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Chapter 38 - The Town of
Bardolph was laid out August 3, 1854, by order of William H. Randolph and Charles Chandler, and surveyed by William H. Rile, county supervisor, at that time. The town is located on section 24, of Macomb township, and in the midst of one of the best agricultural districts in McDonough county. The country around is rolling prairie, although the timber land bordering on Crooked creek is not far distant. Bardolph is situated on the line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, and nearly seven miles by rail from Macomb, and 196 miles from Chicago. It is laid out with the railroad, the main streets running parallel with, and the business houses fronting the road. The town was first given the name of Randolph, in honor of William H. Randolph, its founder, but on finding another town in the state having the same name, it was changed to Bardolph.
The first dwelling house was erected by Nathan Jones in 1856, about the time of the completion of the railroad, and the first store building by Clinton A. Jones. In this house Wetherhold & Jones started the first store in Bardolph. About this time J. B. Hendricks erected a building. Both these buildings were erected on block 1. The first named store was occupied for a time by its first proprietors, and subsequently by the following parties in the order mentioned: James Creel, Jackson Brothers, Dyer & Amos, hardware, Jackson Brothers, again, Dallam & Jackson, Dyer & Amos and A. W. Fluke. At this time the building was removed to the rear of the Hendrick's building, which was the second building erected in the town. This building was first occupied by Hendee & Osborn as a general store, for about two years. Hendee & Beaver succeeded this firm. They sold to Cowgill & Jackson, and they to T. J. Creel. Creel closed out the stock, and Jackson Brothers moved in. After a time they moved out and the building was vacant. In the fall of 1877, the Jackson Brothers removed it to its present location, and occupied it until 1878, when they sold to E. D. Stevens. He occupied it a short time. Since that time it has been occupied by Slinard, Perrine& Mitchell, Fluke; McElroy & Jackson, are the present occupants.
The dwelling house built by Nathan Jones, the first in the town, is still standing on its original site, on lot 9, block 13. It is a one-story, frame structure, and is now owned by Dr. H. B. Sikes.
Later, in 1856, the Hendricks Bros., erected a two-story hotel building. One of the brothers occupied it with his family, and run the place. A short time afterward the building was bought, on time payments, by a man named Hunter. In 1861, as he had failed to pay for it, it reverted to the original proprietors. They, however, sold it to A. J. Turney. He occupied it till 1863, and then disposed of it to Seth Jacobs, and the sisters of the latter, who conducted it till three years later, when Mrs. Margaret Rhea purchased it. She had it four years, and was succeeded by E. T. Osborn, who only remained in possession one year. He traded it to Erastus Jacobs, who was succeeded by the present proprietor and occupant, N. H. Jackson, in April, 1884.
I. M. Parvin, shoemaker, has his place of business alongside the drug store of Curry & Knapp. The shop was started by his father, Samuel R. Parvin, who commenced work in the lumber office, and afterwards removed the shop to its present location. He continued the business there until he died, in August, 1881, at which time his son succeeded him. He does shoe and boot making and repairing.
McElroy and Jackson commenced their present business on the 1st day of April, 1884. They carry what is commonly known as a general stock, and the contents of their store will average about $2,000. Their building is 96 feet deep, and their store room is 80 feet in depth. They have a large and varied assortment of goods, and are doing a good business.
Nathaniel H. Jackson was born in the state of Virginia, on the 13th day of October, 1834. He is the youngest living child of William H. and Ann (Miller) Jackson, who, with their family came to Illinois in 1836, settling in Mound township, McDonough county, Illinois. Nathaniel H. remained with his parents, assisting on the farm, until his marriage with Elizabeth Dyer, a daughter of Edward Dyer, January 7, 1858. The first four years of their married life was spent in Mound township on a farm. In 1862, they removed to Colchester, where Mr. Jackson engaged in mercantile business for about 18 months, when he removed to the village of Bardolph, in Macomb township, where, with the exception of short intervals, he has since resided, being engaged in mercantile business until 1868, when he exchanged his stock of goods for an interest in the Bardolph fire-clay works. In 1881, he purchased a saw mill in Lawrence county, Arkansas, where he spent the greater portion of the time until 1884, when he sold out and returned to Bardolph and opened the Bardolph House, the only hotel there. At the outbreak of the late war he offered himself for enlistment in the army, but was rejected on account of ill health. In the Masonic order he is a Knight Templar and has held nearly all the offices in the lodge. He was secretary at the time the charter was granted to Bardolph lodge. He has been prominent in local affairs in the village and has contributed in large measure to its prosperity. He was justice of the peace for a period of 11 years, supervisor of the township for three years, and school treasurer for several years, besides which he has filled other less important offices. His property consists of a farm of 110 acres, located on the southwest quarter of section 1, Mound township. His store building and residence is in Bardolph. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, were five in number, three only of which are now living--Frank S., now a resident of Mound township and a farmer; Harry D., a teacher of music who has followed his profession in and about Bardolph for the past five years; and Nathaniel H. Jr., who is the younger, and still at home with his parents. Those deceased were the oldest, a son named William E., who died at the age of 15 months, and the fourth child, a daughter, who died at the age of four years.
The principal grain business of Bardolph is done by J. M. Pelley, representing Hendee & Co., of Bushnell. They have control of the railroad company's elevator. During the year 1884, grain was shipped from this firm as follows: Wheat, 5,000 bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels; corn, 12,000 bushels; oats, 3,000 bushels. This was, however, a light year for shipment, as it averaged 100,000 bushels up to 1883.
James M. Pelley was born February 4, 1837, and is a native of Kentucky. His father died in that state and his mother is now living in McDonough county. When 11 years of age, Mr. Pelley, with his mother, left Kentucky, and located in Macomb township, within a mile of Bardolph. They resided there until 1857, when Mr. Pelley moved to the village, and went into business there. He was for a short time in business at St. Augustine, Knox county, but returned to Bardolph and resides there. He was married January 1, 1860, to Sarah E. Rearson, and they have seven children--David E., Eva M., Elizabeth E., Rosa A., Nancy F., Mary C. and James E. The oldest son, Wiley P., was killed while braking on the C. B. & Q. railroad, near Biggsville, in 1880. Mr. Pelley is a Master Mason, and with his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. He is now village treasurer, custodian of the township school funds, and has for several terms been a member of the town board. He owns a dwelling and eight acres of land in the corporate limits of Bardolph.
April 15, 1869, Bardolph was incorporated as a town by a special act of the legislature, and the following trustees were appointed by that body: President, A. Russell; trustees, W. J. Merritt, W. S. Hendricks, E. Dyer, N. D. Clark; clerk, David Adams. After this the trustees were elected annually, the police magistrate acting as president.
On the 5th day of February, 1876, Bardolph was incorporated as a village. The main cause for this change was that the town trustees were also school directors for district No. 7, part of which is in the country, and the people residing out of the corporation, therefore, had no voice in choosing the directors. This naturally caused dissatisfaction, and as a remedy, the town was changed to a village, and a board of school directors created, separate and apart from the village officers.
Annual elections are held on the third Tuesday of April, at which a president and five village trustees and a clerk are chosen. The first board of trustees were: President, H. A. Maxwell; trustees, E. D. Stevens, J. B. Knapp, J. M. Pelley, Lewis Wilson, and J. T. Norris; clerk, T. A. Jackson. Bonds to the amount of $2,000 are required to be given by the treasurer and clerk for the faithful performance of the trust and duties imposed upon them.
This extensive establishment is the outgrowth of a small shop started in Colchester by Mr. A. Horrocks, in 1861, which he had built up from infantile dimensions until it had assumed good business proportions. In March, 1874, a copartnership was formed between A. Horrocks, E. D. Stevens and J. W. Stevens, under the firm name of Horrocks, Stevens & Co., and arrangements perfected for removing the works to Bardolph. The capital stock invested was $15,000, divided in three equal shares. Attempts were made at that time to obtain clay for the works by mining, which, however, proved futile. The clay used has since been taken from the farm of David Holler. Between the months of March and May, 1876, an engine house and machine shop were erected at Bardolph, and in the latter month the works at Colchester were abandoned, and all the fixtures removed to their new location. About this time the capital stock of the company was increased to $30,000. After removing to Bardolph, the company manufactured fire brick and drain tile principally, the former article constituting the major part of their product. About three years afterward, they commenced to devote their principal attention to drain tile, and so continued till 1882, when they turned their efforts in the direction of the manufacture of sewer pipe, and now their output consists in a great measure of this article.
In the spring of 1877, the institution was reorganized as a joint stock company, with a capital stock of $60,000, divided in shares of $100 each. Messrs. Reed, Babcock, and Stilson, of Galesburg, came into the company, taking one-half the stock, while the other half was held by the old firm. The works then took the name of Bardolph fire-clay works. The company was organized with the following officers: E. D. Stevens, president; A. Horrocks, superintendent; Josiah Babcock, secretary and treasurer. The stockholders at the present time are: A. Horrocks, Alex. McLean, R. C. Pointer, C. V. Chandler, and William Bailey. The officers at present are: C. V. Chandler, president; A. Horrocks, superintendent; Alex. McLean, secretary and treasurer.
The main building for drying purposes, is 204 feet long, 36 wide, and two stories high, to which is attached the engine house and machine shops, 50x36 feet, two stories high. In addition to this, they have four sheds, each 150x20 feet, or a total shed room of 600x20 feet. The engine used is 20-horse power, but from the way it is geared, it is equal to a 60-horse power engine. They have 10 large ovens for burning purposes. Of these, eight are 21 feet, 4 inches in the clear, and two are 25 feet in the clear. In 1877, the company constructed a tramway, two miles in length, from their works to the clay banks, on which all their clay is transported. The factory for a time enjoyed the distinction of being the largest in the state, and is now equal to any. The works are situated about one-half mile west of Bardolph, on the line of the C., B. & Q. railroad, which affords ample side-track facilities. Sixty hands find employment here, and the establishment, it will be seen, is a prize for Bardolph. Most of the product is shipped to Chicago, though it finds a market throughout the entire country.
Abram Horrocks was born July 5, 1832, in Lancashire, England, where he lived on a farm until he reached the age of 16, at which time he went into a fire brick and terra cotta pottery, and worked until he came to the United States, being then 24 years old. He settled at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, and engaged in coal mining, there being no pottery works in that neighborhood. Three years after he came to La Salle, Illinois, where he worked as a coal miner for six months. He then went to Henderson Grove, near Galesburg, Illinois, where he opened a coal mine and worked eight months, thence, in 1857, to Colchester, where he worked for the Quincy coal company one year, and thence to Avon, where he was engaged as manager and superintendent of the works of a fire brick company, a Chicago institution, and where he remained till November, 1859, when the company became bankrupt, owing him at the time $500. He then returned to Colchester and again entered the service of the Qunicy coal company, by whom he was employed at this time 18 months. He then rented a coal bank and went to mining coal on his own responsibility. He saved all the clay taken from the mine, from which he commenced, in a small way, the manufacture of brick, the clay being ground for the purpose in a corn grinder. He was assisted at this time by Robert Entwisle. Being short of means they secured credit at a store. The first season's operations resulted in the manufacture of 20,000 brick, which were sold at $20 a thousand. Upon settlement of accounts at the store they found themselves in debt $36. They succeeding in hiring a mule which they used to grind clay. He continued in the business until he left Colchester, when he had accumulated about $8,000, over and above his expenditures in opening up the mines and developing the brick-making business. He made it a rule to keep out of debt and conducted his business on strictly business principles, and to which he gave both industry and close attention. In April, 1883, he went to his brick yard and found a machine which was used in mining clay, out of order, and while engaged in cleaning out the knives, his right arm was caught by them and taken off near the shoulder. By this accident he was laid off from his work only two months. Mr. Horrocks now has about $15,000 invested in his business. He owns 80 acres of land in Macomb township, and five acres where he lives. He owns seven houses in Bardolph, and has also investments in notes and like securities. He was married in England July 28, 1852, to Eliza Fletcher, a native of Lancashire. They have had no children. This man learned to read by studying the signs over shop doors. He is possessed of rare intelligence, is a good geologist in his rude way, and is the best judge of clays for tile, pottery, fire brick and the like, in the county, and possibly in the state.
Robert C. Pointer was born in Meridosia, Morgan county, Illinois, December 17, 1838. His parents were William and Elizabeth (Morrison) Pointer, who were natives of Fleming and Cumberland counties, Kentucky, whence they came to Morgan county, being among the earliest settlers. During the early childhood of Robert, his family removed to the place where Concord now stands, where they remained until the spring of 1855, and whence they removed to a farm purchased by his father near LaHarpe, Hancock county, Illinois, where they remained four years. In the fall of 1859, they again changed their residence to Scotland township, McDonough county, where Robert resided until 1877, when he settled in Bardolph. Soon after removing to Bardolph, he became interested in the fire clay works at that place, his interested being a one-third ownership, and he has since given his entire attention to the manufacture of tile, etc. He now has $10,000 invested in the works, besides which, he is the owner of a farm in Scotland township, and a house and five lots in Bardolph. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the A. O. U. W. He has been a member of the village board of trustees four years, and of the school board five years. He was married May 5, 1864, to Flora Gates, a native of McDonough county, and a daughter of Nathan Gates, who died when she was about one year old. They have six children--Anna E., Jennie D., Ida M., Sarah L., William C., and Flora N.
In the early part of 1870, William Cleveland located in Macomb with his family. He was a practical tile maker, as was also his son, H. A. Cleveland. About this time experiments were being made with clay, obtained upon the farm of David Holler, near Bardolph, and the citizens made overtures to Mr. Cleveland to induce him to come to the town for the purpose of utilizing the clay in the manufacture of pottery. The negotiations were successful, and Mr. Cleveland began in the fall of 1870 to erect shops and a kiln. Manufacturing was soon commenced, Mr. Cleveland associating with Mr. J. Stoffer. In 1872, the proprietors sold a one-fifth interest to W. M. Albert. In the meantime, the firm had built another pottery in Macomb, and in 1873, Stoffer and Albert exchanged their interests in the Macomb pottery with Mr. Cleveland, the latter taking the Bardolph works. The business was conducted by William Cleveland & Son, until 1878, when W. M. Albert and J. F. Easton purchased the Bardolph pottery and took control. After one year of partnership, Mr. Albert became sole proprietor, and has conducted the business since that time. When he took charge, the buildings were in bad repair and the works generally in bad condition. He began to improve the facilities, enlarge the buildings, and put up another kiln. The main building now covers a plot of ground 30x180 feet in area, while there is a wing 24 feet square contiguous. He also erected such other small buildings as were found necessary for successful work. Besides these improvements, he put in new machiners, so that he can now turn out, according to demand, from 5,000 to 15,000 gallons of ware per month. His clay is procured from what are known as the Holler clay banks, in Macomb township, two miles west of Bardolph.
George J. Boothe, our subject was married July 4, 1852, to Mary Vincent, a daughter of Michael Vincent, who came to McDonough county at a very early day, and settled near Bardolph. Mr. Vincent was born in Virginia, in 1787, and his wife, Harriet Tinsley, was a native of Kentucky. He was a well-borer by trade. Mr. and Mrs. Boothe have had born to them 11 children--Martha A., born March 28, 1853, died July 9, 1874; James A., born July 25, 1854, died May 6, 1873; Ella, born March 25, 1856, died October 24, 1871; Harriet I., born February 27, 1856; Charles D., 1860, died June 6, 1882; Nettie May, born January 10, 1862; Mary Ida, born February 14, 1865, died May 31, 1865; Franklin, born October 11, 1866, died July 10, 1871; George V., born October 25, 1868. The family are members of the Christian church. Mrs. Boothe owns a fine farm of 271 acres, in Macomb township, and residence property in Bardolph.
Michael Vincent was born in Virginia, July 27, 1787, and made a profession of faith October 15, 1827, at the Providence church in Wilson county, Tennessee. He was married to Harriet A. Tinsley, April 2, 1833, in Adair county, Kentucky, who was born September 1, 1814, in that county, and departed this life August 9, 1881. He died June 22, 1871. They were the parents of 10 children--Mary E., the eldest, who was born March 14, 1834; Martha J., born June 27, 1835; Mahala T., born December 21, 1837, died October 5, 1837; David A., born September 20, 1837; James C., born November 12, 1840, died March 17, 1841; John G., born January 14, 1842; George W., born June 25, 1845; Joseph M., born March 28, 1849, died July 22, 1874, and Emma A., born November 24, 1855.
At a meeting held on the 17th of February, 1868, it was decided to get together all interested, to talk over the feasibility of organizing a lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. A second meeting was accordingly held, with H. C. Mullen, chairman, and J. S. Martin, secretary, and it was decided to appoint a committee to ask the grand lodge for the dispensation. On the 10th of June, another meeting was held, and the 30th of the same month was set for organization. On the latter date the members met, and decided that the following should be the officers of the lodge: J. L. Getty, N. G.; Wm. Kirkpatrick, V. G.; L. Wilson, treasurer; J. S. Martin, secretary. The following are the names of the charter members: H. C. Mullen, L. Wilson, John L. Getty, J. S. Martin and William Kirkpatrick. At this meeting, Bardolph lodge, No. 371, I. O. O. F., was fully organized, and the temporary organization made permanent. W. L. Imes received the commission of D. D. G. M., from the grand lodge. Trustees were chosen as follows: J. L. Getty, T. Wilson, J. S. Martin, C. N. Dallam and James Boyd. The following subordinate officers were chosen: C. W. Dallam, conductor; James Boyd, O. G.; William Gordon, I. G. Saturday evening was chosen as the time for meetings. On Saturday evening, July 11, 1868, the first meeting of the lodge, as an organized body, was held, in the old Masonic hall, which was formerly a school building. This building has since been torn down. The officers for 1885, are--L. Wilson, D. D. G. M.; Thomas Bryson, N. G.; J. F. Easton, V. G.; H. B. Sikes, secretary; Louis Wilson, Treasurer; William Mason, I. G.; L. Wilson, warden; Peter Dougherty, R. S. N. G.; Daniel Workham, R. S. V. G.; Peter Dougherty, E. A. Borley, William Mason, C. L. Van Meter and Thomas Richey, trustees. The membership is reported at 25. The lodge is in good condition, is out of debt, and has a two-thirds interest in Odd Fellows hall, the A. O. U. W. owning the other one-third. The lodge room is 30x18 feet in dimensions, and is nicely fitted up. The only charter member who now appears on the lodge roll is L. Wilson.
Bardolph lodge, No. 128, Ancient Order of United Workmen, was organized on the 10th of October, 1878, at the school house, by L. W. Cook, installing officer, of Quincy. The charter members were--H. A. Maxwell, Sylvester Moore, Robert C. Pointer, John Hindman, Henry L. Booth, R. E. Spangler, Robert Work, Henry Duncan, Dr. J. B. Knapp, Jackson Dennis, E. A. Anderson, J. E. Hendrickson, T. J. Creel, and John Parvin. At the organization, officers were elected as follows--J. E. Hendrickson, P. M. W.; H. A. Maxwell, M. W.; R. C. Pointer, G. F.; J. Hindman, overseer; H. L. Booth, recorder; T. J. Creel, receiver; R. E. Spangler, financier; Jackson Dennis, guide; E. A. Anderson, I. W.; F. M. Riffle, O. W. The charter was held open a few days, and David Beal, Francis M. Riffle, J. T. Kirkpatrick, W. Guy McCandless and Samuel V. Portlock enrolled their names on the charter. David Beal, S. Moore and R. Work were chosen trustees. The first representative to the grand lodge was J. E. Hendrickson, who attended the session at Springfield, in February, 1879. He was chosen by the grand lodge as chairman of its finance committee, and has held that honor for Bardolph lodge ever since. The lodge has 28 members. They meet weekly in the hall erected by them in conjunction with the Odd Fellows. The officers for 1885 are--John Hendrickson, P. M. W.; T. J. Creel, M. W.; H. L. Booth, foreman; John Pugh, overseer; J. E. Hendrickson, receiver and recorder; H. A. Maxwell, financier; William Dougherty, guide; S. V. Portlock, I. W.; T. J. Kirkpatrick, O. W. The trustees have not changed.
George M. Scott post, No. 260, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized on the 24th day of May, 1883, under Charter Commander W. C. Butler, and received their charter June 4, 1883. This document bears the following names--J. E. Hendrickson, W. C. Butler, William Stanley, H. J. Faulkner, M. D. Donevarn, G. A. Rexroat, R. S. Stevens, D. W. Lambert, William Lucas, L. F. Empey, R. S. Head and Dr. J. B. Knapp. The roster has since been filled out with the following names--Lewis Wilson, Donret Markham, James H. Morgan, John C. Maxwell, John Parvin and Henry Seybold. The first officers were as follows--W. C. Butler, Com.; R. S. Stevens, S. V. C.; H. J. Faulkner, J. V. C.; J. B. Knapp, surgeon; R. S. Head, Q. M.; J. C. Hendrickson, O. D.; William Stanley, O. G.; D. W. Lambert, adjutant; William Lucas, sergeant major. There are about 45 old soldiers in Bardolph, but the post has only 18 members. However, those are quite regular in their attendance at meetings. The officers for 1885 are--J. E. Hendrickson, Com.; William Stanley, S. V. C.; R. S. Stevens, J. V. C.; John Parvin, O. D.; William Lucas, O. G.; Lewis Wilson,, Q. M.; J. B. Knapp, surgeon; D. W. Lambert, adjutant; R. H. Head, sergeant major. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, in the hall of the Odd Fellows, and Workmen.
Bardolph lodge, No. 572, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was organized May 28, 1867, by R. D. Hammond, W. M., from J. B. Kyle lodge, at Macomb. The charter members were--Charles Wells, William J. Merritt, Oakey M. Hoagland, Thomas J. Means, Lyman Porter, W. S. Hagar, Milton Darr, Charles Dallam, W. S. Hendricks, Ashel Russell and N. H. Jackson. The officers under dispensation were--Charles Wells, W. M.; William S. Hendricks, S. W.; William J. Merritt, J. W.; O. M. Hoagland, treasurer; Lyman Porter, secretary; William S. Hagar, S. D.; T. J. Means, J. D.; M. Darr, tyler. At the charter election the following officers were chosen--Charles Wells, W. M.; W. S. Hagar, S. W.; A. Russell, J. W.; O. M. Hoagland, treasurer; N. H. Jackson, secretary; Lyman Porter, S. D.; Joel C. Bond, J. D.; William H. Foster, tyler. Their place of meeting is over Knapp & Curry's drug store. The hall was erected by the lodge, at a cost of $1,500. This amount was vouched for by the old members, and they gradually paid off the indebtedness. They have a much better furnished room than is usually found in towns of this size. The equipments include an organ purchased in 1884. At present there are 37 members in good standing, and an active interest is manifested by all. The officers for 1885 are--H. B. Sikes, W. M.; Lewis Wilson, S. W.; R. C. Pointer, J. W.; H. A. Maxwll, secretary; A. Horrocks, treasurer; John W. Booth, J. W.; James A. Roberts, S. W.; James Pellett, tyler; J. M. Jackson, chaplain.
Bardolph council, No. 19, Order of Golden Rule, was instituted Thursday evening March 26, 1885, by Mr. C. D. Hendryx, supreme council deputy, with the following charter members--George Curry and Annie E. Curry; J. A. Perrine and Hanna T. Perrine; C. A. Head and Ida M. Head; Thomas J. Nester and Jessie Nester; W. H. Greene and Hattie W. Greene; Ed Dallam and Ellie Dallam; Elias Barley and Lizzie Barley; S. V. Portlock and Nancy Portlock; L. F. Empey and Malinda Empey; Charles Falgret, Lute Wilson, B. M. Bevins, Charles Dallam, N. H. Jackson, George Waid, Everett Hudson, C. M. Melvin, Peter Dougherty, J. F. Kirkpatrick, David Beal, Dr. H. B. Sikes, and Moses Foster. The following gentlemen were, on organization, chosen the first officers of the council: C. A. Head, chief patriarch; J. A. Perrine, chief councilor; Charles Dallam, chief captain; George Curry, chief secretary; Mrs. Hattie W. Green, financial secretary; N. H. Jackson, treasurer; Charles Falgret, captain of guards; Bassett M. Bevins, 1st guard; Lute Wilson, 2d guard; Thomas Nester, sentry; Dr. H. B. Sikes, medical examiner.
