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Chapter 25 - Lamoine
Lamoine township consists of 36 sections, and has about 23,000 acres of land within its borders, the most part of which consists of timber. That portion of the township known as Round Prairie, near the Hancock and Schuyler county line, in the southwestern part, has a soil of a better and more productive quality than other portions of the township, upon which are some fine farms. Troublesome creek enters the township at the northeast corner of section 21 and runs again into Tennessee from the same quarter, coming into Lamoine again on the northeast of 3, and following in a southwest course through sections 9 and 16, making a confluence with Crooked creek on the southwest quarter of the latter section. Crooked creek enters the township and county on the southwest quarter of section 18. It flows in a diagonal course through sections 17, 21, 22, 27 and 34, leaving the township and county at the southwest corner of the latter section. The only town within the borders is a small place on the southwest quarter of section 7, called Colmar. It is situated on the Quincy branch of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, which passes in a southwesterly course through the northwest part of the township, and has but a few residence buildings, a general store, postoffice, etc. The inhabitants of the southern portion of the township go largely to Plymouth, Hancock county, to do their trading.
Comparatively a few years have passed since an attempt was made to convert the almost unbroken forests of Lamoine into an agricultural district and homes for civilized man. With a spirit of heroism have these early settlers toiled, until the forest were laid low, and their herculean labor is manifest in the broad acres of highly cultivated land, upon which stand many fine residences and outbuildings of an expensive character. Over the grounds where the red man chased the bounding deer, and the wildcat and wolves held their nightly vigils, may be seen the husbandman gathering the golden harvests; where the Indian's wild war-hoop was heard, stands the house of worship and institutions for the education of the rising generation. Transportation of goods by ox teams has given away to the power of steam, and a commerce has been opened up with all parts of the civilized world.
The history of this township is possessed of no small degree of interest. While other townships of McDonough were connected with the frontier by large bodies of excellent lands, this seemed shut off from the gaze of shrewd speculators by reason of its heavy growth of timber. They were destined to become the heritage of an honest, industrious people, and the income derived from the timber and products of the soil has given many of the first comers a handsome competency.
The first settlement in the township was made in the spring of 1830. At that time, Charles Hills and David Fees entered land on section 12, and erected a log cabin on the northeast quarter. The cabin is occupied at present by John Hills as a blacksmith shop. Charles Hills now resides on section 1, and is one of the oldest settlers now living in the county. He was born in Kentucky February 17, 1815, and was married July 31, 1836, to Charlotta David, a daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth David, who were early settlers of Eldorado township. Mrs. Hills was born May 2, 1817.
John Hills came in the spring of 1830, and is a resident of section 12. He was born in Adair county, Kentucky, August 7, 1817, removing to Schuyler county, Illinois, in 1829, from which county he came to this township. He was one of the volunteers during the Mormon troubles in Hancock county, but was not called upon for active service. He owns 84 acres of land, 20 of which is timber, the balance under cultivation.
In the spring of 1832, William Jenkins settled in Lamoine, coming from Schuyler county, Illinois, with his father, David, who now resides in Kansas. He is a native of Washington county, Tennessee, born there Feb. 5, 1826. Mr. Jenkins still resides in the township.
During the year 1832, Christopher Yates came and entered the farm now owned by the heirs of Lyons Holton. He erected a cabin and broke out about six acres of land, but soon afterward removed to Hancock county, near Augusta, and later went to Nauvoo. He was killed near Quincy, in the Spring of 1884, by a team running away with him. He was a native of New York state.
Orvel Sherrel settled on section 31 in 1832, coming from Kentucky. He afterward went to Newton county, Missouri, with his father-in-law Elijah Poole, where he also died. The farm he settled on here is now owned by A. B. Shippey.
Elijah Poole settled the farm now owned by Dr. King, on section 30, in 1832, coming from Tennessee. He did not remain very long, but removed to Newton county, Missouri, where he afterward died.
Abel Friend came in 1832, settling on section 30, but a year or so afterward, removed to section 20, where his wife afterward died, being buried on the place. About the year 1848, Mr. Friend disposed of his farm to Josiah Ralston, and emigrated to Iowa, where he afterward died. He came from the state of Tennessee to this township.
The father of Abel Friend, together with his family, came at the same time, settling on section 28, on the farm now owned by John Twidwell. One of his sons, Charles, also entered land on section 28, being a married man.
James Denton came prior to 1833, and located on section 18, on the west side of Crooked creek, coming from Tennessee. After the grist mill was erected on the creek near his place, Mr. Denton deemed it unhealthy to live there longer and sold out, removing to Henderson county.
James King, and a son-in-law, settled the farm now owned by J. D. Tabler, in 1832 or 3, coming from Tennessee. He afterward removed to near Prairie City, where he, later, died. He was one of the pioneer Methodist preachers of the county, and was quite a prominent man at that time.
On the first day of April, 1834, John H. Smith and his brother, Byrd, settled on section 31, where they erected a cabin. Byrd died in 1880, at Plymouth, Hancock county, from the effects of a cancer. John still lives in the township and is now a resident of section 20.
Among the prominent citizens and early settlers of this township, may be mentioned John H. Smith, who appears as the subject of this sketch. Mr. Smith was born on the 26th of July, 1819, in Hopkins county, Kentucky. His father, John Smith, who was a native of Virginia, died in 1825, and his mother was also a native of Virginia. John H., was the seventh child of a family of eight children, and when five years of age he removed with his mother to Virginia, where they resided until 1829. They then came to Sangamon county, Illinois, and in September, 1832, he removed to McDonough county, and located in Industry township. He there made a home with his brother until November, the same year, when he went back to Springfield, and went to school a year. In April, 1834, he settled on Round Prairie and farmed on section 30. He there remained until the spring of 1854, when he sold his place and located on his present location in Lamoine township, on section 20, where he now owns 150 acres of good land and a fine house, with every convenience necessary to farm life. Since living in this township, Mr. Smith has been intrusted with several township offices. He has been school director, trustee and now holds the position of road commissioner, which office he has held a number of years. Mr. Smith was married on March 28, 1839, to Emeline Devenport, a native of New York. They have been blessed with ten children, eight of whom are now living. Their names are--Harriet, Morris C., Caroline, Henry, Paris, Leroy, deceased; Isaac G., deceased; Romine, Albert M., and John W. Mr. Smith has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for over forty years, and is said to be a good worker in that cause, and has been class leader for over 25 years.
Isaac G. Smith came to the county in 1834, entering the east half of section 31, of this township, where he lived until his death, which was caused by a white swelling, in 1853. He was born in Virginia, about the year 1806, and was a son of John and Nancy (Garret) Smith. When six or eight years old, he removed with his parents, to the state of Kentucky, where they remained about five years, when they returned to Virginia. In 1829, he came west to Springfield, Illinois, and in 1834, to this township, as above. During the winter of 1834, he was married to Jane Garret. Three children were born to them, all of whom are residents of Kansas at present. His wife died in 1866. Mr. Smith was elected county commissioner in 1842, serving three years. He was justice of the peace of this township many years.
Beverly Whittington came in the spring of 1835-6 from Hancock county, but was a native of Tennessee. He settled on the southwest quarter of section 28, where he lived until his death, which occurred seven or eight years ago. While attempting to draw a nail from some hard material, it came out suddenly causing him to fall backward, breaking his thigh. The farm is now owned by his son, Pinckney W.
Hugh E. Wear, a native of Washington county, Tennessee, came with his family to Lamoine township, in May, 1835. He was born in 1789, and in 1825 removed to Monroe county, Tennessee, where he remained about seven years, when he went to Franklin county, Illinois, after which he came to this township. His death occurred in 1873, and he was interred at Scott's church. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Duncomb, died in 1858. Mr. Wear was justice of the peace in Lamoine for a number of years.
Andrew Wear came at the same time with his father, Hugh, and is still a resident of the township.
In 1835, William Hoton came from Vermont, traveling the entire distance overland in a lumber wagon, and settled on section 30, Bethel township, but shortly afterward removed to the eastern part of this township, where he remained until 1868, when he removed to Round Prairie, on a farm owned by Josiah Ralston. He was born in Vermont, October 31, 1801, and was three times married. He died November 12, 1877, and his third wife and children survive him.
Jonas Myers, a son-in-law of Thomas Twidwell entered the northwest quarter of section 33, in 1836. He came from North Carolina, and lived here until his death, which occurred in 1866. His family now reside in Kansas.
W. H. Hooten, was a settler of 1836, and was a native of Ohio. His death occurred in March, 1867.
Samuel F. Morris entered land in Lamoine in the fall of 1836, and erected a small shanty, with a ground floor, in which his pioneer life in McDonough county was for a while spent. He still retains the hand mill with which he ground his corn for bread in that early day. He was born in North Carolina, September 15, 1816, where he resided until his removal to this county. Mr. Morris was one of the volunteers of the Mormon war, in Hancock county, and was there at the time Smith was riddled with bullets. His father was also an early settler of Lamoine, coming about the same time as did Samuel.
In 1836, John Twidwell, in company with his parents, came to McDonough county, settling on section 33, Lamoine township. He at present resides on section 28.
John Twidwell, is a native of Davidson county, North Carolina, having been born there on the 20th of January, 1818. He is the elder son of Thomas Twidwell, who was born in Virginia, on the 13th of February, 1791. He was there reared until 18 years of age when he moved to North Carolina, where he was married to Polly Wamon, whose death occurred in the spring of 1849. In 1834, Thomas came to Morgan county, Illinois, and was a resident of that county until 1836, when he removed to McDonough county and settled on section 33, Lamoine township. He improved the land and there lived until 1877, when his son John, purchased the farm, and the father made his home with John Twidwell for nearly eight years, and then removed to his grandson's, T B. Twidwell, of this township, where he lived until his death, which occurred February 16, 1885. John Twidwell worked at home until 1840, when he began farming for himself. He now owns 597 acres of good land in Lamoine township, where he is now building up a good farm, and has for many years been laboring for the purpose of having one of the finest homes in McDonough county, in which plan he has greatly succeeded. Mr. Twidwell was married on the l0th of October, 1840, to Henrietta E. Sheldon, of Kentucky. They had eight children–-John M., Nancy J., Sarah E., dead; David, General Francis M., George A., William F., and Solomon P. Mrs. Twidwell died on May 25, 1872, and on August 29, of the same year, Mr. Twidwell was united in marriage with Barbara Kizer, a widow, whose maiden name was Jarvis. She has one child–-Martha. Mr. Twidwell has been very popular in the official matters of the county. He was township constable in 1845 and 1846, and at the end of his term he was elected justice of the peace, which office he has held ever since. In 1849 he was elected township supervisor, and, holding that position one term, he was made treasurer and clerk, these latter offices he still holds.
Joseph D. Wear, a son of Hugh, came with his parents to Lamoine township, in 1836. He was born in Washington county, Tennessee, February 25, 1815, and married January 16, 1838, to Mary B. Downs, who were the parents of 10 children. They are still residents of the township.
Avery Huff, a native of Connecticut, came in 1838. He entered the northeast quarter of section 32, where he lived a number of years, when he removed to the northwest quarter of the same section; and was an influential and prominent man of the township. He afterward returned to his native state, where he died.
David Bayles and family came to the township at an early day, when it was thinly settled. A sketch of the family is appended.
Joseph H. Bayles, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, on February 2, 1829. He is the son of David and Jane (Victor) Bayles. David Bayles, was a native of Virginia. He came through this country in 1812, during the Indian war, and picked out some land, intending when emigration turned this way to make this his home. He was with the party who named Rapid Ford, where afterward he was drowned while fishing in a pond near Troublesome creek. He was in the service of the United States for about 15 years, and during the war of 1812. At the time of his death he was captain of three light-horse companies, where he was training for United States service. One of these companies was at Middletown, one at St. Mary's, Hancock county, and one at Fountain Green. Mr. Bayles' wife died at the home of her daughter, on November 6, 1854. They were the parents of 16 children, 11 of whom grew to man and womanhood–-Philip V., died in Hancock county; Minerva E., living now in Hancock county; Jesse E., served through the war in company B, 3d Iowa cavalry, and now residing in Memphis, Missouri; Joseph H., served through the war in the 9th Missouri and 59th Illinois infantry; David P., died in the service at Memphis, Tennessee, in August, 1863; Isaiah O., served through the war in company B., 118th Illinois infantry, and is now living near Jericho, Missouri; Marion C., died in the service at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at close of war; Silas R., served in the 118th Illinois infantry, and is still living in Missouri. A son and daughter were drowned while making a trip to Springfield, Ohio; James R., enlisted in company K, 8th Missouri infantry, and served through the war, and now resides at Topeka, Kansas; Harrison L., served through the war, and is now a resident of Carthage, Missouri; Mortimer O., killed in the service at Yazoo Bayou, in September, 1863. Joseph H., the subject of this sketch, came with his parents to McDonough county in 1839, and located in Lamoine township, where he still resides on section 2. He was married in Hancock county, to Julia Parker, in 1858. She died in October, 1862. Mr. Bayles was united in marriage again to Josephine Smith, in June 1868, in Tennessee township, this county. She is a native of McDonough county, and a daughter of Samuel B. and Sarah Smith. By this marriage there has been one child–-Dora B., who has been of much comfort to her father, in the days his affliction of blindness, the result of Andersonville prison life. Mr. Bayles enlisted on the 22d of April, 1861, in company B, 16th Illinois infantry. He veteranized on the l0th of July, 1861 in the 9th Missouri infantry, but was afterward transferred to the 59th Illinois infantry, company C. His first fighting was in Missouri; then in Arkansas. After the battle of Pea Ridge, he was sent to Corinth, Mississippi. The regiment soon after joined the army of the Ohio, and took part in the sanguinary battles of Perryville and Stone River. They were afterward sent to Sherman's army, and served in that command until the close of the war. He was in the famous "March to the sea," and participated in all the battles of that command. He was in the march through the Carolinas to Washington, his corps having the right of the column. In September, 1861, he was made orderly sergeant of company C, and while not a commissioned officer, he served in the capacity of captain, and while acting as such he was captured by the enemy and taken to Libby prison, but there being no room there, he was transferred to Belle Isle, but after two days he was sent to Andersonville. He was put in a cotton gin-house because he would not take oath never again to fight against the confederacy, and was in the stone basement when the cotton seed took fire, and his eyes were so affected by the smoke, and subsequent inflammation as to nearly destroy his sight. But he made his escape in December, 1864, and made his way back to his regiment. He had almost completely lost his eye sight from the effects of prison life, but he remained with his regiment until the close of the war. He received 11 gun shots, two shell wounds, and was run over by a battery wagon, but he never gave up, and was always found at the head of his regiment when any fighting was to be done. No family in this part of the country has a more patriotic war record than that of Mr. Bayles, nor is any entitled to more honor or credit than they. After the war Mr. Bayles traveled for four or five years, in trying to regain his eyesight and health. He spent a great deal of money in this way, without much effect. He is now living on a farm. His father was in the war of 1812, enlisting as private, and at battle of Tippecanoe, was promoted to rank of captain. The subject of this sketch was in the Mormon and Mexican wars, and has served in three wars, and was a brave, noble soldier, in all.
Besides the pioneers mentioned, there are a number of others who are worthy of note, either on account of early settlement or for their public spirit. Their sketches follow:
William D. Ralston, who is one of the prominent and influential men of Lamoine township, was born in Plymouth, Hancock county, Illinois, on the 12th day of April, 1857. He is the son of Wesley and Charlotte (Wade) Ralston, both natives of Illinois. William moved to McDonough county, with his parents, when quite young, and made this his place of abode until 1869, when he removed to Jasper county, Missouri, and was there engaged in farming for ten years. He then returned to his old home in McDonough county, in 1880, where he has since resided. He owns 80 acres of fine land, 60 acres under a good state of cultivation, and 20 acres good timber land. Mr. Ralston was married to Emily C. Holton. a daughter of Linus and Lucinda (Allen) Holton, on October 7, 1880. They have one child–-Inez. Mr. Ralston has always been a man of ability, and has taken great interest in the works of christianity. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Plymouth, for several years, and has always been an honest worker in that cause.
John W. Reans was born in Washington county, East Tennessee, November 28, 1830. His father, William Reans, a native of North Carolina, died in February, 1837. In the fall of that year the family removed to Greene county, Illinois, and while a resident of that county, John attended the Illinois Liberal institute, one of the finest universities in the state. In 1855, he came to McDonough county, and on the 22d day of August, 1855, he was married to Martha Dunsworth, a native of Bethel township, and a daughter of Thomas Dunsworth, one of the early settlers of the county, having located here in 1831. Mrs. Reans was born and married at the old homestead in Bethel township, and their only child, John H., who was recently married to Benella Cravens, was born at the same place. Mr. Reans made his home in McDonough county, until 1858, when he returned to Greene county, where he remained about three years. He searched for good land and a place to make a good home, and at last returned to this county, satisfied no place in this part of the country, would suit him any better. He now lives on the farm of L. G. Reid, which consists of finely cultivated land on section 28, where he has resided for the past 10 years, and where he is chiefly engaged in stock raising. For several years he has held the position of school director, representing district No. 4.
James T. Broadhead, an old resident of McDonough county, was born in Morgan county, Illinois, on the 28th day of August, 1838. He is the son of William and Sarah (Grimsley) Broadhead, the former a native of England and the latter of Kentucky. James spent a portion of his early life in attending a private school in Morgan county, and in 1846, he removed with his parents to McDonough county, where he has ever since made his home. His father died while in Morgan county, the year being 1844, but soon after his widowed mother was married to John Waddle, with whom James lived until over 21 years of age. Mr. Broadhead was united in marriage with Susan A. Vaughn, in 1862. She is the daughter of Henry and Jiet (Jones) Vaughn, both of whom are natives of Culpepper county, Virginia. They have had 10 children, eight of whom are now living–-Sarah J., Lucy E., Samuel, Louie K., Olive M., John H., J. D. and James T. Musette died in 1881. Mr. Broadhead is a man of virtue and good character, and is highly esteemed by his many friends throughout the large tract known as McDonough county. He has a large and cultivated farm and abundance of good stock, which is principally due to the good management in which they are conducted. Mr. Broadhead is a good worker in christianity, and for many years has been a staunch member of the Baptist church.
Edward Jarvis came to McDonough county in 1841, and located on section 4, Lamoine township, where he now owns 146 1/2 acres of land, all of which is cultivated, and raises large numbers of cattle, hogs and horses. Mr. Jarvis was born in Knox county, Indiana, on the 11th of July, 1825, and is the son of John and Martha (Bloid) Jarvis. Edward was married in this county, on the 5th of September, 1849, to Elizabeth Roice, a native of Jackson county, Indiana. She died in January, 1878, leaving seven children to mourn her loss. Their names are–-Martha Jane, Minerva, John F., William A., Levi Jackson, Ida A. and Edward T. Mr. Jarvis was again married on the 3d of April, 1879, to Charlotta Jane Dudley, who was reared in Adams county, this state. Her parents were Charles and Rebecca A. (Patty) Nichols. She was married in 1849 to John Dudley, and in 1851 moved to Schuyler county, where Mr. Dudley was drowned, on the 15th of April, 1865, and soon after this his widow was married to Mr. Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis have three children–-Octavia, Uriah and Jonathan O.
Johannis C. Decker came to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1839, and located on section 29, Lamoine township. He improved and cultivated his farm and now owns 320 acres of land, all in a state of good culture. 160 acres are situated on section 21, and the remainder on section 29. Mr. Decker was born in Ulster county, New York, on the 8th of October, 1815, and is the son of Cornelius J. and Gertrude (Bruyn) Decker, both natives of New York. Johannis received his education in the common schools of Ulster county, and there remained until 1831, when he moved to Genesee county, New York. He was there engaged in farming for about five years, when he came to Chicago, Illinois, and was there employed as one of the teamsters that helped removed the standing army from Fort Dearborn to Fort Howard, at the head of Green Bay. He there was engaged until the spring of 1836, when he went on horseback from Chicago to Augusta, and there located until 1839, when he came to his present location. Mr. Decker was united in marriage in June, 1839, with Eleanor Yatez, a daughter of Christopher E. and Catharine (Van Horn) Yatez, both natives of Montgomery county, New York. They have had 12 children–-Cornelius, Ann M., Cornelia E., John, Augustus G., Albert, Abraham, Van H., Georgia A. (dead), Edmond and Christopher E. Mr. Decker has held the office of justice of the peace for this township for about five years, during the early settlement of the county. He has also been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for a number of years.
Alfred Marvin is a native of Oxford county, Canada, having been born there on the 13th of February, 1836. He is the eldest son of William and Belinda (Clothier) Marvin, both natives of Vermont. Alfred received his early education and advantages in Canada, and was there engaged in the milling business with his father. In the fall of 1866, he removed his location to Winnebago county, Illinois, and there remained till the spring of 1867. He then made his home in McDonough county, and located in Lamoine, where he has remained ever since. His farm contains fifty-six and one-half acres of good land, fifty acres of which are under cultivation, the rest being timber. Mr. Marvin was married on the 16th of April, 1869, to Anna Decker, a daughter of Johannis C. and Eleanor (Yaez) Decker, of this township. They have had five children, four of whom are living–-William C., Frederick, Jeddie, dead; Mina and Myrta. Mr. Marvin is a member of the United Brethren church, and for a number of years, has been a member of the United Workman.
Among the prominent men of Lamoine township, we must not fail to mention George W. Collins, who was born in Floyd county, Indiana, on January 18, 1842. His father, Frank Collins, was born in North Carolina. During the early portion of his life he worked in a saw-mill, but in his latter years he gave that up, and began farming in Floyd county, Indiana, where he has since remained. His wife, Sarah (Mosier) Collins, was born in Harrison county, Indiana. George remained with his parents until the spring of 1865, when he came to McDonough county, and located on section 30, Lamoine township, where he still remains. He is the owner of 95 acres of land, and 20 acres of timber land in Schuyler county. He has cultivated his farm, and has some of the finest products in the county. Mr. Collins was married on March 19, 1868, to Sannie Walker, daughter of Seldon S. and Eliza (Maxwell) Walker, who are now living in Schuyler county, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have been blessed with three children–-Lizzie, Frank, and Rosa. They have one child dead–-Sarah.
Lamech D. Little, a son of Lamech and Elizabeth (Henderson) Little, was born in Maryland, on the 16th of January, 1819 He remained in his native state until 1825, when he moved to Harrison county, Ohio. He there received his schooling and was afterwards engaged in farming, until 1839, when he came, by the aid of a team, to McDonough county, Illinois. He has remained a resident of this county ever since, with the exception of a few years residence in Schuyler county. Since living in this county, he has cultivated a fine farm, and has in all, 160 acres of land, part being timber land. Mr. Little was united in marriage on the 30th of December, 1843, to Francis Henderson. They have had seven children–-Catharine J., James, Eliza, Ann, Silas, and David, all of whom are now dead. One son was in the service, in company I, 10th Missouri regiment. He was taken with diphtheria, and died. Mrs. Little died in 1851, and in December, 1852, Mr. Little was married to Margaret J. House, a daughter of Charles and Jane (Wallace) House. They have two adopted children–-Ellen and Lamech. Mr. Little was township assessor one year, and for a number of years has been school director. He is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
John W. Hendricks, resides on section 15, Lamoine township. He is a native of Ohio, and was born there on the 14th of November, 1833. He is the son of Frederick and Nancy (Underwood) Hendricks. Frederick was born in Pendleton county, Kentucky, August 17, 1797. When 17 years of age, he removed from Kentucky to Ohio, and made his permanent settlement in Champaign county, where he worked at the trade of a brickmason. In October, 1838, he came to McDonough county, Illinois, and in 1840, built the first brick house in Lamoine township, in which Methodists held several of their revivals. His wife was Nancy Underwood, by whom he had 13 children–-Jane, wife of William Erving, now dead; William, now living in Hancock county, Illinois; James B., now residing in Lamoine township; Joseph, dead; Sarah, wife of John Archer, a resident of Page county, Iowa; George, dead; Harriet, wife of N. Gibson, now deceased; John W., a resident of this township; Rebecca, wife of T. P. Price, now living in Washington territory; Benjamin F., dead; Mary, wife of Hugh Wear, now living in Lamoine township; Harvey, living at the present time in Lamoine township; and Charley, also a resident of this township. Mr. Hendricks died in February, 1879. John W. came to McDonough county, in 1838, with his parents, and remained with his father until 1860, when he moved on section 15, where he has since made his home. He has always followed the occupation of a farmer, and is now possessor of 240 acres of land, all of which is under cultivation. He devotes some of his time to the raising of stock, but pays particular attention to the raising of clover, wheat and corn, for which cultivation he has one of the best farms in the township. Mr. Hendricks was married on the 19th day of January, 1860, to E. M Horrell, a daughter of Elijah H., and Lucy (Bragg) Horrell, both natives of Kentucky They have had five children, whose names are–-Isabella, wife of W. R. Payne, now living in Kansas; Emma, wife of D. M. Hatch, now a resident of Kansas; Cora, Frances, and John T. Mr. Hendricks is a member of Triumph lodge, No. 131, A. O. U. W., of Plymouth, Illinois, of which lodge he has been a member about three years. In 1874 he served as supervisor of Lamoine township.
James B. Hendricks, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, on the 1st of July, 1823, and is the son of Frederick and Nancy (Underwood) Hendricks. He received his schooling in Ohio, and in 1838, he came to McDonough county with his parents, and here located until 1844, when he went to Quincy, and was there engaged in learning brick mason trade. In the same year, he went to Wisconsin, and was there about six months, when he went to Dane county, and there worked in the lead mines some time, and was engaged in various occupations, until the spring of 1849, when he came again to McDonough county, and was here engaged in working at mason work. In the winter of 1850, he went overland to Eldorado county, California, and then went on to the south fork of the American river, where gold had just been discovered. In 1851, he went up the Yuba river, and staid six months, when he returned to Eldorado county, and there remained until 1853. He then came back to his old home in McDonough county, where he has resided ever since; with the exception of six months in 1872, that he spent in Colorado. Since making a permanent settlement in McDonough county, Mr. Hendricks has been engaged in farming. He owns 200 acres of land, of which 160 acres are devoted to farming. He has just finished a fine residence, and his farm is now one of the finest in the township. Mr. Hendricks was married in October, 1856, to H. A. Jackson, who died in 1860, leaving two children–-Ellen and Eugene, the former is dead, and the latter now lives in Kentucky. Mr. Hendricks was again married in October, 1862, to Ellen King, daughter of James and Mary (Thomas) King, both natives of Ohio. Mrs. J. B. Hendricks was born in Champaign county, and was there reared. They have had seven children–-Flora J., dead; Benjamin F., living at home; Bessie, William, John; George, dead; and Nora. Mr. Hendricks is now school director of district No. 6.
Adam Myers, one of the prominent and enterprising men of this township, was born in York county, Pennsylvania, on the 18th of May, 1840. He is the son of John and Elizabeth Myers, natives of Pennsylvania. John Myers was born in 1821, and remained in Pennsylvania until 1853, when he came to Fulton county, and has since remained there, being engaged in farming. His wife is deceased, leaving five children–-Anna M., wife of Henry Miller, a resident of Fulton county; Dina, wife of Samuel Neighbours, now living in Fulton county; Adam, now living in McDonough county; Solomon, living in Fulton county, and Elizabeth, who now resides in Pennsylvania. Mr. Myers was again married to Lydia C. Dressler, who is also deceased. Their children are–-Jacob, living in McDonough county; Abraham, residing in Fulton county. Mr. Myers took another partner, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Vance. They have had three children–-Lucy, wife of G. McLung, living in Fulton county; Alice, wife of Nathan Forkenraw, a resident of Astoria, and Charley, still with his parents.
Adam Myers came to Fulton county with his parents in 1853, and in 1859 he went to Morgan county, and was engaged in farming until 1864. He then went to Cass county, and was there employed in farming until 1866, when he returned to Fulton county, and there remained about five years. He then came to McDonough county, and in 1871, located on his present location, where he now owns 105 acres of land, all in pastures and farm land. He pays particular attention to the raising of stock, of which he has some of the finest in the township. Mr. Myers has been school director of district No. 6, for one term. He is also a member of the Methodist church. Mr. Myers was united in marriage in April, 1865, to Mrs. Elizabeth (Horr) Batsen, a daughter of Martin L. and Julia A. (Oller) Horr. They have had seven children–-Willetta, Ida May, Isadore, James Martin, Robert Lee, John Emery and Ella.
Harvey F. Hendricks was born in Lamoine township, McDonough county, Illinois, on the 29th of March, 1842. He received his education in a small log school house near the old homestead, and remained with his father until in 1862, when he enlisted in the service of the United States, in company I, 10th Missouri infantry, under Captain C. A. Gilchrist. He was taken sick while in the service and was taken to St. Charles hospital, where he was confined about six months, and was discharged at St. Louis, on the 18th of July, 1862. He returned home and staid with his parents until 1864, when he again enlisted in company A, 78th Illinois, under Captain Blackburn. He participated in the battles of Rocky-faced Ridge, Resaca, Altoona, Peach-tree creek, and was under Sherman in his "March to the Sea." He was engaged in all the battles of that march, until reaching Atlanta, when he was wounded in the right hand, disabling him for duty. He was then transferred to Quincy, by way of Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville and Jeffersonville, and was there mustered out in July, 1865. Mr. Hendricks then returned to his father in McDonough county, where he remained two years, and in 1867, he went to Montana, and there was engaged in prospecting in mines about four months. In the fall of that year he came down the river and stopped at Ft. Berthold, Dakota, where he remained until the spring of 1870. He came home and remained with his father until 1872, when he went back to Dakota and was there engaged as government carpenter for eight years. In 1880 he returned to McDonough county, and purchased a farm in Lamoine township, where he has since erected a fine residence, and has one of the finest farms in the township. Mr. Hendricks was united in marriage in October, 1879, with Caroline Harrington, a daughter of Alonzo and Jane (Wilson) Harrington. They have been blessed with three children–-Frederick, Edith and Esther.
George J. Lawyer resides on section 13, Lamoine township, where he owns 135 acres of good land, of which 120 acres are devoted to farming. He has made all the improvements on his farm, and is now raising stock for his own use. He is a native of Fayette county, Ohio, and was born on the 24th of October, 1828. His father, William Lawyer, was born in Pennsylvania, and there followed farming through his early life. He removed to Brown county, Illinois, in the fall of 1835, and in the spring of 1836, he removed to McDonough county, and located in the south part of Tennessee township, on the place now occupied by Catharine Jarvis. In the year 1856, he went to Appanoose county, Iowa, where he remained, farming, until 1874, when he went to Wayne county, and while there his wife died. He was engaged in farming in that county until 1881, when he moved to Union county, and there was taken ill and died, in 1883. He was the father of seven children–-Elizabeth, widow of Dr. Horgland, now living in Missouri; Dedmarius, wife of William Breeden, now residing in Tennessee township; George J., living in this township; Catharine, widow of Ethan Jarvis of Tennessee township; John W., now in Washington territory; Samuel, a resident of Bethel township; William, living in Union county, Iowa, and Susan, dead. George J. came to Brown and McDonough counties with his father in 1836, with whom he remained until 1851, when he took up a farm for himself, and has resided on that place ever since, with the exception of one year, when he removed to Appanoose county, Iowa. Mr. Lawyer has been school director of district No. 7. He is also a member of the United Brethren church. Mr. Lawyer was married in November, 1867, to Amanda C. Wear, a daughter of Hugh and Sarah (Duncomb) Wear. They have had seven children–-Sarah C., widow of George Huffman; Nancy E., wife of James Mathews, now living in Bethel township; William H., living in this township; David J., now in Lamoine township; Susan J., Joseph E. and George M.
The county superintendent's annual report, for the school year ending June 30, 1884, shows that Lamoine township is free from any bonded indebtedness, and that the estimated value of school property is $4,400. The amount of tax levy for the support of the schools for this year is $1,833.90. The highest wages paid any male teacher is $50 and the lowest $35 per month, while the highest monthly wages paid female teachers is $32, and the lowest $22. There are seven school buildings in the township, all of which are frame, and in which an average of seven and one-half months of school are taught. There are 300 pupils enrolled in the schools and 390 children of school age in the township.
An early school, in the history of Lamoine, was taught on the farm of J. D. Tabler, in 1844 or 5, by Margaret Fulkerson. The building, which was a frame structure, has since been destroyed by fire.
The school house in district No. 1 was erected in 1871 on the northwest quarter of section 8. The first teacher in this building was James McVeigh. The first school house built in the district was in 1861, located on the same section.
The school house situated on the north west corner of section 11, and in the district known as No. 2, was built in 1862. The first term of school was taught by Samuel Jarvis. The present teacher is Lewis McCowan.
The school house located on the line between sections 29 and 30, in school district No. 3, was erected in 1864, by William Ewing. School is taught there at present by Miss Bidwell. The school-house stands on the same site of an old log house erected for school purposes in 1851.
School district No. 4 has a building on section 28, which was erected in 1872. The present teacher is Addie Scott. The first house built in this district was about the year 1847 or 8, occupying the site upon which the present building now stands.
A log school house was built on section 36, in district No. 5, some time previous to the year 1841. It was replaced by a frame building in 1858, and again rebuilt in 1880. Miss Meek is the teacher at present.
School district No. 6 has a school house on the east half of section 15, which was built in 1870. Richard Breeden is the present teacher in this district, while the directors are--J. B. Hendricks, M. D. Wear and Thomas Robinson.
The Lamoine mills, situated on the west bank of Crooked creek, on section 21, was erected in 1837, by Butler Gates and a man named Matthews. It was afterward owned by Samuel Doyle. A number of different parties operated the mill before the present proprietors, Marvin Bros., took charge of the institution in the fall of 1867. Since that time the mill has been run with comparatively good success, as it is the only mill in the township. It is operated by water power.
There is a cemetery located in the center of section 4, on the farm of J. D. Tabler. The first burial occurred in 1835, and was the body of James Waddill.
Another cemetery is located on section 11, and is known as Rice's burying ground. The first interment was that of Reuben Rice.
A burying ground is also located on section 30, on the farm of Dr. King, and contains about one acre. The first burial was a small child of Isaac Smith, about the year 1841. For a number of years it was used for interment purposes by the town of Plymouth. It is not in use at all, at present.
The house occupied by Samuel F. Morris, on section 35, was formerly used for a public meeting house, about the year 1840, Rev. Loring being the first preacher. A class was organized there by the M. E. society.
The first religious services were held by Jesse Chapman, at an early day, at the home of John Jarvis, the father of Edward.
Old Father Bradley and Thomas Owens, delivered the first sermon, at the house of Elijah Poole, on Round Prairie, in the year 1832.
The first marriage in the township was that of Charles Hills and Charlotta David. The ceremony was performed at the home of the groom, on section 12, July 31, 1836.
The first birth was Sarah, daughter of David Fees, in the year 1830.
The first frame building in Lamoine, was erected in 1840, by Marcus Rice, on section 11. It is unoccupied at present, and is in the last stages of decay.
Charles Hills and David Fees built the first log cabin in the township, on the northeast quarter of section 12, in the spring of 1830. It is occupied at present by John Hills, as a blacksmith shop.
An early death was that of James Waddill, in the year 1835.
The first mill was erected on section 21, in 1837, by Butler, Gates and a man by the name of Matthews. It still stands and is the property of Marvin Bros.
The first school was taught by William S. Hendricks, on section 11, about the year 1839. This gentleman afterward served as justice of the peace, in Macomb township.
The first justices of the peace were Hugh Wear and Isaac Smith. John S. Holliday was the first supervisor.
The first brick dwelling in the township was erected by Frederick Hendricks, on the east half of section 11.
At the general election of 1856, the question of township organization was submitted, and having received the requisite number of the votes of the county for such organization the county judge appointed a committee, December 4, of that year, to divide the county into townships, and in due time the committee reported that they had performed that duty. By the action of that committee this township was called Lamoine, and comprises 36 sections, or a full congressional township. At the first township election, held April 7, 1857, the following officers were elected: John Twidwell, J. S. Holliday, justices of the peace; and Robert Dorothy, constable.
The officers for the year 1885 are as follows: Thomas Clark, supervisor; James Robinson, clerk; S. T. Martin, assessor; John A. Wear, collector; Daniel Hines, highway commissioner; John Twidwell and William Valentine, justices of the peace; George W. Shawgo and G. F. M. Twidwell, constables; William Jenkins, school trustee.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 649-663. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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