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Chapter 39 - Walnut
Grove Township
This township lies on the northern tier and comprises the territory known as 7 north and range 2 west. It is a beautiful prairie country, only about 100 acres of timber land being within its borders. It is bounded on the north by Warren county, on the east by Prairie City and Bushnell townships, with Macomb on the south and Sciota township on the west. It was first settled in 1830, but emigration did not amount to much early than 1835, only one family living here for a short time prior to the latter date. The township is well represented by the numerous religious denominations, each having good church buildings, showing the inhabitants are not adverse to religious influences. As to its educational facilities, it is up to the average. The T. P. & W. railroad passes through the township on the south side, and the St. L. C. & R. I. crosses its northeast corner. A portion of Good Hope lies in the township, near the southwest corner. This town is mentioned elsewhere. Bushnell and Prairie city are within convenient distance, which give the people good markets. Politically, the township may be classed as republican.
The pioneer settler of Walnut Grove township, was Isaac Bartlett, who came from the state of Tennessee in the fall of 1830, settling on section 34. After erecting a cabin, he left his father and mother there and went over to the vicinity of Spring creek, in Emmet township, to work at breaking prairie. While here at work the memorable deep snow came and it was many days of unsuccessful attempts before he succeeded in getting back to his aged parents, who, he was aware, must be in destitute circumstances. He found them in a half starved and frozen condition, with nothing to eat and but little fuel to protect them in their rudely constructed habitation from the bitter blasts of one of the worst winters in the history of McDonough county. The family cow, which, had died of exposure and starvation, was all that was left to eat, and upon the arrival of the son, who had been several days in coming from Spring creek settlement with three yoke of oxen, a sled and provisions, he found the old gentleman at work removing the hide from the carcass of the dead cow, preparatory to getting something to appease their hunger. The old folks partook of the provisions brought by the son, who soon afterward removed them to where he was staying, on Spring creek.
No further effort was made to settle Walnut Grove until the spring of 1835, when Sydney Geer, an eastern man, who came from Schuyler county here, entered land on section 14 and built a cabin. He broke out about five acres of land, which he planted to corn. The year following he returned to Schuyler county. He had a wife, but no children. Mr. Geer was a superstitious man, and late in the same year he came, he returned to Schuyler county with his wife on a visit to her relations. While absent, the wind played sad havoc with his fences, etc., and the wild hogs got in and destroyed some of his corn. The next season the team ran away, dragging him some distance and hurting him quite badly, and thinking he would have no prosperity or good luck here, he left, as recorded above.
J. H. Campbell arrived in the township, March 20, 1835, remaining one year, when he removed to Industry township. He is now living a retired life in the city of Macomb. He is a native of Tennessee, but was reared on a farm in the state of Kentucky, from which place he came to this county.
The next settlers were Gilmer and Quintus Walker, and families. These two gentlemen came up from where they were living on Camp creek, in Industry township, in the fall of 1835, and selected farms in this township upon which to settle. Gilmer bought land on section 34 and Quintus selected a place on section 10 to build a cabin, intending all the while to purchase land on section 16 as soon as it was thrown open for purchase by the settlers. Gilmer constructed a frame house, the first one in the township, on section 34, in the fall of 1835, which was one story in height, with one room and pole studding, into which he removed his family, who were at Camp Point, as soon as it was completed. As soon as this house was finished, Gilmer assisted Quintus and the latter's father-in-law, Alexander Campbell, to erect a log cabin for Quintus. The house was intended to be used, only, until his removal to section 16, and was completed and ready for occupancy in January, 1836, when the family moved into it. The following fall the other house was erected on section 16, as contemplated, and the family removed to that place.
The Walker family and their connections, are among the most prominent families, and some of the members of the family have gained wide celebrity and high reputation. Besides the sketches which here follow, many references are made to different members of the family in various places in this work.
Quintus Walker was born in Adair county, state of Kentucky, three miles south of Columbia, the county seat, May 20, 1814. His father, Alexander Walker, who was married in Virginia, March 22, 1790, to Mary Magdaline Hammond, who was a native of North Carolina. Alexander Walker was born in the neighborhood of the celebrated Natural Bridge, renowned in geography. In the good old days in which Alexander Walker lived, large families were the rule, hence we are not surprised to learn that his family record comprised 11 persons--Joseph Gilmer, born January 9, 1793, died October 12, 1841; Cyrus, born May 6, 1791, died September 26, 1876; David, born April 15, 1795, died August 10, 1795; Abner, born August 10, 1796, died June 22, 1851; Cynthia, born March 25, 1798. She is a widow and resides in Bourbon county, Kansas. Margaret, born January 7, 1800. She married John Calhoun, and died January 4, 1828. Allen, born January 2, 1802, died August 31, 1858; Alexander, born December 10, 1803, died August 17, 1827; Jane Hammond, born July 4, 1805, died July 18, 1844; Andrew Hammond, born August 16, 1808, died January 6, 1885; Pinkney, born March 11, 1811, died March 8, 1815. Mrs. Alexander Walker died in 1811, and Mr. Walker married Mrs. Margaret F. Coumbes. Of this marriage the following children were born--Martha Magdaline, born November 28, 1816, died November 22, 1844; Thomas P., born February 26, 1819. He is a resident of Kansas, and is a minister of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Walker died July 25, 1824, in Adair county, Kentucky, and his wife died June 8, 1858. Quintus, our subject, was reared in Kentucky, and in 1830, when 17 years of age, decided to remove to Illinois. They settled in Sangamon county, at Clarey's Grove, and spent the winter there. In the fall of 1831, the family removed to Industry township, McDonough county. In the winter of 1835-36, Mr. Walker built a cabin in Walnut Grove township. He has remained on this until the present time. Mr. Walker enjoys the proud distinction of belonging to the pioneer band, and was one of the first settlers in Walnut Grove, if indeed he was not the first. He was married August 1, 1833, to Mahala Campbell, daughter of Alexander and Mary Campbell.
Robert Pollock was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, May 26, 1829. He was the son of David and Jane (Lowry) Pollock. His parents were natives of Ireland. In 1834, they removed to McDonough county and settled near Macomb, and soon after united with the First Presbyterian church of that city. Mr. Pollock's mother died in the fall of 1834, and his father soon after followed. After the death of his parents, Robert resided with relatives in Peoria and Springfield. When eight years of age, he became a member of the family of his future father-in-law, Quintus Walker, with whom he remained until he reached the years of manhood. March 8, 1855, he was united in marriage to Mary, daughter of his benefactor. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, four of whom died in infancy--Quintus Alexander, Wm. L., Mahala J., Robert E., Melvin C., born April 26, 1862; Elmer A., born March 1, 1868; and Mary Elizabeth, born January 16, 1872. Mr. Pollock owns 90 acres of tillable land in a high state of cultivation, and has four acres of timber located in another section. He has held the office of school director, is a prominent member of the Presbyterian church, and of the Anti-Horse-Thief association. He has held the offices of ruling elder and deacon in the Presbyterian church for a number of years.
Alexander Campbell, deceased, a pioneer of McDonough county, was born in Augusta county, Virginia, April 19, 1789. His grandfather was a native of Scotland. Alexander Campbell was quite young when his parents moved to Knox county, Tennessee, and settled on a farm, remaining there until 22 years of age, he married Mary Strain, of Tennessee. In 1829, he with his wife and family of seven children, started for the state of Illinois, but on account of a late start in the fall, stopped in Christian county, Kentucky, one season, after which he came and settled on Camp creek, in Industry township, McDonough county, where he lived six years. In 1836, he came to Walnut Grove township, and settled on section 16, and remained there until his death, which occurred October 16, 1845. His widow survived him until the fall of 1855. They had seven children--Jane L., Mahala A., John S., David, W. S. D., Mary A. and Margaret, all of whom lived to be grown and married. Mr. Campbell was a prominent citizen, very active in works of charity, and an earnest christian. He was elder in the Presbyterian church for many years. While living at Camp creek, he organized the first Sunday school in the county, being the year 1833, at the house of John Rodgers. At the present time, there are but six persons living who were members of that school, viz: Quintus Walker and wife, of Walnut Grove township, this county; Thomas P. M. Walker, of Fountain Green, Illinois; John S. Campbell, of Chariton, Iowa; David Campbell, of Good Hope, and W. S. D. Campbell, of Warren county, Illinois. As to politics, he was a whig, until the organization of the republican party, in which he was quite active. He was honored and respected by all who knew him.
Gilmer Walker, mentioned above, was a well known and highly respected citizen, and is mentioned in more than one place in this book. Below are sketches of the families of his daughters, Mrs. J. J. Scott and Mrs. William Early.
John J. Scott, deceased, was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1830, and was a son of John and Rachel F. (Randolph) Scott. When John J., was about nine years of age, his parents removed to McDonough county, locating a few miles south of Macomb, where they resided for several years. They afterward removed to Macomb, where their remaining days were spent. Rachel Scott died April 16, 1859, aged 67 years, and John Scott, June 4, 1870, aged 84 years. They are both buried in Oakwood cemetery, Macomb. John J. Scott was married June 16, 1859, to Flora Walker, daughter of Gilmer and Susan (Bell) Walker, pioneer settlers of McDonough county, who removed to this county from Adair county, Kentucky, in 1833, settling in Scotland township, where they lived for two or three years. Mr. Walker then bought a tract of land in Walnut Grove township, where he removed in 1836, and resided there until his death, which occurred in 1841. His wife, Susan, died in Macomb, in 1842. Flora (Walker) Scott was born in Walnut Grove township, June 2, 1837. She was the first child born in the township. John J. and Flora Scott were the parents of seven children--Susan Bell, Annie R., who died at the age of eight months; Lucetta, Annetta, Lizzie W., who died June 21, 1882, aged 16 years; Walter G. and John F. Mr. Scott owned and resided on a farm in Scotland township, until 1870. He then purchased a tract of land in Walnut Grove township, and removed there. The first railroad station on the Wabash railroad, west of Bushnell, was laid out on Mr. Scott's farm, and named Scottsburg, in his honor. His death occurred November 24, 1875, and his remains were laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery, Macomb. He was a Presbyterian in belief, and died a christian. His widow is a member of that church also. She still owns and lives on her farm at Scottsburg.
William L. Early was born in Gibson county, Indiana, April 21, 1831, and was a son of Lewis and Sarah Early. He lived in Indiana until 16 years of age, when he came to McDonough county with his parents, who purchased land on section 35, this township, where William now resides, his father and mother dying in January, 1862. He was married June 7, 1854, to Catharine, a daughter of Susan and Gilmer Walker, and a sister of the late Judge Walker, of the supreme bench of Illinois. They are the parents of nine children--Jesse B., Mary L., William G., Percy W., Ernest R., John S., James R., Joseph S., Pinckney A.
Andrew H. Walker, now deceased, located in Walnut Grove township in 1836.
Andrew Harmon Walker, deceased, was married March 20, 1834, to Jane Campbell, daughter of Alexander Campbell. Six children were born of this marriage--Margaret, Alexander C., Joseph Gilmer, Isabella, Cynthia, and a child which died in infancy. Mrs. Walker died October 29, 1845. January 31, 1850, Mr. Walker married Mrs. Mary Noel, who was a native of Virginia. By this marriage there were six children--William A., Cyrus A., Montgomery Allen, Martha J., Marion Alice, Ellen M. Mr. Walker during his lifetime was a prominent resident of the county, and after his death the following biographical sketch appeared in the Macomb Journal of January 22, 1885: "Andrew Harmon Walker, the subject of this sketch, was born on the 16th day of August, 1808, near Columbia, Adair county, Kentucky. He had nine brothers and four sisters--all of whom are now dead except Quintus Walker, who is living in this county, Rev. Thomas Walker, who is living in Kansas, and Cynthia Campbell, also in Kansas. When three years old his mother died, and when he was about 16 years of age his father died. He was early destined by his father to be a lawyer, and to that end was given the best educational advantages that the state afforded. Although always opposed to a public life, in order to please his father and older brother, Cyrus, who was a member of the profession, he consented to prepare himself for the bar. He obtained his license, and made speeches, in which he gave promise of a brilliant and successful career, but, being always of a quiet and retiring disposition, he decided that a public life would not suit him. In 1830, he, in company with his younger brothers, sister and step-mother, left Kentucky and came to Sangamon county, and in the fall of 1831, they moved to Camp creek in this county. Andrew had, however, before this made several trips through McDonough, and had been in Macomb when it was first surveyed. In 1834 he was married to Jane Campbell, and in 1836, he moved to Walnut Grove township, where he remained until his death. He made a profession of religion when he was 29 years of age, but never united with a church, and those of his children and friends, who were with him in his last sickness, feel that they do not mourn as those who have no hope. His first two winters in Illinois were times of great privation--the first winter was that of the deep snow; the next, they being short of provisions on Camp creek, Andrew took a pack-horse and went back to Sangamon county for supplies. Before he started back the weather became very cold, but fearing the family would suffer, he started on his homeward journey. In crossing the river on the ice, when about the middle, the ice began to crack, and fearing it would break, left his horse and ran for the bank. Upon reaching safety, and looking back he saw his horse still standing in the middle of the river, and returning brought the animal across; and though impeded by snow, reached home safely, where he found the family in a destitute condition. He taught district school for a number of terms in McDonough county. Owing to his aversion to public life, he would never accept any office, unless there was no one else that could fill the place. He filled the office of school trustee for several years, and also that of school treasurer. He was in the Mormon war as a volunteer. His wife died October 28, 1845, and for several years he was father and mother both to his children. After several years he married Mrs. Mary Noel, who survives him. He was the father of 12 children. His first wife's children were Margaret Michaels, who died a few years ago in Missouri; A. C. Walker, who is living in Little River, Kansas; J. G. Walker, who is near Salisbury, Missouri; Isabella Scott, living in Walnut Grove township, this county; Cynthia Axtell, living in Kansas, and a child which died in infancy; his second wife's children were W. A. Walker, living in Baileyville, Kansas; C. A. and M. A. Walker, who live on the old homestead, and three who died in infancy. He was sick for some time before his death, and his disease was of a peculiar and trying nature. He suffered a great deal, but tried hard to be patient in all his afflictions. He died about five o'clock a. m., January 6, 1885. The funeral took place the next day, attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. The sermon was preached by the Rev. H. J. Frothingham, of Bushnell. The remains were buried in the Pearce cemetery."
Levi Hamilton and family came in 1835.
Harrison Hamilton, deceased, was born in Adair county, Kentucky, August 5, 1826, his parents being Levi and Malinda (Creel) Hamilton. He was only eight or nine years of age when his parents removed to this county. They located on section 5, Macomb township, where they lived until the spring of 1873, when they left their farm, and afterward, in 1878, they moved with their son Uriah to Shenandoah, Iowa, where their remaining days were spent. Mrs. Hamilton died there in January, 1881, and in March, 1882, the death of Levi took place. They were the parents of but three children--Harrison, Uriah and Silas H. The subject of this sketch, Harrison, resided in this county from the time he came with his parents when but a small boy until his death, January 29, 1867. He received his schooling in the common schools of the neighborhood, and completed his education at the Cherry Grove academy, near Abingdon. He was married January 8, 1848, to Rachel Ballance, a native of Lincolnshire, England, and a daughter of Joseph and Ann (Welborn) Ballance. In 1831, her parents came to America, and after a residence of two years in Chester, Pennsylvania, and three years at Wilmington, Delaware, they came to McDonough county, locating at Macomb, where they remained about three months. In the meantime Mr. Ballance purchased a tract of land in Walnut Grove township, to which place they shortly afterward removed, residing in a small house on a neighboring farm until he had time to build a house and improve his own farm. Here her mother died July 28, 1848, and her father on the 6th day of July, 1861. They are both buried in the Walnut Grove cemetery. Mrs. Hamilton is the eldest of a family of five children, all girls. The names of her other sisters are--Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Rebecca. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are the parents of seven children--Annie M., Albert W., deceased, Joseph F., William L., Ellis W., Mary J., deceased, and one other that died in infancy. Mr. Hamilton was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and served as deacon some 18 years at the Walnut Grove church. Mrs. Hamilton still retains a fine farm of 130 acres, which is nearly all under cultivation. It is managed by Ellis, who also carries on stock raising to a considerable extent.
Joseph Franklin Hamilton, son of Harrison and Rachel (Ballance) Hamilton, was born on the farm on which he now resides, December 3, 1852. He was reared in this township, with the exception of two years at Bushnell, which time his father was engaged in the dry goods business. He attended the district schools, the public schools of Bushnell while living there, and three terms at the Normal school in Macomb. He was married March 5, 1879, to Anna L. Allison, a daughter of Andrew H. and Lucinda (Brown) Allison, of Scotland township. She is a native of this county, being born in Scotland township, and is a graduate of the Normal school at Macomb, class of 1873. They are the parents of two children--Andrew Welborn, born November 28, 1881; and Edith Beulah, born April 14, 1884. Mr. Hamilton has 101 acres of choice land, all of which is under cultivation or in pasture.
Among the pioneers of Walnut Grove was James Hogshett, who settled here in 1837. He was born in Virginia in 1780, where he was also married, and afterward removed to Highland county, Ohio, where his wife died in 1830. In 1833, he emigrated farther west, settling in Fulton county, from which place he came to this township as above. He afterward returned to Fulton county, where he died at Ellisville, March 8, 1861. Mr. Hogshett was the father of Mrs. A. H. Walker, who still resides in this township. The farm upon which he settled is now owned by W. H. Stewart.
Ephraim Banning was the next settler, coming during the summer of 1836. He was a young, unmarried man and came from Virginia. He worked for Abner Walker in a saw mill in Macomb township that winter, and the following spring located on section 34, where he erected a cabin. During the summer he returned to Virginia, and was married to Mary Potter, returning immediately to the home he had prepared here. He afterward built a frame addition to the cabin, which is still standing on the Flora Scott place. His wife died a few years after coming to the county, leaving three children. He subsequently married Louise, a daughter of Gilmer Walker, and in 1855, removed to Kansas. They remained there until about 1861, when they removed to near Brookfield, Missouri, where he has since died. His widow and most of the family now reside in Chicago.
Hugh Ervin also came in 1836, locating on section 1. He resided in different parts of the township, until the spring of 1848, when he removed to the city of Macomb, where he still resides.
A short time after Banning came, some Mormon families, who had been driven out of Missouri, located in the township. Among them were the Harmons, father and son. They took some grain down to Nauvoo to sell and do some trading. While returning with their wagons and ox teams, it became so severely cold while they were crossing the prairie between Nauvoo and Carthage, that they were both frozen to death. The son was found first. He had taken off his coat, wrapped it about himself, and laid down. The father was found a short distance further. The oxen were, also, found in the neighborhood hitched to the wagon.
These families were not permanent settlers. They built small cabins, remained a short time, and passed on, going to Nauvoo. The Griffin family came about the same time as did the Mormons, but did not remain long.
In the spring of 1837, Robert Perry came from Knox county, Tennessee, locating on section 16, where he erected a cabin. He had a wife, but no children, and died after a residence of less than a year in the township. After his death, Mrs. Perry returned to her home in Tennessee, where she afterward died.
Joseph and John Ballance came with their families in 1837 and selected a home on section 28, where they erected cabins. They came from England, directly to this county. John afterward removed to Kansas with his family, but Joseph, reared his family and died in this township.
In 1838, F. Livingston and William Young, with their families, came to the township.
In the fall of 1839, W. W. Stewart came, and afterward purchased the place settled by James Hogshett, where he still resides.
William W. Stewart was born in Todd county, Kentucky, August 15, 1819, his parents being William K. and Lucretia (Moore) Stewart, the former being a native of North Carolina, and the latter of South Carolina. His parents remained in Kentucky unto 1830, when they removed to Shelbyville, Shelby county, Illinois, where they passed the winter of 1830-31, and the following spring removed to Vandalia. During the summer, Mrs. Stewart died, and was interred in the cemetery at that place. Mr. Stewart was a Presbyterian minister, having been ordained in the state of Tennessee. He studied theology with Dr. Blackburn, and was ordained about the year 1816. He preached four years at Vandalia, having waited at Shelbyville for the appointment. He came from Vandalia to McDonough county in the spring of 1836, locating in Macomb, where he was pastor, for 17 consecutive years, of the first Presbyterian church organized in that place, or in McDonough county. His death occurred April 26, 1852, and he was buried in the old cemetery at Macomb. He was married to Lucretia Moore, at Pond river, April 1, 1817, and were the parents of six children--James H., married Isabel McKamy, who reside at Monmouth, he being a lawyer and judge of that county; William W.; Narcissa C., died in infancy; Mary M., wife of John McKinney, a lawyer at Aledo, this state; Nancy H., second wife and widow of James W. Matthews, and resides at Monmouth; John C., drowned in Crooked creek, in February, 1843. William W. and James attended the South Hanover, Indiana, college, two years, while their parents were residents of Vandalia. In 1833, William W. went to Kentucky on horseback, residing about a year and a half at Hopkinsville, that state, when he went to Bond county, where he worked on a farm until coming to this county, about the first of September, 1839. He worked for Gilmer Walker until the next spring, at $8 per month. He remained in the township until 1841, when he worked in Warren county about two years, after which he returned to this county and worked for Hugh Ervin, and in the township, some four years. Mr. Stewart was married, May 18, 1848, to Martha Crafford, a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Joseph and Deborah Crafford. He purchased his farm several years previous to the time of his marriage, but did not remove upon it until that time. His farm consists of 80 acres on section 14, and 104 acres on section 13. Mr. Stewart is a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and the Anti-Horse Thief association. He had held every office in the township, except that of assessor, and has served as supervisor for five years. He was, also, school treasurer 11 years. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are the parents of the following children: William K., Mary L., wife of Manning Ball, of Bushnell; James H., married to Viola Engle, and reside in Sciota township; Frances C., Henrietta B., Wallace W., Flora May and John Mariner, all living.
Besides those mentioned, there are many others whose sketches must appear to make the history of Walnut Grove township complete.
William J. Edie was born in Brooks county, West Virginia, January 24, 1829. William was reared in West Virginia, and assisted his father on the farm. In 1852 he graduated from Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, and taught school several months in that state. In 1853, he came to Illinois, and located in Vermont, Fulton county, where he taught a select high school for several terms. He, later, taught a select school at Lewistown, under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. During this period he was elected county surveyor, and filled the office with great acceptance for the period of two years. In 1865 he moved to McDonough county, and located on a farm of 240 acres, which he had purchased in 1864, in Walnut Grove township. He was elected county surveyor in 1869, but refused re-election. He was married February 24, 1858, to Sophia Irwin, daughter of the late Judge Irwin, and five children was the result of this union--Charlie, Irwin, Maggie E., Walter and William J. Mrs. Edie died March 30, 1866, and November 28, 1870, he married Evaline Harris. He owns 440 acres of land in McDonough county, all of which is under cultivation, besides 80 acres in Iowa. He makes stock-raising a specialty, and is reputed one of the best farmers in the county. He has held numerous township offices, and is considered an active, energetic citizen.
Henry Mariner was born in Sharon, Litchfield county, Connecticut, March 10, 1818. His parents were Buell and Esther (Lord) Mariner. When the subject of this sketch was five years of age, the family removed to Yates county, New York. Henry resided here and attended school until 1838, when he, in company with a brother, concluded to try their fortunes in the west. They settled near Canton, Fulton county, and Mr. Mariner busied himself in farming and running a saw mill until he removed to McDonough county in the spring of 1855, where he purchased a farm on section 11, where he has resided until the present time. He was married in Fulton county, October 5, 1848, to Lucretia Stearnes, who was a native of Naples, Ontario county, New York, and died March 24, 1885. They have had two children--Mary E. and Ada M. Mr. Mariner owns 320 acres of land, all of which is arable land. In 1869 he erected the house in which he now resides. It is two stories in height and presents a fine appearance. He devotes considerable time and means to stock raising, is a member of the Anti-Horse Thief association, and was collector of Walnut Grove township for one term. He was elected to the board of supervisors from Walnut Grove township for five terms, from 1878 to 1883.
Asa J. Tiger was born in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, October 14, 1825, his parents being Jacob and Mary (Cramer) Tiger. They were also born in that county, reared, and died there. Asa received his education in New Jersey, where he remained until September 1, 1855, when he emigrated to Fulton county, this state, where he resided until the spring of 1862. At that time he came to McDonough county, locating on section 24, this township, where he purchased a farm of Dr. Abram Hull. It was wild land at that time, but such are the improvements made by Mr. Tiger that it ranks among the best farms of the township at present. He was married in Somerville, New Jersey, October 14, 1854, to Margaretta E. Kline, a native of Hunterdon county. They are the parents of three children--Mary E., wife of Newton Swisher, who resides in Bushnell township; Anna J., wife of George Moore, who resides in Ogle county, Nebraska; and Gilbert W., living at home. Mr. Tiger has 163 acres of land, nearly all of which is under cultivation. He carries on stock raising to some extent, having raised Poland China hogs ever since he came to the state. Mr. Tiger is a member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Bushnell, and has held the offices of vice grand and others. He is also a member of the Anti-Horse Thief association, and is worthy president, filling the second term of that office at present. Mr. and Mrs. Tiger are both members of the Linn Grove M. E. church, of which Mr. Tiger was one of the organizers. There were 13 children in his parent's family, he being the sixth in order of age. They all grew to manhood and womanhood, and were married.
Thomas King was born in Washington county, East Tennessee, November 6, 1814. His birth place was about seven miles from Jonesboro, and three miles from the beautiful Wataga river. His parents were James and Lydia (Tilton) King. His father was a minister of the gospel, well known and respected throughout this and adjoining counties. Thomas King, when in his 21st year, left his old home in Tennessee, in company with his parents, on the 10th day of September, 1835, and reached his destination, Hill's Grove, in McDonough county, on the following 18th of October, having camped out every night for 38 days while en route from East Tennessee to Illinois. He was married in McDonough county, November 17, 1836, to Mary Holden. His wife was born in Butler county, Ohio, and was the daughter of Jonathan and Phoebe (Rodgers) Holden. Mr. and Mrs. King continued to reside in Tennessee township until 1846, when they removed to Walnut Grove, near the section where they now reside. Mr. King owns 200 acres of land, which is all under cultivation or in pasture. He also owns 11 acres of fine wood land. He has been a trustee of Pleasant Mound M. E. church for more than 26 years, or ever since the church was built. He was a charter member of the Anti-Horse-Thief Association. He has served the public seven consecutive terms as commissioner of highways, in which capacity he has given general satisfaction. He has raised a large family, giving them all a liberal education. Rev. Harry C. King, now of Denver, Colorado, is his son, and Mrs. Anna Wood, wife of Rev. Thos. Wood, of the Central Illinois conference, is his daughter. Mr. King is a democrat in politics, while he and his family are earnest members of the Methodist church. Withal, he is a respected and well-to-do citizen. A sketch of his father, Rev. James King, the well known pioneer preacher, is here appended:
Rev. James King was born April 13, 1778, at Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth King, who sailed from Dublin in 1755, in a brigantine bound for Philadelphia. James King was educated at Middletown, Pennsylvania. He completed his common school studies, together with geometry, trigonometry and surveying, in his 17th year. He was a fine mathematician, something of an artist, and a splendid penman. His old books, in which all of his school work is written, are not only rare, but they are an heirloom to the family. He moved, with his parents, to Jonesboro, Washington county, Tennessee, in 1795. Here he took up a course of reading, and prepared himself for the ministry. He came to Chillicothe, Ohio, October 10, 1806, and after being kindly received by Dr. Tiffin, a Methodist minister, who was then governor of the state, he was placed in charge of a circuit. He continued as a circuit rider in Kentucky and Ohio for about eight years, and was made an elder by Bishop William McKendree, November 7, 1810. He was married at Lexington, Kentucky, during this time, to Lydia Tilton. Shortly after his marriage, he returned to Tennessee, where he remained for more than 20 years. He was admitted to the practice of medicine, December 24, 1831. He and his wife, with a family of five sons and two daughters, arrived at Hill's Grove, McDonough county, October 18, 1835. The names of his sons were--Thomas, Richard Tilton, James, John W. and Clark, all of whom lived in McDonough county for a number of years. James King, Jr., died at the old home, near Hill's Grove, in his 19th year, and was buried in what is now known as the King grave yard, which was on the old farm. His daughter were--Anna and Olethea, now respectively Mrs. David Kepple and Mrs. J. F. Tannehill. Rev. James King moved from Hill's Grove to his lands in Walnut Grove and Prairie City townships, in 1846. Here he died, March 8, 1849, aged 70 years, 10 months and 25 days. His wife, whose maiden name was Lydia Tilton, died on July 5, 1852, aged 66 years, 3 months and 19 days. Clark King died at the residence of John W. King, in Prairie City township, in the fall of 1852, following the death of his parents. John W. King died at his residence, in Prairie City township, October 28, 1865. Rev. James King and wife, and two of his sons, sleep side by side, in the McMahill cemetery, Warren county. Thos. King, Mrs. Kepple and Mrs. Tannehill, still reside in McDonough county, while Richard Tilton King, now lives at Appleton City, St. Clair county, Missouri. The calling of Rev. James King, was that of a Methodist minister. He was opposed to slavery and while in the state of Tennessee, presented numerous petitions against it to the legislature of that state. Copies of these petitions are still among his private papers. He owned at one time more than 2,000 acres of land in McDonough and Hancock counties, and a few years previous to his death, gave each of his surviving children, 200 acres of land or the equivalent. He was one of the pioneer Methodist preachers of the county and was a prominent man at that time.
John F. Tannehill, son of James and Anna Tannehill, was born in Butler county, Ohio, August 2, 1814. In 1839, he emigrated to McDonough county, and from thence proceeded to Plymouth, Hancock county, where he remained one year, and then went to Keosaqua, Iowa, where he worked at bricklaying and plastering. After some years, he finally located in Walnut Grove, where he now resides. In 1841, he was married to Olethea P. King, daughter of the Rev. James King, one of the pioneer preachers of McDonough county. Mr. and Mrs. Tannehill are the parents of three children--James, married Fanny Armstrong, resides in Bushnell township; William, married Etta Matthews, resides in Prairie Grove, and John F. is in the stock business, and being unmarried, resides with his parents. Mr. Tannehill owns 240 acres of fine land, all under cultivation, or in pasture. He devotes considerable time to stock raising, in which he is quite successful. He is also a member of the Anti-Horse Thief Association. Mr. and Mrs. Tannehill are prominent members of the M. E. church, and take great interest in the prosperity of the congregation.
William M. Hageman was born in Wayne county, Ohio, June 27, 1834, and is a son of Jesse and Elizabeth Hageman. He lived in that county, upon a farm, until 1857, when he and his wife started with a team overland to McDonough county, arriving here in November of that year, being 21 days on the road. He located on the northwest quarter of section 24, and has resided there ever since, witnessing the birth and growth of a generation. He was married in Wayne county, Ohio, October 16, 1856, to Sarah E. Jontz, also a native of that county. They are the parents of six living children--Henry J., married Frances Quigle, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Harriet M., wife of John W. Zaring, and resides in Washington county, Iowa; Minerva, wife of Clinton Gossard, who resides upon Mr. Hageman's home place; Mary E., wife of George W. Brewbaker, who resides in this township; Charles Ezra and William Leander, the two youngest sons, are yet at home. There was also one child that died in infancy, in Ohio, the date of its death being September 5, 1857. Mr. Hageman has 700 acres of land, which is all improved except two quarters, 320 of which is in Kansas. He also owns real estate in Iowa, which he purchased at a cost of $2,000. He was one of the organizers of the Linn Grove church, deeded the land for it, was the first clerk of the organization and served on the building committee. He has also been school trustee, and was clerk of the township for one year. Mr. Hageman, his wife and their four eldest children, are all members of the M. E. church.
Aaron Snodgrass was born in Madison county, Ohio, March 20, 1819. He is the son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Smith) Snodgrass. His parents were married in Virginia, and soon after removed to Madison county, Ohio, where Aaron was born. In the spring of 1821, his father died, and the family, after several changes, settled in Washington county, Indiana, where our subject resided until he reached his majority, receiving his education in the common schools of the county. In 1842, he removed to Canton, Fulton county, Illinois; remained there until 1849, when he located at Linn Grove, Walnut Grove township, and has resided there since that. In 1852, he was married to Mrs. Lucia Johnson, the fruits of union being a family of five children, viz.--Hulda A., married James P. Arundel, and resides in Warren county; Louisa M., married Porter Hall, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Demosthenes, died while in Wisconsin; Emily E., married Jacob Kline, resides in Bushnell township; Lucinda C., died August 19, 1873; Aaron, died September 16, 1862. Mrs. Snodgrass died April 4, 1881. Mr. Snodgrass owns 183 acres of fine land, which he has brought to a high state of cultivation. He devotes much time to stock-raising, and is a member of the Mutual Benefit society, of Bushnell. Mr. Snodgrass has witnessed many changes since his residence in Illinois. Changes and improvements, from the semi-wild to the present, to which he has contributed his share, being always found foremost in every good work. Mr. Snodgrass is a man of artistic taste, which he is displaying in the laying out and beautifying of his grounds. On one part of his property he is engaged in bringing into a state of beauty, three semi-artifical lakes. These are fed by a splendid spring, which has an immense flow, furnishing an ever-pure supply of water. To an already naturally beautiful locality, he has added the enchantments of art; the plow, the wagon, and the shovel have all helped in removing the surplus earth from the lakes, and filling it in at places where it was needed, according to his plan. Beautiful rows of evergreens adorn parts of the surrounding elevations, and more are being planted. Already many trees abound to furnish shade for pleasure parties seeking enjoyment at the lakes. When Mr. Snodgrass completes the work he has undertaken in the improvement of his grounds, he will have one of the finest pleasure-resorts in a large area of country. He will probably stock the lakes with fish, and the place will no doubt be one of profit to him in the future. There are three lakes, separated by walks running between them. Mr. Snodgrass has erected a park house of tasty design near the lakes, and will have all needed facilities for pleasure, with settees, boats, etc. He is to be congratulated on the pains he has taken in the direction of improvements. People of McDonough county will now have another fine place for picnics and gatherings.
Abraham Arthur was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, on November 22, 1824. His parents were Joseph and Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Arthur, both natives of the Keystone state. Our subject, in 1844, left the parental roof, and joined his fortunes with hardy adventurers, who were peopling the west. He located at Rushville, Schuyler county, where he remained until 1845, when he removed to Beardstown. After several changes, in 1856, he located on a farm in section 26, Walnut Grove township. Previous to this removal, in 1846, he was married to Margaret Ann Hageman, who was a native of Wayne county, Ohio. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, viz--Joseph, died May 18, 1865; Jesse, married Harriet Atkinson, and resides in Whiting, Kansas; Franklin, married November, 1877, to Lucinda Vertrees, died August 4, 1879, his wife having died May 4, previous; Mary J., married Jacob Angle, and resides at Whiting, Kansas; Catherine Frances, married Fillmore Mummert, resides on Mr. Arthur's farm, and Margaret Jeanette, who married William Thompson, and resides near Rushville, Illinois. Mr. Arthur enlisted in February, 1865, in company C, 151st Illinois volunteer infantry, and served in Georgia until February, 1866, when they were mustered out at Springfield, Illinois. Mr. Arthur served as first corporal of the company, and was mustered out as such. Our subject owns 191 acres of land, 140 of which are under cultivation. He is also a successful stock raiser, devoting his attention chiefly to horses, cattle, and hogs. He has held the office of school director, and is a member of the Anti-Horse-Thief association.
Jesse D. Hageman was born in Wayne county, Ohio, February 5, 1839, being a son of Isaac and Susan (Lickey) Hageman. When he was but nine months of age his parents removed to Illinois, locating in that portion of what was then Morgan county, but now known as Cass, where he was reared and received his schooling. In 1861, he came to this county, locating on land which his father had purchased in 1858. This land was the east half of the southeast quarter of section 23, upon which he has resided ever since, with the exception of two years spent in Warren county. He was married in that county, September 4, 1862, to Sitha J. Fruit, widow of Alexander D. Fruit, and a daughter of Bennett and Joyce (Dunbar) Thurman. They located in Prairie City township in 1854, and afterward removed to Cherokee county, Kansas, where her father died in October, 1869. Her mother still resides there with her eldest daughter, Elizabeth McClure. Mrs. Hageman was the second in order of age of a family of 11 children, being born in Madison county, Kentucky, February 13, 1841. Mr. and Mrs. Hageman are the parents of five children--Emma A., Carrie C., Edward F., Martha A., deceased, and Oliver N. Mr. Hageman has 156 acres of land, 80 of which is under cultivation. He has been assessor one year, justice of the peace four years, school director of district No. 6, three years, and is a life member of the state liberal league. It is considered that he has the finest library in the township. It comprises about 200 volumes of standard works and fiction and he has spent nearly 30 years in the collection of the same. Mr. Hageman was the eldest in a family of eight children. His father died in Cass county, this state, in August, 1874. His mother also died there in September, 1883. They were residents of that county from 1839 until the time of their death.
Albert H. Pittinger was born in Brook county, Virginia, March 25, 1830. When he was seven years of age the family removed to Fulton county, Illinois, where they remained two years. From this point they removed to Schuyler county, where the parents resided until their death--the father dying in 1868, and the mother in 1865. His father and mother were the parents of 10 children, of whom Albert H. was the sixth in order. He removed to McDonough county in 1874, and located on his present farm, on section 13, Walnut Grove township. He was married in Rushville, March 6, 1856, to Eugenia P. Sandidge, whose parents were among the first settlers of the county, and figured in its early history. Mr. and Mrs. Pittinger are the parents of four children--Daniel H., Eugene Ross, Charles and Clarence A. Mr. Pittinger owns 236 acres of fine land, all under cultivation, and devotes considerable time to stock raising. In the summer of 1884, he built his present fine residence, which is not surpassed in the township. It is a frame, two stories in height, with basement, cemented and and tiled. He is a prominent member of the Anti-Horse Thief association.
John Henry Snapp, now deceased, was born in East Tennessee, in 1809. He was reared in Tennessee, and in 1834 left that state and came to McDonough county, and located in Macomb township, about two miles north of Bardolph. He was married in East Tennessee to Mary Ann Kepple, a native of that state. They were the parents of nine children--Margaret, who married John Gibbs, died in this county; Elizabeth, married Darius Jones, resides one mile northeast of Bushnell; Alexander, the subject of the following sketch; William, enlisted in the 55th Illinois infantry, and while serving under Grant, at Vicksburg, took sick and died, just after the city was taken; John, living in Mercer county, Missouri; Mary, married John Gibbs, resides three miles south of Bushnell; Lucy, married William Rhodes, resides in Mercer county, Missouri; two others died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Snapp were among the early settlers. Mrs. Snapp died in this county in 1848, and Mr. Snapp removed to Missouri in 1854. He died in that state, in Mercer county, in 1872.
Alexander Snapp, son of John Henry, was born in East Tennessee, on the 26th day of January, 1834. Late in the same year his parents removed from Tennessee to McDonough county, Illinois, and located in Macomb township. Our subject was reared in this county, and has spent his life within its limits, with the exception of three years spent in Mercer county, Missouri, making a residence in McDonough county of nearly half a century. In 1864, he returned from Missouri, and located on section 21, Walnut Grove township, where he has continued to reside ever since. He was married in this county, January 1, 1856, to Barbara Arthur, a native of Blair county, Pennsylvania, and daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Snapp are the parents of nine children--James Nelson, died in infancy; John Henry; Elizabeth, died, aged five years, in September, 1866; Clara, died in May, 1866, in infancy; Mary Ann, married to Moses Gallahue, residing in Sciota township; Marion, Nora May, Clara Ellen, and Franklin. Mr. Snapp has 282 acres of land, all of which is under cultivation. He pays particular attention to stock raising, making that his business. He raises mostly cattle and hogs, of good quality.
J. B. Pearce was born in Blount county, Tennessee, November 3, 1808. His parents were David and Sarah (Bartlett) Pearce. His father was born in Virginia, and his mother in Maryland. In 1811, his parents removed to Madison county, Illinois, but returned to East Tennessee during the same year. The subject of this sketch was reared in Tennessee until the winter of 1829-30, which he spent in Madison county, this state, and in the spring of 1830, removed to Morgan county, in that part now known as Cass county, where he resided until the spring of 1850. At that time he came to McDonough county, and located where he now resides, on the northwest quarter of section 26, which he purchased of Hugh Ervin, now a resident of the city of Macomb. He completed the residence he now occupies, in the fall of 1868. It is constructed of brick, 28x36 feet in ground area, two stories and a basement in height, and was the first brick house erected in the township. The brick were burned on the place and are of good quality. Mr. Pearce was married in Cass county, August 14, 1831, to Ann Clark, a daughter of William M. and Margaret Clark. Her death occurred February 21, 1884. They were the parents of 12 children, eight of whom are living--Emeline, wife of Robert Duncan, and died in Arkansas; Ellen, Victoria, wife of Jarrett Orrohood, living in Madison county, Iowa; Jackson, died at the age of 14 months; Hester A., wife of James McGee, and died in this county; Sarah M., wife of Charles Cline, and resides at Macomb; Lucinda J., wife of John Dixon, and resides in Greene county, Missouri; George C., married Addie Ingalls, and resides at Oskaloosa, Iowa; Florence, David F., married Lizzie Amos, and lives near Macomb; Lula Frances, died in this county, and Esther Isabel. Mr. Pearce has 320 acres of land, two-thirds of which is under cultivation. He has been assessor of Walnut Grove township. His mother died in McMinn county, Tennessee, in 1858, at the age of 75 years, and his father's death occurred in the same county, March 4, 1885, at the advanced age of 102 years.
Jacob Baumann, the subject of this sketch, was born in Wutemberg, Germany, February 1, 1832. In 1854, Mr. Baumann bade adieu to the fatherland, and kindred, and departed to try his fortunes in America. He land in New York, and after remianing in that state two years, concluded to go further west. He finally located in Walnut Grove township, where he now owns a fine farm, comprising 404 acres, nearly all of which is cultivated. April 6, 1858, he was married to Catharine Schumann. By this marriage 10 children were born--Mary, John, Anna, George, Christina, Jacob, Joseph, Christian, Frederick, and Samuel Tilden. Mr. Baumann is a member of the Lutheran church, and is an earnest supporter of its doctrines.
William Wiley Young was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1810, and is the son of Jesse and Margaret (Wiley) Young. When William was three years of age, the family removed to what was then the backwoods, Brown county, Ohio, about 45 miles from Cincinnati. Here our subject resided until he had reached his eighteenth year, when the family removed to Johnson county, Indiana, and here he lost his mother by death, in 1840. In October, 1840, Mr. Young decided to locate in Illinois, and settled on farm on section 2, Walnut Grove township, where he has continued to reside until the present time. His father was of Englist descent, and was a near relative of Commodore Barney, and was a strong adherent of the American institutions, and although his country turned against the United States, he fought for this country in and during the Revolutionary war. When he landed in Illinois, his fortunes were at a low ebb, he only having S12 and one cut ninepiece. Although poor in purse, he was rich in energy, and now owns 210 acres of fine farming land. Previous to coming to Illinois, he had married in Indiana, to Nancy K. Hoback, a native of Hardin county, Kentucky. His wife died June 25, 1854, having borne him seven children--Milton, who married Etta Daniels; Jesse, deceased; Sarah A., who married John Buckstone. She and her husband resided in Prairie City, where Buckstone still resides; her only daughter teaches in the high school; William K., married Margaret Thurman, resides at Mankato, Minnesota; Martha J., married Hamilton Cable, and resides in Page county, Iowa; Elizabeth, who died August 5, 1853, and John C., who married Elizabeth Cole, and resides in Fremont county, Iowa. Jan. 30, 1855, Mr. Young was married to Margaret Campbell, who died July 21, 1869, having borne five children--Mary A., Nelson Wiley, Margaret E., James G. and David H. The fruits of his marriage with his first and second wives, was 13 children, and after the death of his second wife, Wm. W. Young married Mrs. Nancy Cole, widow of John Cole, deceased. This last marriage was the 22d day of December, 1870. The present Mrs. Young was the mother of 10 children, as the fruits of her marriage with her former husband. She resides with her husband, William W. Young, on the farm where her husband settled, in the year 1840, which was then unsettled, except by Quintus Walker, an old, respected citizen. Mr. Young never cared to hold office, for he could find more profitable and congenial employment in looking after his farm. He has always taken a great interest in church and Sunday school matters, and has acted as class-leader and superintendent. He aided in organizing the Mound church, and gave considerable money to the building fund. In the early days of the settlement, he has hauled grain to Oquawka and Warsaw, and after traveling this distance, has sold oats for 15 cents per bushel. Josiah T. Young, secretary of state, of Iowa, is a nephew of Mr. Young, and served with distinction as a soldier during the rebellion. The parents of the present Mrs. Young were of Scotch descent. The father lived to be 102 years old, and the mother died at the advanced age of 87. Her grandfather on her mothers side was Col. Stubblefield, one of the heroes of the Revolution, and Mrs. Young's father died at an advanced age, in Champaign county, in the state of Ohio, where he had resided for more than 60 years.
Jacob Detrick the son of John and Juda Detrick, and the subject of this sketch, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, August 24, 1827, and resided in that county and state until he had reached the age of 27. Leaving Virginia he settled in Indian Point township, near Abingdon, Knox county, Illinois, where he engaged in farming. In March, 1866, he removed to McDonough county, locating on a fine farm. Mr. Detrick was married in Rockingham county, Virginia, to Rebecca Swecker, October 18, 1849. They are the parents of 11 children--Mary Catherine, married James H. Herring, and resides in Bushnell township; Elizabeth Abigail, John Benjamin, Lucy Jane Bell, and Jacob Daniel Sebastian, deceased. Lydia Frances Jida, married John D. Herring, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Josephine E. married Thomas Herring, and resides in Macomb township; William A. D. married Sarah E. Rutledge, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Emma Ann Florence married James A. Rinker, and resides in Macomb township; Herring J. and Sarah E. are single yet. Mr. Detrick owns 200 acres of land which he has acquired by industry and business like qualities. He is a successful stockman. In the years of 1874, 5, 6, and 7, he held the office of assessor, and has served two years as trustee of schools, and has been a director for 13 consecutive years. Mr. and Mrs. Detrick are members of the Spring Run German Baptist church, were among its first members, and he now serves as a deacon, and is one of the trustees of the church.
D. W. Lantz was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, October 10, 1816. Mr. Lantz comes of patriotic stock, his grandfather having served in the Revolutionary war, enduring all the trials and hardships of that period, which tried men's souls. Our subject remained a resident of New Jersey until 1846, when finding small chance for preferment in his native state, he resolved to join the tide of emigration which was setting in for the west. In June, 1846, he located on a farm in Fulton county, and remained there 12 years and removed to a farm located on section 22, Walnut Grove township, McDonough county, where he still resides. In 1860, Mr. Lantz was joined by his parents, who made their home with him until their death. Mr. Lantz was married January 1, 1842, to Malinde Heminover, prior to his departure for the west. To them, eight children have been born--Delphine, married Edwin Dewey, residing in Farmer City, Illinois; Margaret, married Emanuel Hageman, residing near Leavenworth, Kansas; Watson, married Lina Buck, residing in Walnut Grove; Mary, married William Lofton, residing in Hancock county; Martha, married Alvin Berber, residing in Kansas, Thomas county; Selma and David Edgar. A son, Albert, born in 1847, died when an infant. Mr. Lantz owns 185 acres of fine land, all of which is under cultivation, and pays some attention to stock raising.
Elisha Fargusson was born in Adair county, Kentucky, January 29, 1814, and is a son of Stephen and Nancy Fargusson. There Elisha was reared until he reached the age of 19 years, when he removed to Illinois, locating in Morgan county, where he farmed for two years, being a resident of that county during the winter of the deep snow. On many occasions during that bitter and dreary winter, he plowed his way through three feet of snow to gather the topmost ears from the corn field for food. In the fall of 1832, he came to McDonough county, settling at Wolf Grove, in Macomb township. At that time there were but three cabins in the settlement. He resided there until 1843, when he removed to Galena, where he engaged in mining lead for seven years. He then went to California, where he continued to engage in mining some nine years, when he returned to McDonough county. He took up his residence in Macomb township once more, where he resided until his present house was erected, just across the line into Walnut Grove township. Mr. Fargusson was married in McDonough county, April 11, 1861, to Isabel Duncan, a daughter of William and Catherine Duncan, who came from the state of Kentucky to this county in 1842. Her father died in 1860, but her mother is still living, and makes her home with her daughter, Isabel. Mr. and Mrs. Fargusson are the parents of six children--William, Walter, Mary, Bertha, Arthur and Ernest. Mr. Fargusson has over 500 acres of land, all under cultivation, and part of which is underlaid with tiling. His present residence was erected in 1876 and '77, and is 16x32 feet in size, two stories high, with a basement and L, the latter of which is 16x18 feet.
John Allison, Jr., was born in Scotland township, McDonough county, and is the son of John and Maria (Provine) Allison. Our subject resided in Scotland township, where he received the rudiments of an education, and attended two terms of the Normal school, at Macomb. He was married November 10, 1874, to Anna M. Munson, and located on a farm in section 32, Walnut Grove township, where he remained until 1883, when he removed to another farm, which he had purchased in the same township, and where he still resides. Mr. and Mrs. Allison were the parents of two children--Bertha, Eudora, and Mabel Maria, who died January 29, 1885. Mr. Allison owns 273 acres of fine land, all of which, save 20 acres, is cultivated. He also devotes considerable time and attention to stock-raising. He is a member of Good Hope lodge, A. O. U. W., has been overseer two terms, and now serves the brethren as guide. His parents are living, and are residents of Scotland township.
Frederick Cruser, deceased, was born in Somerset county, New Jersey, January 23, 1820. He was the son of Mathias VanDyke and Sarah Ann (Tenbroek) Cruser. His father died in Middlesex, New Jersey, February 15, 1885, aged 97 years. His mother is still living. The early life of our subject was passed in New Jersey, where he was educated, being for some years a student of Princeton college. Mr. Cruser was a relative of the VanDykes, one of the oldest and best families of New Jersey, and whose history dates back to colonial days. In 1848, our subject removed to Illinois, and located at Fairview, Fulton county, where he taught school and worked on a farm. He resided at Fairview for eight years, when he removed to McDonough county, and settled on the farm on which he was living at the time of his death. He was married February 13, 1841, by the Rev. Jacob Spears, in Somerset, New Jersey, to his wife, who is now his widow. The fruit of this union was nine children--Helen Ann, Nicholas, Frederick, and Edward L., deceased; the surviving children are--DeWitt Tenbroek, who married Margaret Campbell, of Macomb, they reside in Macomb, and Mr. Cruser is a mail agent on the C. B. & Q.; Mathias VanDyke, who married Martha Lemon, and resides in Sciota township; Caroline, married Rev. T. H. Hench, who is paster of the Presbyterian church at Connersville, Indiana; Margaret V., married James A. Cochran, and resides with Mrs. Cruser. Mr. Cochran is school treasurer of Walnut Grove township, and a prominent member of the Odd Fellows lodge. Of his three children, two, Carrie Marjorie and Blanche, died in infancy, leaving one son, Edward Cruser, to gladden their home. Josephine, another daughter, married Henry H. Smith, and with her husband resides at Macomb, where Mr. Smith is engaged in mercantile pursuits. Mr. Cruser, at the time of his death, in 1872, owned considerable property, which, with the exception of 160 acres deeded to his wife, was divided among the children. During his life time he held many offices of trust, having at various times been elected collector, clerk, assessor and justice of the peace. Mrs. Cruser's maiden name was Margaret Robinson. Her father died in 1846, and her mother in 1843. She has seen many sorrows, but now surrounded by children and grandchildren, on the farm where she lived with her husband, hopes to spend the remainder of her days in peace.
Alexander Crane was born at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, April 5, 1809. Alexander remained with his parents at Elizabethtown until he had reached his 23d year, enjoying meanwhile the best educational facilities of the town. He then decided to go west for a short time. He resided with a sister in Missouri until the family settled in McDonough county, Illinois, on the farm where he died, and where his family now reside. He was married, in Peoria county, Illinois, January 20, 1846, to Rebecca A. Hand, who was a native of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Crane were the parents of eight children--Margaret E., married F. M. Park, and resides in Warren county; Alvah, resides on the home farm; Henry, married Mary E. Corey; Wm. Asa, married Etta Harris, lives near Ashland, Saunders county, Nebraska; Fred Oliver, Mary H. and Maria A. Mr. Crane died, April 25, 1875, and is buried in the Sorghum Grove cemetery. He had filled several offices of trust, and had been township trustee and school director. He left, at his death, a farm of 320 acres of fine land, well improved and valuable. Of this, Mrs. Crane received 80 acres as a home, and the remainder was divided among the children. In 1846, Mr. C's widowed mother came west to make her home with her son. She died in October, 1864.
Thomas B. Stites, a resident of section 30, came to the township and county in 1880. He was born in Brown county, Illinois, January 8, 1856, his parents being Jonathan J., and Elizabeth (Barton) Stites. His father was an early settler of that county, where he died in 1867. His mother also died there in 1865. Thomas B. was the third, in order of age, in a family of three children and is also the only surviving member, the two elder children being deceased. He was married in Brown county, September 20, 1877, to Mary L., a daughter of V. C. and Catherine Vincent. Four children have been born to them--Lena, Harold, Ethel and Lela. Mr. Stites is the owner of a fine farm, of 60 acres, which he purchased of John Austin, at the time he came to the county. The farm is all under cultivation, nicely fenced and improved, upon which stands a fine, large two-story residence.
James Hudson was born in Jefferson county, Illinois, January 16, 1839. He was married October 8, 1863, to Louisa M. Green, and in the spring of 1868, located on the northeast quarter of section 10, Walnut Grove township. The result of this union was four children--Zalmon E., Eva M., Mary Lucretia, and Rosie M. When Mr. Hudson located in McDonough county, he had $1,000 which he gave in part payment for 80 acres of land. Since then he has by industry and the exercise of good business qualifications, added largely to his original possessions. He devotes much time and attention to stock raising, in which he has been very successful. For many years he has served the public as school director, and takes a great interest in educational matters. He is the clerk of the board of directors of the school district and commissioner of highways, in which office he gives general satisfaction.
Daniel Keister, deceased, was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, April 16, 1820, and was the son of Conrad and Catherine Keister. While Daniel was a child his parents removed to Stark county, Ohio, where they remained until their death, the mother dying in 1866, and the father in 1869. In 1856, our subject came to Illinois and located in McDonough county, on the farm where his family now reside. Mr. Keister was married in Stark county, Ohio, November 21, 1846, to Helena Huber, who was a native of Union county, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Keister were the parents of five children--Catherine, Jonathan, Samuel, Jacob and Lucy. Mr. Keister died in March, 1875, leaving his widow 160 acres of land, on which she now resides. Samuel was born in McDonough county, 1852, and December, 1875, was married to Isabel Patekin. They were the parents of two children--Nellie and Jacob. Mrs. Samuel Keister died August 10, 1880.
William Wesley Shoop was born in Washington county, Maryland, February 14, 1835, his parents being Henry and Rebecca (Casey) Shoop. He remained in Maryland until he had reached his 20th year, when he decided to join the throng moving westward. Before starting on the western trip he visited Pennsylvania, and on the 29th day of March, 1855, was united in marriage with Susan Wishard, a native of Welsh Run, Franklin county, Pennsylvania. He located, soon after his marriage, in Canton, Fulton county, Illinois, where he remained for some years, working during the summer in a brickyard, and in a packing house during the winter. In the fall of 1856, he left Canton and located on a farm in Fulton county. He remained there 10 years, after which he went to Walnut Grove and settled on the farm which he now owns. He engaged for a time in outside pursuits, and returned to the farm in 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Shoop are the parents of eight living children--Florence, married John B. Griggs, of Warren county; Lydia Ann, married to George W. Taylor, of Walnut Grove township; William Henry, Emma Catherine, Alva, Frederick, George Edward and Maggie. The children, Mary Lizzie and John Wesley are now dead. When Mr. Shoop located in this county he bought 89 acres of land. He has added thereto until he now owns 380 acres, all under cultivation. He is a lover of fine horses, and owns two fine ones--one an imported Clyde and one a French and Morgan. He also grades to shorthorn cattle. Mr. Shoop is a member of Golden Gate lodge, No. 248, A. F. and A. M., and now holds the office of senior warden; he is also past master. He has served as collector of Walnut Grove township.
James A. Brown was born in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1828, and is the son of Joseph and Mary (Marshall) Brown. The early years of our subject were passed in Armstrong and Westmoreland counties. He received the rudiments of an education in the common schools of Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1858, when he removed to Missouri. In 1861, he decided to locate in Illinois, and selected Walnut Grove township, where he purchased a farm, as his future home. He was married in 1855, in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, to Ellen Spence, daughter of Robert and Catherine Spence, and 13 children have blessed their union--James A., married Emma Moore, resides in Rossville; John Allison, resides in Good Hope where he is engaged in the tile business; Frank L., married Addie Clark and he is a merchant in Good Hope. The remaining children are--William L., Nettie, Thomas S., Alice, Nellie, Edna, Carrie, Addie, and Velasco C. One son Elmer Ellsworth died in 1867, aged three years. Mr. Brown owns 380 acres of land and is a fine type of the successful farmer. He has devoted considerable time to stock raising and is a good judge of the better breeds of cattle and hogs. He has always taken a great interest in education matters and for many years has served as school director. He has also been elected road commissioner several terms. He is a member of the Masonic, Odd Fellows, and A. O. U. W. orders. He has served the Odd Fellows as guide, chaplain and inside guard, and is now recording secretary for the A. O. U. W. The family are members of the Presbyterian church at Good Hope.
John A. Carlin, a prominent man of Walnut Grove township, was born May 3, 1844, near Table Grove, Fulton county, Illinois. His parents, Stephen and Sophia (Dolan) Carlin, are natives of Ireland, but came to this country at a very early age. Mr. Carlin, after receiving a preliminary education, entered Lombard university, at Galesburg, but before he had completed the course, his health failed, and he was obliged to leave school. September 2, 1872, he was united in marriage with Rosa R. Sapple, daughter of Robert T. and Louisa Sapple, at St. Augustine, Knox county, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Carlin are the parents of two lovely children--Albert Justin and Adrian Francis. In the year 1872, Mr. Carlin moved to McDonough county, and located on section 29, where he owns and cultivates a splendid farm of 160 acres. In politics he is a democrat, and has taken a great interest in the fortunes of his party, being regarded as a safe and shrewd leader, one whose counsels are always safe, and generally attended by success. It is claimed by many that Mr. Carlin's influence is largely due what success has attended the democratic party, not only in Walnut Grove township, but also in the entire county. He has represented his party in the board of supervisors with distinguished ability, and will doubtless reach a higher mark in the political world.
James Booth, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Ireland, and in 1828, came to Philadelphia, where he located as a weaver and built up a large business, which went down in the financial crash which followed the suspension of the U. S. bank, in 1837. In 1846, he removed to Macomb, Illinois, and in 1855, located on the homestead in Walnut Grove, McDonough county. James C. was born October 16, 1839, in Ireland, while the family were on a visit to the Emerald Isle, and is the youngest of six children. He was married January 30, 1871, to Sarah Elizabeth Cruse, of Monroe county, Iowa, and three children blessed the union. James C., early responded to the call for men, enlisting in 1862, and serving to the end of the struggle. He participated in many of the movements of the western armies, and was mustered out at Mobile in 1865. He met his brother, William, who was a member of company F, 55th Illinois infantry, once during his term of service. The family owns 182 acres of fine land, all under cultivation, and are fine types of American farmers. James is a member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Good Hope, and is a prominent worker in the order.
The following general statistics are taken from the last annual report of the county superintendent, for the school year ending June 30, 1884: Walnut Grove township has 334 children of school age. There are 242 pupils enrolled in the schools of the district township. There are eight school buildings in the township, all of which are frame, and the average number of months of school taught annually, seven and seven-eighths. The highest monthly wages paid any male teacher is $45, and the lowest, $36. The highest wages paid female teachers is $40, and the lowest, $20 per month. The value of school property in Walnut Grove township amounts to $2,500, being free from any bonded indebtedness. The amount of tax levy for the support of schools amounts to $2,875.
The first school house on the present site of the southwest corner of section 4, in district No. 1, was removed there in 1863. It was 24x28 feet in size, and was valued at $200.
School district No. 2 embraces sections 3, 4, 9 and 10. The school house, which was erected in the fall of 1863, is located on the southeast corner of section 4. A meeting was held, August 3, 1863, at the northeast corner of section 9, when the following directors were chosen: James W. Griggs, Warrel Tracy and George W. Beckner. The first teacher was Dell Stearns, who was employed to teach a three months' term. James Erving did the carpenter work on the building. In the fall of 1877, an addition was made to the house, which at present is 16x32 feet in size. Eva Hudson teaches the school at present. Previous to the erection of the present building, a school house was built on the southwest corner of section 9, in 1856, which was attended by the children for miles around. It was known as Hickory Grove school house. The funds for its erection were furnished mostly by the county, although several citizens who were able, subscribed different sums, that the building might be large enough to be used also for religious purposes. The first teacher in this house was a young man by the name of Frost.
School district No. 3 was organized in 1863, and a house erected, the following year, on the northwest corner of section 7, the district embracing sections 5, 6 7 and 8. It is 20x30 feet in dimensions, and was completed at a cost of $300. The first board of directors were: John Cochrane, A. E. Campbell and David A. Vanice. It is not remembered who taught the first term of school in the building, but James B. Campbell, now deceased, taught the second term. Those who serve the district at present as directors are: Robert Campbell, W. J. Edie and I. Lenhart. There was school taught in a log cabin, which stood on the site of the present building, by Emma Colts, in 1863. Two terms were taught there, the second by Priscilla Waddle. The cabin was torn down when the present school house was erected.
Hiwassie district No. 4 was organized August 10, 1863, and a house built on the northeast corner of section 19, the same year, at a cost of $351.50, and in 1873 it was moved to its present location, on section 18. School was first taught in this building by S. P. Camp, who commenced teaching on December 10, 1863. Owing to ill health, he was compelled to quit teaching in a short time. William H. Harris taught the remainder of the term. Previous to building this house, the children of this district, as well as of districts 1, 2 and 3, were sent to Hickory Grove school, which stood on section 8, and is now the Shiloh church building. The first directors were: S. P. Camp, E. Lemons and C. C. Kennett. The present directors are: J. A. Brown, Charles Stairwalt and Frank Kidder. Minnie Edie is the present teacher in this district.
Center district No. 5 was organized in 1863, and a building 22x24 feet in size, erected on section 14, at a cost of $500. Minnie McConnell taught the first term of school in this building. George Lackens taught the school during the winter of 1884-85.
The school house in district No. 6, also known as Linn Grove, is located on the northwest corner of section 24. It is 18x26 feet in size, and was erected in 1863.
The building in district No. 7 is located on the southwest quarter of section 26. It is 20x30 feet in size, and was completed in 1872. The district is also known as Greenwood.
School district No. 8 is a union of No. 3, of Macomb, and No. 8, of Walnut Grove townships. The building is situated on the southwest quarter of section 32, Walnut Grove township, and is valued at $500.
District No. 9 is a union district with that opposite, in Sciota township, the building being situated in the village of Good Hope.
At the annual town meeting, held on April 3, 1883, a town hall was ordered to be built, the dimensions to be 20x30 feet, and to cost $400. The building was constructed during the summer of 1884, about the geographical center of the township, the contract being let to William Parkins, of Good Hope. The building committee which was appointed was composed of James Hudson, W. J. Edie and J. A. Brown, Sr. At the meeting in 1884, an additional $100 was appropriated for the completion of the structure.
A sorghum mill was erected in the fall of 1860, by a son of R. W. Whittlesey, on the northeast corner of section 16. Sorghum making was a new feature here at that time, and as there were a couple of families living there, the location was facetiously known as Sorghum City. There was, however, some talk of starting a town, previous to the advent of the T., P. & W. railroad.
The first religious services in Walnut Grove township were held at the house of Gilmer Walker, on section 24, in the early spring of 1836, Rev. William Frazier, a Presbyterian minister from Macomb, conducting the services. Among those who were present were: Alexander Campbell, Quintus and Mahala Walker, Mary Walker, Robert Pollock, Levi and Malinda Hamilton and their child, Silas, Gilmer and Susan Walker, Louisa, Martha, Susetta, Mary J., Cynthia, Catharine and Ellen Walker, Samuel Pollock, and Messrs. Dague and Talbot.
The second religious services in the township were conducted by the Rev. Griggs, a Presbyterian minister, who was passing through the county during the spring of 1836. He preached in a small log cabin erected and deserted by some of the early settlers who did not remain long in the township. Among those who attended were Gilmer Walker and wife, Quintus Walker, and wife and daughter Mary, Alexander Campbell and wife, and John S., David, Samuel, Mary A. and Margaret, their children. The services were to have been held at the residence of Gilmer Walker, but owing to the sickness of some of the children, with whooping cough, the place of meeting was changed to the cabin, as above mentioned.
There are several church organizations in the township, a complete history of which appears in the Ecclesiastical chapter.
At the election held at the house of Thomas F. Flowers, Tuesday, April 7, 1857, for the purpose of organizing the township in accordance with an act of the legislature, the following persons were elected to fill the several offices of the township: David J. Duncan, supervisor; Joshua Larkins, assessor; Frederick Cruser, collector and clerk; W. S. D. Campbell and John O. Wilson, justices; Jesse B. Pearce, overseer of the poor; Harrison Hamilton, S. Painter, and William W. Stewart, commissioner of highways; Samuel Painter and John J. Buxton, constables; Jesse B. Pearce and Solomon Snooks, pound-masters. The township was divided into six road districts, with the following overseers: Joshua Larkins, Samuel Painter, Lewis Shafer, John McSpirit, Thomas F. Flowers, John Hogue. There was also $100 raised for town expenses, and $100 for building bridges and repairing roads. The officers for 1884 were: E. W. Fox, clerk; Jacob Detrick, assessor; John Baumann, collector; Simon Rutledge, commissioner of highways; Henry Mariner, school trustee; Samuel Burtis, constable.
In 1837, while justice of the peace, Gilmer Walker held court under a large elm tree, which stood on his farm. The tree has since been cut down.
The first religious services were held at the house of Gilmer Walker in 1836, by Rev. William Frazier, a Presbyterian minister.
The pioneer marriage of the township, was Rev. Harrison Berry, a Cumberland Presbyterian preacher, and Mary M. Walker, a daughter of Alexander and Margaret (Frost) Walker. They were united in marriage at the residence of her parents, on section 16, February 15, 1838, by Rev. Cyrus Haines, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister who had been preaching in the county for some time. The groom is now living in Kansas. The bride died in Industry township, November 22, 1844.
The first school was taught by Walker Findley, in 1838, in a log cabin on section 16, near what is known as the Deer park, on the land now owned by Franklin Smith. The cabin was built by Robert Perry, a settler of 1837, who came from Knox county, Tennessee. Among the scholars of that school were: David Hogshett, Robert Pollock, Mary and Margaret Walker, and Margaret and David Campbell.
The first prairie was broken by Sidney Geer in 1835. Gilmer and Quintus Walker did some breaking in 1836.
Sidney Geer planted the first corn in the spring of 1835, but did not gather any that year, as the wild hogs destroyed the crop.
Gilmer and Quintus Walker sowed the first wheat in the spring of 1837. They sowed a small amount for family use only.
The first death in the township was that of Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Walker. She died in the fall of 1837 and is buried in the Pearce cemetery, near the northwest corner of section 26, and was the first one interred there.
The next death in the township was that of Frederick Dague, who had come from Virginia and had worked for Gilmer Walker, and who had just erected a house for himself, when his death occurred, in 1839. He was also buried in the Pearce cemetery.
The third death was that of Mrs. Ephraim Banning, whose death occurred shortly after Dague's. She was also buried in the Pearce cemetery.
The first frame house was built by Gilmer Walker on section 34, in the fall of 1835. It was a small one-story affair.
Alexander Campbell was the first justice of the peace, and Dr. D. J. Dungan was the first supervisor.
The first cabin was erected by Isaac Bartlett, on section 34, in the fall of 1830. He was also the first settler in the township.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 1014-1041. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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