This band was organized in May, 1883, and, although a young organization, it has attained a great deal of proficiency, and is one of the prized institutions of Bardolph. In 1883, at Lovett's jubilee, held at Bushnell, it took the first prize for proficiency in playing over a number of bands. The prize consisted of $50 in cash. There it had to compete with older organizations, but was able to do so successfully. Since that time their progress has been rapid. The following is the composition of the band--J. H. Jackson, 1st E-flat; H. L. Wilson, 1st B-flat; C. E. Taylor, 2d B-flat; T. Nester, solo alto; C. Jackson, 1st alto; J. C. Smith, 1st tenor; C. E. Easton, 2d tenor; S. F. Jackson, baritone; L. L. Wilson, tuba; J. D. Hayes, bass drum; A. W. Fluke, snare drum. The officers are L. L. Wilson, president; C. E. Taylor, secretary; J. H. Jackson, leader.
In the winter of 1836, a school was taught on the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24, Macomb township, which is the same quarter on which now stands the town of Bardolph. The house had been built for a dwelling, and the family had moved away. Only three months' session was held here. The house was afterwards torn down. The next school in the neighborhood was taught in a cabin in the edge of Mound township, on section 17, in 1837. The land on which this cabin was erected was the property of a man named Joseph Smith. Two terms were taught at this place. A log school house was then erected on the southwest quarter of section 17, Mound township. After one term there, it was occupied by a family for a dwelling. The next term in this neighborhood was again held in a cabin on the west side of the northeast quarter of section 24. This building belonged to James Creel. After the term mentioned, he removed the building. The next school was held in another log cabin, on the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 24. Two winter terms were taught there. The next school was held in a cabin a little west of the last named place, on the southwest quarter of section 24. It was occupied as a school until a new one was erected in town.
This school building was erected in 1860, and, properly speaking, was the first school edifice in the village of Bardolph. It was erected as a two-story building, and the upper floor was used as a Good Templar's hall. It is a frame building, and stands on the corner of Green and Poplar streets. Plenney M. Wilcox taught the first term of school in that building, and the directors at the time were I. M. Parvin, F. M. Allison and O. M. Hoagland.
The building at present in use for school purposes was commenced in August, 1874, and formally accepted from the contractors by the board on the 7th of December, 1874. It is a good two-story four room edifice, and was erected and furnished at a cost of $4,500, though the building proper was let for $3,150, to N. Easton, L. McPherson and H. M. Siebold. The school comprises three departments, high school, primary and intermediate. One room is unoccupied. The first teachers in this building were: High school, H. A. Maxwell; intermediate, Miss F. G. Phelps; primary, Mrs. S. M. Hall. The members of the school board for 1885, are: Dr. H. B. Sikes, president; J. E. Hendrickson, secretary, and Dr. J. B. Knapp. The corps of teachers is as follows: C. A. Head, principal; Miss Lena Spangler, intermediate, and Miss Nellie Miller, primary.
Cary A. Head, principal of the Bardolph public schools, was born in New Salem township, McDonough county, April 15, 1857, and is the son of Bigger J. and Sarah A. Head. He lived with his parents on a farm until nearly six years of age, when they sold out and removed to Macomb. Here he was enrolled as a student in the public schools. Applying himself diligently, he early completed the course of that institute, and took a special course in the McDonough normal and scientific college. When but 16 years of age he went to Chicago, and acquired a commercial and business education in one of the leading institutions of that great city. Afterwards he engaged with his uncle in the real estate and loan business, at 151 LaSalle street. Disliking the business, he returned to McDonough county, and in 1876 began the work of teaching. In this, his chosen profession, he has been eminently successful and acquired a reputation for tact and ability that is second to none in the county. He was three times elected principal of the Fountain Green schools, three times elected to a similar position at Hamilton, Hancock county, Illinois, and is retained for a second year at the head of the Bardolph schools. Prof. Head was married, December 24, 1879, to Ida Eakle, the youngest daughter of John B. and Mary A. Eakle, of Tennessee. The result of this marriage is two bright and intelligent children, a boy and a girl--Lilia A., born January 3, 1881, and Carl V., born October 24, 1883. Mr. Head is a prominent and influential member of the M. E. church and a member of the order of the Golden Rule; he is state deputy and organizer for this society.
As no history can be complete which does not treat of the people, the sketches of citizens not given in the business history are here inserted:
Abraham Powers was born March 25, 1825, in the town of Hardwick, Vermont, near Montpelier, his parents being Isaac and Rachel (Marshall) Powers. His father was also born in Vermont, and was a cousin of Hiram Powers, the sculptor. The family removed to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1833, settling on sections 1 and 12 (80 acres in each), in Eldorado township, they being among the earliest settlers there. The land was partially improved by his father, who died February 10, 1836, being killed by the running away of a team of horses he was driving. His mother died, at her residence, April 24, 1862. Abraham was married, December 25, 1848, to Frances M. Reesor, who was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1823, where her father's family lived until 1834, when they moved to Tazewell county, Illinois, and seven years later, he went to McDonough county, settling in Eldorado township, where they became acquainted. After his marriage the couple lived at the old homestead till 1867, when they removed to section 6, New Salem township. He owns the northwest quarter of that section, and he made it his home till April, 1880, when they moved to Bardolph. He owns his present residence in that place, besides three other houses and some vacant lots. He is in good circumstances and is engaged in overseeing and caring for his property. He has two sons--Willard R., who is an attorney-at-law, and now engaged in the practice of his profession in Chicago, where he studied law under the tutelage of Judge Forrester and Martin Beem. He is prominent in his profession, having received at one time a fee of $10,000 from the Bell Telephone company. Orville M., who is the principal and proprietor of the Metropolitan business college, of Chicago, Illinois. This institution was organized by Orville, and his brother in January, 1873, both having graduated from the Macomb high school and the Quincy business college. There are about 400 students in attendance, and 10 teachers and instructors in the several branches are employed. Orville M. is one of the originators of the work entitled "Secrets of Success in Business."
George F. Hendrickson was born in Hamiton county, Ohio, near Cincinnati, on the 25th day of June, 1812, his father at that time was serving in the army in the war of 1812. Soon after the close of the war he moved to Lewis county, Kentucky, where the subject of this sketch grew to manhood, with such education as could be derived from the county schools of that day, a log school house, with dirt floor, puncheon seats and greased paper for window glass. He learned the cooper trade, which he followed for years. In 1831 he was married to Nancy McKinzie, of Lewis county, Kentucky, whose family were among the pioneer settlers of that state. After his marriage, he settled in Concord, Kentucky, a town on the Ohio river, and engaged largely in the coopering business, shipping, in float boats, to Maysville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1843 he moved to Portsmouth, Ohio, in order to secure better schooling advantages for his children. He continued his trade there for several years, and in 1846, he purchased a farm in Adams county, Ohio, in the Ohio river bottoms, intending to turn his attention to farming, but the floods of 1846, swept every building (of which there were two, besides out buildings,) and fence from the place. This so disgusted him with attempting to farm in such a country, that he set his eyes westward, and in March, 1847, with his wife and family of seven children, landed at Liverpool, Fulton county, Illinois. He located at Vermont, but the following year bought a farm west of Ipava, where he farmed with varied success, until the winter of 1854, when he purchased a farm one mile west of what is now Bushnell, this county. The land was raw prairie, but in the spring of 1855, he broke up 80 acres, and sowed it in spring wheat, and shipped the first grain, 1,000 bushels of wheat, ever shipped from Bushnell, for which he received $1 per bushel. In 1858, he sold his farm and moved to the village of Bushnell, and in connection with Harrison Everett, went into the mercantile business, which was followed until the fall of 1861, when his sons, five in number, enlisted in the army, he closing out his business with the intention of enlisting, himself, but was prevailed upon by his sons, and family at home, to remain at home. In 1865 he removed to Johnson county, Kansas, where he purchased a farm, but two years later he sold it and located in Olathe, county seat of Johnson county, where he is still residing, a hale and hearty man of 73 years, living a retired life, having amassed sufficient of "worldly goods" for the declining years of himself and wife. Forty-three years of his life time he has served the public in various offices continually. He filled the office of justice of peace in Kentucky, in Fulton county, in this county, and in Johnson county, Kansas, and has been a member of the board of supervisors of this county, representing Bushnell township. In 1872, he was elected county judge of Johnson county, and served for 10 consecutive years in that office, declining to longer serve, on account of the labor of the office, and his advanced age. During his official years he officiated at upwards of 1,500 marriages, near 1,200 in Johnson county alone. One son lost his life in the army, near Atlanta, Georgia, at the time of the evacuation of that place by Hood. those living are--John E., living in Bardolph, this county; Marcellus C., in Colorado Springs, Colorado; James F., in Olathe, Kansas; Dr. Charles D., in Orange, Massachusetts; Mrs. H. M. Sells, in Phelps county, Missouri, and Mrs. J. L. Pettyjohn, in Olathe, Kansas. In politics he was an old time whig, until the demise of that party, when he enrolled under the banner of the republican party, of which he has always been a strong advocate, until of late years he has almost entirely withdrawn from all political affiliations. He was a warm supporter of St. John, in the late political contest, more from a moral and religious point of view, than a political one, being a neighbor and a warm personal friend. He has been a member of the Christian church for nearly 50 years, and has always been a close student of the bible.
John E. Hendrickson, station agent at Bardolph, and in control of the American express and telegraph department, was born in Lewis county, Kentucky, September 15, 1836. His parents were George F. and Nancy (McKinzie) Hendrickson, whose biographical sketch appears in another place. The family came to Illinois in March, 1847, and settled at Vermont, in Fulton county, and John E. made his home there until 1855, receiving, meantime, a common school education. He then removed to a farm one mile west of the place, where Bushnell is now located, where he remained two years, attending school at Abingdon college. In the spring of 1858, he went to Kansas, locating on a farm, but illhealth compelled him, after a year's residence there, to return to Illinois, and in the spring of 1859, he, in company with his father, engaged in mercantile business in Bushnell, where he remained until August, 1861, when he assisted Captain G. M. Scott in raising a company of cavalry, of which he was elected orderly sergeant, and going to Springfield, secured the acceptance of the company by the state authorities. About this time a position in the band of the 29th infantry was tendered to him; he accepted, and served in that capacity one year, participating in the battles at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, and Shiloh, and the advance on Corinth. He was mustered out in July, 1862, and was a sutler in the army during the winter following. He was married July 2, 1863, to Eliza A. Walker, of Macomb, daughter of J. D. Walker, and entered the service of the C., B. & Q. railroad company, at Bushnell, in November, 1863, where he remained until August 27, 1867, when he accepted the position he now holds. Since his residence in Bardolph, he has been a member of the village board of trustees, and a member of the school board for the last five years. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., in which he has filled various offices; and at present is chairman of the grand lodge finance committee, and is the present commander of G. M. Scott post, No. 260, G. A. R.; is a member of Quincy legion, No. 9, of Select Knights, a member of the I. O. G. T., and of the Golden Rule, and secretary of the County Sunday School association for six years past. He is a member of the M. E. church, being a trustee, steward and class leader; is assistant superintendent of the Sunday school, and takes an active interest in Sunday school work. He is a republican in politics, and is chairman of the township republican central committee, and a member of the county central committee. His children are--John F., born May 26, 1864, who is the station agent of the C. L. railroad, at Little York, Illinois, and Hattie N., born February 22, 1872.
Dr. Horace B. Sikes was born in North Granville, Washington county, New York, April 5, 1842, and is of English and Dutch descent. Our subject left Granville in 1862, and attended school and clerked in a store for several months. He went to Michigan, where he taught school during the winter of 1863-'64. He then entered a store, where he remained for some time as clerk and book-keeper. He then went to Chicago, and traveled for a wholesale notion house. He then returned to Michigan, and studied medicine with Dr. Harvey, of Romeo, and took two courses of lectures at Ann Arbor. He graduated in 1872, and settled at Table Grove, Illinois, where he practiced medicine in partnership with Dr. A. J. Bacon. He settled in Bardolph May 18, 1875, and in the spring of 1884, attended the practitioners' course at Rush mdecial college. He was married March 19, 1883, to Fidelia R. Hill, who died March 27, 1885. The doctor is a member of the Masonic order, and is master of Bardolph lodge, No. 572, which office he has held for five years, and is also secretary of the I. O. O. F. lodge. For the last four years he has been president of the town board. His property is mostly in the town of Bardolph.
Lewis Wilson, the only blacksmith in the town of Bardolph, is a native of Adams county, Pennsylvania, and was born May 10, 1832. His parents died when he was very young, and he made his home with his aunt, Mary Jones. He lived with his aunt until he was 18 years of age, when he enlisted in company H, 2d U. S. dragoons, and was sent to Carlisle barracks, where he remained, drilling until April, 1851. He served as a blacksmith and as bugler. At Leavenworth, Kansas, the regiment was fitted out to cross the plains, and was sent to Mexico. He served there and in California and Texas, and was discharged in 1856, at Fort Union, New Mexico, his term having expired. He brought up a lot of horses, which he brought to Macomb, Illinois, for sale. He worked at his trade in Macomb and other places, and February 2, 1858, was married to Ann M. Kuhn. In 1860, he located at Bardolph, after a visit to Colorado. In 1862, he enlisted in the 119th infantry. He was discharged in 1865 as sergeant, and resumed his trade at Bardolph. He has increased his business by the addition of a wagon shop, and is doing a good jobbing trade. He has nine children living.
James Park was born November 30, 1802, near Cannonsburgh [Canonsburg], Washington county, Pennsylvania. He was possessed of a vigorous mind, and was fond of study. He entered Jefferson college in 1823, and was a diligent student, and graduated with honors in 1827. His favorite studies were mathematics and the languages. After graduating, he taught one year at Kittanning, and then 18 months under Dr. McClusky, at West Alexander. He then taught two years in Jefferson college as professor of Latin and Greek. After teaching some six months at Waterford he became the principal of Erie academy, which he successfully conducted for four and a-half years. After closing his school in Erie, he spent two or three years at home, and on the waters of St. Joseph, in Williams county, Ohio, clearing some land which he had purchased there. He put up a cabin on this land, with the expectation of occupying it, but changed his mind, and sold it. He resumed teaching, spending three years in Kentucky, two at Mount Zion and one at Winchester. After closing his school in Kentucky, he was married, September 2, 1847, to Anna J. Hamilton, of Meadville, Pennsylvania. They moved to Ohio the same fall, and settled on a farm on Cherry Fork, near Eckmansville, Adams county. They resided there nearly 20 years, where they enjoyed the respect and confidence of the neighbors and acquaintances. For the purpose of getting nearer church and school, he sold his farm, and in April of 1867 removed to Bardolph, McDonough county, Illinois. He united with the Presbyterian church while in Adams county, Ohio. He was scrupulously honest, and would suffer wrong rather than trespass on the rights of others. He was a liberal supporter of the church and other benevolent agencies. Never, when able to attend, was his seat at church vacant. He was twice elected ruling elder, but declined. After coming to Bardolph, he retired from active labor, devoting most of his time to reading. He died at Bardolph, February 11, 1882, aged 79 years, 2 months and 12 days. He left a wife and four daughters, who still survive him. His remains rest in Oakwood cemetery, Macomb.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 999-1014. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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