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Chapter 29 - Industry
This township embraces all of congressional township 4 north, range 2 west, and is one of the earliest settled in the county. It is bounded on the north by Scotland, on the east by Eldorado, on the south by Schuyler county, and on the west by Bethel. It is one of the timbered townships, though not so much so as some of its neighbors, especially those on the west.
In the south part of the township, and probably underlying every square foot of soil in all parts, may be found coal in great abundance, the veins averaging 33 inches. Ebenezer Jones, James A. Vawter, William Dupees and others are working good veins of an excellent quality. About two-fifths of the township was originally timber land, but a portion of this has been brought under cultivation. Grindstone creek (formerly called Turkey creek) is the principal stream passing through the township, it coming in on section 1 and passing out at section 19. Camp creek passes through a portion of sections 5 and 6. Thus, the township is well watered. All things taken into consideration, the division of the township into timber and prairie land, the abundance of coal, stone for building purposes, etc., Industry township may well be said to be favored. Grindstone and Camp creeks and their tributaries afford abundant supplies of water for irrigation, drainage and stock purposes. This township has as yet no railroad passing through it, but the town of Industry affords a good trading point, and a market for their grain is within easy access.
Many interesting events in the early history of the county cluster around the records of the happenings in this township, and reference thereto will be found in more than one chapter of this work.
Previous to 1826, none had inhabited this region save the red man, and when, in the spring of that year, William Carter and Riggs Pennington first set foot within the borders of what is now Industry township, they found the country abandoned by the aborigines, and none but the wild animals tenants of the soil. They settled in one neighborhood, about one mile southeast of where the town of Industry now stands, and commenced hewing out homes for their families in the wilderness, for like all other pioneers of that day, they preferred to clear their farm land in the timber, rather than to cultivate that already prepared for their use by the hand of nature. The neighborhood was named, in honor of one of its pioneers, Carter's settlement. A few years afterward, Mr. Carter removed to Missouri. Mr. Pennington, probably a year afterward, removed to Knox county, this state. He resided there until the spring of 1837, when he went to Texas, where he died.
Stephen Osborne made a settlement in Industry township, near the house of William Carter, in 1826. The next year he left, going to Knox county.
In the fall of 1827, William Stephens built a cabin on section 24, and settled down as an inhabitant of the county. It was in his house that Elder Logan delivered the first sermon heard in McDonough county.
Rev. John Logan made a settlement in this township in 1828, spending the winter in the old log fort, where he took up his residence. In the spring he removed into the cabin built by Stephen Osborn, on what is now the Hushaw place. That fall he left, going to Schuyler county. He returned to the county later, settling in Hire township. A sketch of him is given elsewhere.
John Wilson settled on section 23, during the year 1828. He was married October 30, 1828, to Martha R. Vance, and the next year built a cabin on his farm into which he removed in 1830. He was born in Jackson county, Tennessee, November 2, 1806. His father, Hugh Wilson, moved to near Vincennes, Indiana, and from there to Christian county, Kentucky, thence to Missouri, and in 1825, to Schuyler county, Illinois. In the spring of 1827, he started for Hancock county, but stopped at the Job settlement for a short time, when he moved on westward. John then started for himself, coming here as above mentioned. He was the father of—Elizabeth A., Mary V., Susannah, Hugh, Sarah V., James V., W. V., Christopher, Lewis R., Rufus R., Martha R., and Margaret R. V., many of whom are still residents of the county.
Isaac Fowler made a settlement in the fall of 1828, or spring of 1829, on section 25, where he resided some years. He has long since left the county.
John Bridges and family came in November, 1829, and located in Industry township. He was born in North Carolina in 1797. His wife, whose maiden name was Margaret Vance, was born in Tennessee in 1800. They were married in the state of Tennessee in 1816. He died in this township in 1844. On their route from Tennessee to this county, the family stopped in Morgan county from 1828 to 1829. Mrs. Bridges still survives.
Charles Shannon, was one of the pioneers of this township, settling where the town of Industry, now stands in 1830. Here he lived until 1858, when he died.
William Shannon also appeared as a settler about this time.
Charles R. Shannon is a son of Wm. and Mary (Miller) Shannon, who were natives of Tennessee. The former was born September 12, 1804, and the latter November 25, 1812. They were married January 12, 1832, in Industry township; which event was among the earliest marriages of this county. They brought up nine children—Rachel A., deceased; Elizabeth A., Nellie E., Charles R., John F., James P., William H., Harvil M., and George G. They were both members of the M. E. church. William, the father, died January 22, 1866, and was buried in the Vance cemetery. He was a man of some prominence in the county; came originally from Knox county, Tennessee, arriving here May 9, 1830. Was justice of the peace here for 20 years. Charles R., the subject of this sketch, was born January 13, 1838, in Bethel township, of this county. He worked for his father upon the farm until death took away the elder Shannon. He was married December 24, 1871, to Alice A. Norton, and his mother is living with them on the old homestead. They have six children—Effie L., Orria B., James K., Beryl M., Mary E., and Roscoe K. Mr. Shannon owns 111 1/2 acres of good land which is well improved, having good buildings, well fenced, and tile drained. Politically he votes with the democratic party.
Austen Coker and family came to McDonough county in 1830, and took up their location in Industry township. He was a native of Kentucky, and his wife, whose maiden name was Susan Tomberlin, was a native of Virginia. Their son George W. and his family, are still residents of the township.
During the summer of 1830, John Rogers erected himself a log house on the prairie, in this township, but the winter coming on, he concluded it would be better for him to move to the timber, which he accordingly did, taking his cabin with him; but the snow beginning to fall before he had finished rebuilding, he enclosed the cabin in a tent, and managed to live in it during the long winter that followed, his only food being hominy, without salt. This so disgusted him, that the next spring he left the county never to return.
A. H. and Sanders Walker and their families removed to the south side of Camp creek, in this township, in the fall of 1831, where they improved farms.
Daniel Sandidge came to this county in the spring of 1832, and located in Industry township. He resided here till the fall of 1833, when he removed to Eldorado township. He died in Oakland township, Schuyler county, August 5, 1882.
John P. Kinkade and family came in 1832, and located on section 5.
John P. Kinkade, deceased, was a native of Scott county, Kentucky, born in 1810. In the year 1830, he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Morgan county, where he was, soon after, married to Eliza D. McClure, who was born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, in 1808. He remained in Morgan county, one year, then removed to Rushville, and, one year later, came to Industry township, and located on section 5, where he purchased 160 acres of land. He resided here until his death, in 1851. In 1859, his widow, Mrs. Eliza D. Kinkade, was married to Josiah Kirkpatrick, who, in 1870, died, leaving her again a widow. Her death occurred in 1879.
William Kinkade, son of J. P., and Eliza D. Kinkade, was born December 31, 1839, in Industry township. He remained at home until 21 years old. His childhood and youth were spent upon the farm which furnished him employment during a greater part of the year. His education was obtained by attending the district school, winters. In 1860, he was married to Phebe A. Strader, a daughter of Simeon Strader, of Chalmers township. They have five children—Mary A., William H., Dorcas E., Effie M., and Roscoe E. Mr. Kinkade owns 110 acres of land, located on sections 8 and 17. He lives on section 8, where he has a pleasant residence. He carries on general farming. He is a public spirited man, and a useful citizen. He has served as a member of the county board of supervisors, since the year 1876, and still holds that office. He has been school director for the past 14 years, besides holding other offices of minor importance. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has three times been sent as delegate from Industry lodge, No. 327, to the Grand Lodge, at Chicago. Politically he is a supporter of the present administration.
Daniel Stockton came to this county in the fall of 1833, and located in Industry township, on the Tuggle farm. After one year's residence there, he removed to section 30, Eldorado township, where he lived until his death occurred January 29, 1883. He was born in Kentucky, August 17, 1800.
Walter Janes came in 1834, with his wife and family, and located on section 7.
John Janes, son of Walter and Ardra (Crook) Janes, was born in Kentucky, in the year 1828, and came with his parents to McDonough county in 1834. His father, Walter Janes, bought 80 acres of land on section 7, Industry township. John remained on this place till the death of his father, in 1853, then sold out and purchased 90 acres on section 9, upon which he lived 15 years. He then again sold out and bought of Simon Smith, the valuable farm which he now owns and resides upon, comprising 127 acres, located on section 16, Industry township. Mr. Janes was married in January, 1854, to Nancy Vanter, the Reverend Mr. Borin officiating on that occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Janes are the parents of seven children—Paris J., Amy B. Addie E., George W., Edgar, Paulina and Eliza A. Mr. Janes became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1868, when he joined Industry lodge, No. 237. He has served as a steward of that organization one year. He has held the office of school director three terms. In consequence of the meager advantages which this county afforded during his youth his education is limited. He has however a high appreciation of the value of such advantages, and takes much interest in the cause of education. The Janes brothers are enterprising and prosperous farmers, and much respected in the community where they reside.
Jesse Janes, of Industry township, resides upon section 20, where he owns an excellent farm, comprising 362 acres. A portion of this land lies in section 21 and 7, but is adjoining that upon which he lives. He is engaged in general farming. Mr. Janes was born in the year 1820, in Kentucky, and is a son of Walter and Ardra (Crook) Janes, who also were natives of Kentucky. They removed from that state to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1834, locating then in Industry township. Walter Janes died here in 1853, and his wife in 1881. Jesse came to this county with his parents, with whom he lived until 21 years old. December 31, 1846, he was married to Perlina Vanter, who died April 15, 1860, leaving him five children—William D., Sarah E., Harriet J., Mary M. and Thomas C. May 21, 1861, Mr. Janes was married to Elizabeth Vail, daughter of Thomas Vail. By this union there are two children—Walter V. and Luella. Mr. and Mrs. Janes are members of the Christian church at Industry. Politically, he adheres to the republican party.
William C. McKamy came in June, 1834, and located on section 5. He was born in East Tennessee in 1810, and made his home with his parents until coming to McDonough county. He was the son of John and Jane P. (Walker) McKamy. In 1855 he removed from his first location to the west half of section 4, which he owns and cultivates. In the year 1837 he commenced preaching. He was ordained at Foster's Point, and licensed in the old brick court house at Macomb. Since that time he has occupied many Cumberland Presbyterian pulpits, and exhorted many audiences in open air, private houses and school buildings. He was married on the 1st day of November, 1842, to Miss O. H. Robertson. They were the parents of seven children—Julia, John, J. R., George, Lucy, Cooper and Elizabeth, all of whom are living.
In the fall of 1834, Gilmer Walker located on the banks of Grindstone creek, in Industry township. He remained but a short time, and then removed on to Camp creek. From there he removed to Walnut Grove township, where he was an early settler.
Among those who settled in Industry township during the year 1834, was Joseph Sullivan, Sr., who came in the spring of that year. He resided here but one year, when he removed to Scotland township, locating about three miles south of Macomb, where he lived until his death.
Nelson M. Campbell located on section 4, Industry township, in the spring of 1835. He now resides on section 28, Scotland township. He was born in Cocke county, Tennessee, on the 11th of October, 1844, but was reared in Kentucky. [NOTE: We've double-checked and unfortunately the original publication has this discrepancy that Nelson arrived in Industry township 9 years before his birth!]
In May, 1835, John Allison, Jr., came to Industry township, where he remained till December of the same year, when he removed to section 31, Scotland township, where his son John now resides. He lived there until his death, which occurred on December 29, 1852. He was born in Maryland, in 1871, and was a son of James Allison, a native of Scotland. James came to Pennsylvania, and was a judge in Washington county, in that state, for 20 years.
In the fall of 1834, Wesley Harlan left Kentucky, his native state, and with his family settled in Schuyler county, this state, where he remained some 18 months, when, desiring a better location, he came to McDonough county, and upon section 1, Industry township, erected his cabin, improved his quarter, and reared his family. Shortly after his arrival in the county, he erected a horse mill near his residence, which was extensively patronized by farmers throughout McDonough and adjoining counties. At that time there were no steam mills in the country, and when the streams were low, water mills would occasionally quit running, causing the horse mills to have quite an extensive run of custom. All persons having grain to grind were compelled to furnish their own horses to run the mill; each await his turn to be served. Although the mill had a good run, yet its receipts were not large, on an average not over 50 cents a day. On November 2, 1826, Mr. Harlan was married to Nancy Greenup, in Monroe county, Kentucky. Ten children resulted from the union—five sons and five daughters, all of whom are now living, save James W., who died in the service of his country during the late rebellion, as a member of the 10th Missouri regiment. The members of the family now living are—George T., mentioned in New Salem township, William M., Marcus L., Lorenzo D., Margaret, wife of S. F. Hammer, who owns and resides upon the old homestead; Rebecca, wife of Elihu Stockton, of Eldorado township; Hulda, wife of Daniel Wooley, of Crawford county, Kansas; Eliza, wife of Samuel Kyle, of Kansas, and Chloe, wife of Frank Hall, Mound township. Mrs. Harlan died on the 24th of March, 1864, and on the 4th of December, 1867, Mr. Harlan was again married, this time to Mary Osborne, with whom he happily lived until parted by death. She resides with her stepdaughter, Mrs. Hall. Wesley Harlan for over 40 years was a consistent member of the M. E. church. His death occurred January 17, 1874.
Gideon Standard came to McDonough county in 1836, and located on section 24, Industry township. Here he resided until 1851, when he removed to the northwest quarter of section 19, where he now resides. Gideon Standard is a native of this county, and was born in Eldorado township, September 5, 1860. His parents were Barnett and Jane (Allison) Standard. The former is yet living, but his mother died in Eldorado township in 1876. Gideon was brought up on a farm, receiving his education in the common schools, and remained with his parents until he was of age. May 19, 1883, he was married to Leanta Goesuch, whose father was a native of old Virginia. They have had one child, Cora, born in December, 1883, Mr. Standard owns 120 acres of good land, and has at the present time seven head of horses and 13 head of cattle. He is engaged in general farming. Politically, he adheres to the doctrines and principles of the republican party.
Thomas Ausbury located in Industry township in the fall of 1836, and improved a farm of 60 acres. He now resides in Eldorado township.
Among those whose sketches follow, are many whose families were early settlers of the county, though not strictly pioneers of this township. The others mentioned, are deserving of notice for their public spirit.
Ingram N. Ausbury, a farmer of Industry township, is a native of the township, where he now lives, and was born April 10, 1841. His early education was such as could be obtained, as he had opportunity, in attendance at the common schools. He was brought up on a farm, and has mainly been engaged in that business the most of his life. He was married November 24, 1867, to Agnes Kennedy, of Eldorado township, and the union has been blessed with three children—Edward T., Nellie V., and John F. His farm consists of 116 acres, and is improved, making a good, comfortable home. Mr. Ausbury has served as school director four years, and takes a commendable interest in public affairs. Politically, he affiliates with the democratic party. Mrs. Ausbury is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Michael Lawyer, one of the prominent residents of this township, is a native of Ohio, where he was born, September 22, 1832. He is a son of John and Massy (Cooper) Lawyer, and he was first married September 27, 1857, to Sarah E. Skee. By that union there were four children, two of whom died in infancy and two are now living—William, born June 14, 1862, and Louella, born December 1, 1864. Mr. Lawyer again entered upon the married state with Mrs. Manerva Downen, widow of David Downen, and by that marriage there have been four children—Martha E., born June 8, 1869, now deceased; Sarah M., born August 25, 1873, deceased; Johnny N., born May 12, 1874, and Katie M., born October 12, 1875. Both the latter are living. Mr. Lawyer has followed farming all his life, and is prosperous, and financially one of the leading men of the county; a public spirited citizen, and a well-wisher of the moral and religious interests of the land and country.
Mrs. Elizabeth Skiles is a daughter of Joel and Matilda (Bridge) Decamp. Joel Decamp was born in Pennsylvania. His wife was a native of Ohio. They were married in the latter state, and in the year 1839, removed to Fulton county, Illinois, where they lived eight years, engaged in farming. They then came to McDonough county, and bought 160 acres of land in Eldorado township. They resided there until Mr. Decamp died, in 1847. He was buried in the Vance burying ground, in Industry township. His widow survived until 1873. Elizabeth was born April 16, 1839, in Fulton county, Illinois. She remained with her parents until her marriage to William Legere, March 25, 1858. He was a native of Kentucky. In 1862, he enlisted in the 119th Illinois infantry, and was shot and killed in a skirmish in Louisiana. Six years later, his widow was united in marriage with Charles F. Skiles, who was a farmer by occupation. He died April 18, 1876, and was buried in Schuyler county. Mrs. Skiles had, by her first marriage, three children—J. M., J. H. and Mattie E. She is the owner of a good farm, located on section 6, Industry township. In her religious views, she is a Free-Will Methodist.
Orra V. Beaver is a son of I. N. and Rana (Hess) Beaver, natives of Ohio, who came to Illinois in 1864, and located then in Industry township, McDonough county. Orra V. was born in the state of Ohio, September 7, 1860, and came here with his parents. He grew to manhood in Industry, receiving his education in the public schools of the village, graduating in the highest departments, then in charge of Thomas J. Dudman. September 13, 1883, he was married to Lana Mosser, daughter of Jacob T. Mosser, Rev. J. L. Towner performing the ceremony. Their union has been blessed by one child—Nellie R., born October 31, 1884. July 19, 1880, Orra V. Beaver and G. G. Shannon, M. D., formed a partnership and engaged in the drug business, in the village of Industry. This they continued until February 20, 1885, when Mr. Beaver moved to the northwest quarter of section 9, Industry township, where he now carries on farming, having formed a partnership with J. F. Mosser, to whom the farm belongs. It contains 160 acres of valuable land. Mr. Beaver is an energetic and industrious young man, and will be undoubtedly, a successful one. He is a supporter of the republican party.
James Lawyer is the son of John and Massey (Cooper) Lawyer, natives of Virginia, who emigrated to Ohio, in 1825, and to Illinois, in 1839, locating in Eldorado township, of this county. His father, John, died in that township in August, 1883, and his mother is yet living, making her home with her son M. V. Lawyer. The subject of this sketch was born January 19, 1831, in Fayette county, and came west with his parents, with whom he made his home until his marriage, March 27, 1859, to Mary Jane Comer, a daughter of Robert Comer, deceased. After that important event in his life, he bought 75 acres of land on section 31, Eldorado township, and there lived until 1873, then sold out, and purchased 126 acres in Industry township, on section 10, where he has made good substantial improvements. He is engaged in general farming, having, and raising, good grades of stock of different kinds. His farm is a good one, and its fine condition is evidence of the thrift and enterprise of its owner. They have two children, both of whom are living—Martin A., and Nancy A., and one deceased, George W. Mr. Lawyer is politically a democrat, and is also, with his wife, a member of the United Brethren church.
John G. McGaughey is the son of James and Nancy (Grier) McGaughey. The former was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, August 16, 1772, and the latter was a native of the same state, Pennsylvania. James, the father of John G., died April 4, 1848, in Pennsylvania, and Nancy, his mother, died in Industry township, of this county, in 1852. The subject of this sketch was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, December 9, 1808, on the same place his father first saw the light of day. The same farm is owned by some of the family, and has been since 30 years before the war of the Revolution. John G., at the age of 18, learned the trade of blacksmith and emigrated to Illinois, in 1844, and located at Doddsville, and engaged in farming where he had secured 160 acres, and where he lived for 11 years, then sold out to Darius Runkie, for $30 per acre, in gold. He then bought 160 acres on section 9, and 32 acres of timber land on section 16. He was married June 18, 1835, to Hester Walker. Ten children have been born to them—J. G., Mary A., Andrew W., Mary J., Nancy, Hugh, John, William, and an infant son and daughter, both deceased, were named Robert and C. W. He has 24 grand-children now living. His wife, Hester, died May 12, 1874. He was again married, October 2, 1875, to Mrs. Susan M. Ellis. They are both members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. McGaughey has been an industrious man, and now has a fine property, is comfortably situated, and in the enjoyment of a home fairly won, a competence fairly gained.
Isaiah Odenweller is the son of Leonard and Elizabeth G. (Danley) Odenweller—the former a native of Germany and who emigrated to America, in 1836, and to Macomb, in 1845, and engaged in work as a blacksmith; the latter is a native of Ohio, and both are living at this date (1885), in Macomb, Illinois. Isaiah was born November 29, 1856, in Scotland township, and made his home with his parents until the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Ellie, of Industry township, October 2, 1879. He now owns 83 acres of good land on section 4, Industry township, and 17 acres on section 33, Scotland township. His place is well improved, and he is engaged in general farming. They have had one child born to them—Bertha M. Mr. Odenweller is the present school director for district No. 6. He is a member of the Christian church, and his wife belongs to the Presbyterian organization. Politically, he is a republican.
Peter F. Smith, who resides upon section 20, Industry township, is a son of John and Elizabeth (Lenton) Smith. John Smith was a native of Kentucky and his wife, of Ohio. They were married in the year 1835. Peter F. was born February 16, 1838, in Kentucky. In 1850 he removed with his parents to McDonough county, remaining with them until he attained his majority. The following year, 1862, he enlisted in company F, of the 119th Illinois infantry, commanded by Captain Josiah Stack. He was mustered into the service at Quincy Illinois, and went immediately to the front. He participated in the engagements of Pleasant Hill, Marksville Prairie, Yellow Bayou, Tupelo, Nashville and Forts Blakely and Spanish. He was mustered out at Mobile, and discharged from the service at Springfield, Illinois. Mr. Smith purchased his present farm on section 20, in 1866, and now has a pleasant and comfortable home. His business is general farming. He was united in marriage August 1, 1868, with Dica A. Ausbury.
J. Albert Butcher is located on section 7, of this township, where he is engaged in general farming. He has under cultivation, 180 acres, and raises a large amount of corn and wheat, also much stock. Mr. Butcher is a son of James and Lavina (Scillen) Butcher, natives of Ohio, who came to McDonough county in 1861, where they still live. The subject of this sketch was born in 1859, in the state of Indiana. He grew to manhood, upon a farm, obtaining his education in the district school, which he attended winters, spending the remainder of the year at work upon the farm. He lived with his parents until he attained his majority, soon after which he was married to America Gorsuch, a resident of Schuyler county, where her parents still resides. They were married on the 30th, of September, 1880, by Rev. J. L. Towner. Three children have been born to them—Charles B., William and an infant daughter. Mr. Butcher is politically, a supporter of the republican party.
Daniel Munson, was born in the state of Vermont in 1815, and is a son of Theodore and Lydia (Filbroock) Munson, natives of Massachusetts, who were married about 1800. They had a family of five children, two daughters and three sons. In the year 1831, the family came west, locating at Rushville, Schuyler county, Illinois, where, in 1845, Theodore Munson died. His wife, Lydia, died in McDonough county in 1865. Daniel Munson was married in 1845, to Rosanna Costine, and by this union, four children were born—Charles, George, Anna and Udora, all of whom are living. Mr. Munson removed from Rushville to his present home, in the spring of 1851. He purchased then 160 acres on section 7, Industry township, paying for the same, $850. He has added to this until he owns at present 325 acres, located in sections 5, 6 and 7. He has a large and comfortable dwelling, and a barn 36x40 feet. He has in his barnyard, a large tank which is kept constantly supplied with pure water from a spring 420 feet distant; he discovered this spring, while digging a well for the use of his stock. He is a thorough going and prosperous farmer.
Charles Munson, eldest son of Daniel and Rosanna (Costine) Munson, is a native of Schuyler county, born in August, 1846. He was brought up on a farm, and obtained his education by attending the district school during the winter seasons, his summers being spent in working upon the farm. He was married by the Rev. Mr. Mullen, in 1872, to Annie Kirkpatrick. Two children have been born to them, only one of whom is now living—Daniel R. George is deceased. Mr. Munson is a republican in politics. His brother, George Munson, was born in Schuyler county, in 1848. His early life was spent upon his father's farm. He, like his brother, attended the district school during the winter and followed farming the remainder of the year. In December, 1882, he was united in marriage with Jennie Meadors, daughter of George Meadors, of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Munson are parents of twin daughters, born December 1, 1884. He owns 195 acres of land, located on sections 7 and 18, Industry township, with 120 acres under cultivation. He is politically, a republican. The brothers Munson, are enterprising farmers and esteemed citizens.
T. J. Pennington, deceased, was one of the early settlers of McDonough county, having located at Pennington’s Point, in 1829. In 1847, he removed to section 17, Industry township, where he died September 27, 1875. His death was caused by dropsy of the heart. He was a native of Kentucky, born in 1810. He was married November 29, 1827, to Polly H. Vanters, who was born December 14, 1807, and died August 3, 1840. April 15, of the following year, Mr. Pennington was married to Mrs. Mary J. (Smithers) Rogers. She came to this county in 1834 with her father, Thomas Smithers, Sr. She was united in married in Macomb, January 28, 1835, with Mr. Rogers, who died in 1840, leaving her with one child—Catherine J. She has six children by her second marriage—Thomas F., S. M., S. Douglas, Alonzo, Nancy J., and Jemima H. The Pennington estate consists of a farm of 160 acres on section 17, Industry township. Mrs. Pennington has been a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church for 38 years.
David A. Pennington, son of Joel and Elizabeth (Smith) Pennington, was born October 8, 1828, in Schuyler county, Illinois. His parents were natives of Kentucky, and were married March 14, 1822. Joel Pennington died May 7, 1865, and Elizabeth, his wife, February 14, 1861. David A., remained at home, working upon his father's farm until he was 24 years old. He improved such opportunities as were to be had, for obtaining an education, attending the district school, winters, his time during the remainder of the year being spent in farm work. He was married in 1853, to Elizabeth Sharman, daughter of William Sharman, a very early settler of McDonough county. Seven children have been born to them, only two of whom are now living—Ruan B. and Arthur H. Those deceased are—Dona E., Minerva C., Gertrude G., Mary E., and an infant daughter. Mr. Pennington owns a fine farm of 198 acres, the greater part of which is located on section 10, and the remainder upon section 22, Industry township. His residence is on section 10, and is commodious and comfortable. His barn is large and convenient and was built at a cost of $600. Mr. Pennington has always followed his present business and is in prosperous circumstances. He is a democrat in politics, and, with his wife, a member of the Christian church.
William Hammack, of Industry township, was born December 10, 1839, in Lawrence county, Ohio, and is one of the 11 children of John T. and Sarah (Bobins) Hammack, natives of Virginia. Their children were—Ann, Susan, Guilly, Mary, Marcia, Charlie, Jane, Elizabeth, William and two who died in infancy. John T. Hammack died in 1845, in Lawrence county, Ohio. William came to Eldorado township in 1863. He followed farming there until 1880, then moved to Industry township. Three years later he returned to Ohio, and remained six months, then came back and located in the village of Industry, where he lived two years. December 22, 1884, he removed to the farm where he now resides on section 3, of this township. May 25, 1859, Mr. Hammack was married to Tennessee Suiter, a native of Lawrence county, Ohio. They have no children of their own, but have one adopted daughter—Florence V. Hammack. Mr. and Mrs. Hammack were formerly members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He belongs to the Blue lodge, Masonic fraternity, and his wife is a member of the Eastern Star, a degree of that order. He has always been in political matters, a democrat.
Alpha Teats, a farmer of Industry township, was born March 3, 1831, in Preston county, West Virginia. His parents were Adam and Elizabeth (Moser) Teats, who were likewise natives of West Virginia. His father was born in 1790, and his mother July 13, 1793. Their marriage occurred in 1813, and the former died in 1865, the latter in 1869. Alpha was brought up on a farm and received his education as opportunity offered in the common schools, working hard during the summer months on the farm. He remained with his parents, engaged in the various duties incident to farm life, until 22 years old, and then worked out by the month for about three years. He then came west, and first lived with Nathaniel Scott, in Chalmers township, of this county, about two years, working by the month. Subsequently he worked for other parties until 1860. Upon the 6th day of March, of that year, he was married to Mary Vail, daughter of John Vail, of Industry township. By that union were five children—Lucinda, born August 1, 1861; Adaline, born July 16, 1864; Nancy L., born September 24, 1865; John E., born January 23, 1868, and died August 21, 1869, and Bertha S., born January 18, 1877. Mr. Teats is now engaged in general farming, and owns a farm on section 8, Industry township, which is fairly well improved. Himself and wife are members of the Christian church. Politically, he has always been a democrat.
Joseph Brown came to this county first in June, 1838, and located in Industry township, but soon after purchased, and removed to a farm in Fulton county, where he lived two years. He then sold out and went to Schuyler county, remaining there until 1843, In that year he moved to Iowa, and resided near Burlington until 1851, then returned to the home of his parents in Ohio. Six months later he came back to Industry township, and bought 80 acres of land on section 2 within two miles of Industry, which has been his home since that time. Mr. Brown is a son of Christopher and Mary (Cormany) Brown, natives of West Virginia. Christopher Brown was born in Virginia, January 13, 1784, and died in March, 1863, in Ohio. His wife Mary was born in May, 1783, and died in May 1854. Joseph was born January 13, 1812, in Wythe county, Virginia. At the age of three years he removed with his parents to Warren county, Ohio. Four years later they removed to Butler county in the same state, where Joseph remained until 24 years old. He was married September 15, 1835, to Elenor Wickoff, who died April 27, 1838. They had an infant son who died March 30, 1838. He then came to this county in June, 1838. He was again married, June 9 of the following year, to Eliza J. Delapp. She died March 9, 1854, leaving five children—Mary, born April 2, 1840; Thomas born July 22, 1841; Christopher, born February 13, 1843; Francis M., born March 10, 1845; and Sarah M., born February 8, 1847. Mr. Brown was married the third time, to Vashta Baty, who was born March 2, 1828. Their marriage took place September 7, 1854. By this union there were two children—Edward T., born March 15, 1866; and Dellie I., born October 9, 1866. Mr. Brown has a finely improved farm and a pleasant home, which he is enjoying in his old age surrounded by many relatives and warm friends. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also of the Christian church. Politically, he is a democrat.
William H. Smith is a son of Joseph O. and Marian H. (Vail) Smith, natives of New York state, who, in 1856, emigrated to Fulton county, Illinois, and located at Canton. From thence he removed, in the year 1860, to Jerseyville, Jersey county, Illinois, where Joseph O. died, in the year 1864. His widow survived until in the year 1883. William H. Smith was born October 6, 1837, in Orleans county, New York. When 13 years of age, he was "bound out" for a period of five years to James Dean, of Dodge county, Wisconsin. He remained there but four year, however, then returned to his parents, for whom he worked six years. He then engaged in farming. For the past 25 years he has been a resident of McDonough county, living in Eldorado and Industry townships. He now resides in the village of Industry, where he owns considerable real estate, including a good dwelling house and five lots. He is the proprietor of a steam thresher, which he operates. Mr. Smith was married in 1860 to Frances Way, a daughter of Uriah B. Way, of Eldorado township. They have had two children, only one of whom is now living—Mary V. Florence May, the first born, is deceased. Mr. Smith is a member of the Christian church. He also belongs to the A. F. & A. M., Industry lodge, No. 327, and is a member of the democratic party.
James H. Carnahan, a farmer of Industry township, is a son of Aaron and Elvira (Mitchell) Carnahan, who were from Ohio. The former was a native of Tennessee, and the latter was born in Kentucky. They are both deceased. The subject of this sketch was born in Clinton county, Ohio, January 3, 1814. He was brought up on a farm, and remained on the old homestead until 22 years old. He was married August 25, 1836, to Cynthia A. Murphy. In 1852 he came to Illinois, and located in Scotland township, of this county, on section 21. He there remained for three years, and then removed to Mason county and lived about six months, when he returned and bought a farm in Industry township, on section 11, where he has since lived. He now owns 200 acres of land and about 25 acres of timber. His farm is in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan have had seven children, six of whom are still living—Ann M., Charles J., Safronious, Sarah A., Benjamin, Lafayette K. and Mary L.
John W. Miller owns 280 acres of good land on section 13, Industry township. Upon this land are good improvements, and the appearance of the place denotes thrift and enterprise. He was born August 23, 1837, in Industry township. His parents were Lernie B. and Amy (Bridges) Miller, native Tennesseeans. His mother is still living, but his father died when John was quite young, and he was bound out to an uncle by the name of James Vance, who took him when only two and one-half years old, and brought him up on a farm. The uncle died September 27, 1872. On April 7, 1859, John Miller was married to Louisa A. Russell, and she died July 6, 1879, leaving four children—James M., Mary E., Lewis R., Genaria M., and there was one child deceased, named Amy L. He was again married March 3, 1881, to Dilsey C. Fulton, of Macomb township. By that union there was one child—William P. Mr. Miller is a member of the Christian church, and is, politically, connected with the democratic party.
George Bennett is a son of Aaron and Betsey (Tibergin) Bennett, natives of West Virginia. They were married in 1818--the former died in Virginia, and the latter in Ohio, in 1864. George was born June 15, 1820, in Warren county, Ohio, and remained with his parents until 14 years old, when he worked elsewhere on a farm by the month. He was married March 16, 1843, to Matilda Brown. She died, February 23, 1860, leaving one child—John R. He was again married April 27, 1862, to Maria Sanders. By that union there has been one child—Mary Belle. Mr. Bennett owns 272 acres of good land on sections 26, 25, and 35. His place is well improved, and in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are members of the M. E. church. Politically, he is a republican. John R. Bennett was married to Columbia Sanders July 4, 1866, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Evans, in Industry township. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bennett have an adopted daughter, Cora, who was born August 13, 1868. Their child Edgar died April 7, 1868.
George C. Meador, a representative farmer of Industry township, is a son of Jesse and Nancy (Chuning) Meador, who were formerly from old Virginia. Jesse was born in 1807, and Nancy in 1810. The former died during the fall of 1858, and the latter December 18, 1865. George C., the subject of this sketch, was born August 5, 1824, in Nashville, Tennessee. In the spring of 1833, he came with his parents to Gallatin county, Illinois, near Shawneetown, where they lived four years, when they removed to Schuyler county, Illinois, and remained with them until he was 24 years old. He was married, February 15, 1849, to Mary A. Pitman, of McDonough county, the ceremony being performed by Rev. William Campbell. She who was born in Todd county, Kentucky, June 18, 1828, and the same year moved to Morgan county, Illinois, with her parents. In 1835, they moved to McDonough county. They have had nine children, and all are now living but Elvira S., who died in 1863. Their names are as follows—Eugene B., born January 13, 1851; Emma T., born November 15, 1852; Alice G., born March 19, 1860; William J., born September 20, 1856; Palestine, born May 26, 1858; Jennie L., born December 26, 1862; Ona E., born December 23, 1864; and Ina A., born November 19, 1866. Mr. Meador has 560 acres of good land in Industry township. He has improved this place by putting in 1,000 rods of drain tile. His buildings are good, and the place is quite desirable as a farm and home. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and politically, may be called a greenbacker.
Jacob W. Flack is a native of this county, born November 1, 1849. His parents were Bartholomew and Elizabeth E. (Hertzel) Flack, natives of Germany. The former was born August 18, 1811, and the latter August 15, of the same year. They were married in April, 1833. Jacob remained with his parents until he was of age. He was married December 24, 1872, to May B. Cordell, by Rev. Charles Atherton. They have three children—Edward L., Oren E., and Rosa May. Mr. Flack received his education in the district schools. Himself and wife are members of the M. E. church, and politically he adheres to the principles of government as enunciated by the republican party.
Mrs. Sarah Cordell is the daughter of John and Martha (Vance) Wilson, natives of the state of Tennessee. John Wilson was born November 2, 1806, and his wife May 16, 1804. The former is still living. The latter died April 26, 1882, in Industry township. The subject of this sketch was born in Industry township, October 7, 1833, and married March 9, 1862, to Collen Cordell, who was born January 4, 1834. He enlisted, August 2, 1862, in the 124th Illinois infantry, was wounded at the siege of Vicksburg, May 16, 1863, and died in the hospital at Memphis, Tennessee, June 6, 1863. He was buried in Memphis. They had one child—James W., who was married April 3, 1884, to Dora A. Justus. By this union there is one child—Evalina. Mrs. Sarah Cordell is the owner of a farm of 80 acres, located on section 21, Industry township, where she has a pleasant and comfortable home. She is drawing a pension from the government, in consequence of the death of her husband. She is a Baptist in her religious belief.
Frank Duncan is a son of Colonel Jonathan and Agnes Leeper Duncan, natives of York and Washington counties, Pennsylvania, the former born November 14, 1791, the latter June 9, 1813. Colonel Duncan gained his title by gallant service in the war of 1812. He died September 10, 1876. His widow, Mrs. Agnes L. Duncan, is yet living. Frank Duncan was born February 22, 1855, in Mercer county, Illinois. At the age of 15 his parents moved to Monmouth, Illinois, where he entered school, which he attended three years, the last year in the Union business college. He was married, March 10, 1875, to Clara Runkle, of Industry, daughter of Darius Runkle. Three children have been born to them—Bertha, Laura and Freddie, all of which are living. Mr. Duncan is a farmer, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a republican in politics.
John Tuggle, a representative farmer of Industry township, is a native of Virginia, and was born in 1817. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Genneny) Tuggle. He came to this state in 1836, first locating in Morgan county, where he remained for 19 years. He then came to this county and settled near Middletown, and there lived two years, then came to Industry township and selected a home on section 16, where he resided until 1882, then removed to section 29, where he now lives. He was married in 1838 to Martha Jane Kee, daughter of Peter Kee, a native of South Carolina. They are the parents of 13 children—Crawford, who enlisted in the United States army, in the war of the Union, in company A, 84th regiment of Illinois volunteer infantry, and served three years, and died in the service, leaving a widow; Maria Elizabeth, the wife of C. M. P. Snow, of Jersey county; Julia Ann, wife of G. W. Patterson, living in the state of Tennessee; Thomas Jefferson, of this township, who was married in 1881, to Hettie Avery, daughter of Horace Avery, of Bethel township; Andrew, living in Macomb; Ellen, wife of Pares Wheeler; Sarah J., wife of Samuel Allesson; Fannie, wife of John Gibson, of Industry township; Chas. B., at home; James C., of this township, and John M., of Bardolph, who is there engaged in the tile business. Mr. Tuggle takes an interest in educational affairs, and is an enterprising citizen of the county. He has been school director for six years, and school trustee for three years. His farm consists of 80 acres of good land. He is a member of the Christian church, and of the I. O. O. F. Politically, he affiliates with the democratic party.
Joseph Newton Adkisson, of Industry township, may properly be called a McDonough county man, having been born here in 1832. He is a son of Thomas and Margaret (Gibson) Adkisson, who were pioneers of the county, and came here in 1831, settling in Industry township. The former died April 8, 1857, and was buried in Camp creek cemetery. The latter died August 8, 1834. The father was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, an honest, upright man, and one who was closely identified with the best interests of this section of the county in an early day. The subject of this sketch was married in 1856, to Cassa Ann Hardin, daughter of Aaron Hardin, of Kentucky. They have seven children—William F., who is farming in Nebraska; Clara C., wife of George Shirk, a resident of Macomb township; Mary Margaret, at home; John H., living on a farm near Macomb; George E., Thomas M., and Aaron Arthur. Mr. Adkisson has been school director 12 years, and road commissioner three years, and these positions he has filled creditably. Politically, he adheres to the principles of the democratic party. He has a fine farm consisting of 240 acres, and is engaged mainly in raising and feeding stock.
It is learned from an examination of the superintendent's annual report for the school year, ending June 30, 1884, that the estimated school property of Industry township amounts to about $5,900, and the amount of tax levy for the support of schools is $2,915, without any bonded indebtedness. The highest monthly wages paid any male teacher, is $60, and the lowest, $45, while the highest wages paid to female teachers, is $38, and the lowest, $20. There are nine school buildings in all, in the township, all of which are good, substantial frame structures. The average number of months of school taught during the year, is seven, and there is one graded school in the district township. The total number of children of school age in the township, is 455, of whom 285 are enrolled in the different sub-divisions of the township.
The first school in Industry township was taught by George Dowell, in 1830, in a log cabin, which stood but a short distance from the present site of the village of Industry.
District No. 1 has its school building in the town of Industry, and is treated of there.
District No. 2.—The building in this district is better known as the Blazer school. It was erected in 1858, at a cost, for the building proper, of $500. It is a frame structure, and is 24x30 feet in ground area. The grounds consist of one acre of land, of which one-half acre was donated by John Blazer, and one-half by Daniel Munson. The first teacher in this house was William McClellan. Zoe Pennington, at present, holds that position. The first directors of this district, were Daniel Miller, Daniel Munson and William Knowles. The average number of scholars, is 20. The school house is on the northwest quarter of section 8.
District No. 3.—This school is known as the Runkle school The district was organized in 1866, and a school building erected the same year, at a cost of $700. It is a frame building, 18x28, and located on section 28. There are 20 scholars in the district, with an average attendance of 10. The district is two miles wide and three miles long. Alice Norton was the first teacher.
District No. 4.—This district is also known as Pleasant Grove. A school building was erected in 1858, on the southwest quarter of section 22, 20x32 feet in size. It was built at a cost of $610.
District No. 5.—The building used for school purposes in this district was erected on section 17, in 1881. It is 26x36 feet in dimensions, and was erected at a cost of $700. One acre constitutes the grounds of this school The first teacher was N. Knowlton, and the first directors were--G. W. Coker, John Hushaw and G. F. Kugler. There is a membership of 52 in this school.
District No. 6.—The school house of this district was erected in 1859, at a cost of $400. It is located on section 9. Martha Patrick was the first teacher, and William McKamy, Orsamus Farrington and John G. McGaughey were the first directors. There is an enrollment of 20 scholars in this district.
District No. 7.—The building of this district is situated on the northwest corner of section 12, and has one-quarter of an acre grounds. It is familiarly known as the "Brown" school house, though the land on which it stands was donated by J. M. Vail. The structure is 16x24 feet in dimensions, and cost $300. The first directors were--James Carnahan, Jesse Brown and William Beatty. The building was erected in 1856, and the first term of school was taught in that year, Robert Follett presiding as teacher. The attendance averages 35.
District No. 8.—This district was organized in 1864, and the school building erected on section 23, the same year. The size of the building is 24x30 feet.
Black, District No. 9.—The school house of this district is located on the southeast corner of section 30, and was built in 1867 at a cost of $1,400; size 26x28 feet. The district is one and one-half miles wide by two and one-half miles long.
This township was organized April 7, 1857, and officers elected at first election as follows—R. L. Dark and William Shannon, justices; William B. Peak and John Carroll, constables.
The present officers of the township are as follows—supervisor, W. Kinkade; clerk, A. L. Kemper; assessor, J. W. Flack; collector, S. M. Pennington; highway commissioner, James Crabtree; school trustee, John B. Vail; justices of the peace, P. B. Cordell and J. W. Flack; constables, J. C. Tuggle and J. Utley.
The first postoffice established in the township of Industry was at Doddsville.
The first marriage in Industry, and also the first in the county, occurred October 30, 1828. The contracting parties were John Wilson and Martha R., daughter of James Vance. The ceremony was performed by Elder John Logan, the pioneer Baptist minister, at the house of the bride's parents.
The first Sunday school in the county was organized in this township, at the old fort, near what is now called "the cross-roads," two miles south of the village of Industry. It was organized by Rev. John Logan, a Baptist minister.
The oldest Sabbath school in McDonough county was organized in 1833, at the house of John Rodgers, on Camp creek, in Industry township. It was a union school, for all denominations, and was organized by Alexander Campbell, who was its first superintendent The school was kept up for several years, and, until it was merged into a church organization, which succeeded in erecting a church building in the neighborhood. This organization still exists, in a healthy condition, and is known as the Camp creek Presbyterian church.
There is a saw mill on section 5, which was erected by Wells Norton, in the year 1860.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 726-745. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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