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Chapter 36 - The Town of
Good Hope
Scarcely had the line of the T., P. & W. railroad been surveyed, before J. E. Morris had platted a town on the northeast quarter of section 31, in Walnut Grove township, to which was given the name of Sheridan. In July, 1867, W. F. Blandin laid off a few blocks a little west of the proposed town of Sheridan, on the southeast quarter of section 25, and the northeast quarter of section 36, Sciota township, and christened the same Milan. Here there were two rival towns. A postoffice named Good Hope had been in the neighborhood for some years, and the different names by which the town or towns were called were a little amusing. The railroad company issued its first tickets to Sheridan, and train men called out Milan as the cars stopped, but all letters had to be addressed to Good Hope. This state of affairs continued for some time, until finally both names of the town were dropped, and the name of the postoffice chosen as the one by which it should be known. Since that time two or three additions have been made to the original surveys. The railroad runs due east and west through the town. The place grew quite rapidly for the first two years, after which no material improvement was made until the year, when new life was infused into every department of industry, new business blocks, dwelling houses and other buildings were erected, and at present Good Hope is one of the neatest young towns in the Military Tract, with good churches, schools, etc., and a people that are generally enterprising, moral and religious. Probably no more pleasant and agreeable little place can be found, to make a home, than here. Surrounding the town is an excellent farming community, with some of the best farms in the county.
The first building was erected on the town site in the fall of 1866, previous to the time the town was laid out, by David Jacobus. It was used for dwelling purposes, and at present is occupied as a residence by James Statler.
Robert Morrison, it is said, built the first store room, on the old Monmouth road, and kept a small of confectioneries, etc.
The first business house was erected by Samuel Lock, in the fall of 1866, and was used as a store building and residence combined. He put in a general stock of goods, between Christmas and New Years. The building was located just across the line, in Walnut Grove township. He did business there until the summer of 1868, when he removed the building, after the town was platted, one block north, still on the east side of the township line. He remained in business there until the fall of 1870, when the building was removed to the northeast corner of the square. In 1873, Mr. Lock disposed of the stock to David Campbell & Son. At present the building is occupied as a wagon shop, and is situated on the south side of the square.
Samuel Lock & Sons are engaged in the sale of general merchandise, entering into their present business in September, 1883, at the southeast corner of the square. They carry a full stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats, caps, etc.
Samuel Lock was born near Columbus, Indiana, November 10, 1821. He is one of a family of 10 children, all of whom are still living. When he was nine years old his parents moved to Adams county, Illinois. Here his father, March 22, 1877, died. His mother had died in May, 1863. Samuel was brought up on a farm and received a limited education. March 28, 1843, he was united in marriage with Susan Wallace, who was born in July, 1824. He then engaged in farming in Pike county, Illinois, where Mrs. Lock died in April, 1863, leaving five children--Mary E., Sarah E., James A., Lewis O. and Ira A. December 29, 1863, Mr. Lock was married to Annie Potter, a native of Adams county, born in 1836. By this union there were three sons--Arthur G., Edwin P. and Clarence M. (deceased). The second Mrs. Lock died July 12, 1874, and September 21, 1875, Mr. Lock was married to Mary N. Creel, who was born in McDonough county, March 20, 1840. In the year 1866, Mr. Lock removed to Good Hope and engaged in mercantile trade. He is still a resident of that place, and carries on the same business in company with his sons, Arthur G. and Edwin P. He is politically a democrat, and has held local office. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Although not possessed of a liberal education, he has much natural ability, and is one of the substantial business men of Good Hope.
The present merchandise business of Brown & Company was first established by J. E. Morris, of Bushnell, in 1868. He erected a frame building, 22x54, two stories high, the second story of which is used as a hall by the Masonic fraternity. He continued business here until 1872, when he sold to Rowley & Company, who, in turn, were succeeded a year later by Allison & Doughty. They operated the business until the spring of 1875, when J. H. Allison purchased the interest of Mr. Doughty, and the firm became Allison Brothers. In January, 1881, Frank L. Brown purchased an interest, and the firm was changed to Allison & Brown. They continued to do business until August, 1884, when Mr. Brown, in company with John M. Monninger, purchased the business, which is now operated under the firm name of Brown & Company. They do an annual business of about $20,000, and carry a complete stock of dry goods, notions, hats, caps, boots and shoes, etc.
Frank L. Brown was born in Missouri, October 19, 1860. The family moved to Macomb in the spring of 1862, and after residing there a few months moved on a farm in Walnut Grove township, where they still reside. The father of the subject of this sketch is James A. Brown, Sr., a large and influential farmer, at one time of the most extensive live stock dealers in the county. Frank resided on the farm with his parents until 13 years of age, when he went to Macomb, where he attended the public schools for two years, spending his vacations at home on the farm. At the age of 15 he entered the Illinois Industrial university at Champaign, Illinois, where he remained two years. Returning from the university he entered the law office of C. F. Wheat, in Macomb, where he remained one year, but on account of failing health he was compelled to relinquish his studies and return home. In the fall of 1878 he went west and traveled through Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota and Nebraska, returning in the spring of 1879, much improved in health. Immediately on his return from the west he commenced teaching a very successful term of school at the Tank school house, one mile west of Good Hope, and boarded with his brother-in-law, J. H. Allison, who ran a general store at that place. Frank worked in the store mornings and evenings for his board. In the fall of 1879, Mr. A's business had so increased as to require a clerk and bookkeeper. Frank hired to him and worked in this capacity until January 1, 1881, when, with the assistance of friends, he was enabled to buy an interest in the business. The new firm increased their stock and did a thriving business, under the firm name of J. H. Allison & Co., which on January 1, 1883, was changed to Allison & Brown, the latter becoming a full partner, and a year later, he bought Mr. Allison's interest in the business, which, in connection with M. J. M. Monninger, whom he took in partnership in August, 1884, he still runs, under the firm name of Frank L. Brown & Co. Mr. Brown is an ardent republican, has been a member of the village council, and is the present treasurer. He has received the nomination of his party for a township office, but although he ran ahead of his ticket he failed of election on account of the large majority of the opposition party. During the summer of 1884, Mr. Brown, at the age of 24 years, was induced by friends to enter the field as a candidate for the office of circuit clerk, subject to the decision of the republican county convention. There were five candidates in the field, and the canvass for the nomination waxed hot, and the county convention, which met in August, will long be remembered as one of intense interest and excitement. After 10 ballots, Mr. Brown received the nomination but was defeated at the polls, in November, on account of the opposition of the friends of one of Mr. Brown's opponents for nomination in the convention. Other unavoidable circumstances, for which Frank was in no way responsible, worked to his detriment in the canvass, but the above reason alone was sufficient to accomplish his defeat. Mr. Brown is a member of Good Hope lodge, No. 670, I. O. O. F. He was married January 17, 1883, to Addie Clark, of Macomb.
John M. Monninger, a member of the firm of F. L. Brown & Co., is a native of Fulton county, Illinois, where he was born August 6, 1860. He is a son of John Monninger, with whom he came to this county in 1869, having thus spent the greater portion of his life here. He received a good education, and in August, 1881, engaged as clerk with Allison & Brown, in whose employ he continued until October 14, 1882, when he became a partner in the firm of Monninger & Sapp. This partnership was dissolved, he selling his interest to Sapp in November, 1883. He then returned to the employ of F. L. Brown, and in the following July, became a partner of that gentleman. Mr. Monninger is a young man of ability, and possessed of good business talent. He belongs to the I. O. O. F., of which he is at present P. G., and is a member of the encampment.
In 1882, James Statler engaged in the general merchandise business. He carries a stock of about $4,000, and owns the building occupied by him. He is also engaged in the grain business, as noted elsewhere. His entire business represents an invested capital of about $20,000.
James Statler, one of the leading business men of Good Hope, was born in Clinton county, Ohio, August 28, 1830. His parents, Samuel and Mary (Harris) Statler, were natives of Virginia, who, in an early day, emigrated to Ohio. James grew to manhood and acquired his education in his native county, where he followed agricultural pursuits until 1853. He then settled in Knox county, Illinois, and two years later came to this county and located in Sciota township, where he remained one year, after which he moved to section 1, Emmet township, which was his residence until the fall of 1865. At that date he removed to Macomb and engaged in merchandising, which he continued three years, then returned to his farm. In 1877, he engaged in the grain trade at Good Hope, where he now carries on an extensive business, dealing also in groceries, hardware, agricultural implements and machinery, etc. Mr. Statler was one of the township supervisors during 1884, and is at present, a member of the city council. He is a member of the Masonic order. He was married in 1851, to Huldah J. Murphy, a native of Ohio. They have five children living--Samuel, Maria A., Charles, Emma and William T.
Allison & Heath entered into business at Good Hope in the fall of 1883. They are retail dealers of groceries, provisions, etc., and are also shippers of live stock. They carry a stock of groceries, etc., averaging about $2,000.
H. Austin Allison, of the firm of Allison & Heath, is a native of Ross county, Ohio, born February 2, 1849. His father, William Allison, was an early settler and prominent citizen of this county, having settled in Tennessee township in 1852. William Allison was born in Virginia, July 25, 1805. When young, he went to Ohio, where he was married in 1829, to Margaret Eakle, a native of Virginia. She died in 1857. He survived until 1878. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in this county receiving a good education. In 1866, he engaged in the live stock business in Tennessee township. Two years later, he located in Good Hope, and continued the same business. In 1871, he was a member of the Allison Bro's. general merchants, which in 1880, sold out. He then engaged in the grain trade, and in 1883, became a member of the firm of Allison & Heath. Mr. Allison was married September 2, 1875, to Jennie Campbell, a native of Good Hope. They have two children--Alvah and Charlie M. He has been a member of the city council and one of the school board. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity of Good Hope, and is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He has been superintendent of that Sunday school for a number of years.
Newton B. Mitchell is engaged in the sale of groceries, crockery, boots and shoes, etc., succeeding the firm of Mitchell Bros., in June, 1884, who purchased the business of Skean Bros., February 1, 1882. Mr. Mitchell carries a stock of about $2,000 and owns the building occupied by him.
Newton B. Mitchell, a well known merchant of Good Hope, is a native of East Tennessee, born November 20, 1853. His parents, Lewis and Adelphia Mitchell, were also natives of Tennessee. Newton B. was reared and educated in his native state, and there followed the occupation of farming until 1882. In that year he removed to McDonough county, Illinois, and located at Good Hope, where he has since been engaged in his present business. He is the present mayor of the city, and has been a member of the council. He was married April 5, 1883, to Mrs. Agnes Long, daughter of William Hastie, of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have one child--Carrie.
The first stock of drugs was brought to the town by Jesse McDowell, in the winter of 1867. He also carried a small stock of groceries. He continued business but a short time when he was succeeded by B. Brewster, who afterward sold out to Hill and Wallin. Mr. Wallin afterward became sole proprietor and in May, 1884, disposed of the business to John E. James, the present proprietor.
John E. James is a native of Knox county, Illinois, born December 25, 1859. His father, A. J. James, a native of Virginia, was born in 1830, and grew to manhood in his native state. In 1853, he was married to Eliza Ash, who was born in Virginia in the year 1829. The following year, 1854, they emigrated to Illinois, and settled in Knox county. In 1860, they removed to Fulton county, where they lived five years, then came to McDonough county, and located in Sciota township. In the fall of 1870, they moved to Lucas county, Iowa; thence, in 1880, to Clarke county. In the fall of 1882, they returned to McDonough county, and settled at Good Hope, where they now live. Mr. A. J. James is by trade a carpenter and joiner, which occupation he has principally followed through life. John E. James was educated in the common schools. In 1876, he entered the drug store of Mr. Wallin, as a partner in the business. He continued with him until May, 1884, when he purchased Mr. Wallin's interest, and became sole proprietor of the business, which he still follows. Mr. James was married December 11, 1884, to Minnie E. Sapp, who was born in Schuyler county, Illinois, October 19, 1864. Mr. James is a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 670, of Good Hope.
G. W. Kenworthy, of Bushnell, established the first hardware store at Good Hope, in the fall of 1869, Charles Carrier, a nephew of Mr. Kenworthy, taking charge of the business. It was disposed of a short time afterward to other parties.
In 1878, Collins & Hannaford opened a hardware establishment, and are still representatives in that line. They are also engaged in the sale of lumber, and have a capital of about $7,000 invested.
John Collins was born February 6, 1820, in Cumberland county, Maine. At the age of 15 years he went to Thomaston, Maine, where he learned the carpenter's trade. He remained there three years, then shipped on board a schooner named the Moscow, bound for Apalachicola, serving as cook. He returned in the fall of 1840, having been absent six monts, and shipped as a sailor on another schooner, bound for Alexandria, Virginia. He continued to follow a seafaring life until the fall of 1845, and during that period, was two years on the lakes. He then abandoned a sailor's life, and went to Boston, living in that vicinity four years, after which he came to Peoria county, Illinois, and there followed carpentering one year, then returned to Boston. One year later he came back to Peoria, and in the spring of 1852, located at Galesburg, where he worked at his trade till 1860, then went to Tivoli, Illinois, where he was engaged in wagon and plow making two years. He then returned to Galesburg, and there remained until he came to Good Hope, in 1869, at which time he engaged in his present business, in partnership with E. K. Hannaford. Mr. Collins was married May 13, 1851, to Sarah C. Cole, a native of Maine.
Edward K. Hannaford, of the firm of Collins & Hannaford, is a native of Peoria county, and was born November 22, 1839. His father, Levi A. Hannaford, was born in Maine, and came to Peoria county, in 1837. He was married to Caroline W. Collins, also a native of Maine. Edward K. was brought up and educated partially, in Peoria county. His education was supplemented by a few months' course at Westbrook seminary, near Portland, Maine, and also by attendance, during the seasons of 1860 and '61, at Lombard college, Galesburg, Illinois. He then spent his time in farming upon his father's place until 1869, when he came to Good Hope, and engaged in his present business. He has been mayor of the city, and also a member of the council. Mr. Hannaford was married to Eva M. Billings, of Galesburg, Illinois, October 9, 1883.
The first lumber yard was opened in 1868, by Dr. Dungan and a son-in-law. Lyford and Lawson succeeded this firm, and later disposed of the business to Collins & Hannaford, the present representatives.
Harden, Wagner & Co., are also dealers in lumber, lath, building materials, etc., at present. The commenced business in November, 1882, and own the ground on which the yard is situated.
Joseph Long opened the first livery in the place in 1868. He carried on the business about a year, when he sold out to A. Monger, and removed to Sciota, where he still resides. Mr. Monger was succeeded by the present owner, Benjamin Murphy, July 1, 1884. He keeps six head of horses and necessary buggies, etc. He is also interested in farming, owning 280 acres of land in this and Walnut Grove townships.
Benjamin Murphy, proprietor of the livery stable at Good Hope, was born in Clinton county, Ohio, November 15, 1828. He was reared in his native county, and obtained his education in the common schools. He followed farming there, from the time he reached a suitable age, until 1856. In that year he came to McDonough county and located in Sciota township, where he has since been a resident. In 1865 he located on section 25, where he has a fine farm. He also owns the stable and ground where he carries on the livery business. Mr. Murphy was married March 18, 1858, to Louisa Monger, a daughter of Adam Monger, an early settler of this county. They have five children--James, John W., Cynthia A., Ellsworth and Thomas. Mr. Murphy is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
James W. Albertson opened the first wagon shop in the fall of 1867, but remained only a short time.
The first shoemaker was a man by the name of Young, assisted by his son. They did not remain long.
In the spring of 1884, Harden, Wagner & Co., lumber dealers, engaged in the furniture trade, and sale of agricultural implements. They own the building in which the stock is situated, and have about $5,000 invested in the business.
The first work at blacksmithing, at Good Hope, was done by William B. Milhone, in the summer of 1867. He still carried on the business at this place.
Established several years prior to the time Good Hope was laid out, at the house of William F. Blandin, near the present site of the village, and was known as Hawthorne post office, with Mr. Blandin as postmaster. In 1867 it was removed to the village, after which the name was changed to Good Hope. Those who have served as postmasters since its organization are: Jessie McDowell, N. A. Goodfellow, Samuel Lock, E. N. Campbell and David Campbell. The present incumbent, Peter Van Pelt, received the appointment in the spring of 1882. Good Hope was created a money order office in October, 1878.
The Good Hope tile works were established in the spring of 1883 by George N. Grigsby, Josephy Quick and J. A. Brown. Before the completion of the works, however, the interest of Grigsby & Quick was purchased by J. H. Allison, and in 1884, Mr. Brown sold to J. L. Yeast. The business is now carried on by Allison & Yeast, who manufacture about 600,000 tile annually. They also manufacture fire, paving and cellar floor brick, all from the celebrated McDonough county clay.
John H. Allison was born in Ross county, Ohio, December 27, 1851. He is the son of William Allison, who was born in Augusta county, Virginia, July 25, 1805. William married Margaret Eakel, a native of the same state, and soon after emigrated to Ross county, where J. H. was born. In 1852, the family removed to Illinois, settling in Tennessee township, McDonough county, where, in 1856, Mrs. Allison died. In 1860, Mr. Allison married Rebecca Latimer. By the first marriage there were nine children, J. H. being the youngest. The elder Allison married his second wife in Knox county, where he was then living, and where he died in August, 1878. John H., was brought up on the farm, and received a common school education. After becoming of age he went to Kansas, where he remained until 1874, when he returned to McDonough county and engaged in the mercantile business with his brother, which he followed until 1882, when he sold out and then engaged in the manufacture of brick and tile, which is now his present business. Mr. A. is a member of Milan lodge No. 617, A. F. & A. M. at Good Hope. He was married to Arta B. Brown, a native of Missouri, April 25, 1878. She was born May 4, 1859, and is a sister of Frank L. Brown, of whom mention is made elsewhere. By this union two children have been born--James B., born July 3, 1879; William J., born October 18, 1883. Mr. A. is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and Mrs. A., of the Presbyterian church.
William H. Parkin, contractor and builder, came to Good Hope in the spring of 1870, and remained one year, then went to Nebraska, where he remained also one year, after which he returned to Good Hope, where he has since resided. He was born in Webster, Hancock county, Illinois, October 16, 1842, and when a child, removed with his parents to Fulton county, where he grew to manhood and obtained his education. In the spring of 1864, he enlisted in the service of his country, in company C, of the 28th regiment, 100 day men, and served five months. In March, 1865, he re-listed in company H, of the 83d Illinois regiment. He also served in the 61st Illinois infantry. He was mustered out in Ssptember, 1865, and returned to Fulton county, where he learned the carpenter's trade. In 1870 he came, as before stated, to this county. Mr. Parkin has built many of the principal buildings of the village of Good Hope, and has gained the reputation of being an honest and reliable contractor, and a skilled workman. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and of the G. A. R. On January 25, 1872, Mr. Parkin was united in marriage with Jennie Hollister, a native of Avon, Illinois.
The creamery of Good Hope was established in the spring of 1882, by Turner and Epps, who operated it until September, 1883, when they disposed of the enterprise to A. Allison& Son, the present owners. The building is a one story frame structure, 40x80 feet in ground area, with double walls and floors, and was completed at a cost of $1,755. It is operated by steam, and is supplied with all modern improvements, having a capacity of 6,000 pounds of butter per week. They generally have 30 head of milch cows, but increase that number during the spring and summer seasons, only, during which time, the creamery is operated.
Andrew Allison, proprietor of the Good Hope creamery, is a son of William Allison, formerly once a resident of Tennessee township, and later of Abingdon, this state, now deceased. The latter was born in Augusta county, Virginia, July 25, 1805. He was married to Margaret Eakel, by whom he had nine children, Andrew, of this sketch, being the fifth. Andrew was born in Augusta county, Virginia, November 16, 1837. In 1840, his parents moved to Ross county, Ohio, where they remained till 1851. In that year they came to McDonough county, and settled in Tennessee township. Andrew remained on the homestead farm till 1868, when he located on section 36, Sciota township, where he has a very fine farm of 200 acres. In 1869, Mr. Allison became a partner in the firm of Morris & Allison, dealers in grain and stock. This partnership continued eight years, the firm then becoming Allison Bros., which was dissolved in 1883. In September of that year, Mr. Allison engaged in his present business. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and of the A. O. U. W. December 24, 1861, he was married to Lou Russell, daughter of T. A. Russell, of Henderson county. They have three children living--William R., who is now attending his second term at Rush medical college, in Chicago, Illinois, preparing himself for a medical career; Lawrence, who is attending commercial college at Burlington, Iowa; daughter Louie died in her third year; and John R. They have one little niece, who is the same to them as a daughter, Jessie Paul. William Allison died at the residence of his son Andrew, in the 74th year of his age.
In 1876, James Statler engaged in the grain business in Good Hope, using an elevator which was owned and erected by L. Negley. In 1879, this building was consumed by fire, when the present elevator was erected by Mr. Statler. It is 20x60 feet in ground area, and has a capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain, operated by steam. There are also two or three other buildings in connection, used for storage purposes, etc. There is a corn meal mill in connection with the elevator and a steam sheller attached. Mr. Statler is also buying grain at Sciota.
Shortly after the advent of the T. P. & W. railroad, William F. Blandin erected an elevator at Good Hope, but as it did not prove a success, financially, the necessary machinery was added, and it was converted into a flouring mill. Mr. Blandin operated the mill a year or two, but as it did not pay, the machinery was taken out and removed to Fort Worth, Texas, where it is serving its usefulness in a mill there. The building here is now used by James Statler as an elevator and grain house.
William F. Blandin, one of the founders of Good Hope, is a relative of the Blandins, at Blandinsville. He came to the county at an early day from the east, was enterprising and full of business, but was a poor financier. He remained here until about 1872 or 1873, when he removed to Texas, where he still resides, at an advanced age of about 70 years.
Milan lodge, No. 617, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was organized under dispensation in the fall of 1868, receiving their charter October 5, 1869. The charter members of the organization were: David Adams, William F. Blandin, William T. Brooking, T. J. Camp, J. P. Higgins, H. T. Hunt, F. M. Hensley, Samuel Lock, A. H. Reagan, J. M. Wallin, J. E. Morris, J. B. Borden, Ira Hunter, I. S. Wallin, J. H. Raney, N. A. Goodfellow, J. C. Buchanan, Thomas Spencer, J. M. Lane and F. F. Lane. The first officers of the society were J. T. Higgins, W. M.; William F. Blandin, S. W.; N. A. Goodfellow, J. W.; A. H. Reagan, treasurer; J. M. Wallin, secretary; I. S. Wallin, S. D.; H. T. Hunt, J. D.; Ira Hunter, tyler. The present officers are: J. L. Harden, W. M.; E. N. Campbell, S. W.; Q. P. Manning, J. W.; J. W. Arnold, treasurer; S. F. Saunders, secretary; I. S. Wallin, S. D.; J. H. Allison, J. D.; J. N. James, S. S.; Daniel Williams, J. S.; W. B. Melhone, tyler. At present there is a membership of 36, and the lodge is in good running order. They are entirely out of debt, and also own the hall, in which regular meetings are held once a month. Of the charter members of the lodge, but four are left to represent the number who constituted the same nearly 20 years ago. These gentlemen are Samuel Lock, J. M. Wallin, William T. Brooking and I. S. Wallin.
Good Hope was organized in May, 1869, and on the 12th day of that month the following officers were elected: J. E. Morris, Joseph H. Whaler, H. B. Baker, and C. H. Creel, trustees; J. E. Morris, president; J. R. Doughty, clerk. H. Rainey was appointed constable, and D. Jacobus, street commissioner. J. R. Higgins, was the first police magistrate. Again, in 1875, it was incorporated under the general law creating villages, and on the 1st day of June, of that year, the following officers were chosen: N. A. Walker, president; H. A. Allison, Alexander Monger, E. K. Hannaford, D. Jacobus, trustees; C. Elliott, clerk. Those serving the town in an official position at present, are as follows: N. B. Mitchell, president; J. L. Brown, treasurer; James Statler, P. Van Pelt, John Barry and J. H. Allison, trustees; E. K. Hannaford, clerk; George Dewey, constable; Marcus Clarke, street commissioner; C. H. Creel, police magistrate.
The history of Good Hope can be closed in no better manner, than by giving a sketch of the old pioneer, David Campbell, the fourth child of Alexander Campbell. He was born June 15, 1819, in Greene county, East Tennessee, and came to this county with his parents, and remaining with them on the farm until he was 22 years of age. At which time he was married to Winnefred W. Bridges, a native of Jackson county, West Tennessee. She was born October 31, 1819. By this union there were six children--Elizabeth C., John A., Ebenezer N., Margaret L., Mary J., and Ira B., all of whom are now living. Mr. Campbell lived on his farm in Walnut Grove township, until the year 1872, when he sold out and moved to Good Hope, and engaged in the mercantile business. After following this line of trade for three years, he sold out, and was appointed post-master of Good Hope, which office he held for five years. He then resigned this position and retired from public life. His wife died January 31, 1882. Mr. Campbell has been a member of the Presbyterian church 47 years. His first vote was cast for William Henry Harrison, and he has been a republican since that party was organized. Mr. Campbell is in good health, and so situated as to enjoy his declining years.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 943-953. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright