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1862 Macomb Township, Ward 1
July 27, 1862, William S. Hail, Assessor.
List of able bodied male
Citizens of the Town of Walnut Grove and County of McDonough between the ages of
Eighteen and forty-five years, taken by G. N. Smith for William H. Randolph In
pursuance of General Order No. 99 of the War Department and instructions of the
Adjutant General of the State of Illinois.
Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, Remarks
ABBOTT, Nelson - 37, Indiana, Printer
ADCOCK, R. J. - 32, Virginia, Laborer
AXFORD, John - 31, England, LaborerBAILEY, James A. - 19, Illinois, Laborer
BAILEY, John S. - Pennsylvania, Lawyer
BAKER, J. H. - New Hampshire, Land Agent
BATCHELOR, Wm. - England, Shoemaker
BENNIE, Andra - 31, Scotland, Miller
BRAZELL, John, Co. I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BURR, A. G. - 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BURR, Marsh - 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BURTON, Joseph - 32, Kentucky, MerchantCALOWAY, Wm. - 32, Missouri, Plasterer
CAMPBELL, Wm. - Co. B, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CAROUTHERS, Wm. - Minister
CHANDLER, A. B. - 24, Illinois, Laborer
CHANDLER, S. F. - 28, Ohio, Stock Dealer
CHEMILLER, C. V. - 19, Illinois, Clerk, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CLARK, B. F. - 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CLARK, C. C. - 22, Laborer
CLARK, Peter Jr. - Discharged Soldier
CLARK, Peter - Scotland, Laborer, 2d Chicago Artillery
COMER, Pat - 30, Ireland, Laborer
CONOVER, Chas. - Co. D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
COOK, John - Pennsylvania, Tinner
CRESSEY, C. D. - 29, Connecticut, Co. Merchant
CUNNINGHAM, R. N. - 10th Missouri Regt.
CURTIS, G. W. - 34, New York, FarmerDAVIS, A. J. - 38, Kentucky, Grocer
DEMLEY, Saml. - 27, Ohio, Wagon Maker
DEMLEY, Wm. L. - 8th Illinois Cav.
DEWEY, S. P. - New York, Merchant Tailor
DICKISON, Leon - 33, New York, Laborer
DILLON, A. J. - 29, Kentucky, Laborer
DILLON, Ingram - 22, Kentucky, Laborer, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DOOLSON, Wm. - 33, Ireland, Laborer
DURR, Joseph - 35, Ohio, ShoemakerEDMONSON, Thos. - 8th Illinois Cav.
FAREWEL, G. L. - Captain Co. D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
FELTINGE, Henry - 34, Germany, Shoemaker
FOWLER, Frank - E. 28, Discharged Solier
FOX, Samuel - 44, LaborerGORDEN, A.
GORDEN, Harrison - 19, Illinois, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GORDEN, John - 21, Illinois, Co. D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
GORDEN, Wm. - 23, Illinois
GRAHAM, John - Illinois Vol.
GRAVES, N. G. - 42, New York, Grain Dealer
GRIGSBY, Sidney - 27, Ohio, LaborerHAGERMAN, D. H. - Ohio, Student at Law
HALL, G. K. - Discharged Musician
HALL, John - 19, Illinois, Clerk
HALL, Thos. - 23, Illinois, Clerk
HAMPTON, D. S. - 40, Woolen Factory
HAMPTON, John - Laborer
HAMPTON, Von C. - 24, Ohio, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
HAMPTON, Wm. L. - 32, New Jersey, Shoemaker
HEAD, Wm. T. - Kentucky, Clerk
HELLPER, H. H. - 8th Illinois Cav.
HENDERSON, M. - Co. B, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
HIGGINS, J. P. - Captain Co. A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
HILLYER, Isaac - 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
HILLYER, John - Carpenter
HILLYER, M. - 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.INGRAM, B. D. - 31, Indiana, Painter
ISMINGER, Geo. - 23, Indiana
ISMINGER, James - 28, Indiana, Stone CutterJONES, Alex - 31, Grocery Keeper, 2d Chicago Artillery
JONES, C. A. - 29, Kentucky, Clerk
JONES, W. F. - 27, Kentucky, LaborerKENDRICK, Jerome - 22, Illinois, Laborer
KENDRICK, Nat - 20, Illinois, Laborer, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
KENDRICK, Theodore - 25, Illinois, Teacher
KERSEY, Henry - 42, Indiana, Laborer
KIRKPATRICK, Wm. - 31, Illinois, Laborer
KNAPINBURGHER, John - 33, Pennsylvania, Laborer
KNAPP, Alex - 38, New York, Laborer
KRUSE, G. W. - 30, Germany, BakerLANCE, Wm. B. - 43, New Jersey, Shoe Maker
LAWLER, A. B. - 21, Illinois, Lawyer
LE-, A. T. - 22, Tennessee, Clerk, Discharged Soldier
LIPE, F. D. - Kentucky, Livery Station Keeper
LIPE, Wm. M. - 22, Illinois, Laborer
LOWE, Geo. - 14th Regt. Illinois Vol.
LOWE, Jas. - Illinois Vol.MANFORT, J. W. - 27, Indiana, Clerk
MARTIN, Thos. - 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
MARTIN, W. E. - 20, Illinois, Merchant
MAY, L. C. - Fidler
McALISTER, Geo. - Shoemaker, Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
McCABE, John - Laborer, Co. A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
McCARTNEY, D. - 10th Missouri
McCLINTOCK, James - 26, Ohio, Clerk
McLEAN, Alex - 29, Scotland, Clerk
McNAMARA, Hugh - Ireland, Laborer
MENZES, Thos. - 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
MORGAN, Thos. E. - 31, Pennsylvania, States AttorneyNAYLOR, J. B. - Illinois, Printer
NEECE, W. H. - 31, Illinois, Lawyer
NESBIT, W. G. - 33, Pennsylvania, Dentist
NICHOLSON, J. H. - 33, Pennsylvania, Clerk
NIHILE, L. - 35, Indiana, Jailer
NOONIN, Pat - Ireland, Blacksmith, Irish LegionPALMER, Geo. - Minister, Chaplin 10th Missouri
PALMER, Geo. - 19, New York, Blacksmith, Discharged Soldier
PALMER, N. C. - 43, New York, Blacksmith
PALMER, W. H. - New York, Blacksmith
PEARSON, W. P. - 30, Pennsylvania, Painter, Lieutenant Co. C, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PEARSON, Nontie - 20, Pennsylvania, Clerk
PHEPS, W. H. - Kentucky, Tailor
POFF-NINGHAM, F. - 27, Virginia, ClerkRAGAN, N. - 21, Ohio, Artist
RANDOLPH, J. W. - 34, Ohio, Clerk
ROSS, S. A. M. - 40, New York, Merchant
ROWE, A. - Co. C, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
RUTISHOUSER, Jacob - Germany, Laborer, 2d Illinois ArtillerySELINGHAM, A. G. - Co. C, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SIMMS, L. A. - Kentucky, Lawyer, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SIMONS, Hesekiah - Kentucky, Laborer
SMITH, J. H. - 19, Illinois, Laborer, Co. I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SMITHERS, James - Kentucky, Laborer
SMITHERS, Jos. - Laborer, Co. B, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SMITHERS, Robt. - 38, Kentucky, Laborer
SMITHERS, Thos. - 33, Kentucky, Laborer, Discharged Soldier
SNODGRASS, Wm. - 33, Pennsylvania, Engineer
STEVENSON, Jos. - 32, Cabinet Maker
STEWART, John - 31, Ireland, Tailor
STREACE, E. - Co. H, 2d Illinois Cav.TATE, Richard - 31, Kentucky, Laborer
TAYLOR, J. E. - 24, Illinois, Lawyer
THOMAS, A. J. - 39, Ohio, Painter
THOMPSON, J. C. - 36, Pennsylvania, Lawyer
TOBIN, Richard - 30, Ireland, Laborer
TONECLIFF, C. H. - 40, New York
TUNIS, Isaac - Laborer, Co. I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
TUCKER, Thos. - 34, Harness Maker
TURNER, Reuben - 30, Kentucky, Carpenter
TWYMAN, H. C. -30, Kentucky, ClerkVAWTER, A. T. - 31, Kentucky, Nursery Man
WALKER, John S. - Carpenter, Co. A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WALKER, L. E. - 31, Vermont, Carpenter
WALKER, Willis - Clerk
WATERS, L. H. - Lawyer, Colonel 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WATERS, Wm. - 27, Printer
WELKER, Enoch - Co. A, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WELKER, Reuben - 27, Ohio, Tailor
WELKER, W. B. - 33, Missouri, Carpenter, Discharged Soldier
WELLS, Geo. - 27, Illinois, Lawyer
WEST, Samuel - 33, New Jersey, Laborer
WHEAT, C. F. - 27, New York, Lawyer
WILSON, J. H. - 28, Ohio, Silver Smith
WINSTON, M. T. - 37, New York, Clerk
WOOD, Dwight - 19, New York, ClerkYOUNG, J. H. - 36, New York, Laborer
Contributed 2000 by Robin L. W. Petersen
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright