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Chapter 40 - The City of
Macomb, Part 2
The company with the above name, was incorporated in the spring of 1883, with a capital stock of $50,000. The establishment of it was largely due to the efforts of Dr. W. F. Bayne, Jesse H. Cummings, J. C. McClellan, G. W. Bailey and Andrew H. Allison, who were appointed by the secretary of state, as commissioners, to open the books of the company and to receive subscriptions to the capital stock to the amount above given. As soon as the stock was all taken, and the articles of incorporation completed, they purchased five and one-half acres of land adjoining the city corporation line on the west, and built what is now the main building. This is 50x200 feet in ground area, with an L, 50x100 feet in size. The basement of the edifice is built of stone and the superstructure of brick. The latter is three stories high, and is fitted up with all the necessary machinery of the most approved and improved kind. The building was completed, and manufacturing began in March, 1884, since which time they have turned out an immense amount of ware.
At the first meeting of the stock-holders, the following gentlemen were chosen directors of the company: Dr. W. F. Bayne, J. H. Cummings, J. C. McClellan, J. M. Keefer, J. W. McIntosh, Andrew H. Allison and G. W. Bailey. This board met and elected the following officers: Dr. W. F. Bayne, president; G. W. Bailey, secretary; J. H. Cummings, treasurer. The officers at present are as follows: W. F. Bayne, president; Samuel Frost, secretary; Albert Eads, treasurer; W. F. Bayne, J. M. Keefer, J. B. Venard, G. W. Bailey, Andrew Allison, J. H. Cummings, Albert Eads, directors.
The business proved very successful from the start, and a good trade was established and the works were in continued operation until January, 1885, when they were closed down until March 1, to make some repairs and additions, looking to an increase of capacity and trade. The following is a list of stockholders of the company, among whom are some of the most enterprising citizens of Macomb and the surrounding country: J. M. Keefer, G. W. Bailey, A. H. Allison, J. M. Kelley, Charles Shevalier, Martin & Son, W. E. Odell, J. H. Baker, T. F. Willis, J. S. Sosman, C. W. Dines, W. F. Wells, C. G. Chandler, Albert Eads, M. C. Fads, A. Binnie, N. Campbell, T. C. Yard, Blount Bros., J. L. Bailey, J. W. McIntosh, J. T. Adcock, Amos Scott, J. W. Scott, G. C. Gumbart, J. B. Venard, W. F. Bayne, J. H. Cummings, Peter Hesh, J. T. Applegate, F. Jacobs, Samuel Frost, Edgar Bolles, C. N. Ross, S. L. Sommers, P. H. Garretson, I. M. Fellheimer, L. Stocker, William Ward and Lucinda Allison.
In the year 1875, A. W. Eddy and J. M. Forest began the erection of a pottery works on the ground formerly occupied by the brick yard of Perry & C. N. Harding. They, at first, simply remodeled the kiln used for the making of bricks and in it burned the ware made by them. This firm of A. W. Eddy & Co., continued in active operation for about two years, when Mr. Eddy withdrew and J. S. Patterson became a partner, and the firm name and style altered to that of J. M. Forest & Co. In the fall of 1879, Mr. Forest sold his interest to A. W. Fauckentaugh, when the firm name became J. S. Patterson & Co. They enlarged the works considerably, and increased the business to a large extent. In 1881, Mr. Fauckentaugh disposed of his interest to William M. Ragon and Asher Blount. At that time the company was formed and took the name of the Eagle Pottery. They have added to the capacity of the works, putting in a new kiln, steam pipes and crusher, so that now the works have a capacity of turning out 9,000 gallons of first class ware per week; ware that has a wide reputation for its quality and finish. In 1883, Mr. Ragon became sole proprietor of the institution and remains so at the present writing.
Among the other industrial institutions of Macomb, of this nature, is the Buckeye, which is located on Carroll street, near the railroad track. This was established by the present proprietors, Joseph Pech & Sons, in 1882, they erecting the necessary buildings at that time They have a capital of $20,000 invested here, and afford employment to some 20 hands. Most of their ware, which is of a superior quality, made from clay found within the limits of the county, to Nebraska, Iowa and other western states.
Joseph Pech came to this county from Ohio, in 1882. He is a native of Bohemia, born June 15, 1827, and came to this county about the year 1852. His parents were agriculturists, and upon the farm Joseph remained until 12 years old, when he was sent to Vienna, and there remained 12 years, four years being spent as apprentice to the trade of potter. According to the custom of the country he worked from place to place a number of years, or until leaving his native land. With his father he settled at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and engaged in farming. That was at that time a new country, and under their management a farm of 160 acres was improved, then sold, and the family removed to the city of Madison. Mr. Pech then concluded to work at the business and trade with which he was familiar and to that end, formed a partnership and commenced making stoneware. The quality of clay at that point proved unfit for the business, and the project was abandoned in consequence. He then went to Ohio and settling at Atwater, in Portage county, engaged in teaching school, and followed that occupation about one year. He then went to Atwater of the same county, worked at his trade about 15 years, accumulating some money, with which he purchased a farm in that county, and after a time he moved on to it, and made a business farming together with the pottery trade, having an interest in a manufactory in Atwater. He retained that interest until 1877, when he sold out and engaged exclusively in farming. He there lived until 1882, when he came here as before stated, and engaged in his present business, owning with his sons the Buckeye pottery, a history of which appears elsewhere. He was married May 4, 1854, to Anna Sterba, a native of Austria. They have had six children, two boys and four girls, all of whom are living – W. J., married to Lucinda Stocker, living at home with his father, with whom he is in partnership, and having one child – Arthur; Frank, also living at home and a member of the company; Anna, Clara, Josephine and Flora, twins. W. J. Pech is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the I. O. O. F. F. M. Pech is a member of the I. O. O. F. and both are, politically, republicans.
J. L. Gribble, the leading manufacturer of and dealer in carriages, buggies and spring wagons, in Macomb, commenced operations in 1864, in that city, and with the exception of about a year and a half has continued ever since. The building at present occupied by him, was mostly erected in 1871, and the main part is 24x120 feet in ground area, with a carriage repository of 18x120 feet. The workshop is two stories in height, the upper one being used as a paintshop. Mr. Gribble is doing a business of about $10,000 per annum, selling his goods principally in this vicinity. He also, does all kinds of painting, repairing and trimming of all kinds of light vehicles, and all kinds of wood work, such as threshers and other agricultural implements. He employs from four to six men all the time. He also, keeps on hand a stock of the best class of eastern made vehicles, and intends increasing this branch of his business.
John L. Gribble was born in Tennessee, March 20, 1834, and is now among the active business men of Macomb, owning and operating a wagon and carriage manufactory. He came to this county in 1857, and first settled on Spring creek, and there working at the trade of carpenter. He commenced the wagon making business in the vicinity of what was called Clark’s mill, and there followed the trade until coming to Macomb. Thus from a small beginning a business of considerable importance has grown up, a history of which appears above. Mr. Gribble was married October 18, 1859, to Caroline Osborn, a native of Missouri. They have five children – William L., now working in the paint shop of the carriage factory; James L., Walter H., Arthur L. and Bertie.
A. K. Lodge, the popular manufacturer of, and dealer in, carriages, located at Macomb in 1871, at which time he engaged in his present business, in connection with B. F. Gill. In 1877, Mr. Lodge became the sole proprietor, and is now doing an immense business.
Mr. Lodge is a native of New Jersey, and was born in June, 1840. His father followed agricultural pursuits, and thus A. K.’s early life was spent in tilling the soil. But life on a farm was too dreary for him, and so, after reaching his majority, he bade adieu to the farm, and for the succeeding nine years followed sailing on inland waters. At Philadelphia, on the 31st of December, l867, Mr. Lodge was united in marriage with Amanda Thompson. They are now the parents of one son – Howard Thompson. As before noted, Mr. Lodge located at Macomb in January, 1871, and engaged in business. By good management, close attention to business, and turning out nothing but first-class work, he has succeeded in building up a large trade, which keeps constantly increasing. It is to such men as him that cities are indebted, in an eminent degree, for their growth.
Was organized in 1882. The old building they occupy, on the corner of Calhoun and Campbell streets, was originally used for the manufacture of sorghum evaporators, and afterwards as a foundry. The first to engage in the wagon manufacture on this site, was the firm of Wiley & Fisher. J. M. Price afterwards purchased the interest of Mr. Wiley, and the firm became Price & Fisher. They were succeeded by Stewart & Price, who ran the business about three years. J. M. Price & Son then operated here for about the same length of time, when the present organization was effected. The officers are: J. M. Price, president and superintendent; D. G. Price, secretary; and C. V. Chandler, treasurer. An addition to their works was built, shortly after the formation of the company, of brick, 90x24 feet in size, and also a warehouse for storage purposes. They furnish employment for from 12 to 15 men, and sell about 200 wagons annually. They do heavy work almost exclusively, in the line of farm and freight wagons, busses, drays, etc.
William L. Imes, the oldest wagon manufacturer in Macomb, removed to that city in 1849, and located on what is now the corner of Carroll and Edwards streets, where he has been conducting business ever since. When he first arrived, he entered into a partnership with C. W. Dallam, and engaged in the manufacture of threshing machines, and, during the fall of 1849, built one of the first, if not the first, threshing machine which was operated in the state of Illinois. The first trial of the machine was had on the farm of Benjamin Head, near Macomb, and it was subsequently sold to a man living in Hancock county. During the next few Years, several machines were built, all of which did good work. Mr. Dallam sold his interest in the business to Nelson Updegraff, in 1856. At Mr. Updegraff’s death, which occurred in 1860 or 1861, Mr. Imes became the sole proprietor. He then gave his attention to the manufacture of plows, cultivators, harrows and other agricultural implements, which he continued until 1870, since which time he has given his time and attention to the manufacture of carriages, light and heavy wagons, etc. William L. Imes is a native of Jefferson county, Ohio, and was born April 20, 1821, his parents being Isaac and Elizabeth (Lowry) Imes. At an early day, he commenced work as a carpenter and millwright, and in 1844 went to Iowa, where he worked on a flouring mill at Bonaparte, on the DesMoines river. He then went to Memphis, Tennessee, spent the winter, and then returned to Ohio. In 1847 he worked on a mill at Brookville, Indiana, then followed house-building at Covington, Kentucky, for one year, and, from the latter point, came to Macomb. On the 25th of February, 1852, at Macomb, W. L. Imes and Ann Ferguson were united in marriage. They are the parents of seven children – Charles I., William T., Eliza A., Lewis E., Mary F., George F. and Laura B. Mr. Imes is a democrat, and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, both subordinate and encampment, and served four years as a representative to the grand lodge.
Corydon Carlos Chapman was born near Amherst Corners, Lorain county, Ohio, April 2, 1834. He is the son of Jacob K. and Juliza (Griffith) Chapman. The great-grandfather of Jacob K. was Benjamin Chapman, who lived and died in England. The latter had three sons, Benjamin, James and John, who, on arriving at years of maturity, left their home in England, and went to different countries – Benjamin to France, James to Ireland, and John to Scotland. Their father subsequently died at an advanced age, leaving a large fortune to his sons. Benjamin returned from France, but found the entire estate confiscated by the government. He then came to America, and landed in South Carolina. James and John came, some years later, to the United States, and settled near Salem, Massachusetts, and were living there during the period of witchcraft and persecution. John had a family of 13 children, of whom the youngest two, Isaac and Adam, are the only ones now remembered. Adam, when last heard from, in 1882, was living in Ohio, at the advanced age of 95 years. Isaac reared five sons and three daughters – Uriah, Elenius, Daniel, Isaac and Jacob (twins), Roxy, Olive and Rebecca. Jacob K. was born in the state of New York, in 1803, and when a young man, went to Ohio, where he was married to Juliza Griffith, in the year 1825 or 1826. He was engaged in farming in that state until the spring of 1832. He then started, with his carpet sack on his back, on foot and alone, for the far west. He traveled through the thick forests of Ohio and Indiana to Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), where he tarried two days to rest, then proceeded to Jackson county, Missouri. After stopping there six weeks, he started to return, on the same road he had come, and reached his home, in Ohio, in the fall, having traveled 1,400 miles. In 1838, he started, with his family, for Illinois, but stopped in Indiana till 1839, when he resumed his journey, arriving in Hancock county, where he resided until 1846. During his residence in that county, his wife died, in 1845. The following year, he removed to Walworth county, Wisconsin, and one year later, to Geauga county, Ohio, where he was again married, to Harriet Allen. In 1854 he removed to Macomb, where he remained one year. He then went to Crawford county, Wisconsin, and there lived until 1868. In that year he returned to Geauga county, Ohio, where he died, on January 15, 1871. His children were – Sidney S., Hiram F., Albert B., Barbara A., Corydon C., Emma C., Willard D., Orson O., and Sarah. Of these, one son, Willard D., lost his life at the siege of Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. The subject of this sketch, Corydon C. Chapman, was four months old when his parents removed to Illinois. He remained with them until the death of his mother, in 1845, he being then ten years old. He then began earning his own livelihood, working upon a farm. At the age of 21, he was married to Margaret M. Clarke, whose parents were from Kentucky, having settled near Macomb in 1829. She was born here in 1837. Their marriage took place, April 19, 1855. They have had nine children, six of whom are living – Louis M., Annie, John, Lizzie, Fred and Harry. Those deceased are – Millard Fillmore, Eva and Willie. Mr. Chapman is by trade a carriage woodworker, and is a skilled workman. His wife, Margaret M. Chapman, is a member of the Christian church, and has held that connection for 35 years. Mr. Chapman is, politically, a republican.
Alexander Holmes was the originator of this branch of business in Macomb, and in September, 1874, erected a press on the corner of Washington and McArthur streets, having a capacity of 80 gallons per hour, or 800 gallons per day of 10 working hours. That year the apple crop was very heavy, and consequently work was plenty, and the press was run nearly to its full capacity for some two or three months. In 1875, apples were very scarce, but notwithstanding a good run was made. A ready sale was found at fair prices for all the vinegar manufactured, and the demand was in excess of the supply. In 1876, another and still larger press was added with a capacity of 120 gallons an hour, making 200 gallons per day, of ten hours, as the amount that could be produced. During the year 1884, Alexander Holmes, became the owner, by purchase of the building on the corner of Jefferson and Lafayette streets, formerly the property of J. W. McIntosh, and fitted it up for the manufacture of cider and cider vinegar. He soon afterward added to it a mill for grinding feed and has since operated both branches of the business.
In 1876, Pillsbury Bros. embarked in the manufacture of vinegar. They do an immense business, in the single year of 1880, shipping some 30,000 gallons. The vinegar is all made from cider, the pure juice of the apple. In the fall of 1884, they added four tanks, each holding about 150 barrels, and now they have storage capacity of 24,000. They have an engine to furnish the motive power, and every facility to carry on a large business, in good shape.
is located on the corner of east Jackson and Monroe streets. It was opened in July, 1883, by W. A. George and D. N. Bryan, in the basement of another building. Here they continued until the following October, when they built a small building for storage, near the Pittsburg cider press, which they used until the spring of 1884, when they rented the building next to Ervin’s drug store known as the Board of Trade building. In August, 1884, W. A. George disposed of his interest to G. A. Bryan, and for 30 days the firm name was Bryan and Bro. At the expiration of that time, D. W. Bryan purchased the interest of his brother, and removed to his present location, which he built at a cost of $300. The machinery he uses in his business is worth about $2,700 more. He manufactures lemon, sarsaparilla, and strawberry soda water, birch beer, Buffalo mead, Belfast ginger ale, Little Daisy, cream soda, champaign cider, etc. It has been a successful business here, and they have a large line of trade in all the surrounding towns.
D. W. Bryan is a native of La Salle county, Illinois, born near the city of La Salle, March 31, 1855. He remained in his native county till 1871, then went to ElPaso and engaged in the bottling business, working there for his brother, John Bryan. He went from thence to Chicago where he worked at the same business for nearly a year, after which he followed the same occupation at Galesburg for a time. From Galesburg he removed to Kansas and engaged in farming until the spring of 1882, at which time he returned to his native state and engaged in the business of manufacturing soda water at Canton, where he remained until the date of his coming to Macomb. He was married April 16, 1877, to Hannah Ingor, of Beloit, Wisconsin. In the spring of 1882, before his removal from Kansas to Illinois, Mr. Bryan met with a terrible calamity, a cyclone passing over his place, killed his wife and two children and destroyed nearly all of his property, Mr. Bryan himself, barely escaped with his life. The children killed by the storm were Stella and a babe not named. One son, Willie A., is also deceased. Mr. Bryan was again married July 29, 1883, to Eva M. George, daughter of his former partner, W. A. George.
This institution was established by R. T. Quinn in 1873, and shortly afterward the firm changed to Quinn and Wilson.The latter after a time retiring, Mr. Quinn conducted the business, until November 10, 1884, when it passed into the hands of S. B. Davis & Co., the present proprietors. It is located on the corner of Washington and Randolph streets. The building is 20x35 feet in size. They are doing an extensive business, and handle all kinds of foreign and domestic marbles.
Emmet T. Dunn is a son of O. B. Dunn, of Erie county, Pennsylvania, where Emmet was born, December 27, 1857. He removed with his parents to Monmouth, Illinois, and there resided for 20 years. His parents then moved to northwestern Nebraska, where they now live. Emmet T. Dunn was married May 10, 1881, to Margaret Davis, daughter of S. B. Davis, of Hire township, McDonough county. He lived in Monmouth two years after marriage, then went to Nebraska, where he remained until November, 1884. At that date he returned to Illinois and engaged in the marble business at Macomb, where he is at present located. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn have had one child – Bessie, who was born February 22, 1882, and died October 10, 1884. Mr. Dunn is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Trinity lodge, No. 561, at Monmouth.
The corporation with the above title was organized on the 22d of February, 1882, at the city of Macomb, with the following officers: C. W. Slade, president; C. V. Chandler, treasurer; W. L. Kenner, secretary. Mr. Kenner afterwards resigned his office, and April 13, 1882, David Knapp was elected secretary, an office which he now holds. The company was formed with a capital stock of $20,000, and acquiring the patent of the inventor, they purchased new and improved machinery for the manufacture of a first-class calendar clock, of a new design. They commenced operations, and for a time gave employment to from 12 to 15 men, but in July, 1883, they suspended operations, having made about 1,000 clocks, but not having provided for the sale of their ware, they had them on hand, and so shut down. The clock they manufacture is really a first class article, and the manufacture is bound to be one of the leading industries of Macomb.
C. W. Slade, president of the Macomb Calendar Clock company; came to this county in April, 1874, from Havana, Mason county. He is a native of Ohio, born September 17, 1825. He received a fair education in the common schools of his native state, and remained at home on a farm until 26 years old, engaging with his father in the various occupations incident to agricultural life. He was there, on Christmas day, 1851, married to Elizabeth E. LeSourd, a native of Ohio, and continued to remain on the old homestead for six years, when he bought a farm in Warren county, Ohio, and made that his home until coming to this state. He first settled in Illinois, on a splendid farm in Mason county, and there remained four years, when, on account of failing health, and consequent inability to perform farm work, he removed to Havana, and engaged in the dry goods business, and was thus employed for five years, then came to Macomb. In 1876, he here engaged in the grocery business, and remained in that tract on the southeast corner of the public square until July, 1882. Since that time he has been variously employed in different lines of business, and in closing up accounts. In partnership with a son-in-law, he is interested in a grocery store in Clinton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Slade have had eight children, five of whom are now living – Mary A., now the wife of Dr. J. L. Walker, and living in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county, Iowa; Eva C., married to William H. Wilson, and living in Clinton, Iowa; Viola B., wife of Franklin P. Bennage, they are residents of Springfield, Missouri; Anna L., living at home, and Clarence W., living at home. Politically, Mr. Slade is a member of the democratic party.
This was established in 1873, by R. E. Harris, who is still proprietor. It is located on the west side of Randolph street, north of the Union National bank. All kinds of novelties are here manufactured, including models for inventors’ machine work. Mr. Harris, also deals in pumps and windmills, and does all kinds of plumbing and fitting, and has a good line of business.
R. E. Harris, the popular machinist of Macomb, is a son of Dr. R. Harris. He is a native of the state of Kentucky, being born there on the 4th day of July, 1846. With his parents he came to McDonough county, and received his education in the public schools of the city of Macomb. His natural inclinations running to the mechanic arts, he served an apprenticeship of three years each to the trades of machinist, moulder and patternmaker, and thus is eminently fitted for the business in which he is now engaged. After he had served his different apprenticeships, he went to Missouri, where he was engaged for some six years. At the expiration of that time, he returned to Macomb, and established his present business, in which he is meeting with well-deserved success. While a resident of Missouri, in 1871, Mr. Harris and Mattie Jackson, a native of Kentucky, were united in marriage. They have been blessed with five children – Lisle, Florence, Ralph, Mary, and Lelia. Mr. Harris is a member of the Golden Rule society, of Macomb.
George Snyder runs a novelty shop upon the south side of the square, where he repairs anything brought to him, be it wood, iron, brass, ivory and or material. He is a machinist, having served 20 years at the business. He came to Macomb, October 31, 1883, and commenced his present business.
The foundry of A. Fisher& Bro., was erected by that firm in the year 1873. It is located on the west side of Randolph street, just north of the C., B. & Q. railroad. The main building or foundry, is of brick, and is 40x136 feet in ground area. The machine shop is 60x80 feet. They make a specialty of casting and finishing school furniture, and do a general jobbing business in their line. This business was established by Thomas Wiley, in about 1856. In 1868, A. Fisher came to McDonough county, and became associated with Mr. Wiley in the business. Later, Mr. Wiley sold out, and the firm became Fisher& Price, which lasted for a few years. Then the present firm was organized, and the foundry buildings erected.
This was built upon what is now the public park, by Fred Burt, in 1868, and the following year was burned to the ground. Mr. Burt immediately rebuilt it, and operated it until 1874, when it was purchased by W. O. Thomas. Up to this time the machinery was of a very inferior quality, and he immediately put in new and improved kinds. The building was 32x80 feet on the ground. Mr. Thomas continued to run this until March, 1885, when, to make room for the improvements in the park, he removed to its present location, near the gasworks. The building was in two parts: one 32x48 feet in size, built of wood, and one 32x32 feet, of brick. The latter is used as the engine room, and is 16 feet high. This is said to be the only mill of the kind in the county, and the only one between Galesburg and Quincy.
William O. Thomas, proprietor of the planing mill, at Macomb, was born in Urbana, Champaign county, Ohio, October 26, 1828, and is a son of Ross and Elizabeth (Gray) Thomas, the former of Welsh, and the latter of English origin. Both died in Ohio, where William lived until 1855. He was brought up on a farm, and at the age of 16 years, began learning the carpenter’s trade, which he followed in that state until the above date, when he came to McDonough county. After coming here he continued to follow his trade, building many of the principal buildings in the city of Macomb. In 1875 he went to Knoxville, and there built the Swedish college and a public school building. He is still engaged in contracting and building. He is a first-class workman, and a thoroughly honest and reliable contractor. Mr. Thomas was married in Ohio, August 10, 1851, to Elizabeth Doak, a native of Ohio. They have six children – John A., who is now living in Chicago, Illinois; Arabella, wife of B. F. Frank, of Chicago; William B., living in Kansas; Eva, who is engaged in teaching music in Chicago; Beryl and Charles, at home with their parents.
Among the largest buyers and shippers of stock in Macomb is Emery Runkle, who has been engaged in that line of trade at this place for over 20 years. He buys cattle, hogs, sheep, etc., and ships large quantities to Chicago, St. Louis, and the eastern market, and is one of the solid men of the community.
This was built in October, 1874, and mains laid that fall and the following spring throughout the principal streets. In March, 1880, it was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt in March, 1881. It is one of the institutions of the city worthy of notice as a credit to Macomb.
The opera house in Macomb was erected by C. V. Chandler, on north Lafayette street, during the year 1872, operations commencing in March. A fine row of store rooms occupy the first floor of the block, while the opera house proper is located in the second story. The entire building is 60x80 feet in dimensions, and well and substantially built of brick, in the best manner known to masons. The auditorium is 60x56 feet in size, with a fine gallery extending around three sides of the room. The stage is 22x24 feet in size, and well-equipped with elegant drop curtain and scenery, and furnished in good theatrical fashion. The auditorium is well seated, and has a capacity of holding 800 people. To the public spirit and enterprise of Mr. Chandler, the people of Macomb owe this really fine place for holding all kinds of entertainment, which cost about $31,000. It was opened in April, 1873, for the first time, by Edwin Wight’s theatrical troupe, to a good house.
In 1855, when the railroad came to Macomb, the depot was located out in the western part of town, just north of Loven Garrett’s addition. Here a man by the name of Cameron was the first station agent. In 1860, a petition of the citizens of Macomb was circulated, principally through the efforts of N. P. Tinsley, and obtained many signatures, asking the railroad company to remove the depot to a more convenient location, which was accordingly done, the city giving the company the use of the grounds then appropriated for a park. The new depot was soon built, and the old one torn down, removed to another lot, put up and used for a planing mill. The new depot was burned down, but was at once rebuilt. The present agent at this point is C. E. Crissey.
Charles E. Crissey is a son of C. D. and Samira C. (Toms) Crissey, Samira a native of New York City, C. D., of Stamford, Connecticut, where they were married. Soon after marriage they removed to McDonough county, Illinois, where Mr. Crissey engaged in dealing in grain, continuing that business about 15 years. He still lives in the city of Macomb, and is engaged in the freight and baggage department of the C., B. & Q. R. R. Charles E. was born in Macomb November 15, 1856. At the age of 16 years, he began learning telegraphy, being meantime baggage and switch man. He continued thus employed four years, after which he was night operator two and a half years. In 1880, he was given full charge of the station of Macomb, as agent of the C., B. & Q. R. R. Co., in which position he has, by strict attention to business, and his genial and accommodating manners, won many friends. He is the owner of some real estate in the city of Macomb. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, also of the A. O. U. W., and of the Good Templars. Mr. Crissey is a popular and worthy gentleman, and well fitted for the position which he occupies.
Daniel Galvin was born in Kilrush town, county of Clare, Ireland, August 15, 1833. In 1850, he came to America, landed at Quebec, and for two seasons engaged in towing timber with sail boat, to sail ships bound for Europe. He went to Virginia and worked there one season on public works, and went to Lawrenceburg, Indiana, and worked there on track repairs about one year, and came to Illinois in the year 1855, and worked on the Ohio & Mississippi railroad one year as track foreman, and then came to Galesburg in the year 1856, and worked on section there as track foreman, on the C. B. & Q. The company changed him to Quincy, on section there, and from Quincy to Camp Point, and all along between Quincy and Galesburg, as extra foreman, until and up to 1863. He left the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy company in spring of 1866, and was hired by the Wabash & Western railroad company one year as track foreman. He left that company in the spring of 1865, and went to work again for the C. B. & Q. Co. He came to Macomb in April, 1865, and has been in the employ of the C. B. & Q. Co., up to this time. He purchased his present residence, which is located in the western part of the city of Macomb, and is a pleasant and desirable home. Mr. Galvin was married in the city of Quincy, Illinois, November 4, 1863, to Esther E. Flynn, born in Swinford town, county of Mayo, Ireland. They have had four children, three of whom are now living – Eliza, Esther, who is now attending school at Quincy, and Willie. Joanna is deceased.
Dr. E. F. King, dentist, was born in Buffalo, New York, March 8, 1855, and is a son of N. H. King, who is practicing dentistry in Baltimore, Maryland, where he has resided since 1864. In 1870, E. F., entered his father’s office in Baltimore, and studied dentistry with him until 1876, when he attended the Baltimore and Maryland college, and graduated in 1877, and entered the office of Drs. Coy & Mills, in Brooklyn, New York, where he remained for about eight months, when he again entered the office of his father, and remained with him until he came to Macomb. He was associated with Dr. Downing for one year, after which be removed to his present office in Bailey’s block, east side square, where he has four rooms nicely fitted up. He uses the latest known way of extracting teeth, using aesthetics. Dr. King has been successful in business, and has a large and lucrative practice, extending through this and adjoining counties. Charles McLean is in his office as an assistant.
Thomas J. Price, dealer in, and manufacturer of sorghum evaporators, and machinery for producing sugar from sorghum cane, was born in Meigs county, Tennessee, February 23, 1828. His parents were Samuel Price and Barsheba (Atchley) Price, who were natives of Tennessee. Thomas J., when two years old, in 1830, came to this state with his parents and settled in Schuyler county. They then remained two years, when they went to Washington county, Arkansas, and lived two years, and where, in 1834, the mother died. The family then came back to Schuyler county, and in 1850, settled in this county, and in Industry township; subsequently the father moved to Macomb, and later died at Rushville, at the advanced age of 91 years and six months, leaving a family of four grown children, three sons and one daughter. The subject of this sketch was married July 6, 1848, to Eleanor Wilson, a native of Ohio. They have had eight children, four of whom are now living – William, who is married and resides in Macomb; George W., teaching school in Chapin, Morgan county, who is a graduate of Illinois college; John M., traveling salesman for a St. Louis firm, and Edward E., living at home. Mrs. Price died in 1869, and he was again married May 18, 1876, to Maggie Miller, formerly Van Hoesen, who has living, one child by her first husband. Mr. Price has been for 25 years a member of the Masonic fraternity, and belongs to the Christian church, at Industry.
S. R. Beardsley, dealer in grain at Macomb, is a native of New York state, born May 7, 1823, near the city of Rochester. He was brought up on a farm and educated in the common schools. His parents both died in New York. He came to Macomb in the spring of 1858, and contracted, with three others, for the building of 14 miles of the Rock Island and Alton railroad. After they had done considerable work, the railroad company became bankrupt and they were obliged to abandon their work and received only pay for that which they had already done. Mr. Beardsley then engaged in the grocery business which he continued about three years, then began buying grain and stock. He now buys grain exclusively, shipping, on an average, about 75,000 bushels annually. He was married in 1851, to Caroline A. Goetschius, a native of New York state, but of German descent. They have had five children, three of whom are now living – LeRoy, aged 31 years, married to Alice Hammer; Lida, aged 22, and Louie, aged 15. The eldest, LeRoy, is a broker on the board of trade in Chicago. One son, Frank, died in Macomb then four years old. Mr. Beardsley, is politically, a supporter of the republican party.
Captain G. C. Gumbart is a native of Germany, having been born in that division of Europe on the 14th day of May, 1826. He was educated for the profession of civil engineer, attending the military school of Hesse-Darmstadt. He, like all the residents of that military empire, served in the German army from 1847 to 1853, two years being in service in the field. In 1853, he decided to leave the Fatherland, and emigrated to the United States, landing at New York, November 29, where he remained until 1859. He then removed to St. Louis and became the local editor of the Westliche Post where he remained until 1861. On the breaking out of the war, he was appointed by General Fremont, first lieutenant of Schwartz’s battery. In the fall of 1861, he saw some service in Missouri under General Oglesby, and was, in January; 1862, transferred to Kentucky. On the 12th day of February, following, he gave the command to his battery to open fire on Fort Donelson, the first guns of that memorable conflict. On the 13th he was posted, with Oglesby’s brigade on the extreme left of the rebel lines, about 450 yards from their rifle pits, and on the 15th, when General Pillow attempted to break through our lines, Lieutenant Gumbart was compelled to leave the field; but not till after he was twice wounded. On the 1st of February, preceding this, the battery had been transferred to the Illinois volunteers, and thereafter was known as company E, 2d Illinois artillery. Captain Gumbart rejoined his battery, being healed of his wounds, while the army lay before Corinth. He went from there to Jackson, Tennessee. While here, he was detailed as chief of artillery, to General Leonard Ross, at Bolivar, Tennessee. November, 1862, he went as chief of artillery, with General John A. Logan, to LaGrange, and afterwards, in the same capacity, with General John A. Lauman, through the state of Mississippi. He then went to Vicksburg, and after the second battle of Jackson, Mississippi, resigned his commission on account of disability. In 1864, he came to Macomb, and engaged in the restaurant business. In 1879 and 1880, he was mayor of Macomb. He is now engaged in the insurance business. In April, 1862, he was united in marriage in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, with Esther Feilbach, a native of that state, by whom he has six children, two of whom died in infancy and four are living. The latter are – Louis F., Otto D., Georgiana, and Conrad G. In politics, Mr. Gumbart, is a republican, and favors women’s suffrage.
Joseph W. McIntosh came to Macomb in 1856, and at once formed a partnership with J. B. Cummings and J. B. Pierson, and, under the firm name of Pierson, Cummings & Co., engaged in a general mercantile business, on the corner on which the Randolph house now stands, and continued for about 12 months. He then ran a billiard room until 1864, since which time he has been engaged in dealing in live stock, and running a farm. His farm is situated in Chalmers township and contains 420 acres, but Mr. McIntosh always resides in Macomb. During the years 1875 and 1876, he was also engaged in the hardware business, in the last named year, selling to J. A. Smith. Mr. M. has always taken an active interest in Macomb’s development, being one of the original stockholders of the First National bank, and for many years one of its directors. He was also one of the original stockholders of the Macomb Tile and Sewer Pipe company, and of the Calendar Clock company. In politics, he is a democrat and has officially served the people of Macomb at different times. Mr. McIntosh is a native of Bath county, Kentucky, was born March 10, 1830, his parents being Frederick and Rebecca (Helphenstine) McIntosh, the former of whom is a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Indiana. Joseph resided in his native state until 1852, when the entire family removed to California, where the father died in 1853, and the mother still resides, now being in her 91st year. Joseph resided there until 1856, at which time he removed to Macomb. December 15, 1856, at Covington, Kentucky, Mr. McIntosh and Fannie F. Woodward, a native of that city, were united in marriage, and Mrs. McIntosh died in 1884, leaving eight children – Louis, now resides in California; Carrie, the wife of William Fisher; Laura, wife of I. M. Fellheimer; Kate, Nellie, Joseph, Mary and James. Mr. McIntosh is a member of the I. O. O. F.
James R. Patterson has been a resident of the city of Macomb since the spring of 1865. He was born October 10, 1834, in Wyoming county, New York, and is a son of William and Catherine (Eggleston) Patterson, the former of Irish and German descent, and the latter of Scotch and German. They removed when James was quite young, to Geauga county, Ohio, where Mrs. Patterson died, and Mr. Patterson was again married. In 1850, the family moved west to Delaware county, Iowa, and there William Patterson died. In 1852, James began business for himself. Three years later he went to Kossouth county, Iowa, where he remained till 1857, thence to Missouri, there living until 1861. August 29, of that year, he was married to Priscilla Bell, and soon after removed to Rushville, Schuyler county, Illinois. He resided in Rushville until 1865, when as before stated, he came to Macomb. Since coming here, Mr. Patterson has been employed in moving buildings, and is the only one in the city, who makes that a business. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are the parents of six children – Edgar, William, Maud, George, Scott and Thomas, all of these children are gifted with artistic talent of a high order.
O. F. Piper, who at present is engaged in the insurance business, came to Macomb in 1855. He was born in Crawford county, Illinois, on the 14th day of February, 1822, being the son of Edward H. and Anna (Blackburn) Piper, the former of whom was a native Kentuckian, and served as the first circuit and county clerk of Crawford county, Illinois, the latter of which offices he held until his death, which occurred in 1835. O. F. Piper resided in his native county until 1836, when, on account of the death of his father, the family removed to Laporte county, Indiana, and settled on a farm. Here, in 1844, Mr. Piper was united in marriage with Mary A. Hawkins, and in 1855, removed to Macomb, McDonough county, Illinois, where he entered into a partnership with Arthur G. Burr, and engaged in the hardware business. It was conducted under the firm name of Burr & Piper, about two years, when Mr. Piper disposed of his interest, and, from that time until 1865, was engaged in the grocery trade. The following year he followed the business of insurance, and then entered the lumber trade as a member of the firm of Martin & Piper. During the year 1868, he gave his entire attention to insurance, and in 1869, received the appointment of Indian agent of the southern Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico. He held this position for two years, then resigned and returned to Macomb, and has ever since been engaged in the insurance business, and also acted as a justice of the peace. In politics, he is a republican, and has served the people in the county board of supervisors, in the city council, and as a member of the board of education. Mr. and Mrs. Piper have had seven children, four of whom are now living – Edward S., who enlisted in company C, 84th Illinois infantry, and died while in the service; Alice B., the wife of David S. Blackburn, of California; Mary C., wife of Arthur Moore, of Clinton, Illinois; Walter L., of Macomb; Charles, who died at the age of 18 years; Lewis, of Clinton; and Orlando, of Macomb. Mr. and Mrs. Piper are members of the Presbyterian church.
John W. Churchill, builder and contractor of Macomb, was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, July 2, 1826. His father, Richard H. Churchill, was also a native Kentuckian, and came to this county in 1833, engaging in farming in Emmet township, four miles from Macomb on what is known as the Miller place. He was the owner of considerable land at different times and places, and continued farming about three years when he removed to Macomb and opened a general store and there died in 1837. The mother of the subject of this sketch was formerly Sarah Ann Brown, also from Kentucky, and after the death of her husband returned to her native state with the children. John W., was married in Jeffersonville, Indiana, to Mary J. McConnaughey, of Jeffersonville, Indiana. They resided in Indiana six years then went to Champaign county and lived seven years, thence to this county, and Macomb in 1864. Here he worked at the trade of carpenter until 1868, when he commenced taking contracts, and has since built, by the job, many public and private buildings in around Macomb and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill have eight children, all but one of whom are living at home with them – Harry, living in Peoria; Blanche, a teacher in the public school at Macomb; Albert, Laura F., John C., Samuel, Zoe and Robert. The family are members of the Christian church, and he is a highly esteemed citizen of the place.
John H. Fuhr, of the firm of Fuhr & Chandler, carpenters, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, August 29, 1841. He was the son of George Fuhr, a blacksmith, who was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother’s name was Amanda Hayes. His parents moved to Westmoreland county, where his father carried on the blacksmith business for 16 years. He now lives upon a farm three miles north-east of Macomb. John learned the carpenter’s trade in Macomb. He worked four years with McElrath as a cabinet-maker, afterward working at Abingdon and Quincy. In 1864, he was married to Mary Kelly, and removed to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he carried on a cabinet shop, and afterward the carpenter business. Returning to Macomb he worked with Thomas and Martin, until some eight years ago, he went into partnership with Chandler. They have a fine shop, and are doing a good business. Some of the finest houses in Macomb and surrounding country were built by them. Mr. Fuhr has three children – Clara, Henry and Albert. One child, Freddie B., died in infancy. Mr. Fuhr is a worthy member of the Masonic order.
Edward McDonough is the son of Hugh McDonough, Sr., who was born in the north of Ireland, and at an early age came to America and settled near Frankfort, Kentucky. He commenced life as a peddler, driving a horse and wagon, but soon after his marriage he abandoned this business and became a farmer. His wife was a native of Kentucky. Eight children were born to them, four of whom are now living. They came to McDonough county in 1831, and settled in Tennessee township, where Edward was born, April 14, 1832. He lived at home until the year 1849, when he went to live with a man named Ambrose Owens, where he worked for his board, remaining six months. He afterward worked for Richard Craig, in Industry township, and also for David Scott. He saved his money and used it in procuring an education. He came to Macomb and lived with Isaac Grantham, the old county clerk, for three years. During these years he attended school, in the meantime working for his board. He engaged with the late N. P. Tinsley, who was in the dry goods and milling business, and worked for him several years. He finally commenced business on his own account, and was very successful. In 1880, he was taken with erysipelas, and was obliged to abandon active work. Mr. McDonough has accumulated a good portion of property. His marriage occurred December 1, 1864, his wife being Amanda N. Buzan, from Warren county. She died January 22, 1879, leaving three children – William, Mary C. and Edward H. Mr. McDonough has not since married. A relative of the family, “Aunt Kitty,” took charge of the household, and now, at the age of 85 years, is with them, beloved by all. Mr. McDonough possesses many of the characteristics of his father, who was greatly honored and esteemed by his neighbors for his many good qualities.
William Ward, foreman of the tile works at Macomb, was born in Staffordshire, England, January 28, 1838. His parents were Thomas and Matilda (Ball) Ward, also natives of England. Thomas Ward and his ancestors, for many generations, have been potters. He is now living in England at the advanced age of 80 years, and is still engaged in selling pottery to the trade. His wife is also living. William grew to manhood in his native country, learning his trade at Gibbs, Cannon & Co., in Staffordshire. In 1862, he went to Rio Janeiro, South America, being sent there by Thomas Brassey, the great railway contractor and sewer builder, to manufacture the sewer pipes for that city. After completing his work he returned to Staffordshire, England, and again worked for Gibbs, Cannon & Co. He left their employ, to come to America, in 1856, landing in New York in April, of that year. He went to Ohio and established tile works, two miles from Liverpool, for N. U. Walker, there remaining one and a half years, thence to Columbus, Ohio, where he was employed by the Columbus sewer pipe company, for several years, coming from there to Monmouth, Illinois, where he established the tile works at that place, and then returned to Columbus. He came to McDonough county in 1880, and four years later, to Macomb. He is a skilled workman and thoroughly understands every branch of his trade. Mr. Ward has been married three times, first to Susanna Pugh, who died, leaving him one son, Herbert, who is now married to Mary Horrocks, of Bardolph. Mr. Ward’s second wife was formerly Mrs. Martha Marks, nee Lovell, widow of William Marks. She had, by her former marriage, five children – Katie, Edward, Clara, Alice and Thomas. Mr. Ward’s present wife was Susanna Setter, a native of England. He had by his second marriage, one daughter – Matilda.
During the summer of 1831, an arrangement was made by James M. Campbell with the postmaster at Rushville, by which letters for residents of McDonough county would be forwarded to him, at Macomb, there being no post office within the limits of the county, he being personally responsible for the postage of 25 cents per letter, then seldom, if ever, prepaid. Mr. Campbell, it is said, on receiving the letters, would put them in his hat for safe keeping, and from this grew the story that he carried the postoffice in that useful article of dress. Mr. Campbell was asked if he would accept the postmastership if it could be got, and on his assenting, a petition was circulated and signed by nearly all the citizens of the county. Accordingly in October, of that year, the postoffice of Macomb was established, with James M. Campbell as postmaster, and a mail route arranged. For 10 years he held the office uninterruptedly, until in 1841, some false charges having been made against him, he was removed and George W. Damron appointed in his place. For a month or two this continued, but as soon as the truth of the matter was made known to the postmaster-general, Mr. Campbell was reinstated with honor, although he did not desire the office. Mr. Campbell held this important position until July, 1846, when, upon resigning, he was succeeded by Jonathan H. Baker, who continued to be postmaster until 1849, when he gave way to Resin Naylor, who was succeeded by J. W. Westfall, and later by J. W. Atkinson. Joseph E. Wyne was appointed postmaster by President Lincoln, in 1861, but did not serve out a term. He was succeeded in this office by J. K. Magie, who in turn made way for Iverson L. Twyman. T. B. Maury was the next incumbent, being appointed May 10, 1869, and serving until October 30, 1877, when he was succeeded by J. B. Venard, the present postmaster. The office was made a money order one in 1865, the first order being issued on the 3d of July, of that year, and was issued to Harrison Bailey, of Blandinsville, and to the order of Will Bailey, of Memphis, Tennessee. It was for the sum of $10. In 1871, it was constituted an international money order office, and the first order of that character was drawn November 24, 1871. It was issued to Thomas J. Jolly, of Macomb, payable to Thomas Jolly, Mile-End road, England, and was for 18s and 7d, or $5.00. The first postal note was issued to Prof. Max Kennedy, on the 4th of September, 1883, for the sum of $4.50.
Among McDonough county’s most prominent citizens, must be mentioned Josephus B. Venard, who was born in Morgan county, Illinois, March 3, 1832, and who has spent the greater part of his life upon a farm. His parents were George and Frances (Mitchell) Venard, native Kentuckians, who removed to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1832, where they resided up to the time of their death, with the exception of a short time spent in Hancock county. They were well known and highly respected by a large number of people, both in Hancock and McDonough counties. They reared a family of nine children. From the time Josephus B. Venard reached his ninth year, he was compelled to do his share of the farm labors. having to plow and do such other manual labor as his strength would permit of. He was only enabled to spend a few weeks of his life in the public schools of the county, but it was the custom of his father to gather the children around him in the evening, after the toils of the day were over, and teach them as much as possible between the short time intervening between supper and the hour for retiring. When the war broke out, J. B. became imbued with patriotism, and enlisted on the 2d day of August, 1861, as a private in Captain J. D. Walker’s company, 2d Illinois cavalry, and in about 30 days thereafter, the second lieutenant resigning, he was chosen by the men to fill the vacancy, and was then duly commissioned. He retained this position until January 17, 1862, when he was promoted to first lieutenant. While still holding a commission as lieutenant of company H, he was assigned to command company A, during the Red river campaign, and discharged the duties to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers. July 20, 1864, he was commissioned captain of company H, and served as such until it was consolidated with other companies, and lettered E, when he was placed in command, and served with it until January 3, 1866, when he was mustered out. The 2d Illinois cavalry deserves the thanks of the whole country, for no regiment in the entire service acquitted itself more honorably than did it, being in active service from its muster-in until the close of the war. Captain Venard served with honor and distinction, and took an active part in almost every engagement in which the regiment participated. In the early part of 1865, he came home on a furlough, and was united in marriage with Mary E. Curtiss, on the 14th day of March, of that year. Their union has been blessed with five children, all of whom are living – Olive F., Helen, Dollie, George C., and Bessie. Captain Venard was elected to the office of sheriff in 1874, receiving a majority over both his political opponents, and, as an instance of his personal popularity, we will cite the fact that he carried Sciota township by 35 majority, being the first and only republican that has ever done so. He also carried the township in which be was raised – Bethel – being another democratic stronghold. As a civil officer, he brought to bear the same unswerving zeal that characterized him as an army officer, and gave entire satisfaction, discharging his duties faithfully and conscientiously, and never shirking a responsibility. He professed religion in 1874, and on his removal to Macomb, in the fall of that year, united with the Presbyterian church, and is now a faithful member thereof. As a citizen, Captain Venard stands high in the estimation of the people of the county. He is the present postmaster of Macomb, having been appointed to the office November 1, 1877. The lodges A. F. and A. M., A. O. U. W., and G. A. R., claim him as an honored member.
R. H. Venard, the present assistant postmaster of Macomb, is a son of Geo. and Frances Venard, and was born in Bethel township, McDonough county, Illinois, on the 15th day of June, 1840. He resided with his parents, and assisted in tilling the soil until he attained his majority, and then took a trip to the Pacific slope, and spent the four succeeding years in Oregon and California. He then, in 1866, returned to his native county, and again resumed agricultural pursuits, which he followed until 1880. Mr. Venard’s brother died in 1868, and he then purchased the homestead, containing 110 acres, which he still owns. He removed to Macomb in 1880, since which time he has assisted his brother, J. B. Venard, in the postoffice. In 1868, he was united in marriage with Orpha Weaver, a native of Pennsylvania, and of which state her parents are still residents. Mr. and Mrs. Venard have been the parents of four children, three of whom are still living – Georgie F., Wallace O., and Karl D. Mr. Venard affiliates with the republican party.
For the first 10 years of its existence, the town of Macomb was governed by the county commissioners' court, but in 1841, by an act of incorporation passed by the general assembly, the government was entrusted to a board of five trustees. By the same act, the limits of the incorporation were made one mile square, with the public square of Macomb as the center. It has been found impossible to find the record book of the board of trustees, as it has been entirely lost sight of, and in its absence, we are indebted to Clarke's history of the county for the following partial list of them. He says of it: "In looking over the old papers, we discover the poll books of several annual elections, and give the names of such of those we could find who were elected trustees, and the year each served:
1849 – William H. Randolph, A. S. Bonham, C. A. Lawson, T. J. Beard, John P. Head.
1850 – William H. Franklin, Richard W. Stephenson, John P. Head, William L. Broaddus, Joseph E. Wyne, Charles Chandler, William T. Head.
1852 – B. R. Hampton, C. A. Lawson, J. M. Major, J. P. Updegraff, C. W. Dallam.
1853 – Thompson Chandler, J. E. Wyne, J. L. N. Hall, W. S. Hendricks, J. M. Martin.
1854 – J. L. N. Hall, J. M. Martin, J. E. Wyne, Thomas J. Beard, C. A. Lawson.
1856 – Abraham Rowe, J. E. Wyne, T. J. Beard, J. L. N. Hall, Garrett Bonham.”
The city of Macomb was incorporated in 1856, the first election taking place the 8th of November.This was for officers for six months, or until the annual election, in May. At the next session of the general assembly, in the early part of 1857, a special act of incorporation was passed and approved by Governor Bissell, on the 14th of February, in which the boundaries of the incorporation are set forth as follows: “All that district of country in the county of McDonough and state of Illinois, embraced in the following limits, to wit: The south half of section 31, the south-west quarter of the northeast quarter of section 31, and the northwest quarter of section 31, all in township 6, north of the base line of range 2, west of the 4th principal meridian; and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 36; the southeast quarter of said section 36, in township 6, north of range 3, west of the 4th principal meridian; and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 1, in township 5, north of range 3, west of the 4th principal meridian; and the northwest quarter of section 6, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 6, in township 5, north of range 2, west of the 4th principal meridian.”
The following is a complete list of the officers of the city from the date of its incorporation to the present time, given by years:
1856 – Mayor, John O. C. Wilson; aldermen, James M. Campbell, Joseph McCroskey, William H. Randolph, Samuel G. Cannon; clerk, H. E. Worsham.
1857 – Mayor, Joseph P. Updegraff; aldermen, First ward, James M. Campbell and James Clarke; Second ward, William L. Broaddus and O. F. Piper; Third ward, William H. Franklin and William H. Randolph; Fourth ward, Thomas J. Beard and Samuel G. Cannon; clerk and attorney, Carter Van Vieck; marshal and supervisor, G. L. Farwell; treasurer, George W. Smith; assessor and collector, H. E. Worsham; surveyor, Charles A. Gilchrist; sexton, David Clarke; board of health, James D. Walker, Thomas M. Jordan, William Wetherhold; school inspectors, J. L. N. Hall, J. H. Baker, J. B. Cummings, W. E. Withrow.
1858 – Mayor, Joseph P. Updegraff; aldermen, First ward, James Clarke and Charles Chandler; second ward, O. F. Piper and P. Hamilton; Third ward, William H. Franklin and William E. Withrow; Fourth ward, Thomas J. Beard, Samuel G. Cannon, and William P. Barrett; clerk and attorney, Lewis H. Waters; marshal and supervisor, William L. Broaddus; treasurer, George W. Smith; assessor and collector, J. H. Cummings; surveyor, George W. Page; weigher, C. A. Humes; sexton, Peter Clark; board of health, James D. Walker, Thomas M. Jordan, William Wetherhold; school inspectors, W. E. Withrow, J. L. N. Hall, J. B. Cummings, J. H. Baker and J. Hagerty.
1859 – Mayor, James D. Walker; aldermen, First ward, Charles Chandler and Joseph Burton, Francis D. Lipe, elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles Chandler; Second ward, O. F. Piper and Joseph E. Wyne; Third ward, George M. Wells and J. L. N. Hall; Fourth ward, William P. Barrett and Samuel G. Cannon, Thomas E. Morgan elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Samuel G. Cannon; clerk and attorney, George Wells; marshal and supervisor, George W. Smith; treasurer, J. B. Cummings, assessor and collector, J. H. Cummings; weigher, Hugh Ervin; sexton, Peter Clark; board of health, Thomas M. Jordan, William Wetherhold and J. B. Kyle; school inspectors, William E. Withrow, Joseph C. Thompson, David P. Wells, Carter Van Vleck and T. E. Martin.
1860 – Mayor, Charles Chandler; aldermen, First ward, Joseph Burton and W. H. Neece; Second ward, J. E. Wyne and R. H. Broaddus; Third ward, G. M. Wells and J. L. N. Hall; Fourth ward, Thomas E. Morgan and H. F. Chase; clerk and attorney, George Wells; marshal and supervisor, George W. Smith; treasurer, W. W. Provine; assessor and collector, C. M. Ray; board of health, James B. Kyle, James D. Walker, Thomas M. Jordan and William Wetherhold; school inspectors, William E. Withrow, James W. Mathews, D. P. Wells, Thompson Chandler and Thomas J. Beard.
1861 – Mayor, James B. Kyle; aldermen, First ward, W. H. Neece and John Knappenberger; Second ward, R. H. Broaddus and Iverson L. Twyman; Third ward, J. L. N. Hall and T. M. Jordan; Fourth ward, H. F. Chase and Loven Garrett; clerk and attorney, Geo. Wells; marshal, G. L. Farwell, Reuben H. Broaddus appointed to fill the vacancy caused by G. L. Farwell resigning; treasurer, W. W. Provine; assessor and collector, C. M. Ray; surveyor, A. J White; supervisor, G. W. Smith; weigher, J. W. Westfall; school inspectors, J. W. Mathews, Charles Chandler, Carter Van Vleck, J. C. Thompson and J. B. Cummings.
1862 – B. F. Martin, mayor; John Knappenberger and J. H. Baker, aldermen from First ward; Iverson L. Twyman and Elisha Morse, Jr., Second ward; T. M. Jordan and L. Clisby, Third ward; Loven Garrett and Washington Goodwin, from the Fourth ward; Geo. Wells, clerk and attorney; John Q. Lane, marshal; W. W. Provine, treasurer; C. M. Ray, assessor and collector; G. W. Smith, weigher; school inspectors, William H. Neece, J. B. Cummings, T. J. Beard, C. S. Churchill and William E. Withrow.
1863. – Mayor, Edward A. Floyd; alderman, first ward, J. H. Baker and Alexander McLean; second ward, R. L. Cochrane and O. F. Piper; third ward, L. Clisby and W. E. Withrow; fourth ward, Washington Goodwin and S. F. Lancey; clerk and attorney, George Wells; marshal, Joseph P. Updegraff, George W. Smith appointed to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Joseph P. Updegraff; treasurer, William W. Provine – M. T. Winslow to fill vacancy; assessor and collector, John L. Anderson; supervisor, Geo. W. Smith; weigher, Thomas Gilmore; school inspectors, John B. Cummings, Charles Chandler, James W. Matthews, Edward A. Floyd, Joseph Burton, L. Clisby, and W. O. Metcalf.
1864. – Mayor, Thomas M. Jordan; alderman, First ward, Alexander McLean and Joseph Durr; Second ward, R. L. Cochrane and James Anderson; Third ward, Wm. E. Withrow and L. Clisby; Fourth ward, S. F. Lancey and John Penrose; clerk and attorney, C. F. Wheat; marshal, supervisor, collector and assessor, Chauncy Case; treasurer, M. T. Winslow; surveyor and engineer, J. W. Brattle; weigher, William G. Cord; board of health, R. D. Hammond, T. Chandler, Charles M. Ray and the mayor; school inspectors, C. M. Ray, J. E. Wyne, S. F. Lancey, J. H. Baker and Joseph Burton.
1865. – Mayor, T. M. Jordan; aldermen, First ward, Joseph Durr and J. W. Blount; Second ward, James Anderson and R. L. Cochrane; Third ward, Lorenzo Clisby and J. P. Updegraff; Fourth ward, John Penrose and James Brown; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal, assessor and collector, John E. Lane. treasurer, M. T. Winslow; attorney, C. F. Wheat; surveyor, James W. Brattle; supervisor, George W. Smith; weigher, William G. Cord; sexton, Wm. Dowlan; board of health, R. D. Hammond, T. Chandler, Charles M. Ray, and the Mayor; school inspectors, S. F. Lancey, W. E. Withrow, O. F. Piper, J. W. Blount and J. H. Baker.
1866 – Mayor, Joseph M. Martin; aldermen, First ward, J. W. Blount and S. G. Wadsworth; Second ward, R. L. Cochrane and W. F. Bayne; Third ward, Joseph P. Updegraff and W. S. Hail; Fourth ward, E. B. Hamill and R. J. Adcock; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal, J. E. Lane; treasurer, M. T. Winslow; attorney, C. F. Wheat; assessor and collector, J. E. Lane; surveyor, J. W. Brattle; supervisor, G. W. Curtis; weigher, Isaac Hillyer; sexton, John Axford; board of health, E. B. Hamill, W. O. Blaisdell and C. M. Ray; school inspectors T. M. Jordan, S. F. Lancey, O. F. Piper, L. H. Waters and J. W. Blount.
1867 – Mayor, T. M. Jordan; aldermen, First ward, G. H. Bane and J. W. Blount; Second ward, W. F. Bayne and R. L. Cochrane; Third ward, W. S. Hail and William Venable; Fourth ward, John Shute and E. B. Hamill; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal and supervisor, Thos. Gilfrey; treasurer, M. T. Winslow; attorney, Asa A. Matteson; assessor and collector, T. B. Maury; surveyor, James W. Brattle; weigher, Isaac Hillyer; sexton, John Axford; board of health, G. H. Bane, R. D. Hammond. W. F. Bayne and the mayor; school inspectors, J. W. Blount, O. F. Piper, William Venable, S. F. Lancey and J. C. Thompson.
1868 – Mayor, Joseph P. Updegraff; aldermen, First ward, J. W. Blount and W. H. Hainline; Second ward, R. L. Cochrane and O. F. Piper; Third ward, William Venable and E. L. Wells; Fourth ward, E. B. Hamill and Joseph W. McIntosh; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal and supervisor, G. L. Farwell; treasurer, J. H. Cummings; attorney, C. F. Wheat; assessor and collector, H. W. Gash; surveyor, James W. Brattle; weigher, D. Blazer; sexton, John Axford; board of health, R. D. Hammond, J. B. Kyle, W. O. Blaisdell, and the mayor; school inspectors, S. F. Lancey, J. W. Blount, O. F. Piper, William Venable and H. R. Bartleson.
1869 – Mayor, G. K. Hall; aldermen, First ward, W. H. Hainline and J. T. Adcock; Second ward, O. F. Piper and C. N. Harding; Third ward, E. L. Wells and William Venable; Fourth ward, J. W. McIntosh and Theodore L. Kendrick; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal and supervisor, J. A. Chapman; treasurer, M. T. Winslow; attorney A. A. Matteson; assessor, J. W. Blount; collector, J. E. Wyne; surveyor, J. W. Brattle; weigher, D. Blazer; sexton, John Axford; school inspectors, W. E. Withrow, O. F. Piper, H. R. Bartleson, J. W. Blount and S. F. Lancey.
1870 – Mayor, Joseph E. Wyne; aldermen, First ward, Joseph T. Adcock and Thompson Chandler; Second ward, C. N. Harding and J. H. Cummings; Third ward, William Venable and A. B. Chapman; Fourth ward, Theodore L. Kendrick and Joseph Durr; clerk, H. R. Bartleson; marshal, John Scott; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, L. A. Simmons; assessor, J. W. Westfall; collector, C. C. Chapman; supervisor, J. A. Chapman; surveyor, D. M. Chapman; weigher, Benjamin T. Applegate; sexton, Benjamin Vail; board of health, J. B. Kyle, M. C. Archer, G. H. Bane and the mayor; school inspectors, J. W. Blount, H. R. Bartleson, W. E. Withrow, S. F. Lancey and R. H. Broaddus.
1871 – Mayor, Joseph M. Martin; aldermen, First ward, Thompson Chandler and B. F. Martin; Second ward, J. H. Cummings and John McMillen; Third ward, A. B. Chapman and Thomas Gilmore; Fourth ward, S. F. Lancey and Joseph W. McIntosh; clerk, H. R. Bartleson; marshal, John Hillyer; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, Ira G. Mosher; assessor, J. S. Gash; collector, S. G. Wadsworth; surveyor, J. W. Brattle; supervisor, George W. Smith; weigher, Benjamin T. Applegate; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. O. Blaisdell, A. E. Hoskinson, Thompson Chandler and the mayor; school inspectors, Joseph T. Adcock, Virgil McDavitt, Thomas Gilmore, J. C. Reynolds and William E. Withrow.
1872 – Mayor, Charles N. Harding; aldermen, First ward, B. F. Martin and Thompson Chandler; Second ward, John McMillen and J. H. Cummings; Third ward, Thomas Gilmore and William Venable; Fourth ward, Joseph McIntosh and James Gamage; clerk, W. E. Withrow; marshal, John Hillyer; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, W. J. Franklin; assessor, James S. Gash; collector, Willis I. Twyman; surveyor, James W. Brattle; supervisor, George W. Smith; weigher, Isaac Hillyer; sexton, John Axford; school inspectors, C. V. Chandler, R. H. Broaddus, L. Clisby, Joseph W. McIntosh and William E. Withrow.
1873 – Mayor, Alexander McLean; aldermen, First ward, Thompson Chandler and S. A. M. Ross; Second ward, J. H. Cummings and R. L. Cochrane; Third ward, William Venable and Frank R. Kyle; Fourth ward, James Gamage and W. G. McClellan; clerk and attorney, E. P. Pillsbury; marshal, H. G. Cheatham; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; assessor, Hugh Ervin; collector, T. J. Martin; surveyor and engineer, James W. Brattle; supervisor, George W. Smith; weigher, Isaac Hillyer; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. O. Blaisdell, H. B. Livermore, P. H. Garrison and the mayor; school inspectors, J. W. Blount, O. F. Piper, J. W. McIntosh, William Venable and Alexander McLean.
1874 – Mayor, Alexander McLean; aldermen, First ward, S. A. M. Ross and John W. Cook; Second ward, R. L. Cochrane and J. H. Cummings; Third ward, Frank R. Kyle and William Venable; Fourth ward, W. G. McClellan and James Gamage; clerk, O. F. Piper; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, E. P. Pillsbury; assessor, Hugh Ervin; collector, Henderson Ritchie; surveyor, James W. Brattle; supervisor, A. Hudson; weigher, John H. Nicholson; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. O. Blaisdell, H. B. Livermore, P. H. Garretson and the mayor; school inspectors, J. W. Blount, O. F. Piper, J. W. McIntosh, William Venable and Alexander McLean.
1875 – Mayor, Alexander McLean; aldermen, First ward, John W. Cook and W. E. Martin; Second ward, J. H. Cummings and J. E. Wyne; Third ward, William Venable and C. N. Harding; Fourth ward, James Gamage and D. M. Graves; clerk, O. F. Piper; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, E. P. Pillsbury; assessor, J. C. Reynolds; collector, Robert Brooking; surveyor and engineer, James W. Brattle; supervisor, A. Hudson; weigher, Hugh Ervin; sexton, John Axford; board of health, H. B. Livermore, W. O. Blaisdell, P. H. Garretson and the mayor; school inspectors, Asa A. Matteson, S. L. Sommers, L. Clisby, M. T. Winslow and C. S. Cottrell.
1876 – Mayor, Alexander McLean; aldermen, First ward, W. E. Martin and E. F. Bradford; Second ward, J. E. Wyne and J. H. Cummings; Third ward, C. N. Harding and David Scott; Fourth ward, D. M. Graves and James Gamage; clerk, O. F. Piper; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; collector, J. M. Martin; attorney, J. H. Franklin; assessor, H. W. Gash; surveyor, James W. Brattle; supervisor, John Shannon; weigher, John S. Smith; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. F. Bayne, W. O. Blaisdell, P. H. Garretson and the mayor; school inspectors, E. F. Bradford, J. E. Wyne, W. F. Bayne, W. E. Withrow, J. W. McIntosh and M. T. Winslow.
1877 – Mayor, Asher Blount; aldermen, First ward, E. F. Bradford and W. E. Martin; Second ward, J. H. Cummings and J. E. Wyne; Third ward, David Scott and John McLean; Fourth ward, James Gamage and W. O. Thomas; clerk, Louis E. Wyne; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, John H. Franklin; assessor, H. Ervin: collector, W. H. Shetterly; surveyor, James W. Brattle; supervisor, George B. Gash; weigher, J. S. Smith; sexton, John Shannon; board of health, W. O. Blaisdell, W. F. Bayne, P. H. Garretson and the mayor; school inspectors, E. F. Bradford, S. L. Sommers, O. F. Piper, John McLean, M. T. Winslow and J. M. Martin.
1878 – Mayor, W. F. Bayne; aldermen, First ward, W. E. Martin and E. L. Wells; Second ward, J. E. Wyne and J. H. Cummings; Third ward, John McLean and A. B. Lightner; Fourth ward, W. O. Thomas and J. M. Hume; clerk, L. E. Wyne; marshal, Karr McClintock; attorney, J. M. Blazer; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; assessor, J. W. Westfall; collector, R. L. Cochrane; surveyor, J. W. Brattle; supervisor, John Masterson; weigher, Hiram Russell; sexton, John Shannon; board of health, V. McDavitt, P. H. Garretson, W. O. Blaisdell and the mayor; school inspectors, J. T. Adcock, E. L. Wells, M. T. Winslow, S. L Sommers, John McLean and H. R. Bartleson.
1879 – Mayor, G. C. Gumbart; aldermen, First ward, E. L. Wells and G. W. Price; Second ward, J. H. Cummings and J. T. Price; Third ward, A. B. Lightner and Newton Jellison, John Robinson to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of A. B. Lightner; Fourth ward, J. M. Hume and W. H. Shetterly; clerk, James Venable; marshal, A. Updegraff; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, J. M. Blazer; assessor, G. W. Eyre; collector, J. M. Martin; surveyor, J. W. Brattle; supervisor, John Hillyer; weigher, H. Russell; sexton, J. B. Russell; board of health, W. F. Bayne, V. McDavitt, C. B. Ellis and the mayor; board of education, J. T. Adcock and E. L. Wells, S. L. Sommers, O. F. Piper, L. Stocker, John McLean, M. T. Winslow and J. M. Martin.
1880 – Mayor, G. C. Gumbart; aldermen, First ward, C. F. Wheat and G. W. Pace; Second ward, R. L. Cochrane and T. J. Price; Third ward, John Robinson and Newton Jellison; Fourth ward, J. T. Russell and W. H. Shetterly; clerk, D. Knapp; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, J. M. Blazer; assessor, O. F. Piper; collector, J. M. Hume; surveyor and engineer, C. Holmes; supervisor, J. C. Simmons; weigher, H. Russell; printers, Hampton and Hainline; sexton, J. B. Russell; board of health, W. F. Bayne, Virgil McDavitt and W. O. Blaisdell; board of education, J. T. Adcock, E. L. Wells, S. L. Sommers, O. F. Piper, L. Stocker, John McLean, J. M. Martin and M. T. Winslow.
1881 – Mayor, William Prentiss; aldermen, First ward, Ed. Farmer and C. F. Wheat; Second ward; W. S. Bailey and R. L. Cochrane; Third ward, John McElrath and John Robinson; Fourth ward, J. T. Russell and J. M. Hume; clerk, D. M. Graves; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, J. H. Bacon; assessor, G. W. Eyre; collector, T. J. Price; surveyor and engineer, C. Holmes; supervisor, J. C. Simmons; weigher, H. Russell; printer, W. H. Hainline; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. O. Blaisdell, W. F. Bayne and P. H. Garretson; board of education, J. T. Adcock, G. W. Pace, F. J. Blount, S. L. Sommers, F. J. Hoffman, L. Stocker, Joseph Durr and M. T. Winslow.
1882 – Mayor, Asher Blount; aldermen, First ward, S. A. M. Ross and S. P. Danley; Second ward, C. M. Cadwallader and W. F. Bayne; Third ward, G. P. Wells and J. C. McClellan; Fourth ward, J. L. Bailey and Edgar Bolles; clerk, I. M. Martin; marshal, Karr McClintock; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, H. C. Agnew; assessor, G. W. Eyre; collector, J. T. Russell; superintendent of streets, John Shannon; weigher, H. Russell; printer, W. H. Hainline; sexton, John Axford; board of health, W. F. Bayne, H. B. Livermore and Edgar Bolles; board of education, J. W. Blount, J. T. Adcock, F. J. Blount, A. P. Wetherhold, T. J. Hoffman, John McLean, M. T. Winslow and J. M. Martin.
1883 – Mayor, W. E. Martin; aldermen, First ward, S. P. Danley and G. W. Adcock; Second ward, W. F. Bayne and B. F. Randolph; Third ward, G. P. Wells and John McLean; Fourth ward, Edgar Bolles and M. T. Winslow; clerk, I. M. Martin; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, James H. Bacon; marshal, A. Updegraff; assessor, J. W. Liggett; collector, B. J. Head; superintendent, G. G. Butterfield; weigher, H. Russell; board of health, W. F. Bayne, H. B. Livermore and Edgar Bolles; board of education, J. W. Blount, D. M. Graves, A. P. Wetherhold, J. H. Cummings, John McLean, L. Stocker, J. M. Martin and Edward McDonough.
1884 – Mayor, W. E. Martin; aldermen, First ward, S. P. Danley and B. F. Randolph; Second ward, W. F. Bayne, John McLean; Third ward, J. Archer, J. W. Scott; Fourth ward, M. T. Winslow and W. O. Thomas; clerk, I. M. Martin; treasurer, C. V. Chandler; attorney, J. H. Bacon; marshal, A. Updegraff; assessor, George W. Eyre; collector, R. T. Quinn; superintendent, John Masterson and John Curtis; weigher, H. Russell; sexton, John Axford; board of education, D. M. Graves, J. H. Cummings, E. H. Black, L. Stocker, J. C. McClellan, Edward McDonough, Samuel Frost and T. J. Farley.
The officers elected at the spring election, 1885, were as follows: C. W. Dines, mayor; J. H. Provine, treasurer; I. M. Martin, clerk; L. Y. Sherman, attorney; William Venable and Samuel Frost, supervisors; W. F. Wells, G. E. Kelly, John Archer and Henry Rost, aldermen.
According to the last annual report of the county superintendent, for the school year ending June 30, 1884, the city of Macomb has an estimated value of school property amounting to $44,000, and a tax levy for the support of her schools amounting to $12,000. It is free from any bonded indebtedness and has a school library and apparatus valued at $750. The highest wages paid any male teacher is $120, and the lowest $85 per month, while the highest monthly wages paid lady teachers is $60, and the lowest $30. There are two brick and two frame school buildings, in which an average of 10 months of school are taught per annum. The total number of children of school age in the city, is 1,303, of whom 846 are enrolled in the schools.
The first school in the village of Macomb, was taught by T. Lyle Dickey, in the year 1834. He came here during that year and taught this school while studying law in the office of Cyrus Walker. Mr. Dickey was admitted to the bar while a resident of this place, but removed to Rushville in 1836, and from there to Chicago. He is now one of the judges of the supreme court of Illinois, and ranks with the ablest jurists of the country. Several others taught subscription schools after this, part of the time many of the pupils attending the old McDonough college. In 1846, it being deemed necessary that some buildings be erected for common schools, James M. Campbell, with his accustomed energy, undertook to raise a subscription for the purpose of raising the money among the citizens. Although he was successful in getting the necessary funds subscribed, he found that it was another thing to collect the greater part of it, but he, nevertheless went to work and put up two brick edifices, 18x28 feet in size, at his own proper cost and expense. The one in the First ward was upon the site now occupied by the Baptist church, the other, on the site of the present Third ward school. These were put up and furnished by Mr. Campbell, but in after years, they growing too small for the wants of the community, the city sold them, covering the money into the treasury. The following year, Mr. Campbell, also, erected a frame school house at the point where the C. B. & Q., track crosses West Jackson street, in the western addition to Macomb. This building was afterwards sold, and altered into a residence, being moved from the lot on which it stood, and is now occupied by Peter Hesh. These were the first houses erected for common school purposes.
In 1865, the building known as the high school, in the Second ward, was erected at a cost of $29,000. It is situated on the north side of Calhoun, between Dudley and Madison streets. The architectural design is plain throughout. The plans were drawn by G. P. Randall, of Chicago, and the work done by the city, superintended by W. O. Thomas. The building is 53x94 feet, two-stories, with basement, and contains six rooms 26x33 feet, a chapel 48x50 feet, library room, closets and halls. It is heated by steam, the engine for that purpose being in the basement. There are two entrances to the building, one each in the center of the south and north sides. These entrances open into a hall, from which a stairway leads to the second story. The recitation rooms are each 13 feet in height, while the chapel is 16 feet, and all are well ventilated. The basement of the building is constructed of limestone, and the main walls of red brick. A belfry arises from over the main entrance, in which is placed a bell weighing 1,200 pounds. Although the building is not showy, it presents a neat, substantial appearance, and is an honor to the city. When this building was completed, in 1866, Prof. H. H. Smith was employed by the school directors, as principal, at a salary of $1,500 per year, to take charge of the school. This seemed a large sum to many of the citizens of Macomb, for the amount of labor performed, and considerable opposition was made to it, but the friends of the measure prevailed. When Professor Smith took hold he introduced the graded system, and effected an almost entire change in the text books used. This compelled the purchase by many, of a number of new books, and the setting back of many scholars in some of their studies, in order that they might conform to the grade. This created additional excitement, each parent denying the right of the teacher to set his child back, thus compelling a review of a study already gone over. Many complaints were made to the professor, and for days he was interviewed hourly by indignant parents. The expense of the purchase of new books was said to be enormous, when it was an undeniable fact it cost majority of parents less money to buy the entire new outfit than it would have done had the old series of text books been retained – the new having been introduced at half price. But Prof. Smith continued on the even tenor of his way, “being reviled, he reviled not again,” knowing that in due time the system would be approved by all. The wisdom of his course is now seen. For 19 years the system has been tried, and with the best results, and there is not a parent in the city, that has given the subject any thought, but will acknowledge it is the better way. There has been an average of 12 or 14 graduates each year since the third, and many of the teachers now employed in the schools of the city, or that have been employed for 15 years, have been graduates. The course of study has been as thorough as in any of the academies of the country. Prof. H. H. Smith continued as superintendent for three years, succeeding in the perfect organization of every department of the public schools. He was succeeded by Prof. M. Andrews, who occupied the position for five years, resigning the same that he might accept a like situation at Galesburg, in this state, at a higher salary. Professor Shedd next succeeded, serving two years. He was followed by Prof. C. C. Robbins.
The school building in the Fourth ward was erected in 1874, by W. O. Thomas, of Macomb, who, was, also, the architect. It stands upon the corner of Washington and Johnson streets. Its entire cost, including furniture, etc., was about $20,000. It is quite showy, and yet neat and well proportioned. The basement is of limestone, while the main walls are of red brick. It is two stories in height, with basement. A finely proportioned belfry surmounts the main front, in which is placed a bell weighing 900 pounds. There are three entrances, one each on the east, north and south sides. The recitation rooms, of which there are six, are in size 25x33 feet; those on the first floor are in height 14 feet, while those on the second floor are 16 feet, each being provided with the best modern school furniture, and every appliance that would aid one in acquiring knowledge. The ventilation is well provided for, which will certainly be acknowledged of great importance. The basement is used for storage, fuel and heating purposes, an engine being placed therein, which heats the entire building. Everything in connection with the building is in good taste, and reflects great credit upon the city and its architect, W. O. Thomas.
Besides these there are two neat frame edifices, and Macomb can justly pride herself upon the unexceptional educational facilities it possesses. A full account of the other institutions of the town, for higher education, is given elsewhere.
The first religious services ever held in the town were probably in 1833, under the ministrations of the celebrated Methodist preacher, Rev. Peter Cartwright, who shortly after organized a class, which has been successfully carried on to the present day.
The first church building was erected by the Methodist Episcopal congregation in 1856. There are now in the city ten churches, viz: the Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Congregationalist, Universalist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, African Methodist and African Baptist. There is also a congregation of Episcopalians. Histories of each of these religious bodies are given in the chapter on ecclesiastical matters.
During the year 1856, W. H. Randolph laid off, for a public cemetery, a tract of land just north of the city, comprising 11 acres, which he christened Oakwood cemetery. For years the town had felt the want of a suitable place for the burial of the dead. The old cemetery, west of town, was too small and very inconvenient to the citizens of the place, and with his accustomed liberality and public spirit, Mr. Randolph selected the prettiest and most eligible spot adjoining the town, for this city of the dead. This adjoins the city limits. On the 7th of June, 1877, the city of Macomb purchased the unsold lots for about $1,000, and an additional three-acre lot within the city limits for $350 more. It is nearly all neatly fenced, handsomely laid out and well improved, and is one of the most beautiful resting places for the hallowed remains of loved ones in this section of country. The first burial here was a man by the name of Moore, who died in the summer of 1857. Two or three years afterwards, his body was disinterred and removed. The second burial was that of Lucy E. Perry, on August 5, 1857. J. H. Cummings was the chairman of the first committee having it in charge. The present committee are the following gentlemen: J. H. Cummings, S. L. Sommers and M. T. Winslow. John Axford, the present sexton, has been in that position about three-fourths of the time since it was first laid out.
What was long known as the old cemetery was laid out by the county commissioners in 1830, Robert Garrett donating the land, in trust, for that purpose. The first burial therein was Truman Bowen, who died in 1831. The second interment was of a child of L. F. Temple, who died of some injuries received, and was buried there in 1831. This was not used after the laying out of Oakwood.
Among other public institutions of which the citizens of Macomb can justly pride themselves, is the Macomb City Library. For several years previous to 1881, sundry efforts looking toward the establishment of a library had been made, but without success; but in the fall of that year, a petition of the citizens being presented to the city council, they passed the necessary legislation, and appropriated the sum of $1,000 for the purpose. On the l0th of November, 1881, Mayor William Prentiss appointed the following board of directors: B. R. Hampton, Miss Mary Pillsbury, Dr. W. O. Blaisdell, Mrs. P. H. Garretson. Dr. J. M. Downing, Alexander McLean, Miss Ella Whitson, A. K. Lodge and Mrs. W. S. Bailey. On the 23d of November, 1881, a meeting was held at the office of Drs. Downing & King, and an organization formed with B. R. Hampton, chairman, and Miss Mary Pillsbury, secretary. Books were purchased, and a library formed, which was duly opened to the public on the 8th of April, 1882, with Miss Mahala Phelps as librarian, a position which she has held continuously ever since. The library is now in full running order, contains over 1,600 volumes for general circulation, and about 150 of reference, all of which are of the highest class, manifesting the care and excellent judgment displayed by the board in their selections of literature for the rising generation. A room in the city hall is handsomely fitted up for the accommodation of the library, and an air of order, method and neatness pervades the apartment. The present officers are as follows: B. R. Hampton, president; Mary Pillsbury, secretary; J. M. Blazer, vice-president and treasurer; these, with the following named, constitute the board of directors: Mrs. P. H. Garretson, Jacob L. Bailey, Alexander McLean, Mrs. Asher Blount, Mrs. W. S. Bailey, and A. K. Lodge. The library is free to all citizens of the city, and is open twice a week for the purpose of issuing books. The last three months, the average each day has been 199 books issued, which shows to what an extent the library is patronized.
Macomb lodge, No.17, A. F. and A. M. was organized under a dispensation granted January 30, 1843, to Charles Hays, Resin Naylor, James Chandler, Jr., John Anderson, Thomas J. Smithers, Alexander Simpson and O. M. Hoagland. The first meeting was held on the 24th of February, 1843, when there were present, Levi Lusk, S. G. W. and W. M. pro tem., and the following pro tem. officers: Charles Hays, S. W.; James Chandler, Jr., J. W.; John Anderson, S.; Joseph M. Walker, T.; Resin Naylor, S.D.; Thomas Smithers, J. D.; George H. Rice, tyler, and Thomas A. Brooking. The first regular officers installed, were Resin Naylor, W. M.; Charles Hays, S. W.; James Chandler, Jr., J. W. Cyrus Walker was initiated at this meeting. At a meeting held February 25th, petitions were received from P. H. Walker, William Ervin and Joseph E. Wyne, and the second and third degrees were conferred upon C. A. Lawson. It received its charter in the following fall, that important document bearing date of October 2, 1843. Since its organization, the following have held the position of worshipful master of the lodge: James Chandler, Jr., Joseph E. Wyne, Pinkney H. Walker, William Ervin, Thomas Brooking, James B. Kyle, J. L. N. Hall, C. N. Harding, C. S. Churchill, Albert Eads and J. H. Fuhr. . The present officers, are A. K. Lodge, W. M.; W. C. Johnson, S. W.; Charles Garrett, J. W.; E. McDonough, T.; S. P. Brewster, S.; F. J. Farley, S. D.; R. W. Bailey, J. D.; J. W. Wyne, S. S.; H. Oldknow, J. S., and B. F. Whitson, tyler. The present membership is over 100, and the condition of the lodge most excellent. They own the beautiful block wherein they have their lodge room. This building was erected in 1881, and is in size 26x80 feet, three-stories high. They let the two lower rooms, and occupy the third for lodge room. The lodge room, which is one of the finest in the state, is handsomely frescoed, both walls and ceiling, with emblems of the order in each panel, and the ceiling in azure studded with gold stars. The gas fixtures are neat and chaste in design, and a beautiful bronze statuette adorns the master’s desk. Overhead, in the east, is a well-proportioned arch, with appropriate symbols and motto, and the general tout ensemble of the lodge room is complete, both as regards adornment and furniture. The room is 26x60 feet in size, with ante-room and two examination rooms, and is well ventilated and lighted.
In 1867, sundry of the brethren of this lodge, deeming the work too monotonous, wished to make some innovations, which were not permitted, so headed by Drs. J. B. Kyle and Hammond and L. A. Simmons, quite a number petitioned to be allowed to set up an altar of their own, which was granted, and Kyle lodge started. After an existence of some 10 years, it surrendered its charter to the grand lodge and ceased to exist, most of the members joining the older one, Macomb, No.17.
Morse Chapter, No. 19, Royal Arch Masons, was organized under a dispensation in August, 1854. The first meeting was held August 28th. The following is a list of the original members: G. M. Hugging, William Ervin, J. L. N. Hall, James B. Kyle, Cyrus A. Lawson, I. M. Westfall, Thomas I. Garrett, Ralph Harris, O. M. Hoagland, Charles Hays and D. G. Tunnicliff. Of these, but four or five are now living, most of them have been transported to the temple and fitted into their proper niches. The first officers were: Ralph Harris, M. E. H. P.; James B. Kyle, E. K.; Cyrus A. Lawson, E. S.; G. M. Huggins, C. H.; J. L. N. Hall, P.S.; William Ervin, R. A. C.; I. M. Westfall, M. F.V.; Charles Hays, M. S. V.; D. G, Tunnicliff, S.; Thomas I. Garrett, G. The chapter has at present a membership of over 80, and is in a flourishing condition. The present officers are: Charles W. Mapes, M. E. H. P.; George Gadd, E. K.; F. R. Kyle, E. S; Joseph W. Kyle, C. H.; Albert Eads, P. S.; Ed. McDonough, T.; James M. Martin, S.; John H. Fuhr, R. A. C.; Finley Chandler, M. T. V.; W. C. Johnson, M. S.V.; J. M. Keefer, M. F.V.; B. T. Whitson, G. The charter of the chapter was received at a meeting held October 24,1854.
Military Tract lodge, No.145, I. O. O. F., was organized under a charter dated October 12, 1854, having for its original or charter members, the following named gentlemen: I. M. Westfall, I. M. Major, Abram Rowe, V. H. Weaver, James Stuart, Samuel Bunker and J. B. Pierson. Only one of them, I. M. Westfall, is now in the land of the living. The lodge has a present membership of 72, and is in a most excellent condition, and outside of the debt of about $4,000 on their building, do not owe anything. They have just finished building a handsome brick edifice on the north side of the public square, at a cost of $10,000. This is three stories high, 22x70 feet in ground area, and was completed in October, 1884. In the third story is a fine large lodge room, furnished in good shape. The present officers are the following: P. H. McClellan, N. G.; R. T. Quinn, V. G.; J. B. Russell, R. S.; William L. Imes, P. S, and who has held that office for 22 consecutive years; Thomas Philpot, T, I. M. Martin, P. N. G.; James P. Karr, S. W.; John Ralston, conductor.
Washington encampment, No.39, I. O. O. F., was instituted, at Macomb, March 25, 1857, by A. C. Marsh, P. C. P. with the following charter members: Isaac M. Westfall, A. G. Burr, William S. Bailey, Charles W. Dallam, W. L. Imes, Benjamin F. Broaddus and J. W. Atkinson. The first officers were: I. M. Westfall, C. P.; J. W. Blount, H. P.; B. F. Broaddus, S. W.; C. M. Ray, J. W.; J. W. Atkinson, S.; A. G. Burr, T. The first initiates were Joseph W. Blount, Joseph Head, V. H. Weaver and C. M. Ray. Since its organization, some 91 have joined this camp, which is, at present, in excellent condition. Four of its members have been called to a higher lodge since this was started – B. F. Broaddus, in November, 1859; J. W. Ellis, August, 1861; C. M. Ray, September, 1867, and Nathan J. Graves, June, 1880. The present officers are as follows: W. E. Martin, C. P.; John M. Millan, H. P.; J. P. Karr, S. W.; J. A. Smith, J. W.; D. Knapp, S.; W. L. Imes, T.; S. P. Brewster, O.S, and representative to the grand encampment.
Montrose lodge, No.104, Knights of Pythias, was organized in May, 1882, under a dispensation. On October 18th, of the same year, a charter was granted them, which bears the names of the following gentlemen as charter members: C. V. Chandler, A. K. Lodge, C. H. Whitaker, J. M. Downing, I. N. Pearson, G. H. Wyne, C. Mapes, R. Leach, J. E. Lane, George Trubel, George Gadd, Z. W. Willis, C. Mustain, E. A. Lane, W. E. Martin, W. F. Wells, G. W. Howard, R. T. Quinn, Fred Newland, C. N. Ross, William Ragon, D. McLean, R. Lawrence, G. C. Trull, W. Venable, J. S. Gash, P. H. Garretson, B. F. Randolph, Isaac Fellheimer, J. Bailey, M. P. Agnew, D. M. Graves, J. M. Ervin, T. Philpot, D. Ray, J. L. Wilson, C. J. James, G. W. Bailey, M. O’Meara, F. Ralston, and C. W. Dines.
The lodge, which has at present a membership of 75 knights, is in a flourishing condition, both financially and otherwise, and is growing with a more healthy growth, and with more rapidity than any other lodge ever organized in Macomb. They have a fine lodge room in the third story over the store of Venable Bros. The officers at present are the following mentioned: Charles I. Imes, P. C.; H. W. Gash, C. C.; R. W. Bailey, V. C.; F. Ralston, P.; D. M. Graves, M. of E.; George Fentem, M. of F.; N. H. Kendrick, M. at A.; W. D. Newton, K. of R. and S.; Edgar Aldredge, I. G.; John St. Clair, O. G.; A. K. Lodge, special deputy.
McDonough post, No. 103, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized at the court house on the 8th of August, 1881, by E. A. Sherbine, mustering officer, assisted by J. L. Richardson, J. L. Bennett, E. A. Walcott, and L. C. Welch, of post No. 28; and L. S. Lambert and C. B. Hyde, of post No. 45. The following were the original members: J. B. Venard, T. J. Martin, G. L. Farwell, R. Lawrence, W. A. Chapman, J. E. Lane, J. C. Emmons, R. R. McMullen, William Venable, J. C. McClellan, Samuel Frost, Karr McClintock, W. G. McClellan, J. T. Russell, J. M. Hume, E. A. Lane, J. A. Gordon, Fred Newland, F. A. Luthey, James Foster, T. J. Farley, I. C. Hillyer, and M. M. McDonald. The first officers were: William Venable, C.; R. R. McMullen, S. V. C.; T. J. Farley, J. V. C.; S. Frost, chaplain; R. Lawrence, Q. M.; G. L. Farwell, O. D.; W. A. Chapman, O. G.; W. G. McClellan, adjutant; J. M. Hume, S. M.; T. J. Martin, Q. M. S. Since its organization, William Venable, R. R. McMullen, C. V. Chandler, and G. W. Reid, have occupied the position of post commander. This is one of the largest posts in the state, and has a membership of 160, in good standing. They have mustered in some 235, but many have dropped off by death, removal, and the organization of the post at Colchester, the latter of which caused the loss of about 30, they living in the neighborhood of that town. T. J. Martin and R. Lawrence are the only ones that have died. The post has a beautiful room, 25x80, on the west side of the square, which is neatly and appropriately furnished, and fitted up for the purpose. The present officers are the following: G. W. Reid, C.; Amos Scott, S. V. C.; L. R. Collins, J. V. C.; W. G. McClellan, Q. M.; H. W. Gash, A.; A. K. Tullis, chaplain; B. I. Dunn, S. M.; T. J. Farley, O. D.; W. H. Hainline, J. A.; I. C. Hillyer, O. G.; Jesse Liggitt, Q. M. S.; and J. B. Russell, S. M.
Council No.18, Golden Rule association, was organized February 14, 1885, with 14 members, at Macomb, by T. S. Stamps, S. D. The following is the list of original members: G. W. Bailey, Dr. E. Bolles, W. A. Chapman, J. H. Grigsby, D. H. Hampton, R. E. Harris, I. M. Martin, J. T. McFarland, E. O. McLaren, J. K. Seem, M. C. Shumate, M. H. Scott, W. S. Perry and H. K. Smith. The first officers were: M. C. Shumate, chief patriarch; J. K. Seem, chief councilor; D. H. Hampton, chief captain; I. M. Martin, secretary; H. K. Smith, treasurer; W. A. Chapman, captain of the guard, M. H. Scott, first guard; R. E. Harris, second guard; J. H. Grigsby, sentry. Present officers are: I. M. Martin, chief patriarch; J. K. Seem, chief councilor; R. E. Harris, chief captain; M. C. Shumate, secretary; H. K. Smith, treasurer; D. H. Hampton, captain of the guard: J. H. Grigsby, first guard: W. A. Chapman, sentry; G. W. Bailey, chaplain. This is a benevolent order, offering insurance to both sexes, who are both eligible to membership.
Macomb lodge, No. 29, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, was organized November 23, 1876, by D. D. G. M., M. W. Newton, of Quincy, with the following charter members: W. F. Bayne, B. J. Head, W. J. Boyd, I. N. Pearson, J. B. Venard, N. Bucher, James Knapp, A. V. Brooking, Charles Kline. E. A. Hail, W. S. Lowe, D. Knapp, Joseph S. Gamage, Alexander McLean, L. W. Scott, Virgil McDavitt, W. H. Shatterly, Thomas Philpot, Leroy Cannon, S. P. Brewster, H. A. Tuggle, B. T. Whitson. Truman W. Willis, W. F. King, Henry K. Smith, Henry H. Smith, Leslie A. Ross, Clayton N. Ross, A. L. Stowell, James P. Karr, Manning H. Case, J. W. Yeast, Charles C. Hays, Leonard A. Hoops, Alexander Holmes, Cornelius F. Westfall. The first officers were the following: W. F. Bayne, P. M. W.; Alexander McLean, M. W.; Charles Kline, Fore.; Joseph S. Gamage, O.; I. N. Pearson, Rec.; David Knapp, Fin.; B. J. Head, Rec.; J. B. Venard, O. W.; L. W. Scott, I. W.; A. V. Brooking, V. McDavitt and W. H. Shatterly, trustees. Since its organization the following have held the office of master workman, in the lodge: Alexander McLean, J. B. Venard, S. P. Brewster, M. H. Case, H. S. Thornburg, Thomas Philpot, William Russell, A. Holmes, B. T. Whitson, B. B. Russell, A. T. Vawter, George W. Bailey, J. C. McClellan, E. H. Black and T. W. Willis. In the office of recorder, the following have served: I. N. Pearson, one term; C. N. Ross, one term; J. W. Yeast, three terms; T. W. Willis, eight terms; J. H. Provine, H. C. Agnew and E. H. Black, each one term. David Knapp, at the organization of the lodge, was elected financier, and J. H. Head, receiver, and both have been elected by acclamation, at every election since. Alexander McLean, was elected trustee of the grand lodge, in 1876, and in 1878, was grand master workman of the grand lodge of Illinois, and since 1881, has acted as grand receiver of the same lodge and has held other high offices. The following are the present officers: H. C. Agnew, P. M. W.; G. W. Hoskinson, M. W.; P. H. McClellan; foreman; R. Leach, overseer; T. W. Willis, recorder; B J. Head, receiver; D. Knapp, financier; B. B. Russell, guide; W. F. Willis, inside watchman; Luther Meek, outside watchman. The deaths in this lodge since its start, have been: Leroy W. Cannon, died August 21, 1877; H. H. Whissen, August 10, 1879; W. H Shatterly, April 2, 1881; Henry Beckhaus, August 11, 1883.
Macomb lodge, No.410, of the Independent Order of Good Templars, was duly organized August 1, 1883, with the following charter members: C. W. Ayling, W. T. Ball, Carrie Carr, Jessie Carr, Carrie Coats, James K. Coats, C. E. Crissey, Frank Friend, Nina Friend, Edith Garrett, Allie Henton, B. O. Ingram, Belle McElrath, Minnie Martin, William Meek, Edna Meek, C. E. Mitchell, John Robinson, Frank Robinson and James W. Brattle. For several years before this, a lodge of this order has existed here but had died out previous to the institution of this one. The lodge has now a membership of about 60, with the present officers in the chairs: James Coats, W. C. T.; Eliza Goodwin, W. V. T.; Clara Coats, W. S.; George Snyder, W. F. S.; Effie Smith, W. T.; Bert Gesler, W. M.; Edna Meek, W. C.; Henry Harmon, W. I. G.; and Jessie Carr, P. W. C. T.
On the 5th of March, 1883, the city council of Macomb, purchased a hook and ladder truck as the nucleus of a fire department This was bought of C. G. Carleton & Co., of Chicago, for the sum of $500. In the fall of the same year, an organization of the Salamander Hook and Ladder company was effected. The first meeting was held October 5th, when constitution and by-laws were adopted. Fred Ralston was chosen foreman, A. W. Eddy, first assistant, L. E. Imes, second assistant The following were the first members: Fred Ralston, L. E. Imes, R. T. Quinn, B. F. Whitson, E. Sprague, Joe Beltzer, James Gribble, S. R. Westfall, Frank Martin, Frank Miles, Charles McClellan, Harry Collins, Charles I. Imes, D. McCaughey and Herman Voughtlander. The company have done excellent service whenever called upon to save property and are appreciated at their full worth.
On the 5th of May, 1884, the council of the city of Macomb passed an ordinance establishing a fire department in that place. It made an executive department of the municipal government of the city to be known as the fire department, which embraces one fire marshal, one first and one second assistant fire marshal, and such other officers and men as were necessary to operate the different apparatus’ provided and to be provided, and passed good and sufficient laws for the government of the department. Fred Ralston was chosen the first fire marshal and still retains that position.
In July, 1884, the city further increased the efficiency of the fire department by the purchase of two Holloway chemical engines at an expenditure of $1,640. Two companies were at one formed known as engine company No. 1, and No. 2.
Engine company No. 1, is composed of the following members: W. D. Newton, foreman, R. W. Bailey, Charles McCluhan, W. C. Sutton, Henry Kerman, W. O’Meara, Lawson Wilson, F. Gilmore and Arthur Simpson.
No. 2, of R. T. Quinn, foreman, R. E. Harris, Oscar Gash, Thomas Hoskinson, Joseph Beltzer, N. Bowman, G. G. Butterfield, J. Minium, Charles Harding, R. N. Kellough and John Owens.
Prior to the days of the war, during the campaign of 1860, Macomb had two excellent bands, but no record of them remains at present. In the spring of 1871, steps were taken to organize a new cornet band that met with great success. Among the earliest members were: Ira D. Twyman, Charles Stevens, Nelson Brooking, William Thomas, Geo. Harding, Samuel Fox, William Hampton, J. E. Russell and John Broaddus. This band grew in number and efficiency and in 1876, Centennial year, had the following membership: William Harker, Eb and leader; W. Stoffer, Eb; J. E. Russell, Bb; E. C. Pierce, Eb clarinet, John Argenbright, Bb clarinet; W. R. Hampton, solo alto; W. Thomas, alto; Charles Frost, alto; G. C. Trull, baritone; Joseph Sosman, tenor; J. M. Ervin, tenor; Ira D. Twyman, tuba; Thomas Lusk, snare drum; and Al. Myers, bass drum.
Constantly changing membership, it ran down until the need of reorganization became apparent, and in the spring of 1884, the present band was formed. It contains the following gentlemen: J. E Russell, solo Bb and leader; Elsa Bowen, 1st Bb; R. W. Bailey, Eb clarinet; Jacob L. Baily, Bb clarinet; Arthur Brooking, solo alto; Bert Smithers, 1st alto; Harvell Shannon, 2d alto; Charles McLean, 1st tenor; Frederick Gilmore, 2d tenor; B. H. Hickson, baritone; Arthur Simpson, tuba; Frank Lane, bass drum; and George Patterson, snare drum.
Many of Macomb’s prominent citizens are mentioned in connection with her business interests, and many more in the different general chapters; but following will be found the biographical sketches of retired merchants and others whose names are now more prominent in the county for other reasons than their connection with the trade interests of the city. Some of those here mentioned at length are not now living, but they were far too eminent to be passed by without notice in this place.
In the Island of Call, in 1807, there was born one Hector McLean, who, at the age of 18 years, removed to Glasgow, Scotland. He there learned the trade of a stone mason, and, subsequently, was a builder and contractor. In 1847, he received an appointment in the internal revenue service of the English government, which position he held for two years, and, in June, 1849, emigrated to the United States, and settled in McDonough county, Illinois, in August of that year. He again resumed his trade, and also farmed some, which he continued until 1869, at which time his death occurred. He was married in Scotland to Catherine McMillan, who survived him some six years. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were the parents of five children, three of whom are still living – Alexander, Duncan and Isabella. Two of their children – John and Hector, have died. Mr. McLean declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, as soon as he arrived in the country. He at first associated with the whig party, and afterwards with the republican party, and continued so to affiliate up to the time of his death. As a citizen, he stood high in the community in which he lived, being a good neighbor, and a kindhearted, benevolent man, and his death was a sad blow to his family and to his many friends. Mr. McLean was one of the principal members of the Congregational church of Macomb, and was a Free Mason for many years.
Alexander McLean, the eldest son Hector and Catherine (McMillan) McLean, was born in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, September 24, 1833. After reaching a suitable age, he attended a private school, where he remained until he was 13 years old. With his parents, June 5, 1849, he bid farewell to the land of his birth, and took passage for the United States, with the intention of making that country his future home. On the 17th of the July following, the family arrived in New York, from whence they started for their objective point, McDonough county, Illinois, and arrived on the 14th of August, in the vicinity of Camp creek, near Macomb, where they had friends residing. They remained here until the following spring, when they removed to the town of Macomb. Alexander here worked with his father for several years at the stonemason’s trade. He had an excellent memory, was well versed in the literature of the day, was possessed of good conversational powers, and, consequently, secured the attention of those who were in a position to advance his interests. He was selected as a deputy by William H. Randolph, then circuit clerk, and gave entire satisfaction, not only to Mr. Randolph, but to the members of the bar and the people generally. At the expiration of Mr. Randolph’s term of office, he, with Mr. McLean and others, opened an office for the purchase and sale of real estate, under the firm name of McLean, Randolph& Co. For several years the firm did an extensive business in this line, but Mr. McLean withdrew from the firm in 1858. In February, 1864, he left Macomb for New York city, having received the appointment of clerk of a large real estate dealer, engaged in dealing in western land, and the knowledge acquired by personal dealing enabled him to be of great assistance to the firm in the selection of lands. From 1864, to 1871, he was a citizen of either New York city or Brooklyn. While living in Brooklyn, together with his beloved wife, he united with the Clinton Avenue Baptist church, in December, 1867. Shortly afterwards he was elected superintendent of its Sunday school, and officiated in that capacity for two years. In 1871, he returned to Macomb, and was chosen to fill the same position in the Baptist Sunday school of that city, which duties he performed for two years. Mr. McLean has been an earnest worker in this particular field, devoting much time and thought to it. He has done much to promote the interests of the county Sunday school association, and has been one of its most zealous members. He was chosen by that body as editor of the Sunday school column of the Macomb Journal, which position he has satisfactorily filled for a number of years. The Salem Baptist association, of which the Baptist church of Macomb forms a part, has again appointed him moderator, this being his seventh term. He has also been chosen by the people, on several occasions, to fill public office, each time discharging his duties satisfactorily. The first office to which he was elected was that of alderman in 1863, carrying his ward against one of the most popular men in the ruling party, the democratic, notwithstanding the fact that he was regarded as a very radical republican. In 1873, he was elected mayor of the city of Macomb, which office he filled with honor and distinction for four successive years, and it is worthy of note that during his administration more public improvement was made than during any other previous four years in the history of that city. Mr. McLean is a thorough and consistent republican, firmly believing in the principles of that party, and as a campaign worker he is indefatigable, and, where success is possible, will help largely to secure it. In 1876, he was elected as one of the presidential electors of this state, and, as a mark of esteem, his colleagues selected him as messenger to deliver the returns to the vice-president of the United States, at Washington. He is a most earnest supporter of the cause of education, in every branch, and will sacrifice time and money for the good of either. Governor Cullom, in recognition of these qualities, appointed him as one of the trustees of the Illinois Industrial university, of Champaign, and time has proven that a more eminently fitted man for the position could not have been found. Alexander McLean is probably as well known throughout the state as any other man in it, both politically, and as an active member of nearly all of the secret organizations extant. He is a member of the Masonic order, Blue lodge chapter, commandery and consistory; also of the I. O. O. F., both subordinate and encampment; as also of the Knights of Pythias. He is past grand master of the A. O. U. W., and for five years has been the receiver of the Grand lodge. He is also president of the I. O. M. A., and for six years served as its grand secretary, in which capacity he served faithfully, and in a great measure is responsible for the present flourishing condition of that order. For several years he was grand commander of the Select Knights of the A. O. U. W., and at present is a director in the Clayton Mutual Masonic Insurance company. Alexander McLean and Martha J. Randolph, a daughter of Benjamin F. Randolph, a pioneer of McDonough county, were united in marriage on the last day in December, 1856. As a result of this union 10 children were born unto them, nine sons and one daughter – William, deceased, Alexander, John, Frank, Edward, deceased, Edgar, Fred, William, Iva, deceased, and Walter.
Colonel Charles Chandler, deceased, and one of the most enterprising and successful business men that has ever lived in Macomb, was a son of James and Abigail (Vilas) Chandler was born in Alstead, Cheshire county, New Hampshire, August 28, 1809. His father was also a native of New Hampshire, his mother of Massachusetts. Both lived to a good old age; the mother died in 1854, aged 79 years, the father in 1857, aged 86 years. James Chandler was a farmer, and reared his son to habits of industry, giving him an opportunity to develop his muscle in tilling the hard soil of New England, and his mind to some extent in a district school during the winter season. At the age of 19, by consent of his parents, he went to Boston, and spent two years in learning to sell merchandise; then returned home; and at the end of another year started for the west, halting two years in Cincinnati. In the spring of 1834, he made his appearance in Macomb, the future field of his enterprise. His older brother, Thompson Chandler, reached here a few months earlier, and is still living in Macomb, where he has made a highly honorable record as a business man, county judge, member of the supervisors’ court, etc. Our subject began business here as a clerk in a store, of which his brother was part owner, and in two years began to sell goods for himself. At the end of three years, seeing, as he rightly thought, a good opportunity to speculate in land, he changed his business to real estate, in which he was very successful. He bought land at very low figures; it rose gradually, sometimes rapidly, on his hands, and in a few years he was the owner of extensive tracts, which the advent of railroads and other causes, made very valuable. In making his purchases of real estate, he showed great foresight and judgment, and hence his grand success. In 1858, Mr. Chandler became a banker, and continued that business until his death, which occurred December 26, 1878. He was a private banker until 1865, when the First National bank of Macomb was organized, and he became its president. He managed it with great care and ability, placing it on a solid basis, second to that of no other institution of the kind in this part of the state. Mr. Chandler aided in 1865, in establishing a private bank at Bushnell, which was changed to the Farmer’s National bank, and he continued one of its largest stockholders and directors until his death occurred. Mr. Chandler was a republican of whig antecedents, and always took great interest in politics, although he did not seek office for himself. He was, however, coroner for two years, a county school commissioner four years, a justice of the peace for a long time, alderman two or three years, and mayor one term. He was a true lover of his country, and during the civil war gave both time and money to help the cause of the union. Too old to go into the service himself, he did much to encourage others to enlist, and was so active and efficient that Governor Yates commissioned him colonel of the state militia, authorizing him to raise a regiment for home service. For some years before his demise, Colonel Chandler was accustomed to spend his winter in a warmer climate – Florida, and other gulf states, Central America, Mexico, South America, etc. He was a man of varied and extensive knowledge, and an interesting converser. He was married December 15, 1836, to Sarah K. Cheatham, of Macomb, and she died in 1855, leaving three children, four having preceded her to the spirit world. She was an excellent wife and mother, and an active christian till her death. The three children living are – Martha Abigail, married to Henry C. Twyman, merchant of Macomb; Charles Vilasco, president of the First National bank of Macomb, and James Edgar, late president of the Farmers’ National bank of Bushnell. In personal appearance, he was a model of neatness, with a face smoothly shaven, and wearing apparel always in good taste. In the family circle, he was always kind and indulgent to his children and grandchildren, treating them with the tenderness that begot love in their hearts. In public, he pursued the same course, treating all with kind consideration. The older residents of this city speak of our subject with the tenderness of a brother, they regarding him as a model businessman and an unusually kind neighbor.
Nathaniel P. Tinsley, deceased, was among the prominent men of the county and of Macomb at an early day. He witnessed the development of this place, and was more closely identified with its interests than would appear to the casual observer. His deeds of kindness, and acts of benevolence, were without ostentation or display, and the full measure of his strength and influence as a public benefactor, was imperfectly understood, and not fully appreciated. The historian of the present day, and of after years, when the results of his action are, and will be so apparent, can not find any personal record so full of deeds of actual and permanent benefit to Macomb. He was a native of Virginia, and was born in Amherst county, November 1, 1810. When but six years old, his parents moved to Kentucky, and there the subject of this sketch was brought up. At the age of 19, he entered a store in Columbia, of that state, as clerk. In 1836, he came to Macomb, and opened a store, which was among the first business houses of the place, and here continued in trade until the time of his death, which occurred July 20, 1882. He was married in 1838, to Telitha C. Walker, who died June 24, 1847. By that union were four children, only one of whom is now living, and she is the wife of Mr. A. Eads, cashier of the Union National bank. Mr. Tinsley commenced business here in a small building on the east side, and there continued until 1837, when he built a two story frame on the north side, moved in, and remained until 1857, then erected a brick block, which he occupied until the time of his death. In 1849, he built a mill on South Randolph street, which, in 1856, he sold to Clisby & Trull. In 1857, he built a mill in the north part of town, which he subsequently sold to David Scott In addition to these improvements, he built a number of good residences. Among the many things directly traceable to his influence, is the location of the railroad depot at a point convenient and accessible, and without doubt the location of the county seat would have been changed to some other point than Macomb, except for his timely action. His action always seems to have been characterized, not by any selfish motive, but solely for the public good, and thus he is, and ever will be, held in grateful remembrance.
John McLean, deceased, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, September 12, 1835. In the year 1849, he emigrated with his parents, Hector and Catherine (McMillan) McLean, to America, and settled in Scotland township. A few months later they removed to the city of Macomb, where John remained until 1861. In that year he was married to Martha F. Hunter, daughter of William Hunter, of Macomb, and again removed to Scotland township, and located upon a farm. He continued a resident there until October, 1875, when he returned to Macomb, where he resided until the time of his death, August 2, 1884. Mrs. McLean is a native of Cincinnati, and is still living. Mr. McLean owned at the time of his death, a farm of 260 acres in Scotland township, and a residence and one block of ground, in the city of Macomb. He started in life with a very small portion of this world’s goods, but succeeded in accumulating a comfortable fortune, and died in prosperous circumstances. He served for eight years as clerk of Scotland township, which office he resigned when he moved to Macomb. At the latter place he held the office of alderman four years, and was, for the same length of time, one of the city school board. He was a consistent member of the Congregational church, and a highly respected citizen. He was very active in Sunday school work and also in the cause of temperance. Mr. and Mrs. McLean had eight children, three of whom are living – Charles H., Edwin Y. and Nellie B. Three sons and two daughters died in childhood – Alexander H., William A., John M., Elizabeth C. and Mattie J., who with their father are buried in Oakwood cemetery, near the city of Macomb. John McLean was a brother of Alexander McLean, and also, of Judge Duncan McLean, now of Idaho territory.
Benjamin Randolph, deceased, came to this county in 1840, and for many years here enjoyed a popularity known to but few men. He was held in high esteem, and many acts of kindness are remembered as indicative of his character and benevolence. He was born in Kentucky, November 7, 1797. The family moved to Ohio when he was quite young, and in that state he was brought up. His first wife was Ivy Sargeant, and by that union were eight children, two of whom are now living – Mrs. Jos. Blount, and Mrs. Alexander McLean, of Macomb. He was again married February 29, 1852, to Juliet G. Weaver, and they lived on a farm in Macomb township until the time of his death, which occurred May 3, 1864. Two children were born to them – William B., deceased, and Alivia M., who lives with her mother, now Mrs. Webb. Mr. Randolph was a consistent member of the Christian church, and died in the full assurance of a blissful immortality.
L. Holland, one of Macomb’s prominent men, is a native of Belchertown, Massachusetts, and was born on the 26th of July, 1815. He resided in his native state until he attained his majority, when he started westward and located at Peoria, Illinois, in 1837. Here he was engaged in mercantile business until 1864, with the exception of four years, when he resided at Lacon and carried on a like business. From Peoria, in 1864, he removed to Augusta, Hancock county, Illinois, and opened a private bank, which he continued to run till 1869. From Augusta, Mr. Holland removed to McDonough county, and settled at Macomb, where he succeeded Dr. T. M. Jordan in the banking business, M. T. Winslow being his partner, the style of the firm being Holland & Winslow. This firm continued the business until 1872, when, through their efforts, the Union National Bank was established, and Mr. Holland became a director and also its first cashier, which position he held until 1880, when he sold his interest in the institution and withdrew from the company. He then went to Farmington, Iowa, and there established the City Bank, which he continued to run until 1884, at which time he closed out the business of that institution, and returned to Macomb (his family having resided there continually) where he is now leading a retired life, his health not permitting him to be actively engaged in business. Mr. Holland has been twice married. In 1843, to Lucy A. Bartlett, a daughter of Dr. Peter Bartlett, of Peoria. She afterward died, leaving two children, who have since followed her. Later Louise M. Cheesbro became his wife. She is a native of New York, being born near Utica. By this union five children have been born to them, one of whom died in infancy, and four are still living – Louise, the wife of James H. Bacon; Frank L., William B. and Philo L. Mr. Holland is a republican, and his religious connections are with the Baptist church.
Alexander Blackburn came to this county October 28th, 1853. He had previously been here and purchased a farm adjoining the town of Macomb, consisting of 160 acres of prairie land, with 80 acres of timber adjoining. He came from LaPorte county, Indiana, where he was a pioneer, having removed to that place from Sullivan county, Indiana, in 1832. He was born in Butler county, Ohio, May 31, 1805. His early life was spent upon a farm in his native state, and in Sullivan county, Indiana, where he was removed with his father’s family, in 1816, at 11 years old, where he obtained a limited education in subscription schools. He remained on the old homestead assisting his parents in the various occupations incident to farm life, until the death of his father, in 1824, when, soon after, the sole management devolved upon him. He thus remained upon the place until 27 years old. He then left the old homestead, April 10, 1832, and went to LaPorte county, Indiana, travelling by the slow and tedious ox-team, and then after journeying 30 days, camping out with his family. About one half the route had never been travelled by wagon. His was the first wagon that crossed the Kankakee rapids, where Momence now is located. It was then Indian country, and he camped out on the ground until he had a cabin built. He then engaged in farming, in which he continued, on the same place, for over 21 years, when he sold out and came to McDonough county. This was in 1853. He was married January 28, 1828, to Delilah Polke, a native of Kentucky, brought by parents to Indiana territory in infancy, about 1807. When he came to this county he continued his occupation of farming for 17 years, then moved to Macomb. He disposed of the farm so long occupied, but now owns 176 acres on section 29, Macomb township, which is occupied by a tenant. His wife died August 4, 1874. They were the parents of nine children, five of whom are now living and have families – William M., who is married, and now the president of the university of Northern Dakota, Charles P. died when eleven years old; John, now living in LaBette county, Kansas; Margaret P., who was married to John L. Andrew, of LaPorte county, Indiana, died in January, 1868; Nancy J. died when nine years old; Edward P. died when three years of age; Ann Elizabeth, who was married to John M. Lownan, deceased; she is living with her father in Macomb, and has one child, Alexander B.; Alexander, a minister in the Baptist church, now living in Lafayette, Tippecanoe county, Indiana; and Charles E., living in Monmouth, engaged in the livery and undertaking business. Mr. Blackburn is a member of the Presbyterian church, a genial gentleman, and politically, a republican. He voted for John Q. Adams for president, 1828, was a whig and afterward, entered the ranks of the republican party, upon its organization. An ardent anti-slavery man, although not politically an abolitionist; a pioneer in Sabbath school and temperance work, and an elder in the Presbyterian church for over 50 years.
Charles S. Cottrell (deceased) was born in Chautauqua county, New York, February 21, 1833, and was in his 44th year at the date of his death. He lived in his native state until 19 years old, learning meanwhile, the trade of tinner. In 1852, he came west with his father’s family, settling in Aurora, this state. In 1856, in company with his brother, G. C. Cottrell, he came to Macomb and engaged in the hardware business. In 1866, they dissolved partnership, and Charles S. became sole proprietor. The business thus established continued to grow until it became one of the most extensive in this part of the state. Mr. Cottrell was a successful business man He erected numerous good buildings, was an enterprising citizen, and contributed largely in advancing the interests of the city of Macomb. He had the respect and confidence of the people, with whom he was quite popular, and his death cast a gloom over the entire community. He was first married in 1865, to Clara Anderson, who died in 1870. By that union were two children – George Robert, now a resident of Quincy, and Mary Alice, of the same place. He was again married in September, 1873, to Amy A. Davis, a native of Tioga county, Pennsylvania. By this union were two children – Clara D. and Charles S., both living at home with the widow on the old homestead in Macomb. Mrs. Cottrell is a lady of refinement and intelligence, and a member of the Presbyterian church.
D. M. Graves, a prominent citizen of Macomb, came to this county September 1, 1862, from Hancock county, this state. He is a native of Wisconsin, born October 17, 1843, and remained in that state until eight years old, when he went to Hancock county. He received a fair education in the public schools, and worked some on the farm. When he came to McDonough county he engaged with his father in buying and shipping grain, which business he followed about three years, or until the close of the war of the rebellion. He then for four years engaged with his father in merchandising. He also clerked a number of years in the dry goods stores of Macomb. His father died in June, 1880. He then sold agricultural implements for a time, and was engaged in the dry goods trade until February 1, 1885, when he sold out to his partner, Charles Mapes. He now owns and manages a farm of 120 acres, located near the city of Macomb. He was married, January 29, 1867, to Tillie C. Smith, a native of Ohio. They have had four children, three of whom are still living and all at home – Mabel F., Frank M. and Florence E. Mr. Graves has been alderman and city clerk, and is now a member of the school board. He has been connected with the I. O. O. F. since 21 years old, and has filled all the offices in both encampment and subordinate lodge, and is also member of the Knights of Pythias lodge. Politically he is a staunch republican.
Loven Garrett came to this county in 1834, in June, from Adair county, Kentucky, and therefore may be properly classed among the pioneers. He came here directly from his native state, where he was born, March 12, 1824, his parents being Robert and Catharine (Yates) Garrett. They were both natives of Virginia, and died in this county. The subject of this sketch came here with his parents, and settled in the village of Macomb, in the fall of 1834. They purchased a farm of 160 acres in Emmet township, about two miles from Macomb. The place had on it but little improvement, only a small log cabin, and about ten acres under cultivation. They moved on to that place, improved it, and there lived about eight years, then coming to Macomb, and the farm was still kept in the family, one-half of it having been given to a daughter. The subject of this sketch, as may be seen, was brought up on a farm; his education was necessarily limited, although enough was obtained for the ordinary business of life. In 1851, he engaged in the grocery trade, and had the first store selling that kind of goods exclusively, in Macomb. He continued in that business most of the time for 25 years, selling out and changing locations a number of times. He also engaged to a considerable extent in shipping fruit. In 1880 he sold entirely out of the grocery trade, and since that time has been variously employed, but having no particular business. He was first married, May 24, 1844, to Nancy J. Dungen. By that union there was one child – Lillian, now the wife of Theodore Frank, and living in this county. His first wife died, June 18, 1856. He was again married, October 7, 1858, to Annie E. Gadd, a native of England. By this marriage there were nine children, eight of whom are now living – Arthur R., in Chicago; Edith A., at home; Charles Y., in Nebraska, who was married to Minnie Farley, of Macomb; Elsie F., living at home; Luther D., in Chicago; Maurice M., at home; Edwin L. and James R. Mr. Garrett has been identified with the public interests to some extent, having been magistrate four years, and city alderman one term. He now occupies a residence on West Jackson street, where he has been living for 26 years. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and, politically, a democrat.
J. T. Hagerty, one of the pioneers of McDonough county, came here on the 20th day of February, 1835, from Brown county, this state, and first settled in what is now Blandinsville township. He is a native of Harrison county, Kentucky, born February 8, 1817. His mother died when he was but five years old, and at the age of nine years, his father brought him to the state of Missouri, where they remained one year. In 1830, they came to Beardstown, of this state, and thence to Brown county, where the father died, in 1857. The subject of this sketch remained in Brown county about five years, and then came to this county, as before stated, in 1835, and lived on the place where he first settled, for 17 years, engaged in general farming. He yet owns the place, which, from unimproved timber land, he transferred into a good farm. It consists of 320 acres. In April, 1856, he came to Macomb, and having leased his farm, engaged in the livery business, in which he continued seven years, then sold out, and again gave his personal attention to the farm for three years, which had been, under the management of tenants, considerably “run down”. After having renovated the place, and put it in good condition, he returned to his family in Macomb, and has since made this his home. He was married, August 1, 1839, to Sarah Vance, daughter of John Vance, who came to this county in 1826, and was among its earliest settlers. Mrs. Hagerty is a native of Indiana, and came here when a little girl. She has witnessed the development of McDonough county, and is quite familiar with its early growth and settlement. Her advent in this county bears date December 24, 1826, at which time her father brought the family here, having preceded them and made here a crop, in the spring and summer of 1826, in what is now Blandinsville township. Mr. and Mrs. Hagerty have had three children, two boys and one girl, all of whom are now living – John V., married to Abigail Brewster (deceased), and now living on a farm in this county; William H., married to May Coley, and living in Oswego, Kansas; and Frances Ellen, wife of James Cochrane. She is living at home, with her father, and has with her a son 15 years old. Politically, Mr. Hagerty has always been affiliated with the republican party. He is now living a retired life in Macomb, where he is comfortably situated, passing down the decline of life in peace and happiness.
William Hunter, a prominent citizen of Macomb, came to McDonough county April 11, 1853, from Cincinnati and settled on section 1, township of Chalmers He is a native of Scotland, was born June 16, 1816. His father and mother both died in Scotland, the former when William was but six years old. On the 8th day of June, 1839, he left his native land for this country, and came to Marietta, Ohio, where he had friends, with whom he remained about seven months, then went to Cincinnati and clerked in a grocery store about two years. In 1842, he engaged in that business for himself, and continued until 1853, when he came here as above stated. He bought 160 acres of land in Chalmers township and 120 acres in Scotland, and engaged in general farming and stock raising. The farm in Chalmers was partly improved at that time, which he afterwards replaced with new buildings, and there he remained until the spring of 1878, when he moved into the city of Macomb. He still owns and controls both these farms, which are now occupied by his son. He was first married in 1843, to Elizabeth Harvey. By that union there were nine children, eight of whom are still living – Martha F., who was married to John McLean, now deceased, now living in Macomb and has two sons and one daughter living; Elizabeth, now the wife of Captain George W. Reid, and living on a farm in Chalmers township; James H. now living in Leavenworth, Kansas, engaged in the practice of law; Jennie, now engaged in the millinery business and living in Macomb; William, who was married to Mattie Dunn, granddaughter of Judge Dunn, who is well known in Indiana; he is now living in Clinton, Illinois, and is a Presbyterian preacher; Susan, now the wife of James E. Cooper and living on a farm in Scotland township; Robert, married to Ella Cumberland and living on the old homestead; and Emma B., living at home. Catherine, the fifth child and fourth daughter, died in this county in 1864, aged 14 years. Mr. Hunter’s first wife died September 4, 1858. He was again married in 1861, to Mrs. Schull, former Eliza McBride, who died in 1870. He was married the third time in August, 1871, to Sallie M. Craig, a native of Kentucky. Mr. Hunter has long been a consistent and influential member of the Presbyterian church. Politically, he is a republican, decided in principle, yet being raised in a country where the office sought the man as a rule, and not the man the office, could not approve the scramble for nomination, and consequently never was elevated to office.
Hiram Tatman, a resident of the city of Macomb, came to the county from Missouri, in June, 1840. He was born near Lexington, Kentucky, November 7, 1803, and was reared a farmer. When quite young he went with his parents to Ohio, and there lived until eight years old, then moved 25 miles down the Ohio river, stopping at a place called “Yaller banks,” on the Kentucky side. One year later they moved near Louisville, and remained a short time, thence to Indiana, and soon after to a place in Missouri, 15 miles below St. Genevieve, lived there one summer, then removed to Washington county, Illinois, where he remained five years. He next removed to Texas, but soon returned to Washington county. His father’s death occurred at this time, and he continued to live in that county till 1836. In that year he moved to Missouri, from whence he came to this county. He first settled on Camp creek, near Pennington’s Point, purchasing in that locality, 600 acres of wild land. He put 450 acres under cultivation, and resided there until 1859, when he sold out and became a resident of Macomb. He has been twice married, first, May 13, 1824, to Mary Silkwood, and by that union had 12 children, nine of whom are still living – Sirledon and William M., twins, now living in Douglas county; Minerva Jane, who was the wife of Noah Perry, deceased, now married to M. Fay, of Sacramento, California; Hiram H., living in this county; Thomas, in Greene county, Illinois; Sarah, formerly the wife of John Rhodes, deceased, now married to John Tostly, of Scott county, Illinois; Bazila, living in Oketa, Kansas; Cynthia, wife of W. Taylor, of Macomb, and Andrew A., a resident of Macomb. Mrs. Tatman died in 1881, in California. His present wife was formerly Elizabeth Martin. Mr. Tatman has always been, politically, a supporter of the democratic party.
George D. Keefer (deceased) was a native of Clear Spring, Washington county, Maryland, and was born July 25, 1832, being the son of George and Susan (Fogwell) Keefer. After reaching his majority, he left his native city, and went to Dayton, Ohio, where for one year he clerked for Detrich & Oldin, wholesale druggists. While there he laid the foundation of a strict business life. In 1854, he removed to Canton, Illinois, and engaged in the drug business with his father, under the firm name of Keefer & Son, which partnership continued until 1861, at which time George D. retired from the firm, and immediately proceeded to look up a location. He traveled through Illinois, Missouri and Iowa, and finally chose Macomb as the most eligible locality. Here he established himself in business, his capital being very meagre, in fact, the capital with which he bought the first bill of goods was furnished by a brother-in-law, who put in $1,000 against Mr. Keefer’s time and experience. The business was conducted under the name of George D. Keefer, who, three years later, bought out the interest of his silent partner, and continued the business alone until the winter of 1866-67, at which time John M. Keefer became a partner, and the firm was styled Geo. D. Keefer & Brother. This partnership existed until July 14,1879, when George D. departed this life. To no man is Macomb more indebted than to Mr. Keefer, for to him is due the credit that Macomb has the handsomest and most tastefully arranged business houses of any city of its size in the state – he making the first grand departure from the old style, by fitting up his store in a most beautiful and attractive manner, and soon after other business houses followed in the wake. He was possessed of most wonderful will power, and remained actively engaged in business almost up to the day of his death, although for the last year and a half of his life he was hardly able to walk. While in such poor health he also superintended the building of his residence, which is the handsomest in the city of Macomb. He was possessed of excellent business qualities, was a thorough master of the drug profession, and at his death left a competence for his widowed wife and children. George D. Keefer and Maggie B. Stenson, of Philadelphia, were united in marriage in November, 1866. They had seven children born to them, four of whom were left to a mother’s care – George, Henry, Frank and Fred.
R. M. Bonham has been a resident of McDonough county since January, 1839, having come here at that date from Shelby county, Illinois. He was born March 26, 1806, in Flushing county, Kentucky. He left his native county, October 5, 1834, going then to Shelby county, where he bought 120 acres of wild land, which he improved and made his residence until he came here. After his arrival here he spent one winter in Macomb, then rented the “Kyle farm,” where he lived two years, after which, in the winter of 1842-43, he purchased the place where he now lives, comprising eighty acres, now lying in the suburbs of the city of Macomb. He has lived here continually, except a short time spent in Missouri. His place now contains but 15 acres, he having sold the remainder of his original purchase. He was formerly a whig, but of late years, a republican, in politics. His father died in 1818, but his mother survived until November, 1858, when she died in McDonough county, aged 84 years. R. M. Bonham was married March 22, 1833, to Lucinda Crain, a native of Kentucky, and by this union had seven children, two of whom are now living – Theodore, married to Mary D. Hampton, living in Macomb, (they have five children, four sons and one daughter), and William Harrison, married to Martha Cook, and also living in Macomb, (they have three children – two sons and one daughter.) Mrs. Bonham died in March, 1854, and Mr. Bonham was married on the 15th of September of the same year, to Emily Crain, a cousin of his first wife, also a native of Kentucky. There were three children by this marriage, one of whom, a son, is deceased. The two living are Becca married to Frank A. Smith, of Macomb, and Edna D., married to William P. Damron and living at the old homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Damron have two children – Frankie B., a bright boy of five years, and Mary Tutt, the baby. Mr. Bonham has been a member of the Universalist church since its organization in 1851, and has always been prominently identified with the interests of that church, having served for many years, in an efficient manner, as one of its trustees. His family are also numbers of that organization.
Thomas J. Doak came to this county in March, 1868, settling then on a farm in Macomb township. He is a native of Kentucky, born December 17,1839. He was brought up on a farm, and as he had opportunity, attended the common school, thus acquiring a limited education. He remained on the same place until he came here. His father died in Kentucky, and his mother, some years later, in York county, Nebraska. He bought a partially improved farm consisting of 80 acres, and engaged in farming. Subsequently he purchased an additional 30 acres, upon which he made improvements. In 1881, he sold the 80 acres, having previously exchanged the 30 for residence property in Macomb, where he now lives, and which has been his residence since 1871. He was married in the spring of 1866, to Nannie J. McCampbell, a native of Kentucky. By that union were two children – John and George, both of whom are living at home. Mr. and Mrs. Doak are members of the Baptist church.
James Fulton, deceased, a pioneer of McDonough county, settled in Eldorado township in 1836, removing thither from Vermont, Fulton county, Illinois, where he had located the previous year. He was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, April 14, 1804. He was a grandson of Isaac Fulton, a native of the Emerald Isle, who came to the United States shortly after the close of the Revolutionary war, and settled in the city of Baltimore. There he was married to Martha Work, by whom he had one son, Isaac, the father of James, the subject of this sketch. Soon after the birth of this son, Isaac Sr., was drowned, and the child was taken and brought up by a Mrs. Martha Anderson, a relative of the mother, who lived in Virginia. Isaac grew to manhood in Virginia, and left that state in search of his mother, who had married again. She died, however, before her son’s arrival. He remained in Kentucky, where he was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Crail, nee Bennington. By this union five children were born – Martha, wife of William Cline; Thomas, Isaac, John and James, the subject of this sketch. James Fulton was married January 31, 1826, in Fleming county, Kentucky, to Mary Bonham, and came to Sangamon county, Illinois, 1829. In 1856, they removed from Eldorado township, to Macomb township, and in November, 1881, became residents of Macomb, where James Fulton died, January 20, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton reared a family of 10 daughters and two sons – Elizabeth, wife of George W. Scott, of Abingdon, Illinois; Constance, who was married to Henry Edie, and died in Butler, Missouri, September 30, 1870; Ale Ann, wife of D. N. Miller, of Shenandoah, Iowa, Amariah, deceased; William, deceased; Robert R., in Texas; Angeline, widow of D. G. Harland, of New Salem township; Margaret, wife of James G. Evans, of Industry township; Armazinda, deceased September 21, 1868, wife of Granville Wright, of Fulton county; Aratus, living in Scotland township; Dilcy, wife of William Miller, of Industry; Sarilda M., wife of R. A. Miller, of Kansas; Mary Ann, widow of J. W. Carlin, living in Macomb, and Adela. The later is a teacher, having taught in this county for 12 years, and one year at LaClede seminary, Lebanon, Missouri. She is at present teaching in Warren county, Illinois. Mr. Fulton was for 40 years, a consistent member of the Christian church, and was connected with the church at Macomb, for 25 years. His widow still mourns him, and resides in Macomb.
Jonathan Stoffer is a son of Adam and Phebe (Tyson) Stoffer. They were natives of Pennsylvania, where they were married. After marriage they removed to Ohio. Jonathan Stoffer was born in Portage county, of that state, January, 13, 1827. When 19 years old he went to Brown county, Illinois, which, with the exception of one winter spent in his native county, was his residence until 1870. In that year he removed to McDonough county, and located at Bardolph, where, he engaged in the pottery business. Two years later he came to Macomb and built the first pottery ever erected in that town. He operated the same until 1881, then sold out and went to Tennessee, where he built another pottery, making three buildings for that purpose in this county which he has helped to build. He followed farming in Ohio, and during his residence in Brown county, was employed as a carpenter. He is not engaged in any business at present. Mr. Stoffer has been three times married; first to Eliza Myers, by whom he had four children, three of whom are living – Wadsworth, now a grocery merchant in the city of Macomb; Henry, also in Macomb; and Catherine, wife of John Minium, of Kansas. Mr. Stoffer’s second marriage was to Janet Allbert, and he has by this union, one child – Sherman. His third wife was formerly Tina Ewing.
John S. Smith was born in Little York, York county, Pennsylvania, in March, 1802. His brother, the Rev. William Smith, still resides at Little York, and is one of the wealthiest men in that community. While yet a young man, Mr. Smith removed to Miami county, Ohio, where he was married to Mary A. Risley. During the year 1864, he came to Illinois, and settled in Macomb, McDonough county, where he worked at his trade for a number of years, that of a plasterer.
Manning H. Case, of this county, lives on the southwest quarter of section 30, Macomb township, where he owns a nicely improved farm, and is engaged in general farming and dairying. He came here in 1867, from Ohio, and was born in that state in Summit county, April 5, 1844. He was brought up to agricultural pursuits, and educated in the common schools. At the age of 18 years he enlisted in the army in company A, 42d Ohio volunteer infantry, which was President Garfield’s old regiment, and remained in the service three years, participating in many battles, among them: Vicksburg, Red River, or engagements during that campaign; Pound Gap, Cumberland Gap and Middle Creek. After his term of service expired he returned to Ohio, there remained one year, then went west, prospecting in Kansas, Colorado and other sections of country. He was married in 1868 to Rhoda J. Harmon. They have had four children, two of whom are now living – Herbert H., deceased, Freddie H, deceased, H. Don at home and George A. Mr. Case is a member of the G. A. R., A. O. U. W., and politically, a member of the republican party.
John E. Lane, the present deputy sheriff of McDonough county, was born in Russell county, Kentucky, October 1, 1834. In the spring of 1836, his parents, Gholson and Mary (Jones) Lane, removed to McDonough county, and settled in Industry township. John E. grew to manhood in this county, and, May 24, 1861, enlisted as a private in company A, of the 16th Illinois infantry. In 1862, he was appointed first sergeant, and served until the 20th of June, 1864. He returned from the army to the city of Macomb, and was there married October 20, 1864, to Josie A. Kendrick, daughter of W. H. Kendrick, of Macomb. In May, 1865, Mr. Lane was appointed city marshal, assessor and collector, and served two years. In December, 1866, he was appointed deputy sheriff under Colonel Samuel Wilson, and served two years, after which, in 1868, he was elected sheriff of McDonough county, which office he held, also, two years. He then purchased a farm in Carroll county, Missouri, on which he resided two years, engaged in farming, then returned to Macomb. On the 16th day of January, 1873, he bought the interest of S. L. Babcock, and became a partner of Jos. Updegraff in the grocery business. This partnership continued one year, then Mr. Lane purchased the interest of Mr. Updegraff and carried on the business alone about a year. He then formed a partnership with G. W. Pace, which lasted until August 6, 1877, when they sold out. Mr. Lane was elected in the spring of that year, to the office of constable, and re-elected to the same in the spring of 1881. In 1880, he was appointed deputy sheriff by Fred Newland, and in 1882, reappointed to serve four years. Mr. Lane is a worthy and public spirited citizen, and as a public officer, has served in a faithful and efficient manner. Mr. and Mrs. Lane have one son – Frank A.
Charles Shevalier, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Macomb, is a son of John Shevalier, a farmer of Cortland county, New York, who died there in 1866. Charles was born in the same county, May 15, 1831. His early life was spent in his native state. In 1851, he came to Illinois, and settled at La Harpe, where he remained one year, then came to McDonough county and located in Blandinsville where he followed the shoemaker’s trade, having learned the same in his native county. He continued in that occupation 13 years. He then returned to Cortland county, New York, with the intention of making that place his permanent home, but finally decided to return to this county, which he did, in 1867, settling then, in the city of Macomb, where he has since been a resident. He here engaged in buying and selling produce, also hides, pelts and furs. He carried on that business three years, after which he opened a shoe shop, which he run four years, employing several men. At the end of that time he abandoned the business, and has since been engaged in speculating and loaning money. He is the owner of much real estate in Macomb and Hire townships, also in the city of Macomb. He owns an interest in the Macomb tile works, also the banks from which the clay is obtained. Mr. Shevalier was married in Carthage, Hancock county, Illinois, in 1862, to Catherine Chaplin, a native of Cortland county, New York. She died December 24, 1884, in Macomb. They had no children. Mr. Shevalier is the only representative of his family, who has ever located in McDonough county.
Simon Lafayette Sommers was born October 23, 1823, in Alexandria county, Virginia. His father, John A. Sommers, was a civil engineer on the Chesapeake & Ohio canal, and died while serving in that capacity. Captain Simon Sommers, the grandfather of Simon Lafayette, was a captain in the Revolutionary war. The family is of English origin, and several of its members have attained distinction in this country. Dr. John E. Sommers, U.S. surgeon, now stationed at Omaha, is a cousin. George W. was a judge, and also a member of congress from West Virginia. Simon L.’s mother was Susanna Young, a daughter of Abram Young, who resided about one miles east of the capitol building, in Washington. The government purchased his farm, laid it out into lots, streets, avenues, and reservations, and deeded one-third of the lots to him as a part of the consideration. Simon L.’s family, upon the mother’s side, were of Scotch descent. At 16 years of age, Simon was sent to an academy in Fauquier county, Virginia, where he remained four years. About the year 1844, he entered upon the occupation of a school teacher, and taught successfully in Charles county, Maryland, and afterward in Montgomery county, Alabama, returning to the farm in 1847, where he remained until 1855, in the meantime serving as county surveyor of his native county. In 1855, he became agent and attorney, in fact, for W. W. Corcoran, of Washington City, and came west to look after the extensive landed interests of his employer. He continued in that service until December, 1859. The spring of 1861, found Mr. Sommers in his native county, and espousing the southern cause. He raised a company, and was elected captain, but before the company was mustered into the service, the members were captured at their homes by the Union forces, and the company was thus disbanded. At the time of the capture, Mr. Sommers was absent at Fairfax court house. During the war Mr. Sommers was in the South, and served as civil assistant engineer. In July, 1865, he was reappointed land agent for Mr. Corcoran, and came to Macomb, where he has since resided in that capacity. Mr. Sommers was married March 17, 1863, to Margaret Maria Newton, daughter of Charles and Sarah Ann A. Newton, formerly of the U.S. navy. Seven children have been born to them, six of whom are living. Mr. Sommers is a Master Mason of Macomb lodge, No.17, and for five years served as a member of the Macomb board of education.
John Ewing was born in Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson county, Ohio, September 12, 1818, and is the fourth child of the late Thomas Ewing. He received his education in the common schools of Ohio, and in January, 1845, was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Emanuel and Rachel Malarnee, of Jefferson county, Ohio. The fruits of this union was a family of six children, only two of whom are now living – Pardon died in Littleton township and Alvin died soon afterward in the same place; Mary E., now the wife of Dr. A. R. Clark, now resides in Rushville; Homer died in infancy; Margaret Ann died in young womanhood; Asa T., the sixth child, is living in Littleton on the old homestead. When Mr. Ewing was still a small child, the family removed to Smithfield, in the same state, but in April, 1853, Ewing left Ohio and settled in Littleton township, where he still owns a farm of 360 acres, 40 acres of which is coal and timber land. Stock raising was his specialty, although he was for some years, agent for the McCormick reaping machine, in Rushville. In 1869, Mr. Ewing was elected by the democratic party, as a representative in the legislature from Schuyler county, and served with credit to himself. His course as a representative was distinguished by his great fidelity to the interests of his constituents, and his wisdom, honesty, and independence won the approbation of all parties. In 1872, Mr. Ewing met with a great loss in the death of his wife. He subsequently, met and married Mrs. Margaret E. Hall, the widow of Edward Hall, who died from disease contracted in the army. Mr. Ewing is a man who takes great interest in public affairs. He is now a resident of Macomb, in which city he recently settled, where he expects to spend the balance of his days.
William Harrison Franklin became a resident of McDonough county in 1839. He was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, on the 13th of June, 1813, being the son of James and Nancy (Whitten) Franklin, and was reared on a farm, and resided in his native state up to the time of his removing to this county. Upon locating in Macomb, he took up the legal profession, having studied law previous to leaving his native state. He continued this profession until 1858; being located in Missouri from 1842 to 1844. On the 1st of April, 1841, William H. Franklin and Maria Clarke, a daughter of James Clarke, were united in marriage. As a result of this union, they have been the parents of 10 children, four of whom are now living – W. J., a lawyer at Junction City, Kansas; John H., a lawyer at Russell, Kansas, at present editor of the Russell Record; George A. of Macomb, and Harry, a jeweler of McLean county. After abandoning the practice of his profession, Mr. Franklin for several years conducted a fruit nursery. In politics, he is a republican, and from 1831 to 1856 was a whig. He has been a justice of the peace and police magistrate for 35 years, and at present fills the latter office; also served as master in chancery for two years. Mr. Franklin has never asked for an office, but his friends have secured his nomination at different times. He received the nomination for state senator in 1856, but the entire ticket was defeated. At one time, during his absence from the county, he received the nomination for county judge, but the democrats again succeeded in electing their ticket. Mr. Franklin was one of the organizers of the Christian church, of Macomb, of which he is still a member. The temperance cause has always found in him a strong supporter, he having been a conscientious temperance man for the past 40 years.
George A. Franklin, a son of William H. and Maria J. (Clarke) Franklin, was born in Macomb, McDonough county, Illinois, on the 11th day of December, 1857. He received a limited education in the Macomb schools, and has resided in that city up to the present date, with the exception of three years which he spent in the state of Kansas. George A. Franklin and Anna Pulford, a native of Hartford, Wisconsin, were united in marriage March 25, 1882. They are the parents of one child, a daughter – Maria. The I. O. O. F., claim Mr. Franklin as an honored member of their society.
Samuel Smith was born January 29, 1829, in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, and is of German extraction. His parents, William and Margaret (Kosh) Smith, removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio, thence to Effingham county, Illinois, at an early day. William Smith was by occupation, a farmer. During their residence in Effingham county, Mrs. Smith died, and Mr. Smith afterwards returned to Ohio. He subsequently came back to this state, and died in Fulton county. Samuel Smith came to Illinois and settled in Fulton county, where he resided eight years, five years upon a place known as the Holmes farm, and three years upon another farm. He then removed to Blandinsville, and rented a farm of John Hagerty, where he lived till 1861. In that year he purchased 80 acres of land near Good Hope, to which he added 160 acres the following year. This property he sold and moved to the city of Macomb, and for one and a half years resided upon West Jackson street. He then purchased 20 acres in section 32, and property adjoining, within the city limits. He now owns 90 acres in section 32, 90 acres in Lamoine, 40 acres in Schuyler county, and 130 acres in Page county, Iowa. Mr. Smith is now living a retired life, and has a pleasant home, with agreeable surroundings. He was married on Thursday, of the first week in March, 1850, to Mary Smith, who was born and reared in Pennsylvania, near the birthplace of her husband. She is the daughter of Jacob and Mary Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four children – William H., who lived near Good Hope; John M., a resident of Good Hope; Susan, wife of John A. Duncan, of Page county, Iowa; and Mary M., a teacher in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are consistent members of the M. E. church. Mr. Smith holds the office of church trustee, and is an active worker in the church.
Archibald McCandless, deceased, the father of the well known family of that name, was born, May 10, 1787, in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and was of Scotch descent. He lived, most of his life, upon the farm which was his birthplace. He was married to Elizabeth Flannigan, a native of the same county, who died there. He came to McDonough county in 1856, and settled at Macomb, where he died. He was a sincere christian, and always active in christian work, being for many years an elder in the church, where he resided in Pennsylvania, and also a leader of singing in the same church for 40 years. After coming to Macomb, he united with the Presbyterian church, with which he was connected until his death. He was buried at Oakwood cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. McCandless reared a family of 13 children – William F., now in Washington, Kansas; John B., now living in Columbus City, Iowa; Alexander G., deceased, formerly a physician in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he died, in 1875; Wilson, deceased, who came to this county in 1836, and died the following year; James H., who came here in 1852, and engaged in farming until 1883, when he moved to Kansas, where he now lives; Nancy N., wife of Matthew Trotter, of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; Margaret A., widow of R. E. Morgan, who emigrated to this county in 1853, and located at Macomb, where he was engaged in carpentering, and died a number of years ago, leaving his wife and three children; she now lives in Columbus City, Iowa; Elizabeth, wife of S. J. Byers, of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; Joseph P., living in Macomb; Archibald B., a physician at Columbus City, Iowa; Moses A., who was killed during the late war, at the battle of Mission Ridge, in 1863; Sarah Jane, deceased wife of William Davidson; and Mary B., deceased wife of John Hastings, of Ohio. Joseph P. McCandless was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1826. When 16 years of age, he began learning the carpenter’s trade. In 1850, he came to Macomb, where he followed his trade until 1875. He then removed to section 32, Mound township, where he owned a farm of 160 acres, being the northwest quarter, on which he resided until the spring of 1884, when he abandoned farming, on account of failing health, and returned to Macomb. Mr. McCandless was married in this city, September 14, 1852, to Mary B. Maury, daughter of Abram and Nancy B. Maury. By this union there are two children – Archibald S., a graduate of Chicago Dental college, now engaged in practicing his profession at Marshalltown, Iowa; and Mattie, wife of F. H. Downing, a dentist at Rushville, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. McCandless have one adopted child – Hattie Wilson.
John D. Walker is a native of Athens county, Ohio, where he was born March 31, 1805. His father, John Walker, was a native of Yorkshire, England, but came to this country in the early part of the century. He was by trade a house carpenter, which occupation his son John followed for many years. He died at Athens about the year 1850. John’s mother died when he was but five years old, and his father married again. At 21 years of age the young man left home, working at the carpenter’s trade. He had charge of the building of the poorhouse in Lancaster county. From thence he went to New Baltimore, where he had charge of the building of a school house. At Milford, in 1829, he was married to Catharine Rutan, and soon afterward moved to Shanesville, where he remained two years. He then sold out and went back to his father’s house, and gathered up a drove of horses, which he took to Virginia and sold. He worked at his trade in Virginia about eight months, and then went to Pittsburg, and soon afterward his wife died. His second wife was Jane Sample. In 1832, Mr. Walker settled in Macomb, and his first work was to build a 14-foot log cabin, which was located on the lot where now stands the Universalist church. He afterward built a house on the same lot, which he sold for $500. He built the house which John Simmons now lives in. He afterward moved out upon a farm east of Macomb, which he improved. That farm was subsequently known as the Kinney farm. Upon returning to Macomb, he took a house near his present home, where his wife died, leaving five children, as follows: Matilda, Mary, Eliza, Jane and Martha, all living but Mary, who died as the wife of Jacob Miller. Matilda is the wife of William Binnie, and lives in Kansas City; Eliza is the wife of John E. Hendrickson, of Bardolph. Jane is the wife of Rudolph Winegar, living at Oneida. Martha is the wife of Albert Thayer, living at Edwards station. Mr. Walker built his present commodious house in 1880. Upon. coming to Macomb he pursued the occupation of a tanner, but meeting a loss by fire, he turned his attention to butchering, and for 15 years he sold meat to the people of Macomb. In the meantime he cultivated upon his farm an extensive nursery, and at length devoted himself wholly to farming. In 1858 his second wife died, and in 1864 he married Mrs. Gash, a widow, who did not long survive. He is now living with his fourth wife, who was Mrs. Martha Taylor, and they have two daughters – Lillian, wife of George E. Shimp; and Maud, who still remains at home.
Benjamin E. Simpson, deceased, was born in Menard county, Illinois, July 25, 1836. He moved to the city of Macomb in 1874, from Camp creek, McDonough county, where he was engaged in farming and dealing in cattle. He was united in marriage with Flora Montgomery Walker, a native of Burlington, Iowa, born April 26, 1853, who survives him. His death occurred, June 4, 1878. Three children were born to them – Maggie E., who was born February 15, 1871, and died July 3, 1879; Minnie A. born November 17, 1872; and Cyrus Walker, born November 15, 1874. These children were all born at Camp creek. Mr. Simpson was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, with which Mrs. Simpson still holds membership.
Richard D. Tate is a native of Kentucky, being born in Greenup, now called Carter county, on the 5th of July, 1831. His boyhood days were spent upon the farm where he was born. In the fall of 1845, his parents, David and Nancy (Wilson) Tate, removed to Illinois, locating in Henderson county, where they remained but a short time. Coming to McDonough county, they purchased a farm a few miles south of Macomb. His parents afterward removed to Arkansas, his mother dying at Hico, that state, on Friday, October 18, 1871, aged 68 years. His father now lives near Cincinnati, Washington county, Arkansas, with a son John. The subject of our sketch did not go to Arkansas, but has lived in Macomb, or near by, ever since his removal to the county. He was united in marriage with Emiline Hall on the 20th day of December, 1855. She was a daughter of Joel and Mary (Clark) Hall, and was born near Maxwell, Washington county, Kentucky, October 17, 1837. Her parents removed to Illinois when she was two years of age, and settled in McDonough county, where she has continued to reside ever since. Her mother died August 26, 1844. Her father died November 15, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Tate have had five children born to them, two of whom are now living – Albert and Effie. Mr. Tate received but little education and it has been by hard labor and the closest economy, that he and his wife have managed to secure a comfortable home in which to spend their declining years. Mr. Tate has been a life long democrat, and enjoys to the fullest extent the rise of that party to power.
Albert K. Tate was born February 28, 1861, in Macomb, and is the son of Richard D. and Emeline (Hall) Tate. His early life was passed in Macomb where he attended school until 14 years of age. He spent one season on a farm, and August 10, 1875, began to learn the mysteries of the typographical art in the office of the Macomb Eagle. He worked for the Eagle four years, and then went to Chicago, where he remained a few months, and then traveled for three or four years, working at his trade in various towns. In September 1883, he connected himself with the Union Publishing Co., of Springfield, Illinois, and for nearly a year was in Iowa in the interest of his employers. He located in Springfield, and was made secretary of the company, and remained with it until it collapsed, in the fall of 1884. He, for a time after this, worked in the State Journal job rooms, until he removed to Macomb to accept the foremanship of the Eagle office. He was married September 25, 1884, to R. Bertha Farr, daughter of John and Nina Farr of Astoria, Fulton county.
Edward Hobart, deceased, was born in Dublin, Ireland, January 4, 1797. At the age of 13 he had mastered the common English branches, after which he entered a naval academy, and soon after enlisted in the English navy, where he served as midshipman three years. Before he was 21 years old, he owned and commanded a vessel that plied between some of the British Isles. After a year or two, becoming tired of that sort of life, he sold his vessel and engaged in the mercantile business, exporting goods from Liverpool to New York City. About the year 1828, in company with his brother William, he came to America for a permanent residence. Settling in Oswego county, New York, they engaged in the milling business. While there, in 1830, he was united in marriage with Miriam McCall, with whom he lived in happy union for more than half a century, and who still survives him. Fourteen children were born to them, of whom seven sons and one daughter are living. The daughter is the wife of William Champ, Colchester, this county. Of the sons, John H., the oldest, and Albert, the youngest, reside at Kansas City, Missouri; Richard and Frank at Beloit, Kansas; Lewis at Humboldt, Kansas; Nelson, at Napierville, this state; and Wesley, in Macomb. A few years after marriage, Mr. Hobart sold his mill and engaged in farming. which he followed until he retired from active business. In the spring of 1848, he moved with his family to Illinois, settling in this county, which was his home till the time of his death, which occurred March 4, 1885. In 1872, he sold his farm and moved to Macomb, where he passed his latter years, unvexed by the trials of active business life. When he retired from active life, his sons and daughter all grown and doing for themselves, Mr. Hobart found himself the possessor of a sum sufficient to support himself and wife in frugality, during their declining years. In 1879, however, fortune, which had been alternately for and against him, made another revolution in his favor. A wealthy relative (second cousin) died in Ireland, leaving no will. Mr. Hobart was one of eight legal heirs; his portion of the personal estate was $38,000, which he received in the summer of 1880. Two years later a sister died in Ireland, and she, by will, bequeathed him $4,000. Thus was the evening of his life surrounded by an ample competency, and his mind relieved from all financial cares. His creed in religion was the same as his business and social rule; he believed that a man who was fit to live was ready to die. He did his duty, as conscience dictated, to his government the community, his neighbor and his family, and left his future to the hands of a just and merciful God.
Wesley Hobart was born in Chalmers township, October 22, 1852. He went to Quincy in 1870, and engaged in a broom factory with his brother, where he worked until 1873, when he came back to McDonough county, and started a broom factory in Macomb, which he run for some years. He was married April 2, 1884, to Rosa Fugate, of Schuyler county.
The Hobart family were mostly raised in Chalmers township. The following is the order of their birth – John, Richard, Martha, Lewis, Frank, Wesley, Horatio, Albert, John, Richard, Lewis, and Frank served in the war for the union. Albert was born upon the old homestead January 27, 1857. He was educated in both the country and the city, and attended commercial college in Kansas City. In 1877, he was in the employ of the C., B. & Q. railroad. In the summer of 1879, he traveled abroad through England and Ireland. In 1880, he was deputy sheriff under his brother, in Mitchell county, Kansas. He is now a resident of Kansas City, and engaged in the cracker and candy trade.
William McClintock, deceased, a pioneer of 1843, was a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and was born in the year 1800. His father, Robert McClintock, was a native of Scotland, and a weaver by occupation, while his mother, Rebecca (Karr) McClintock, was born in county Tyrone, Ireland. William McClintock was the second of five sons, was reared on a farm, and, with his parents, removed to Muskingum county, Ohio, where he was united in marriage with Nancy Decker, a native of Jersey county, that state. While a resident of that county, he followed farming, and, under contract, built one mile of the Wheeling turnpike. In 1839, he removed to Illinois, locating in Fulton county, from whence, in 1843, he came to McDonough county, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 14, in Eldorado township, where he tilled the soil until 1855, at which time he sold his farm and removed to the city of Macomb. During the fall of 1855, and the summer of 1856, he furnished all the stone for the mason work on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, between Colchester and Kepple creek, a distance of some 15 miles. He owned a stone quarry near Macomb, and thus for several years furnished the stone used in the mason work in and around that city. In March, 1863, he returned to Eldorado township, but having previously contracted the disease known as “stonecutter’s consumption,” he was unable to perform any manual labor, and in 1862, died from said disease. His wife survives him, and now makes her home with her eldest daughter, in Eldorado township. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock reared nine children – Elizabeth Ann, wife of William D. Foster, of Eldorado township; Karr, of Macomb; Frances Jane, wife of John N. Foster, of Eldorado township; James S., in the restaurant business, at Eldorado, Kansas; Catherine M., wife of H. H. Smith, of Nebraska; Richard H., who enlisted in company B, 84th Illinois infantry, and was killed during the battle at Chickamauga; Margaret, wife of Mark Ullery, of Galesburg; Rebecca L., of Macomb, widow of E. Hill; and William W., of Leadville, Colorado. Mr. McClintock was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, of which he was a member for at least 35 years.
Karr McClintock, son of William and Nancy (Decker) McClintock, was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, April 14, 1832, and came with his parents to Illinois in 1839, and to McDonough county in 1843, where he has since resided. From the time he reached a suitable age until 1859, he followed agricultural pursuits, and then learned the carriage and wagon-maker’s trade. His father was an excellent mechanic and always had a good kit of tools, with which Karr became familiar during his younger years, thus enabling him to make very rapid progress at his trade. During the month of August, 1862, he enlisted in company I, 78th Illinois infantry, and was with said regiment until it was mustered out, in June, 1865. He participated in all the engagements in which that company took part, and returned home without a wound. During one year of his service he was engaged as brigade wagon carpenter, and subsequently was train master of the 2d brigade, 2d division, 14th army corps, from Atlanta, Georgia, to Washington City. Returning to Macomb, he resumed his trade and followed the same until 1873, at which time he was elected city marshal, the duties of which office he fulfilled with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the citizens for five years. He again resumed work at his trade, but one year later the people again called upon him to serve as city marshal, which office he filled for three years more, since which time he has been engaged in dealing in agricultural implements, and attending to collections. In politics he is a republican, is a member of the I. O. O. F., both subordinate and encampment, as is he also a member of the I. O. M. A., and the G. A. R. On the 6th of October, 1854, Karr McClintock and Samantha Ann Mathewson were united in marriage. She is a native of Hancock county, Virginia, was born August 6, 1835, her parents being William and Susannah (Kirk) Mathewson, and, with her parents, became a resident of McDonough county in 1851. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock have been the parents of six children, two of whom are still living--Susannah and Richard Frank.
Robert Wakefield Norris was born five miles from Bushnell, in Cumberland county, Kentucky, March 15, 1850. He is a son of William W. and Mary (Ewing) Norris, who in 1852, removed to Warren county, of the same state where Robert W. spent his childhood, and at the age of 15, made a public profession of religion, uniting with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He began preparing himself for the ministry at Auburn, Kentucky, and subsequently took a regular theological course at Lebanon college, Lebanon, Tennessee. He entered the institution in 1880, and graduated in June 1883. He began his ministerial labors at Bloomfield, Indiana, having charge of a church there. He came to Macomb in November, 1884, after spending several months of the summer of that year in evangelical work.
The first birth in the town of Macomb was that of a son of Moses Hinton, who was born during the year 1832. It did not live a great while.
The second birth was that of Mary Eliza, daughter of James M. and Clarissa H. Campbell, who was born January 4, 1833.
The first death was the infant son of Moses Hinton, mentioned above.
The first marriage in the village took place upon the 18th of October, 1831, when David Detherow and Ruth Southward were joined in wedlock under the ministration of Rev. Samuel Bogart.
The first stove owned in Macomb, was brought to the town in 1834, by a man by the name of Lovell, of whom James M. Campbell purchased it, paying for it the sum of $80 for the naked stove. The furniture was made by Matthews, who settled very early at Foster’s Point.
The first house on the site of this town was built by John Baker and Oliver C. Rice, in 1829.
The first store in the town was opened in 1831, by James M. Campbell.
The pioneer blacksmith in the town of Macomb, was undoubtedly John Price, who came here about the year 1832, and set up a shop near the site of A. K. Lodge’s new building.
The first carpenter was John Perry Head, who located here in 1833, and entered upon his trade.
The following sketches came in too late for insertion in their proper places.
William W. Sandidge, of Walnut Grove, deceased, was born near Elizabethtown, Kentucky, December 13, 1839, and was the son of Joshua and Mary Sandidge. Some time in the forties, the family removed to Illinois, and located in Eldorado township, McDonough county, where they reside at this time. Our subject was reared in this county, and educated here. He was married February 20, 1862, to Samantha Lindsay, whose parents came to this county, in 1858. Mr. Sandidge died in October, 1867. Four children were born of this marriage – Philena, Anna, George and Araminda. Philena and Araminda, are school teachers, in this county. Mrs. Sandidge owns 166 acres of fine land, all well improved.
Samuel M. Burtis, of Walnut Grove, the subject of this sketch, was born May 26, 1858, in Schuyler county, Illinois, and is the son of Samuel and Lorilla Burtis. His father was a native of New York, and his mother of Virginia. They located near Rock Island, while the Indians of the Black Hawk tribe held possession of the country, and returned after a time to Schuyler county. Our subject attended school at the Soldier’s Home, an institution for the children of Illinois soldiers, at Normal. He then went to Lawrence, Kansas, and Kansas City, and then visited Denver, finally returning to Normal, where he attended one term of school, and ran a stationary engine. After some traveling he finally settled in his present location and engaged in business. He was married January 5, 1882, to Florence E. Hewitt, and one child – Winnifred, has been born to them. He is an Odd Fellow.
John Miller Jackson, one of the prominent men of Macomb township, was born in Orange county, Virginia, October 11, 1825. He attended school, before he was 11 years of age, and received a fair common school education. He remained at home until he was 28 years of age, learning the carpenter’s trade meanwhile. October 11, 1853, he was married to Harriet Head. Three children were born of this marriage, and all died in infancy. Mrs. Jackson died September 4, 1862, and in 1869, he married Mary J. Evans. Mr. Jackson owns real estate in Macomb and Mound, and has retired from active business. He is a consistent member of the M. E. church, and has held a number of important offices in the township.
Simon Spangler, of Macomb township, settled in McDonough county, December 1, 1840, locating in Mound township. He came to Macomb township, in 1845, where he bought 80 acres of farming land and seven acres of timber, in Walnut Grove township. He improved his land himself, and made rails enough to fence the whole tract, and had the best corn in the neighborhood. He built his residence in 1852, after he had conquered the wilderness. For the first seven years he lived in the log cabin on the farm. He was born December 6, 1800, and died December 4, 1878. He was one of the ideal pioneers, honest and faithful. His father, G. F. Spangler, was of German descent, and was a soldier in the old colonial Indian wars. He was a noted marksman and wrestler, and on one occasion he was captured by the savages, but escaped after being a prisoner six months. Our subject was married February 22, 1827, to Hannah Jane Johnson, and nine children were born to them – Mary Helen, who lives on the old homestead; Orlando, Theodore, Laura Rufus, Asahel, Emeline, Julia, Ann and Elizabeth. Mrs. Spangler died May 19, 1884, and her remains rest beside her husband, in the Good Hope cemetery.
James W. Jackson, of Mound township, son of William H. and Ann Jackson, was born December 6, 1830, in Virginia. He married Margaret E. Kepple, and lived on his father-in-law’s farm for some time, purchasing from him 80 acres of land. He for the first years of his married life, lived in a small frame house which he built, and in 1873, erected his present dwelling. They have had 12 children – Franklin P., Ann, Charles W., Laura J., Margaret A., Conwell, Lewis A., Harriet Eva, Ida May, Nina C., John M., Mary Lizzie and James Eben. Mr. Jackson joined the M. E. church when 15 years of age, and has always been an active church worker. He has served as school director off and on for 25 years.
D. B. Keith, of Walnut Grove township, was born in Lewis county, Virginia, May 26, 1829. He was the son of James and Phebe Keith. In 1858 our subject removed to McDonough county, and located in Walnut Grove township. His parents followed in 1862. His father, who was born in 1791, died March 5, 1863, at the home of his son, D. B. After the death of her husband, his mother went to Kansas to live with her children there, and died, January 24, 1875. Mr. Keith was married, June 30, 1859, to Parthena Vaughn, whose parents are yet living, and who celebrated their golden wedding on July 18, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Keith are the parents of seven children, viz: James P., George W., Franklin J., Edmond E., Mary E., and Martha P. Mr. Keith owns a tract of good land and town lots. He was postmaster for two years, and has been justice of the peace eight years. He is a member, and has been president of the Anti-Horse-Thief Ass’n.
Among the representative men of McDonough county, none stand higher in the estimation of the people, or of those who were intimately acquainted with him, than did John Montgomery Walker. He is a son of the well-known Cyrus and Flora (Montgomery) Walker, the former a Virginian, the latter a Kentuckian, the daughter of Thomas and Polly Montgomery. John M. was born at Columbia, Adair county, Kentucky, April 29, 1820, where he resided until 1833. When a lad of 13 years of age, he came to Macomb with his father, where he went to school, and finally graduated at the McDonough college. He was a thorough student. Soon after he entered the office of his father, Cyrus Walker, and read law with him. In 1841, he applied for, and obtained, a license to practice law in Illinois and Iowa. He opened a law office in Burlington and subsequently practiced in that city, and also Fort Madison, Iowa, and for many years had an extensive practice. He was characterized as a gentleman of fine qualities and a lawyer. He returned to Macomb after several years, and again entered upon the practice of law. On the 13th of July, 1845, he was united in marriage to Margaret Sample, at West Point, Iowa. She was noted as the belle of Lee county. After a companionship of over 18 years, she departed this life August 2, 1863. She was a devout, christian woman, a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and was universally respected by all who knew her. A son and two daughters had passed on before to the better world above.
Aaron Bennett was born December 1, 1800, in New London county, Connecticut. He grew to manhood there, and in 1823, went to Albany county, New York, where he engaged in farming, and was married soon after to Rosella Burroughs. Two sons were born of this marriage, one of whom, Jefferson, lived to be 26 years of age, dying at his father’s home in Albany county. After farming in Albany county for a considerable time, Mr. Bennett removed to New York city, living for a short period there, and in Brooklyn and New Jersey. He next removed to Staten Island, where he followed farming for a number of years; here his wife died. Returning to Albany county, he was again married, November 5, 1838, to Rosella B. Fish. After this marriage, Mr. Bennett purchased his father’s-in-law farm, and resided there 17 years. In the spring of 1855, the family removed to Des Moines county, Iowa, where they lived one season. In the fall of that year Mr. Bennett visited McDonough county, Illinois, and, liking the country, bought a farm there, on which the family have since lived. By the second marriage there were four children, two of whom, Albert and Dayton, lived to be grown. Albert enlisted in August, 1862, in company I, 78th Illinois infantry, and died at New Boston, Kentucky, November 12, 1862, aged 19 years and 9 months. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are members of the Presbyterian church.
Patrick O’Meara, although he may not be what is termed an old settler, yet the subject of our present sketch has spent 30 years of his life in Macomb. Patrick O’Meara is a native of Ireland, having been born in the county Tipperary, on the 17th day of March, 1817. His parents were Patrick and Fannie (Hendee) O’Meara. He obtained the education his country afforded, and at the age of 15, learned the shoemaking trade, serving an apprenticeship of seven years. Knowing the chances of obtaining a livelihood in his native country were very poor, he determined to come to America, the Eldorado of the world. In 1845, he landed in New York city, and from there went to Springfield, Massachusetts. Two years later he came to Chicago, but finding that the bulk of humanity was still pushing westward, he resolved on trying his chances in Macomb, then a sparsely populated village. On the 28th day of September, 1853, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Brophy, at Canton, Illinois The fruit of this union were six children, two of these, William and Mary, joining the better throng while yet in infancy. The four surviving are – Carroll T., at present engaged in the wholesale paper business at Chicago; Michael now in Winfield, Kansas, where he is engaged in the boot and shoe business; William P., who enjoys the reputation of being a most efficient salesman in the dry goods house of G. W. Bailey, at Macomb, and Fannie, the youngest, who recently graduated from the convent school in Quincy, Illinois. Mr. O’Meara is a firm believer in the Catholic dogmas, having been born and raised in that faith. Patrick O’Meara has earned his living by the “sweat of his face,” idleness being a repulsive trait in his nature, and today, although not wealthy, is very comfortably situated.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 1097-1158. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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