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Bible Records - YOUNG Family
John Young and
Elisabeth Jane Porter
Married Sept 19th 1850John Young and
Elisabeth Ann Wilson
married Augus 14th 1856John Young and Almira
Beghtol Was Married
December the 5, 1858
Added information:
Marriage license for:Miss Justine YOUNG and Marion STOCKTON
m: 18 March 1883, in the County of Schuyler, State of Illinois
It states that he was a farmer of Oakland.
Signed by, Peter Phillips, Justice of the Peace.YOUNG-FRANCE
Two of the best young people of this community hied themselves to the study of Rev. Fred Wilson on Wednesday evening at 8:30 and that good man spoke the words in uniting in marriage Mr. Ralph Young and Miss Bertha France. The ring ceremony was used. The young people were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Sweeny.
The bride is the daughter of Theodore France and one of our most estimable young ladies and is loved and respected by a large circle of friends, and the groom is a son of Supervisor and Mrs. Marion Young, residing in the Flatwoods district southwest of town, and is one of the very best, steady and industrious farmer boys in this community and has the respect of all who know him. It is said the young couple will take charge of the Young farm and Mr. and Mrs. Young retire.
The Union joins with their hosts of friends and admirers in extending to them congratulations and best wishes for a long, happy journey down the pathway of married life.Married.
At the residence of the bride's parents of near Vermont Ill. on Wednesday, August 15th Mr. William Young to Miss Cora Bottenburg.The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Freeze, pastor of the Presbyterian church of that neighborhood, at four o'clock in the afternoon. At the conclusion of the performance of the solemn rite, a sumptuous wedding dinner was served to the newly married pair and fifty witnesses of the felicitous event. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. William Bottenburg, a prominent citizen of Fulton county. The groom is a industrious young farmer and of excellent family. Many rich and appropriate presents were bestowed.--Abingdon Argus.
John Young was bourne Feb. 1st 1819
Elisabeth Jane Porter was bourne March 22nd 1818
James Porter Young Son of J&EJ Young bourne Oct 22 AD 1851
Flora Ann Daughter of J&EJ Young January 11th 1852
Sarah Olive 2nd Daughter of J&EJ Young bourne Dec 10th 1854
Elisabeth Ann Wilson 2nd Wife of John Young bourne August
Sarah Diantha daughter of J&EA Young bourne June 26 1857
Justine Daughter of John & Almira Young bourn April 12 AD 1860
William son of John & Almira Young bourne Nov 10th AD 1861
Eliza Son of John and Almira Young bourne December 21 AD 1863 *(1)
George 3rd son of John & A Young bourne Octber 24 AD 1865 *(2)
Nola 2nd Daughter of J& A Young bourn July 12th 1868
Oscar 4th Sof J & A Young bourne May 15 1870
Marion 5 Son of J & A Young borne March 16 1872
Jos. 6th Son of J & A Young borne Oct 19 1873 *(3)
John Young 7 Son of J & A Young Was born May the 27 (1876)
I used a magnifying glass to read the Bible pages several times to get the
birth dates.There were three corrections I made compared to what Louis so nicely typed
out for me:*(1) Louis had Eliza's birth year as 1865....it was 1863
*(2) Louis had George's birth year as 186*....it was 1865
*(3) Louis had Jos. birth day as Oct 18....it was Oct 19I'm sure most of you know the old handwriting can be hard to cipher.
The words are typed as is written in the John YOUNG Bible. ENJOY!
Here's some more information from clippings:
In a sheet protector is a lock of hair rolled up and pinned on a clipping and
inside, written in pencil it says Leon Stockton. There's a two inch square of
cut fabric that look's to be from a wedding dress. There's a small cut of
paper that is typed with, Leon L. Stockton Vermont.There's a card that says:
I promise to attend, so far as possible, the meetings
of the Church and League and give serious thought to
my duty to God and my fellowmen.
Leon StocktonIn another protector is a card that has:
Compliments of
Mrs. Sarah Walker
Eighty-fourth Birthday
February 13, 1909Any questions or corrections please email me:
Kathleen (Stoneking) Cooper < MsCutNSew@aol.com >
in Rantoul, Champaign Co., ILNOTE: The date the Bible was printed was 1853.
Contributed by Kathleen Stoneking Cooper and Louis Young
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright