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Chapter 34 - The Town of
Joseph L. Blandin came here from Vermont in June, 1837, and settled on land now occupied by the village, which was named in his honor. In 1842, he had the town platted on the southeast quarter of section 32. There was no special effort put forth to build up the place, and for a number of years the growth of the town was slow. Without railroad facilities her sister towns, having connection with the outside world through the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, had the advantage, and her strides toward prominence were discouragingly short. At length, when the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw railroad was agitated, her citizens interested themselves in securing this line. The town raised 45,000 dollars for this purpose, and although it took time, yet in the future a railroad was an accomplished fact, and from that date a new spirit of life and enterprise seemed to animate her citizens, and improvements began to be made upon every hand. Fine brick buildings were erected, new dwelling houses sprang up and old ones were repaired and otherwise improved. The slow-going manner of doing business gave way to the young America mode, all of which has redounded to the advantage of the place. The neighborhood in which the town is located had long been known as Job's settlement, and was the second one in the county, William and Ira Job having located here in the spring of 1826. Even for ten years after the town was platted, the people of the county would still familiarly call it by its old name. Blandinsville is surrounded by as fine a farming country as can be found in the state, and her growth has been uniform with it. No effort has ever been made to establish manufactories, and therefore the mercantile and laboring classes are dependent upon the trade of the farming community. The mercantile trade of the place has always been good, its business seemingly never to have been overdone. The town is very pleasantly situated, and various additions have been made to its territory, the first being by Thomas J. Davis, who had laid off the southwest quarter of section 33; after which we find additions recorded by William H. Grisby and Thomas I. Sorter on section thirty-three, Joshua Dunham on section 32, and Mr. Foster, northeast quarter section 5, Hire township. William Mustain also made an addition to the town.
The first store building was erected early in the history of the place, by Captain Charles R. Hume and Joseph C. Blandin, who were the first parties to engage in the mercantile trade at this point. The size of the building was 18x34 feet.
Williams & Huston, dealers in dry goods and groceries, have been engaged in business about three years. This firm purchased the business of Dines & Son, who had previously succeeded Dines Brothers in January, 1882. Messrs. Williams & Huston carry a stock valued at $12,000. Their store building is of brick, and is situated on the corner of Main and Harrison.
In March, 1880, Thompson Brothers purchased their present grocery establishment from M. G. Banks, who, in turn had purchased of Schoville and Mason. This latter firm were successors to a man by the name of Carmack. Thompson Brothers carry a stock of about $1,100, with annual sales aggregating about the sum of $7,000.
Holliday & Welch, dealers in general merchandise, purchased the business about five years since from Pancake & Co. They carry a stock of goods valued at $6,000, with annual sale amounting to $20,000. The building was erected in 1867, by Huff Brothers, and is still owned by the F. M. Huff estate.
L. A. Holliday, of the firm of Holliday & Welch, came to McDonough county in 1865, from Missouri. He is a native of Virginia, having been born in that state on the 22d day of January, 1829. His father being a farmer, he was brought up on a farm, and received only a limited education, attending school as the opportunity offered. He remained at home until attaining his majority, then engaging in farming on his own account, which he continued for six years. The three succeeding years found him doing a general merchandise business in Shelby county, Missouri. In 1865, he came to this county and engaged in merchandising at Blandinsville. At various times, he has been prominently identified with the lumber, stock and various other interests of that city. In fact, he has been considered one of the leading business men of that section of the county. As the head of the firm of Holliday & Welch, he has been engaged in his present business for about five years, and now has a large, and constantly increasing business. L. A. Holliday and May T. Parker were united in marriage in 1853, in Virginia state. One child by this union is living, being married and at present residing at La Harpe. Mrs. Holliday departed this life in 1854. Mr. H. was again married in 1860, in Missouri, to Bertie A. Lyell. This union has been fruitful, they now being the parents of five children--Annie, Thomas L., of Dakota; Martha P., Hattie and Jessie. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday are members of the Christian church, while he is also a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, as well as of the I. O. O. F., of which he is past grand.
H. C. Sumpter is one of the representatives of the grocery business at Blandinsville. He engaged in this branch of trade October 1, 1882. The building is a two-story, brick structure, 22x56 feet in ground area, and has a printing office in the second story. His stock is valued at $1,800.
H. C. Sumpter, grocer of Blandinsville, is a worthy example of that class of men who attain to success by cultivating their own powers and standing in their own independence. His early determination was to be independent of circumstances, and secure for himself a competency. He was born on the 13th of September, 1849, in the state of Kentucky, his parents being Edward R. and Elizabeth (Finch) Sumpter. He remained at home until attaining his 13th year, and then attended college at Russellville, Kentucky, and also at Elkton, at which places he received a liberal education. At an early age he demonstrated the fact that he was possessed of good business ability, and at the age of 18 years we find him in the grain business in Hancock county, Illinois. He made the first shipment of grain from Bentley, over the Wabash branch, and continued in business at that point for three years, meeting with good success. He then retired from that business and engaged in general merchandise, which he continued until 1876, then accepting the position of traveling agent for a nursery. One year later, his health failing him, he resigned his position, and engaged in farming in Henderson county, which he continued until coming to McDonough county, in 1882, and engaging in the grocery business at Blandinsville. His success at this point is due to his ability as a merchant, as well as to the reputation he has made for himself by fair and honest dealing. On the 23d of September, 1875, H. C. Sumpter and Mary E. Smith, a native of this state, were united in marriage. Mrs. Sumpter's home was near Fountain Green, in Hancock county. Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter are consistent members of the Christian church, while he is also a member of the select Knights of the A. O. U. W. In various changes of active life, Mr. Sumpter has gained the respect of a large number of friends and the confidence of his business connections. He is a man of good, sound understanding, of large practical experience, and of genial courtesy.
The grocery and queensware interest is represented by H. C. Griffith, who has been engaged in this line since 1876. He owns the building property, and usually carries a stock valued at $1,000, with annual sales amounting to abour $6,000.
The hardware business was first represented in Blandinsville, by John Hudson. He first opened a tin shop, and afterwards added a stock of hardware, and later sold out and removed to Marysville, Missouri. The present representatives in this line are Nathaniel Thompson and John E. Grigsby.
John E. Grigsby, is a hardware merchant in the village of Blandinsville, where he was born in 1848. He is a son of William H. and Elizabeth (Seybold) Grigsby, who were early settlers here, and natives of Kentucky. John E., was married to Salina Dunham. By this union there were nine children, six of whom are now living--Alice M., Charles C., James C., Ralph A., Clarence, and Elizabeth P. The deceased are--William J., Charlie and Lemira. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools, and was brought up on a farm. In October, 1873, he concluded to change his business, and bought a stock of hardware from H. Sappington. He has since continued in that trade, and is a genial, accommodating gentleman.
Nathaniel Thompson, hardware dealer, first purchased an interest in the firm of Sappington & Pedrick, as third partner. The firm did business under this management about six years, when Mr. Sappington retired. Pedrick & Thompson continued the business as partners for about four years, when Mr. Pedrick disposed of his interest to the latter named gentleman, since which time Mr. Thompson has operated the business for about 12 years. He carries a stock of $3,000 or $4,000.
Frank Ferman, is engaged in the sale of drugs, on Main street. He commenced business February 3, 1873, having purchased the same from Hardesty & Emery. He has a stock valued at $2,000.
The firm of McCord & Coffman, have been doing business about five years. They carry a stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, which invoices from $5,000 to $7,000, their annual sales ranging from $12,000 to $15,000. The building was formerly occupied by J. Creel, from whom Mr. McCord purchased. Later, the present firm was established.
Hon. William McCord, one of the present representatives from this district in the general assembly, first saw the light in Pike county, Ohio, on the 20th of September, 1839, and is the son of Enoch and Anna (Cluff) McCord. His father was a native of Virginia, his mother of Pike county, Ohio. Mr. McCord came to McDonough county, in 1857, locating at first, at Bardolph. Here he resided until in September, 1861, when, in response to the call of his country, he enlisted in company I, of the 57th Illinois infantry, under the command of Captain Chadsworth. He took part with his regiment, in the fierce and bloody battles of Fort Donelson, and Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, and in the siege of Corinth. In the fall of 1862, he was wounded at the last battle at the latter place, inconsequence of which he was discharged from the service, at that time having the rank of second sergeant. He returned to Bardolph, but soon removed to Colchester, where he was employed as a clerk in a store, and also in the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad company. In the year 1867, he moved to the town of Blandinsville, and entered a store there as clerk, but in 1871, engaged in the general merchandise business on his own account, and has followed that line ever since. He has, by industry, energy, and strict probity, conquered fortune, and has attained quite a fine property, in Blandinsville, and owns a large tract of land in Nebraska. He was elected to the office of member of the 34th general assembly, in the fall of 1884, and is acting in that capacity at present. He was united in marriage, on the 20th of December, 1860, with Melinda Creel, a daughter of James Creel of Blandinsville. She is a native of McDonough county, born near Bardolph. They have no children of their own, but one by adoption--Jessie, wife of W. A. Grigsby, of Blandinsville.
M. Coffman, of the firm of McCord & Coffman, dry goods dealers, in Blandinsville is a native of Missouri, and was born January 10, 1849, his parents being Alfred and Sarah E. (Pemberton) Coffman. He was brought up on a farm, and obtained his education in the common schools of the county. With his parent, he came to Blandinsville township, in 1850, and settled on a farm on section 18. He thus was engaged in agricultural pursuits a number of years, and remained on the home farm, assisting his father in the various occupations incident to farm life, until 27 years old. Having a desire for mercantile life, he then moved to the village of Blandinsville and engaged in the clothing business with M. A. Terry, and continued 18 months. He then bought out a grocery store from J. H. Grisby, and remained in that trade until 1878, when he sold out to W. H. McCord, and clerked for Dines Bros., for 16 months. He then preferred a business of his own, engaged in his present trade, where he has since continued, and being a genial accomodating gentleman, has many friends, and a good patronage. He was married November 15, 1876, to M. J. Taylor, a daughter of Campbell Taylor, a native of Indiana. They have one child--Minnie.
Huston & Bailey are dealer in clothing, boots and shoes, etc., and have been in this branch of trade since April, 1884. M. Huston, of this firm, has been in the business since January 10, 1882, at which time he succeeded the firm of Terry & Banks, the latter named gentleman having previously purchased an interest of M. A. Terry, the original proprietor. Messrs. Huston & Bailey have a stock of goods valued at $5,000, their annual sales amounting to $15,000. They are the only firm in the place who deal exclusively in this line.
Marion Huston, of the firm of Huston & Bailey, is a native of this county, born January 5, 1863, in Blandinsville township. He is a son of Preston and Elmira Huston, and was brought up on a farm. His education was obtained in the district schools and supplemented by a course of instruction at Eureka college. He made his home with his parents until he engaged in his present business in 1882. He was united in marriage, March 16, 1884, with Ada Blandin, a daughter of C. A. Blandin. She is also a native of this township. The firm of Huston& Bailey are favorably located for the business in which they are engaged, and have already established a good trade. Mr. Huston is a young man of fine business qualifications, steady habits, and much energy. He is related to the family of Hustons, who have long been among the substantial men of the county. His wife is, also, from a family of old settlers, and they start out in life with bright prospects, being well and favorably known throughout the portion of the county where they live.
J. C. Bishop is engaged in the restaurant business, having purchased the same in January, 1883.
John R. Evans was the pioneer furniture dealer. The store building was located on Main street, and is now occupied as a dwelling in the second story, and paint shop below. He established the business about the year 1855. His successor in the business was Thomas Sorter, the present trustworthy and efficient county treasurer. This gentleman operated the business in the same building for a short time, when John Hudson, who was engaged in the hardware business, purchased the stock and added it to his trade. He afterward sold out and removed to Marysville, Missouri. In the meantime Goodwin Brothers established furniture and undertaking in the village, in 1858, being the first in the latter line. They continued business until 1863, when Anthony Thornton took possession, and in 1865, Thornton Gruber entered the firm as a partner, a short time after which, Gruber & Son succeeded this firm. In 1868, Andrew Wilson purchased the same and operated it for a number of years. In 1874, Spielman Brothers established furniture and undertaking, and in 1879, bought out Andrew Wilson, consolidating the two, and at present are the only dealers in this line.
The lumber interest has one representative firm at Blandinsville. Brooks & Roberts established the same about six years ago. They carry a stock of lumber valued at $6,000, with annual sales averaging $25,000. These gentlemen are also engaged in buying and shipping grain, operating the only elevator in the town. The firm is now Brooks & Davis.
F. W. Brooks, dealer in lumber and grain at Blandinsville, came to McDonough county and engaged in his present business in 1873. He was born October 1, 1848, in Henderson county, Illinois, where he resided with his parents, B. F. and Eliza (Curts) Brooks, until 15 years of age. He received a fair education. On leaving home he engaged with an uncle in the lumber business, continuing the same in his native county, until he came to Blandinsville. He was married in the month of September, 1878, to Elizabeth Gillihan. They have two children--Jessie and Florence. Mr. Brooks is a member of the Masonic fraternity; also of the A. O. U. W. As a business man he is possessed of superior qualifications, and by upright and honest dealing has secured a large share of public patronage.
The merchant-tailoring business is represented by H. M. Mason, at the corner of Main and Harrison streets. He is also engaged in the sale of sewing machines.
H. N. Mason, the popular dealer in sewing machine, etc., came to Blandinsville, McDonough county, in the spring of 1868, from Ohio, of which state he is a native, having been born there October 13, 1833. On his mother's side he is of English extraction. His mother's maiden name was Lucretia Strickland, she being a sister of William P. Strickland, the renowned Brooklyn, N. Y., divine. Horatio Mason, the father of our subject, was a practicing physician, and had a very extensive practice. His death occurred in his 38th year, caused by overwork. After his father's death, H. N. Mason was the sole support of his mother and sister. He learned the trade of a tailor, after which he opened a clothing store and merchant-tailoring establishment at New Lexington, Perry county, Ohio, and soon was doing a good business. Upon President Lincoln issuing his call for 75,000 volunteers, Horatio enlisted, April 19, 1861, in company C, 17th Ohio infantry, as a drummer, but was afterwards promoted drum major. After his term of enlistment had expired, he re-enlisted, this time for three years, in the 62d Ohio infantry, but only served two years, being then discharged on account of disability. In the spring of 1864, he re-enlisted in the Signal corps, and served until the 25th of September, 1865. While in the service he participated in the following engagements: Winchester, campaign in Shenandoah Valley, Cedar creek, Sharpsburg, Lynchburg, and the last two days of the seven days fight at Richmond. Besides these he was engaged in a number of smaller engagements. He was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, and returned to his old home, where he remained until coming to Blandinsville, in the spring of 1868, and opening his present establishment. He has been quite successful, and now has a large and increasing trade, being one of the leading merchants in his line in the county. In 1856, Louisa Gruber became his wife, and she departed this life July 2, 1872, leaving two children--William, and Lillian, the wife of James Grigsby, of Blandinsville. Mr. Mason was again married in the fall of 1876, to Hattie Hopper. By this union there were five children, three of whom are not living--Bertha, Louie and Mary. He is past grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and a member of the encampment. He is a select knight of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is a member of the Iron Hall society, and of the Mystic Brotherhood of Justice.
David Shrier, merchant tailor of Blandinsville, came here, first, in June, 1841, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he was born July 22, 1821, his parents being John and Catherine (Oldfield) Shrier. At the age of 15 years he left home and served an apprenticeship at the tailors' trade, and during the time, worked with his master in many different places. In 1840 he engaged in work for himself, locating in Harrison county, Ohio, where he remained 13 months, then came to Astoria, Fulton county, Illinois, thence to St. Louis, then back to Fulton county. He was engaged in merchant tailoring at Astoria, where he was also post master for nine years. In 1860 he came again to McDonough county, and located, first, at Macomb and subsequently at Blandinsville, where he has since remained. Mr. Shrier was married May 12, 1843, to Jane Hopkins, a native of Ohio. Ten children have been born to them, of whom eight are living--Juliet, widow of John Hollingworth, who died in the army; she afterward married Alexis Freeland, also deceased; she is now living at home with her father; Catherine, wife of Joseph H. Phelps, of Macomb; Elizabeth, wife of John Gordon, of Macomb; William, married to Charity Moss, and living in Blandinsville; Garrett, now living in Peoria; Lida, wife of Frank M. Gormer, of Blandinsville; George, living at home, and Sarah E., living in Macomb. Mr. Shrier is a member of the Masonic fraternity, lodge No. 100, at Astoria.
In the spring of 1869, John W. Fowler established a harness and saddlery establishment. He erected the building and conducted the business until his death, which occurred June 11, 1881. His son, John H., has conducted the business since that time.
John W. Fowler, deceased, came to McDonough county, Illinois, in March, 1869, from New Lexington, Ohio, of which state he was a native. He obtained only a limited education, being enabled to attend school but three months in the year. Until reaching his eighteenth year, he worked on a farm. He then learned the trade of harness maker, and followed that trade principally up to the time of his coming to Blandinsville. While a resident of Ohio, he raised a company, and enlisted in company D, 30th Ohio infantry, being commissioned captain of the company. He did gallant service for some four years, participating in a number of hard-fought battles, and received a wound at Antietam, being shot through the left arm. Upon receiving his discharge, he returned to Ohio, but soon afterwards started west by team, going to Fremont, Nebraska, and other western points, and returning to Ohio in the fall of 1868. In March, 1869, he removed to Blandinsville, McDonough county, Illinois, and established a harness shop, and continued that business until his death, which occurred June 11, 1881. He was a prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen societies of this city. As a citizen, he was quite popular, and his death was mourned by a large number of warm friends. He left a family of seven children to mourn his loss--Charles, Luella, John H., Bert, Edward, William and Roy, all living at home, with the exception of Bert, now of Chicago, and Charles, who resides in the country. John H. Fowler, the successor of his father in the harness business, is keeping up the excellent reputation made by his father, and has quite an extensive trade, which keeps constantly increasing. He has the well-deserved reputation of turning out nothing but first-class work. He was united in marriage, on the 28th of May, 1884, with Carrie B. Dennis. Mr. Fowler is claimed as an honored member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Hankins & Son are also engaged in the sale and manufacture of harness, saddles, etc., having purchased the same of O. P. Pennington, about two years ago, the latter named gentleman being a successor to the firm of Pennington & Snapp. The building in which Hankins & Son are doing business, is owned by Mrs. Myers.
In 1873, F. P. Kellogg engaged in the livery business at Blandinsville. In 1881, he purchased the livery interest of Charles Connell, and now conducts the only stable in the place. The stable now used by Mr. Kellogg, was originally erected for an agricultural house by Edmundson & Miner, of Bushnell. Eight horses are kept for livery use, and the barn commands a very good trade.
Epperson & Phillips engaged in the manufacture of wagons, carriages and general repairing, in 1881. Their building is 40x45 feet in dimensions, and since starting, they have been doing a thriving business.
John C. Phillips carries on general blacksmithing in Blandinsville. He opened the shop he now occupies, in July, 1882. He is a native of Tuscarawas county, Ohio, born January 4, 1831. He remained in his native county till 1855. In August, 1856, he located in Henderson county, Illinois, eight miles north of Blandinsville. The following March, he came to McDonough county, and lived in the township of Emmet until August 14, 1862, when he enlisted in the 124th Illinois infantry, under Captain Benjamin Griffith. He served three years, and returned to Emmet in the fall of 1865, and soon after moved to Blandinsville, and went to work in the blacksmith shop of Sorter & Saunders. He continued in their employ several months. In the spring of 1866, he began work for Wilford Keithley, with whom he remained till 1881. Mr. Phillips was married July 13, 1851, to Mary A. Collins, a native of Morgan county, Ohio, born February 26, 1834. Ten children have been born to them--Louisiana, deceased; Cerenia C., born in 1855; William A., born in 1856; Virginia A., born in 1858; John Franklin, born in 1861; Mary O., born in 1862; James B. M., born in 1866, and died in 1868; Eddie M., born in 1868; Lucy A., born in 1870, and Charles O., born in 1872. Mr. Phillips now resides in the oldest house in Blandinsville township. He is a worthy citizen, and highly respected.
Not only the early settlers are entitled to representation in this volume. The young, enterprising men who have started out in life to battle for themselves and make their name honorable in the community in which they live, are also worthy of mention in a work of this nature. Of this class is W. A. Phillips, wagon maker of Blandinsville. He was born in Henderson county, this state, on the 2d day of November, 1856, and is a son of J. C. and Mary (Collins) Phillips. He was married on the 18th day of January, 1883, to Ann Jackson, daughter of Henry and Ellen Jackson, of Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are the parents of one child--Daniel Evert, who was born May 4, 1884. Mr. Phillips is a member of the M. B. of J.
C. J. Sanders has been engaged in the manufacture and general repairing of wagons, and other work in this line, for the past 20 years. The building and improvements are owned in partnership with H. K. Prather, who is engaged in general blacksmithing, horse shoeing, etc., and also attends to the iron work of the wagon manufactory. Mr. Prather commenced business here in October, 1877.
The notion trade has a representative in C. M. Duncan.
Causby M. Duncan was born in White county, Tennessee, October 6, 1824. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, attending the district school as he had opportunity. He resided with his parents till he reached the age of 23. March 21, 1847, he was married to Nancy Ann Cooper, and was living in Henderson county, Illinois. Soon after the young couple setting out for themselves removed to a farm in that county, and which they lived for 25 years, and then sold out and moved to McDonough county, in 1874, and located at Blandinsville, where he engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued about one year and a half. Since that time he has been engaged in various occupations, having no regular trade. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have had 11 children, nine of whom are now living--Samuel R., now living in Oregon; Matilda Jane, married to Thomas Metcalf, of Blandinsville; John C., living in this county; Charles D., in Missouri; Mary Elizabeth, wife of William Markwell, also in Missouri; William B., living in this county; Thomas F., in Iowa; George W. and Joseph L., living with their parents. Those deceased are--James G. and Sardina Catherine. the former is buried at Portland, Oregon, and the latter in Indiana.
The barber business is carried on by Sylvester McFall.
Sylvester McFall was born in New York, in 1834. He is a son of Orrin and Lydia (Marsh) McFall. His trade was that of carpenter and cabinet maker, and in 1857 he came to the place in which he now lives, and worked at his trade. In 1860 he was married to Matilda Harrison, daughter of Josiah Harrison, of North Carolina. By that union are three children--Walter, Effie and Lawrence. Mr. McFall enlisted in the army of the union for the suppresion of the rebellion, in the 78th regiment of Illinois volunteers, and participated in many engagements. During the series of battles before Atlanta, he received a gun-shot wound in the right arm, which disabled him from further service and he was consequently discharged, after spending five months and five days in the hospital. He then returned to Blandinsville, but was not able, physically, to follow his former occupation, and therefore learned the trade of barber, which has since been his business. He is an energetic, industrious man, and has accumulated considerable property. He owns two business houses and lots on Main street, and a residence in the village. He is a member of A. O. U. W., and politically a republican.
The banking interest was established at Blandinsville by T. A. Hardin & Co., who continued in the business a short time, when they were succeeded by McVey & Pancake. May 1, 1882, Grisby Bros. & Co. purchased the business including the building, and it is now operated as a private institution, being the only bank in the place. They have a vault and a burglar-proof safe, and do a correspondence with the Mechanics' national bank, of New York, and the National bank of America, of Chicago. The building, which is a brick, is located on Main street. The bank does quite an extensive business.
Redman Grigsby, deceased, was born in the state of Virginia in 1801, and when seven years of age, removed with his parents, to Kentucky, where he was brought up and received a limited education. He was married in that state, when but 19 years old, to Nancy Keeler, who died in Kentucky, leaving him six children, five of whom afterward became residents of McDonough county--James, who died in 1852; William H., Silas J. and Nathaniel, living in Blandinsville; and John, living in Nodaway county, Missouri. Mr. Grisby was married the second time, to Rhoda Seybold, who died in this county. There were no children by this union. In 1850, he was married the third time, to Catherine Ray, who is still living in Blandinsville township. Mr. Grigsby had by his third marriage, two children--Hezekiah R., living on the home place and Emma, wife of Charles Conwell, of Blandinsville township. Mr. Grigsby came here in the fall of 1830, from Washington county, Kentucky, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 17. Here he built a log cabin which they lived in one winter, with no floor except the ground. The nearest mill was 30 miles distant and that being the winter of the big snow, it was impossible to reach it, although he attempted to do so, in order to obtain supplies, consequently, they were obliged to live through the winter by beating corn in an improvised mortar, made by sawing off a log and burning the center of one end until it was sufficiently hollowed out to hold about half a bushel of corn. The pestle was made by inserting the end of an iron wedge in a hickory stick. With this rudely constructed apparatus the family milling was done, boys and girls, men and women, each taking a hand at furnishing the necessary power. Mr. Grigsby remained upon this place engaged in general farming, until the time of his death, in June, 1874.
Silas J. Grigsby, third son of Redman Grigsby, was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, August 6, 1823. He came with his father to this county, remaining with him until the fall of 1844, being then 21 years old. His opportunities for obtaining an education were meagre. He attended the first school of this township, taught by Enoch Cyrus and another, taught by James Cyrus, a brother of Enoch. He was married November 15, 1844, to Mary F. Epperson, a native of Kentucky. He then settled in this township, purchasing a farm of 160 acres of prairie and 60 acres of timber land. He improved this land and lived upon it three years, then rented out the place and removed to section 21, Blandinsville township. One year later he sold his farm in Hire township, to Hiram Ballou but subsequently, sold it again to Mr. James Welch. He remained on section 21, about three years, then moved to section 28, where he bought the southeast quarter, which was slightly improved. He further improved it and resided there until April, 1882, when he moved into the village of Blandinsville. His son now lives upon the farm. Mr. Grigsby now owns 760 acres, all well improved land, except 30 acres of timber. Four hundred and eighty acres of this is in cultivation, worked by tenants, the balance is in pasture. He is largely engaged in raising and feeding stock. He is one of the firm of Grigsby Bro. & Co., bankers. Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby have had eight children, six of whom are now living--John L., married to Amelia Moore and living in Holt county, Missouri; Joseph H., married to Jane A. King, also in Holt county; Francis J., married to Ora Groves, and living in Nodaway county, Missouri; Silas J., married to Fannie Taylor, and living on the homestead farm; Emma J., wife of W. P. Cherry, of Nodaway county, Missouri; and William V., living with his parents. Mr. Grigsby was associate judge of this county for nearly four years, just previous to township organization, his term however, was not expired at the time when the organization was effected. He has since served two years upon the board of county supervisors.
S. J. Grigsby, Jr., was born July 4, 1859, on the southeast quarter of section 28, Blandinsville township. He is a son of S. J. Grigsby, Sr., who now lives in Blandinsville. His mother, formerly Mary F. Epperson died April 18, 1881. S. J. Grigsby, Jr., was brought up on the farm which was his birthplace, and is still his home. He owns 120 acres of the homestead farm, which is in a good state of cultivation, and finely improved. He was married March 9, 1882, to Fannie Taylor, a native of this county. They have had one child--Mabel, born March 19, 1883.
The only elevator at this point is owned by A. P. Hopper, who leases the same to Brooks & Davis, who are also engaged in the lumber business and the sale of agricultural implements. Mr. Davis also deals to some extent in stock.
John M. Davis is a native of Ohio, and was born in Ashland county, February 23, 1852. He is a son of R. W. and Eliza (Warner) Davis, who was formerly from New York. John M. came to this county in October, 1853, with his parents and remained on a farm until 1877. He then went to Kansas, and there engaged in handling live stock for about two years. He then, in 1880, returned to Blandinsville, and followed the same business here, also bought grain, and subsequently added to his trade agricultural implements. He was married September 16, 1873, to Belle Allshouse, a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. Davis is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and politically, a democrat. He has always been pronounced in his advocacy of the now dominant party.
This place of amusement was erected by a stock company in 1882. The stock was subsequently purchased by Grigsby Brothers & Co., who are the present owners.
The Central house is situated on Main street, and is operated by E. L. Sapp, who has had control of the house for three years past. This house contains 25 rooms. The present rates of the hotel are $1.50 per day. The succession of proprietors since its establishment are John Edmunds, Charles Travis, J. Sappington and John Bond.
The hotel now known as the Edel house was built in 1858, on the corner of Harrison and Chestnut streets, by Thomas J. Davis. The building is three stories high, built of brick, 40x70 feet in size. The lower story is intended for store purposes and the upper for a hotel. The upper part was a tenement for families and part for a dancing hall, until 1867, when R. W. Hume bought it at administrator's sale, and finished the upper story for dwellings. In 1871, Mr. Hume opened it as a hotel and ran it a short time, when he sold it to Joseph Edel, who remodelled it and reopened it as the Edel house. He ran it a short time, when he rented it to various parties. Mr. Edel converted the store rooms into part of the hotel. In 1885, Nathaniel Grigsby and Son purchased the property and leased it to Dr. A. White, who at present runs it.
Abner White, M. D., came to this county in 1868, but did not at that time effect a permanent residence. He was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, December, 1825. When Abner was quite young his parents, with the family, removed to Missouri. The climate in that state did not seem to agree with his mother, and notwithstanding the finances of his father had run quite low, it was thought best to remove her to the native state of Abner. Consequently, his parents returned to Pennsylvania, and Abner, at 12 years of age, was thrown entirely upon his own resources. He then led a roving life, being variously engaged in different occupations. He never had the opportunity of attending school, but by his own exertion and personal application, obtained a fair education. In 1852, he commenced the study of medicine in Perry county, Ohio, at New Lexington, with Dr. Vanatta, and continued nearly three years. He there commenced practice in 1856. In 1879, he attended medical lectures in Keokuk, Iowa, and there in 1880, graduated from the college of physicians and surgeons. He then engagaed in the practice of his chosen profession in Schuyler county, Missouri, and there continued nearly two years, then came to Blandinsville and remained about six months, thence he went to Union City, Indiana, where he had previously practiced four years, and remained about one year, thence to Missouri, and again here May 16, 1883, where he is now located. In addition to the practice of medicine, he is the present proprietor of the Edel house, the leading hotel of the place.
Besides those in active business before mentioned, there are a number of others who must be mentioned in this connection to made this chapter complete. Their sketches follow:
Captain O. M. Lisk was born in Cooperstown, New York, February 10, 1819. When he was seven years of age, his parents, Andrew and Nancy (Phelps) Lisk, removed to Jefferson county, of the same state, and settled near Sackett's Harbor. In the fall of 1842, Captain Lisk went to Warren county, Missouri, where he remained till the spring of 1847, when he removed to St. Louis, and there engaged as deck hand on board a diving bell boat named the Mermaid. He was there employed one summer, going up the Missouri river. In the fall of the same year the Mermaid sunk at Big Eddy, below St. Louis. He then went to work as diver for the noted contractor, Captain Eads, by whom he was employed one year, after which he went to St. Louis, where he was made captain of a diving boat, and engaged in the business of raising sunken vessels. He followed that occupation several years, and was very successful. He then went to New Orleans, where he built, in partnership with Marshal Mathews and William Creeny, a boat called the Pelican, and another called the Independence, and still another called the Southerner, the latter a freight boat, was sold by Captain Lisk to General Butler during the war. In the fall of 1862, Captain Lisk came to McDonough county, and settled upon the farm formerly owned by his father, who had died in the meantime. His especial object in coming here, was to care for his aged and widowed mother. He remained upon the farm till 1878, when his residence was destroyed by fire, then moved to Blandinsville, which has since been his home. He was married in 1869, to Helen Metcalf, daughter of R. Metcalf, of Michigan, and by this union has two children--Louis and Guy. He may properly be called a self-made man, having made his own fortune, and secured a competence by his own industry. He started in life with limited means, and without material assistance from any source, has placed himself in easy circumstances, and is thus enabled to spend his declining years in peace and comfort.
Mrs. Hannah Mustain, widow of Nathan G. Mustain, was born October 27, 1822. Her deceased husband was born March 23, 1819, in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, and came to this county in 1831. This marriage took place, August 17, 1848. She was formerly Hannah Wilson, and a resident of Henderson county, but a native of Ohio. After marriage, they resided on a farm in Blandinsville township. Mr. Mustain owned a farm upwards of 1,000 acres of land in McDonough county. His house was a handsome and commodious structure, erected at a cost of $8,000. His barn and other farm buildings were of the best class. He resided upon the farm until the time of his death, November 30, 1872. Mrs. Mustain now lives in the town of Blandinsville, where she owns a fine residence. Mr. and Mrs. Mustain had a family of 10 children--Ellen, John L., Charles P., James A., Theodore, Elizabeth, Mary, Edward, Alice, and Florence. One daughter, Mary, is deceased. John L., James A., Alice and Florence, reside with their mother. Charles P. lives upon the homestead farm on section 16. Ellen is the wife of W. M. Miller, of Blandinsville township. Theodore lives in Macomb, Elizabeth is the wife of Fred Williams, of Blandinsville, and Edward lives in Arkansas. Nathan Mustain was one of the early settlers of this county, a man of sterling qualities, and one of the substantial and influential citizens of his township. He died deeply regretted, and his loss has been much felt throughout the community where he resided.
Benjamin Fowler came to this county during the fall of 1847, from Indiana, bringing his family with him, which consisted at that time of his wife and nine children. He bought a farm of 140 acres about a mile and a half northwest from the present town of Blandinsville, and moved there in February, 1848, where he lived for some 21 years, when he moved into the village, but after 10 years he again returned to the farm, remaining two years, and then again returned to the village where he now resides. He still owns the farm and rents it, living a retired life. Mr. Fowler was born in Washington county, Kentucky, June 26, 1806. He worked for his parents on a farm until 23 years of age, receiving but little of the advantages of an education. He was married in October, 1878 [sic], to Mary Gordon, also a native of Kentucky, soon after which he moved to Edwards county, in this state, where he remained 18 months, then moving to Owen county, Indiana, where he cleared a farm which he occupied for 13 years. Upon selling out there, he moved to McDonough county. He is the father of 13 children, all but one of whom are living. Mr. Fowler is in politics, a democrat, casting his first vote for Andrew Jackson. He has been commissioner of highways, and is a much respected gentleman.
Davis Aldrich, is a native of New York, born in Plymouth, Chenango county, June 12, 1812. His parents were farmers, but at an early age, Davis was apprenticed to a blacksmith, and served three years. He then went into an edged tool factory and served four years. He then carried on both branches of his trade for about 10 years in his native state. He then moved to Farmington, Iowa, and followed the same business for three years, then moved to Keokuk, and carried on the same business four years, then moving to Hancock county, in this state, where he purchased 600 acres of land, and for 10 years he carried on his trade in connection with farming. He then moved to this county, and has followed the profession of a horse farrier and veterinary surgeon. He was married in New York state when 21 years of age, to Sallie Henshaw. She died leaving three children, all of whom are dead. He was married again after moving to Keokuk to Abigail Dow. By this union there were four children born, two of whom are now living--John and Ella. His second wife died in Blandinsville, and he was again married, November 19, 1866, to Sarah J. Hess. By the last marriage there are six children four of whom are now living. Mr. Aldrich is a republican in politics, and is also a member of the Masonic fraternity.
William W. Moss, a resident of Blandinsville, was born August 27, 1802, in North Carolina. He was brought up on a farm, and remained with his parents till 22 years old. He was educated in the common school, and learned the carpenter's trade. December 25, 1823, he was married to Elizabeth I. Couday, and by this union, had seven children, Emeline M., born November 17, 1825; Mary C., born November 10, 1826; Luly C., born September 7, 1828; Margaret, born January 18, 1831; Lizer, born November 14, 1830; William T., born November 3, 1838, and Oliver, born September 26, 1836. Mrs. Moss died October 30, 1857. Mr. Moss was again married in 1861, to Mrs. Eliza Goodwin. He had by his second marriage, four children--Charity, born November 23, 1863, married to William Shrier, of Blandinsville; Sarah May, born January 7, 1866, married to Theodore Herzog, and living on a farm in Blandinsville township; Mary C., born February 16, 1867, and died March 14, of the same year, and Edgar P., born March 6, 1869, now living with his parents. Mr. Moss settled in Henderson county, Illinois, in 1835, engaged in farming, and remained there, until he removed to a farm, which he purchased in 1842, located one and half miles north of the village of Blandinsville. He moved here in 1844, and remained upon the farm until 1861, then became a resident of the village where he has since lived. He sold his farm to James Creel, who still owns it. He is a worthy and respected citizen.
Howard Campbell, is a son of Eli and Martha (Smith Campbell, natives of North Carolina. He was born in Rowan county, of that state, January 20, 1813. His paternal grand-parents were George and Polly Campbell, and his mother was a daughter of William and Polly Smith. In the fall of 1830, Howard left his native state and went to Monroe county, Indiana, where he was engaged in farming till 1864. He was married in that county, March 3, 1836, to Hannah L. Givens, daughter of John A. and Jane (Berry) Givens, natives of Kentucky. In November, 1864, Mr. Campbell removed from Indiana, to Henderson county, Illinois, and settled on a farm, where he remained till March 5, 1872, at which date he came to Blandinsville, where he now resides. Mrs. Campbell died February 27, 1883, aged 63 years. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were the parents of seven children-- James H., born January 21, 1837; Paris D., born February 23, 1839; Henry P., born February 10, 1842, and died March 24, 1843; Newton S., born June 14, 1845; Addison M., born August 6, 1848; William B., born November 20, 1851, and Mary E., born November 23, 1858. James H. was married January 13, 1859, to Mary E. Thrasher. Paris D. was married in 1864, to Maria Rush. Addison M. was married September 7, 1869, to Catharine Conner. Newton S. was married in 1870, to Lucretia R. Dunham, who died in 1875, in Nodaway county, Missouri. He was again married August 15, 1882, to Nancy E. Burr. William B. was married December 11, 1873, to Eva Wilson, and Mary E. was married June 14, 1877, to James M. York. Mr. Campbell is a supporter of the democratic party. During his residence in the State of Indiana, he held the office of justice of the peace for seven years.
Newton S. Campbell, fourth son of Howard Campbell, remained with his parents until 1875. He then moved to Marysville, Missouri, where he remained two years engaged in handling stock, after which he returned to Blandinsville and engaged in the same business which he still continues. His wife died during his residence in Missouri. They had two children, one of whom, Charlie, died in that state, the other, Anna, is still living. Mr. Campbell and his present wife are members of the Christian church. In the spring of 1884 he was elected marshal of Blandinsville. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and of the M. B. of J. Politically, he is a democrat.
J. M. Naramore, station agent at Blandinsville, is a son of Dr. W. P. and Ann (Jones) Naramore, born September 20, 1858, in Stephenson county, Illinois. His mother died when he was an infant 10 days old, and he was taken to rear, by a family named Miller, who resided in Woodford county. Seven years later he removed with them to Kansas, where he remained till the winter of 1876. He then returned to Woodford county, accompanying Mrs. Miller. He attended school until 1880, and learned telegraphy, after which he was employed as extra operator on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railroad, until December 5, 1882, when he was given charge of the station at Blandinsville, where he has since continued. During the time he has become known to the public as an accommodating official and a genial and pleasant gentleman. Mr. Naramore was married November 22, 1883, to Mary L. Pond, a daughter of Valorous Pond, of Ohio. Dr. W. P. Naramore is now living at Lena, Stephenson county, where he is engaged in the practice of his profession. He has been twice married. He had by the first marriage, two sons--W. W. and J. M., subject of this sketch. By the latter union, he had seven children, four sons and three daughters. Two sons and three daughters are living.
The Glade City cornet band was organized with a membership of 12, January 20, 1880. The first officers of the organization were as follows: J. C. Bushnell, president; M. A. Terry, secretary; James Pennington, treasurer; F. A. York, leader. The band has always been in good running order and since its organization has been incorporated. The present membership numbers 10, with the following officers: F. A. York, president; J. H. Fowler, treasurer; M. A. Terry, secretary; F. A. York, leader. The organization is in good condition at present, financially.
Hume & Blandin established the first steam grist mill at Blandinsville. It was a large building, 40x40 feet in ground area, four stories high and had two run of buhrs. It was subsequently operated by a number of different parties, all of whom lost considerable of money in the transaction, and the mill was afterward torn down. A man by the name of Hopper built a saw mill at about this date and purchased the engine used in the old grist mill, from which the motive power for this latter enterprise was produced. Additions were afterward made by Mr. Hopper to his mill, and a run of stones put in, some time after which it was destroyed by fire. It was again built and operated by Mr. Hopper for a number of years, when he purchased the elevator near the depot and tore down the mill. In 1876 he purchased his present milling interest. The building is 20x50 feet in dimensions, with an engine room 20x30 feet, and has two run of buhrs. The capacity is one hundred bushels per day. At present the mill is not in operation, as Mr. Hopper's attention is now paid to buying grain for other parties.
In the cause of education, Blandinsville has kept pace with the rest of the county, her public schools usually being among the best. At an early date the United Brethren established in the place an institution of learning, to which was given the name of Blandinsville seminary. During the short period of its existence it accomplished much good. Not being financially a success, the building and grounds were sold to the village and were afterward used for school purposes.
The first building for school purposes was erected at the extreme northwest corner of the original town plat, and was constructed of logs. Mrs. Hume taught the first term of school.
Blandinsville public schools are in a flourishing condition. The enrollment for the years 1884-85 being 250, with an average attendance of 220. School is maintained nine months each year, at a cost of $2,500. There are five departments in the school. The high school course embraces the study of advanced arithmetic, algebra, geometry, United States' history, geography, grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, physiology, botany, zoology, astronomy and civil government, and continues three years.
The building is a substantial brick, containing six rooms. Coal is used for fuel. The school is only partially supplied with apparatus. The corps of teachers for the years 1885, consists of the following--R. E. Spangler, principal; E. E. Sherman, Mrs. Jennie Pancake, Miss Lee McNutt, and Miss Iva Epperson.
R. E. Spangler, the present popular principal of the Blandinsville schools was born on a farm near Macomb, on the 15th of October, 1857. In the fall of 1864, our subject went with his parents to Minnisota, returning to McDonough county in 1869. He was brought up on a farm, and remained with his parents until reaching his majority. He worked on the farm during the summers and attended school during the winters. The education thus obtained was supplemented by a course of instruction in the normal school, at Macomb. When 20 years of age he taught his first school near Bushnell, in Mound township. His next school was taught in the fall of 1878, near Macomb, and he resided at home. His work for the three secceeding terms was at Scottsburg, Walnut Grove township, and next at New Philadelphia, Mound township. In the fall of 1882, he came to Blandinsville as principal of the schools, which position he has since filled with entire satisfaction. He has also conducted at this point two sessions of the normal school, which were of much interest to the teachers and all who were interested in educational matters. The Blandinsville schools, under his management, have been placed in the front rank, and he has proved himself to be a most excellent instructor. In a great measure, Mr. Spangler is a self-made man. His opportunities for receiving an education were somewhat limited, but, by perseverance and his own endeavors, he has succeeded in attaining a good education. He has a faculty for imparting instruction, which is so necessary to become a successful teacher, and the village of Blandinsville may well take pride in having secured the services of so competent a gentleman to take charge of her schools. R. E. Spangler was united in marriage, in May, 1884, with Fannie A. Kellogg, a native of New York, and the daughter of A. Kellogg, of Blandinsville. Mr. Spangler is a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, as is he also of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
With respect to religious privileges, the town has as many advantages as any in the county, there being large congregations of Baptists, Christians, Methodist Episcopal, and United Brethren in Christ, each of whom have fair church buildings. A historical sketch of each of these churches is given in the Ecelesiastical chapter of this work. Attention is called thereto.
O. P. Courtright post, No. 267, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized at Blandinsville, in June, 1883, and was so named in honor of the first lieutenant of company C, 78th Illinois infantry. The charter of the post includes the names of the following comrades--C. R. Hume, C. E. Spielman, C. E. Ballou, William S. Bailey, George Jacobs, J. J. Ray, B. F. Gabbert, J. Phillips, William Hallinbaugh, Jesse Rolston, W. H. McCord, J. M. Duncan, W. O. Sweeny, Nathan Hainline, S. M. Pancake, John Wright, William Kirkpatrick, Frank York, T. B. Spielman, M. Baymiller, C. Batchlett, T. Hamilton, H. Carnes, H. N. Mason, J. M. Foley, S. A. Webb, A. J. O'Neal, James Shryack, J. H. Baughman, J. Q. Wilson. The present officers of the post are the following named--C. E. Spielman, C.; B. F. Gebbert, S. V. C.; F. York, J. V. C.; T. B. Spielman, Q. M.; H. N. Mason, A.; S. M. Duncan, S.; John Phillips, chaplain; George Jacobs, O. G.; Thomas Hamilton, O. D.
The society of the order of the Golden Rule was organized January 29, 1885, with the following charter members: J. M. Duncan, Mary J. Duncan, Alexander Todd, E. T. Sapp, Frank Fuhr, Lulu Fuhr, Mattie Dines, Mamie White, Abbie White, W. G. Shrier, Frank Kellogg, Jennie Pancake, Mrs. Samuel Fowler, and Flo White. The first officers of this society were as follows: J. M. Duncan, C. P.; Frank Kellogg, C. C.; Mattie Dines, C. C.; Frank Fuhr, secretary; Alexander Todd, treasurer; Mamie White, first guard; E. F. Sapp, C. G.; Lou Fowler, 2d G.; W. G. Shrier, sentry.
The Mystic Brotherhood of Justice was organized in the fall of 1880, with 35 charter members. The officers elected at the time of the organization of the society were: J. R. Gamble, W. C.; M. A. Terry, P. C.; S. J. Creighton, V. C.; S. C. Pancake, treasurer; E. A. Worley, marshal. The society now numbers about 100 members, its object being home protection and to enforce the law against criminals. The funds, when needed, are created by assessments. The order is in a flourishing condition and has its grand lodge established at his place, with the following officers: G. S. Fuhr, G. W. C.; M. A. Terry, G. S.; J. F. Anderson, G. T.
The charter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Blandinsville, contains the following members: Henry T. Gilfrey, Thomas Lindsey, Daniel Wood, Charles W. McElroy, and Delevan Martin. The lodge was organized October 15, 1858, as New Hope, No. 263. In 1867, the present hall was built, at a cost of $1,000. The present membership numbers 33, with the following officers: M. A. Terry, N. G.; George Russell, V. G.; S. Thompson, R. S.; C. J. Saunders, P. S.; A. P. Hopper, treasurer. the order is in a flourishing condition.
The Order of the Iron Hall was first organized March 28, 1881, at Indianapolis, Indiana, with beneficiary objects in view. October 15, 1884, an organization was effected at Blandinsville, with the following charter members: H. N. Mason, C. E. Ballou, J. M. Duncan, M. D., J. F. Anderson, James K. Boughman, W. S. Bailey, J. B. Bailey, Marion Huston, P. D. Campbell, N. S. Campbell, W. F. Bond, C. N. Wilson, J. M. Foley, J. M. Hainline, W. H. Nichols, S. W. Blandin, John Miller, T. P. Fagley, T. F. Woodside, E. T. Sapp, J. M. Naramore, J. H. Grigsby, and Joseph Edel. The present officers of the lodge are J. F. Anderson, C. J.; T. F. Woodside, V. C. J.; J. M. Naramore, A. C. C. T.; J. B. Bailey, A. A. J.; P. D. Campbell, prelate; H. N. Mason, herald; W. H. Nichols, watchman; J. M. Duncan, M. E. The society meets in the opera house every second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Since the organization of the lodge, three sick benefits have been paid, amounting to $125. The present condition of the lodge is excellent, and its future prospects are very flattering indeed.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen was organized November 9, 1876, with 33 charter members. At the time of the organization, the following officers were installed: J. W. Fowler, M. W.; M. A. Terry, P. M. W.; H. H. Mason, recorder; J. C. Fergley, financial secretary; J. H. Grigsby, treasurer.
Blandinsville lodge, No. 233, A. F. & A. M., was organized at Blandinsville, October 7, 1857, with the following charter members as first officers: Richard D. Hammond, W. M.; John E. Hudson, S. W.; Henry G. Bristow, J. W.; Clement Gillihan, secretary; Charles R. Hume, treasurer; William F. Frost, S. D.; Manuel C. Parkinson, J. D. The present condition of the lodge is excellent. They own the building in which the hall is situated, which was erected in 1877, at a cost of $2,000. The present officers are: George S. Fuhr, W, M.; James M. Duncan, S. W.; Marshal A. Terry, J. W.; Thomas H. Williams, secretary; Marion Coffman, treasurer; Reuben E. Spangler, S. D.; C. Newton Wilson, J. D.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 879-900. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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