTEREEL, Jacob - 23, Germany, Butcher, Co. H, 2d Illinois Cav.PARKER, Henry - England, Laborer, Co. I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PENROSE, Chris - Illinois, Laborer
PENROSE, David - 37, Pennsylvania, Laborer
PENROSE, John - 22, Pennsylvania, Laborer
PORTER, W. - England, Laborer
POWRY, P. - 41, France, TailerQUINN, John - 27, Ireland, Laborer
REYNOLDS, J. C. - 36, Kentucky, Minister
REXROAT, Wm. - 33, Kentucky, PlastererSMITH, James - Laborer, 2d Illinois Light Artillery
TATE, James - 33, Kentucky, Clerk
TESIRNER, Pat - Ireland, Laborer
THOMPSON, J. G. - 42, Massachusetts, Carpenter, Discharged Soldier
TROY, Edward - 40, Ireland, Laborer
TROY, Thos. - 30, Ireland, LaborerVAN HOUSEN, J. - New York, 10th Missouri Regt.
VAN HOUSEN, Wm. - 24, New York, Clerk
VOIGHT, Jacob - 32, Germany, MillerWAGONER, Jacob - 37, Laborer
WHEELER, B. F. - 41, New Jersey, Laborer
WHITTEN, James - 2d Illinois Light Artillery
WITSON, Henry - 21, Illinois, Laborer
WOLF, Chas. - 27, Germany, Butcher
WOODSWORTH, J. Q. A. - 33, Pennsylvania, LaborerZARNS, Wm. - 38, Ohio, Blacksmith
Contributed 2000 by Robin L. W. Petersen
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright