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Chapter 40 - The City of
Macomb, Part 1
The city of Macomb, the most beautiful and enterprising town in this part of the state of Illinois, originated 55 years ago, when the beautiful country that surrounds it, was just beginning to attract the attention of those in search of homes, and the surroundings were as free and wild as the time when the stars of the morning sang anthems of joy at nature's dawn. It has been one continual change from the moment that John Baker built his humble pole cabin upon its site, until the Macomb of to-day stands forth, one of the bright jewels in the diadem of a noble state. While there may have been nothing really remarkable in the development of the past, or nothing peculiarly striking in the present, still there is much that cannot fail to be of interest to those who have been closely connected and identified with the city in all the various changes that have occurred from year to year. To those who have watched its progress from an early day, when McDonough county was but a comparative wilderness, until the present time, the accomplishment of by-gone days would seem now like a herculean task, but are in reality the sure and legitimate results of an advanced state of civilization. Endowed with many splendid natural advantages, aided by the strong arm of enterprising husbandry, McDonough county, has assumed a position among the best and wealthier of her sister counties throughout the state, and Macomb, as the first town within her boundaries, has kept pace with the improvements and advancement.
Macomb is situated in the exact geographical center of McDonough county, at the point of meeting of the four townships of Emmet, Macomb, Chalmers and Scotland. The line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, passes through it, connecting it with the markets of the world. They many manufacturing establishments which have sprung up within its limits, and the rich and productive agricultural and stock raising country that surround it, are an excellent guarantee of a permanent and solid growth in the future.
There are many fine and substantial brick buildings to be seen upon the business thoroughfares, and many costly and elegant residences in other portions of the city. An abundance of trees adorn the streets, which in summer afford a grateful shade and enhance the beauty of the place. The location is healthy; the inhabitants of a class possessing rare intelligence and culture, and the society of the most refined and desirable character.
The first settlers upon the present site of the town of Macomb, were John Baker and Oliver C. Rice, who, in the spring of 1829, built a double log cabin, near where the high school building now stands, in the Fourth ward, and therein installed themselves. Mr. Baker's family consisted of his wife and two daughters, about 10 and 12 years of age respectively. Mr. Rice removed to Spring creek, in the fall of 1829, but Mr. Baker resided here, when, in July, 1830, shortly after the organization of the county, the county commissioners met and resolved that "the present seat of justice be at the house of John Baker, and that for the present, the same be known as the town of Washington." In the month of December, 1830, the general assembly that met at Vandalia, passed the following act, which was entitled:
AN ACT to establish a permanent seat of justice for the county of McDonough:
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the county seat of the county of McDonough be, and is hereby, established on the southwest quarter of section 31, in township 6 north, of range 2 west, and that the commissioners of said county are hereby authorized to purchase said quarter section of land of the United States, as provided for by the laws of congress; and that the name of said county seat be called McComb.This was approved by the governor, and forwarded to this county, with the following certificate appended:
Secretary's Office,
Vandalia, 24 Dec. 1830.
I, Alex P. Field, secretary of the state of Illinois, do hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the original bill on file in this office.
Given under my hand and the seal of the state, at Vandalia, the 24th of December, 1830.
A.P. Field, Secretary of state.About the same time, James Clarke, one of the county commissioners, proceeded to the city of Springfield, where was situated the United States land office, for this district, and, in the name of the county of McDonough, entered the southwest quarter of section 31, in township 6 north, range 2 west, or in what is now Macomb township.
Thus was born the city of Macomb, or as the early records have it McComb. It was named after General Macomb, who commanded the American forces in the engagement at Plattsburg, who engaged the British troops while Commodore Thomas McDonough fought the naval battle of Lake Champlain, during the war of 1812-15.
On the 1st of April, 1831, the place received another settler, in the person of James M. Campbell, who had just received the appointment of clerk of the circuit court, and who had come to take up the duties of the office, at the new seat of justice of McDonough county. He, at once, erected a log house a short distance south of the cabin of Mr. Baker, and herein opened the first store in the city of Macomb, and in the county, as will be noticed further on.
It being decided now to lay out the future city of Macomb, at a meeting of the county commissioner's court, held in the spring of 1831, a plat of the future town was presented by James Vance, one of the commissioners, on which the lots were to be 60x120 feet in size, with the streets but 40 feet, and alleys 12 feet wide. The short-sighted policy of contracting the new town to such limited quarters, was not agreeable to the most intelligent of the future citizens of the county, and a plat of Macomb, having lots 60x174, 12 lots to the block, with good streets, being presented by James M. Campbell, a petition of the citizens was presented to the commissioners at a special term held in April, 1831, asking its adoption, which was accordingly done, Mr. Vance opposing it strongly and entering his protest, which was placed upon the records. This plat was drawn by Mr. Campbell, after the plat of Frankfort, Kentucky, his native place. John J. Keaton was at once employed to make the survey.
This party was not a regular surveyor, and is said to have known less about running the lines than the men he employed to carry the chain. David Clarke and John Baker were chainbearers, and received therefor the sum of 50 cents per day; William McDonald drove the stakes for 62 1/2 cents per day. Owing to the lack of knowledge on the part of the surveyor, he was not able to make the corners--in fact never did make them, and they have not been straightened to any great extent to this day.
The first sale of the lots was made in May, 1831, and but few of them were disposed of, as there were but few bidders present. The deeds of these lots were given with the stipulation that Macomb was to be the permanent county seat, which was used by the citizens when the removal of the seat of justice was agitated some years ago, as a reason why it could not be done, they averring that damages could be had of the county for violation of the contract. It is in order to say that it took 11 sales before all of the lots were closed out. This realized $4,903.55 for what cost the county $168.88, a net profit of $4,816.67. The assessed value of the city property in 1884, was $564,775.
No sooner had the town a legal existence, than it received several accessions to its citizens; Moses Hinton and L. H. Robinson, who entered into mercantile trade; James Clarke, who had up to this time been living a little southwest of the city, moved to Macomb, and erected a log house on the corner of West Jackson street and the square, and opened the first tavern or inn in the place; Michael Stinson moved here from Chalmers township, where he had been living for about a year, but did not remain very long, leaving for the west. Samuel Bogart was also a settler of the same year, opening a small store in the little village, in company with John Baker. He was the major commanding the odd battalion of Mounted Rangers, as it was called during the Black Hawk war. Some time after this he left for Iowa.
A man by the name of Cocke was the next to locate at Macomb. He was elected justice of the peace, and did some little business in the way of making out papers for a few men, but the bulk of that kind of business devolved upon J. M. Campbell, the clerk of the circuit court, etc. He also removed to Burlington, Iowa.
Nicholas B. Rogers came in the same summer, and died a resident of the embryo city.
Among the other settlers of this, the first year of the city's existence, was David Clarke, long a resident of this place, and one well known to all of the citizens. He was the son of John and Ann (Whitten) Clarke, and was born on the 28th of September, 1799, in Washington county, Kentucky. Here he resided with his parents until after he reached his majority. At four years of age he was sent to one of the common schools of his native county, and continued going at intervals until he was eight, when he was put to work upon the farm by his parents, who were in only moderate circumstances, and here was kept at hard labor until he reached his majority. At 16, he was permitted to attend school three weeks, which finished his education. When he reached his majority, he placed himself under the instruction of a music teacher for some months, acquiring a pretty thorough knowledge of the science of music, as taught in that day. As soon as he finished his course, he adopted the teaching of music as a profession, and for three years he traveled constantly through the state, engaged in that work. In early life he connected himself with the Baptist church, and when only 22 years of age, compiled a hymn book, which he denominated Clarke's Hymns. This book was adopted by the Baptists and several other denominations in Kentucky, and continued in use for many years. Two large editions were issued, and speedily sold. Many copies are yet in existence, and held as precious heirlooms by their possessors. On the 24th day of November, 1825, he was married to Eliza Swink Russell, daughter of Samuel Russell, in Green county, Kentucky. Samuel Russell was well known as one of the pioneers of this county. Twelve children were born unto them, four only of whom are now living--Margaret M., wife of Corydon C. Chapman; Christopher Columbus, Samuel James, and Annie E., wife of Sidney S. Chapman. In the fall of 1830, he removed with his family to this county, where he resided for many years, being well known to nearly every citizen, especially the older settlers. For many years in the early day, he ran a tavern, which at that time was more of a public resort than the hotel of to-day. Here the people for miles around assembled to discuss the news of the time, and to indulge in drink. For four years he was town constable, and eight years a justice of the peace. During the first four years he was justice, he tried over 900 cases, a very large docket at that time. He was ever ready to render a decision, and as soon as a case on trial was finished, his judgment was rendered and recorded in his docket. Of all the cases appealed from his decision to the circuit court, he never had a judgment reversed. Mr. Clarke some years since retired from active life, and on the 5th of March, 1884, departed this life, mourned by a large circle of friends.
David Detherow, during the summer of 1831, came to Macomb, and was one of its oldest settlers. He left the county long years ago, with his father-in-law, William Southward.
James W. Brattle was the next to make a settlement in this city, appearing here in 1831. In 1834, the commissioners finding that the survey made by Keaton, was incorrect in many particulars, Mr. Brattle re-surveyed it, without altering the corners of the blocks, however, and re-platted it, making what is known as plat No. 2, which was recorded March 6, 1835. Mr. Brattle was for many years the county surveyor, and is said to have run the lines over more land in this county than any other man. He is still a resident of Macomb.
W. W. Chapman, an attorney, came to Macomb in 1832, and hung out his shingle. After about a year or so, he left this locality, and moved to Burlington, Iowa, or Flint Hills, as it was then called.
About the same time, a doctor by the name of J. L. Shuff, put up his sign in the embryo town, and became a citizen of the place. He is mentioned in the chapter devoted to the medical profession.
William H. Dawson, a native of Adair county, Ky., came to Macomb in 1832.
In 1833, Colonel William Bailey, came to the town of Macomb, and established a store for the dale of general merchandise, just north of the site of the store presided over by his son, George W., on the south east corner of Randolph and east Jackson streets. He was for a long time the leading merchant in the town.
Benjamin F. Naylor, also, connected with the official life of the county, was a settler in Macomb during the year 1833. A sketch of him is given in the chapter devoted to educational interests of the county, in a preceding part of this work.
John Perry Head, came to Macomb in 1833, and made a settlement where he remained many years.
William Cameron settled in the town of Macomb as early as 1833.
John Anderson settled in Macomb during the year 1834, having erected a hotel on lot 1, block 24, now occupied by the city hall. This inn, which was named the Green Tree, was operated by Mr. Anderson until his death in 1846. It was, as has been said, a frame structure, the main building 18x40 feet in dimensions, two stories high, with an L about 20 feet long in the rear, one and a half stories high. On the death of Mr. Anderson, his son, Robert F., took charge and ran it about two years, when he was succeeded by his brother, Joseph, who continued it until 1850. Early that year, James C. Head became the proprietor, and run it until the following spring, when it was remodeled and used as a store room and dwelling. In 1855, it was again changed into a hotel, and, under the name of the American house, it was operated by Joel Pennington about a year, when it once more changed to a store building. It has since been removed and the fine brick City hall erected on its site.
T. Lyle Dickey, then a young man, but now one of the supreme judges of this state, came to Macomb in 1835, and taught school while studying law. He removed from here in 1836.
Resin Naylor located in Macomb in 1834, and opened a harness shop. He was connected with the official life of the county and is noted in that connection. He was familiarly known throughout the county as "Boss Naylor."
Thompson Chandler came to the embryo city of Macomb in the spring of 1834, and is still a resident of that burg. He is mentioned at length in the chapter devoted to representative men in official life. On coming to this place, he entered into the mercantile business with William P. Richards, who had come about the same time, under the firm name of Richards & Chandler.
Charles Chandler was one of the prominent arrivals of the year 1834. This gentleman, long one of the foremost business men of the city, and indeed of the county, resided in Macomb until the day of his death.
Among the settlers of 1834, there was no one more prominent than Thomas A. Brooking, who was the second son of a family of 11, eight daughters and three sons, and was born in Nottaway county, Virginia, near Richmond, the 20th day of January, 1795. His parents were Thos. Vivian and Elizabeth (Sherwin) Brooking, the latter being the daughter of Colonel Samuel Sherwin, of revolutionary fame. But little is known of his early history, save that every opportunity was given him to obtain such education as would fit him for a useful station in life. He attended a good classical school in Chesterfield county, Virginia, under charge of Prof. Ferguson, a noted teacher in his day, and afterward under Prof. Smith. He then went to Manchester, Virginia, and entered a school under charge of Prof. O'Reily, one of the best classical scholars in the state. When he completed the prescribed course in this school, he returned to Richmond, Virginia, and entered the law office of Alexander McRae, one of the most talented lawyers in the city, where he pursued his studies for a sufficient length of time to enable him to pass a satisfactory examination and obtain admittance to the bar. On receiving his diploma, he removed to the state of Kentucky for the purpose of engaging in practice, but for some cause he abandoned the idea of making the legal profession a life business, but the knowledge obtained through his reading was beneficial during life. A few months before reaching his majority, he removed to Kentucky, and settled in the town of Versailles, where he engaged in the mercantile trade. Here he formed the acquaintance of Mary Louisa Threshly, which soon terminated in love, and the offer of his hand and heart in marriage. Accordingly, on the 25th of January, 1816, the young couple were duly married. The tie thus formed remained unbroken until severed by the death of Mr. Brooking in 1858. Thirteen children were they blessed with, six of whom have passed on to that other shore, seven yet living to fill responsible stations in life. One of the number, Edward Brooking, lost his life in the service of his country, as a member of the 137th regiment, Illinois volunteers. Of the number now living--William is a large farmer, living north of Macomb; A. V., is a farmer and stock dealer; R. S., is a trader; Mrs. Jane Randolph, widow of the late William H. Randolph, who lives in Macomb; Mrs. Augusta Palmer who lives in Palestine, Texas; Mrs. Lucy Snyder lives in Carrollton, Missouri; Mrs. Julia Randolph, wife of J. H. Randolph, of Fort Scott, Kansas. Shortly after his marriage, Mr. Brooking returned to Richmond, Virginia, where he remained three years, after which he located in Union county, Kentucky, where he leased the celebrated Sulphur Springs, continuing in its charge five years, when he removed to Princeton, Caldwell county, remaining there until the fall of 1834, when he made his final removal to McDonough county, settling in the town of Macomb. By a series of unfortunate ventures in Kentucky he lost his entire fortune, and came to this county a poor man but with a determined will and the intention of retrieving all. On his arrival here he engaged as a teacher of a select school, continuing the same until the following spring. For two seasons following he engaged in the manufacture of brick, north of town, on the site of Oakwood cemetery, after which he removed to the old farm now owned by his son, William T. Brooking, where he remained until the spring of 1850, when he purchased the old hotel on the west side of the square, which he carried on for some years. On the 25th of February, 1858, he died, and was buried on the old homestead with Masonic honors. Mr. Brooking was one of the men who have helped materially to develop this county.
In the month of March, 1834, Joseph P. Updegraff came to Macomb, and entered upon his business of builder. He has followed that line of trade and several others in Macomb ever since, and is numbered among the substantial men of the town.
Joseph P. Updegraff, one of the old settlers of McDonough county, and one of her prominent citizens, was born in Hardin county, Virginia, May 27, 1813, his parents being Ambrose and Catharine (Robinson) Updegraff. About the year 1816, the family removed to Jefferson county, Ohio. Here Ambrose Updegraff was associated in the manufacture of hats, but his time was principally occupied in attending to the duties of offices of trust, which he held continually. Joseph P. resided with his parents until 1833, when he came to Illinois, and, in March, 1834, settled in Macomb, thus becoming one of the pioneers of McDonough county. Here he at first followed the occupation of a builder and manufacturer of brick, and, in 1834, took the contract to build the court house, which was really what brought him to the county. He followed the occupation of a builder for some 10 years, when he entered a tract of land three miles north of Macomb, and settled thereon. One year later, found him again in Macomb, engaged in merchandising. He subsequently purchased another farm west of Macomb, in Chalmers township, and resided there about five years, since which time he has been a resident of Macomb most of the time, following various mercantile pursuits. Mr. Updegraff has been twice married. September 16, 1835, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Brooking, a daughter of Thomas A. Brooking. She died in October, 1872, two children surviving her--Imogene, now the wife of J. A. Gates, of Oswego, Kansas, and Joseph Atherton, of the same city. Mr. Updegraff was again married, June 19, 1833, to Mrs. Caroline Head. She has been a resident of the county about as long as Mr. U., and was always a warm friend of the family. Politically, Mr. Updegraff is a republican, and was formerly a whig. He has served as mayor of Macomb three terms, and has also filled various other local offices, in each of which he gave full satisfaction to the people.
Among the arrivals of 1834, in the village of Macomb, was B. F. Martin, who was then 20 years of age and an adept at the trade of shoemaking, but who soon dropped that trade and took up that of carpentering and cabinet making. He is still among the business men of Macomb, mentioned further on.
David F. Martin, also a cabinet maker, a brother of B. F., came at the same time and worked at his trade. After a few years he purchased a farm on Spring creek, where he died in the fall of 1845.
In 1833, Thomas Pickett came to Macomb and engaged in the business of cabinet making.
Dr. James B. Kyle, one of the pioneer physicians of the county, settled in the rising city, in 1835. A sketch of this gentleman is found in the chapter devoted to the medical profession of the county.
Among others who arrived in 1835, was William H. Randolph, who, on arrival, opened up a small stock of groceries. An extended sketch of Mr. Randolph appears in the chapter entitled "National, State and County Representation," to which the reader is referred.
Major John M. Walker, one among the early settlers of McDonough county, died Sunday, July 9, 1876. He was born in Tazewell county, Virginia, July 2, 1800, and was, therefore, a few days over 76 year of age. His father removed to Tennessee at an early day, where the deceased remained until the year 1834, when he removed to McDonough county, where he resided until the day of his death. For many years he was engaged in the land business, and sold much of the land in the county upon which now are valuable farms. Of late years he was engaged in farming. In the days of the whig party he was an active, working member of that organization, but upon its demise, he became identified with the young democracy, where he remained steadfast during all the political changes which have taken place in the last few years.
Many others now flocked in, in fact too rapidly to note, but some of the more prominent are given to convey the idea of the class of citizens of this locality in the early days.
As has been mentioned, the first store in the city of Macomb, and in the county of McDonough, was instituted by James M. Campbell, in the spring of 1831. This was in a small hewn log cabin, 18 feet square, with puncheon floor, which stood at that time in the middle of what is now Jefferson street, about the width of a lot and a half west of McArthur, and about 20 feet south of the cabin of John Baker, which was located on the west side of lot 11, in block 24, of the original town of Macomb. The building had a board roof, but roughly laid on. Mr. Campbell, who was at this time clerk of the circuit court, clerk of the county commissioners' court, county recorder, notary public, and postmaster of Macomb, put in a stock of dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc., such as is usually kept in all new settlements, and spoken of as general merchandise. Mr. Campbell, who was an active, energetic, thorough-going specimen of a man, as all who know him testify, attended to his multitudinous duties, and ran this store, the only one in the county, for about a year, alone, when he admitted a partner in the person of John A. Chenoweth, and under the firm name of Campbell & Chenoweth, it continued three years. Mr. Campbell then withdrew, placing in his place his brother-in-law, Joseph L. Hempstead, and the firm name changed to that of Hempstead & Chenoweth, and so continued for two years, when it was wound up, Mr. Chenoweth leaving with a larger share of the institution than rightfully was his. In this connection it will be proper to state that, previous to Mr. Chenoweth's connection with the store that Mr. Campbell had erected a frame building on the northwest corner of Lafayette and Jackson streets, opposite the public square, into which he had moved his goods. This building was afterwards moved to another lot in block 27, on east Jefferson street, east of Campbell, it having been sold to Rev. W. K. Stewart, a Presbyterian minister, and is still standing, a monument of pioneer days.
Shortly after Mr. Campbell had started in business, Moses Hinton and Lawson H. Robinson, built a store room on the northeast corner of the square, on the lot now occupied by the Union National bank. Here they opened the second stock of goods in the county, and carried the usual assorted goods, as in all new settlements. They remained in business for several years, when they closed out.
Mr. Hinton remained here a few years after that, and died in Macomb. L. H. Robinson left for some southern expedition, and died while away. His widow, who has re-married, is still a resident of the city.
Shortly after that, Baker, Bogart & Company opened a store. These gentlemen were John Baker, a Baptist clergyman, and Samuel Bogart, a Methodist minister. They remained in trade about a year, when Mr. Baker moved to Crooked creek, and in company with William McDonald, ran a mill.
W. W. Bailey, in the year 1833, opened a general store, which has survived to the present day, being represented by the dry goods establishment of his son, George W. Bailey.
Atkinson & Vaughn were the next to engage in the general merchandise business in Macomb, coming here from Springfield about the year 1834. Their store was just north of the Bailey building, on the east side of the square. They ran about a year when the firm was dissolved, the business being run by John Atkinson for a short time. In 1835, he was succeeded by N. P. Tinsley, who was one of the most successful and prominent business men of his day.
From this time out merchants began to come in, too fast for memory to recall them; all kept for years, what were called general merchandise stores, but about 1860, the various lines began to separate, and the city put on metropolitan airs. The following is the history of
George W. Bailey is one of the leading dry goods merchants of Macomb, as well as the representative of the oldest house in the county. This business was established in 1833, by W. W. Bailey, the father of the present proprietor, who erected a frame building, on the site of the store now occupied by Geo. W. This building was one story and a half high, 40x60 feet on the ground, and was used as a store building and residence. The elder Mr. Bailey ran the store for many years, and was succeeded by W. S. Bailey, and he by the present proprietor, in 1860. The present handsome brick edifice occupied by Mr. Bailey, was erected by him in 1877, and has a fine store room upon the ground floor, 21x80 feet in size, in which a fine and well assorted stock of goods, that will invoice about $10,000, is carried.
George W. Bailey, son of W. W. and Elizabeth M. (Walker) Bailey, was born on the 21st of August, 1838, on the very spot where he has been carrying on business for the past 25 years. He was educated in the public schools of Macomb, with the exception of one year spent in the Monmouth college, at Monmouth, Illinois. He was brought up to a mercantile life, and, in 1860, engaged in business for himself, as before mentioned. In February, 1861, Mr. Bailey was united in marriage with Eliza M. Worthington, of Rushville, a daughter of Dr. R. M. Worthington. They have reared three children--Rowland, Annie L., and James W. Mr. Bailey was one of the original stock-holders of the Union National Bank, of Macomb, and is one of its directors. He was also one of the original stock-holders of the Macomb Loan and Building association, of which he has been a director continually, and was one of the prime movers in establishing the Macomb Tile and Sewer Pipe company, and is one of its directors, being one of its original stock-holders. In fact, Mr. Bailey is one of Macomb's most enterprising men, being always among the first to take hold of anything looking to the advancement of that city's interest. He built his present store building in 1877, it being a two-story brick structure, 21x80 feet in dimensions, and having a metal roof. He had previously, in 1872, built the two store buildings adjoining him on the north--they being two story front, and one story rear--which he has leased to other parties. The building now owned and occupied by B. R. Hampton as a printing office, was also erected by Mr. Bailey. He votes with the republican party, but his extensive business interests always prevented him from taking an active part in politics, even if he felt so inclined. The A. O. U. W., and the I. O. M. A., societies claim him as an honored member.
Among the leading dry goods dealers in Macomb, and in the county, is that of Ross & Holland. This place was established by S. A. M. Ross, in 1861, and continued, alone most of the time, by him until 1876, when he associated with himself, his son, C. N., as a partner, the firm name being changed to S. A. M. Ross & Son. In 1879, J. B. Stapp became a partner, and the firm changed to Ross& Stapp. The latter put in no capital, but business knowledge and work, so as to take the load of business cares from the shoulders of the elder Mr. Ross. In 1883, Mr. Stapp withdrew from the firm, and the store was run under the name of C. N. Ross, until in March, 1885, when Frank L. Holland purchased an interest in the business, and the firm name changed to its present form. They have recently enlarged their business and added carpets to their other trade. They carry one of the heaviest stocks in the county.
C. N. Ross, one of the leading merchants of Macomb, is a son of S. A. M. and Sophia A. Ross, and was born in Herkimer county, state of New York, on the 4th day of March, 1853. His parents removed to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1861, and settled in the city of Macomb. Here C. N. Ross received his education and was bred to mercantile life in the store of his father, with whom he afterwards became associated as a partner in the business. Endowed with a natural ability for mercantile pursuits, he has been eminently successful. In the month of April, 1881, Mr. Ross led to the hymeneal altar Mary W. Matteson, of Galesburg, Illinois. In politics, he is a republican, but, as his business requires his whole time and attention, he gives but little of his time to political matters. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and also of the A. O. U. W.
The dry goods establishment of Wyne Bros., was instituted in the fall of 1874, by J. W. Wyne and J. B. Stapp, under the firm name of Stapp & Wyne. They continued together until February, 1879, when by the withdrawal of Mr. Stapp, Mr. Wyne became sole proprietor. Until April, 1882, he remained alone in the business, but at that time he associated with him, his brother, H. C., and the present firm was formed. They carry a large stock and are doing a first-class business. Their store is on the east side of the square, and is one of the handsomest in the city.
J. W. Wyne, one of the firm of Wyne Bros., was born in Macomb, February 27, 1850. After receiving his education he commenced mercantile life as a clerk, and, in 1774, engaged in the dry goods business with J. B. Stepp [sic]. In September, 1876, J. W. Wyne and Alice Ervin, a daughter of William Ervin, were united in marriage. They are the parents of two children--Ervin and Mary. Mr. Wyne is a member of the A. F. & A. M.
H. C. Wyne, of the firm of Wyne Bros., is a son of J. E. and Clarinda Wyne. He was born in the city of Macomb on the 7th of March, 1852, and was educated in the public schools of that city. When he was but a mere lad he entered the postoffice as a clerk, and served as such at different intervals for several years. In 1876 he went to Washington territory and was there engaged in the dry goods business until 1881, when he returned to Macomb, and, in April, 1882, became a member of the present firm of Wyne Bros.
Venable Bros., dealers in general merchandise, commenced business in 1866. The dry goods department of their business was established by their father in 1861. The present firm, James C. and John W. Venable, carry a stock of about $14,000, and their annual sales foot up from $30,000 to $33,000. Their salesroom is 24x80 feet in size.
Charles Mapes commenced business in August, 1881, in partnership with D. M. Graves. On the 1st of February, 1885, the latter retired from the firm and the business was run by Mr. Mapes alone. Graves & Mapes purchased the stock, fixtures and good will of Churchill & Twyman. This establishment dates from an early day, and many changes have occurred since its inception. It is believed that William Bell, in 1839 or 1840, was the originator of the stand.
Charles Mapes, one of the leading dry goods merchants of the city of Macomb, is a native of Bureau county, Illinois, born April 19, 1856. His parents are Elder G. W. Mapes and Martha (Denison) Mapes, who now reside near Montezuma, Iowa. The subject of this sketch went to Eureka, Woodford county, Illinois, in 1873, and there attended Christian college two years. He subsequently taught school in that county. In 1876, he came to Macomb, and entered the law office of William H. Neece. Three years later he was admitted to the bar and began practicing his profession. He continued it however, but a short time, then engaged in the dry goods business in partnership with H. C. Twyman & Co. In September, 1881, D. M. Graves purchased an interest in, and H. C. Twyman retired from the firm. February 1, 1885, Mr. Mapes bought the interest of Mr. Graves, and is now conducting the business alone. Charles Mapes was married April 19, 1880, to Belle Twyman, daughter of H. C. Twyman. Three children have been born to them, only one of whom--Lucy, is now living. George H. and Martha are deceased. Mr. Mapes is a member of the Masonic blue lodge and chapter, also of the Knights of Pythias.
The dry goods house of Stapp& Newton was established by that firm on the 8th of March, 1884, in a new brick building on the north side of the square. They carry a stock of about $6,000, in a salesroom 22x70 feet in floor measurement.
A. P. Wetherhold established a dry goods store during the year 1862, and under that gentleman it throve exceedingly well. On February 1, 1885, Mr. Wetherhold formed a partnership with H. H. Smith, and the firm name changed to that of Smith & Co. Their salesroom which is on the east side of the square, in Bailey's block, is 20x90 feet in size. They carry about $8,000 in stock.
J. C. McClellan & Son, dealers in clothing, hats, cap and gents' furnishing goods, are the representatives of a business that was established in 1872 or 3, by S. P. Dewey. In 1875, the latter disposed of it to J. C. McClellan, who, in 1882, admitted his son to a partnership. They occupy a store building 24x80 feet in ground area, on the north side of the square, and carry a stock of from $6,000 to $10,000. They have a merchant tailoring department in connection with their other business.
The clothing house now operated by I. M. Fellheimer, was established in 1866, by Strauss & Co., who continued it until 1868, when John Strauss became sole proprietor. In 1877 he associated with himself S. P. Wilson, as a partner, and the firm name changed ot that of Strauss & Wilson. In 1878, I M. Fellheimer purchased the interest of Mr. Strauss, and under the firm name of Wilson & Fellheimer, the business was carried on until 1882, when I. M. Fellheimer became the sole proprietor. He carries a large and carefully selected stock, and does an immense business.
W. S. Kenner, a representative of the clothing business, commenced business in 1877, in company with A. V. Brooking, under the firm name of Brooking & Kenner, they purchasing the business of Major & Trotter, who had established the business about four years previously. In August, 1878, Mr. Brooking withdrew from the firm, since which time Mr. Kenner has operated the trade singly.
W. L. Kenner, clothier and gents' furnisher, of Macomb, was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, July 24, 1838, his parents being L. W. and Mary H. (Bell) Kenner, both of whom are natives of Kentucky. In 1864, they came to McDonough county, but only remained two or three years, then returning to Kentucky, where they still reside. W. L. Kenner received his education in private schools, and was early initiated into a business life, his father being a merchant tailor and also a general merchant. On the 11th day of February, 1862, Mr. Kenner was united in marriage with Emma T. Myers, and in February, 1863, removed to Homer, Indiana, and engaged in general merchandising, and also, for a time, followed agricultural pursuits. In October, 1865, he removed to Macomb, and for one year acted in the capacity of clerk, at the Randolph house. He then engaged in farming in Scotland township, where he purchased 320 acres of land, which he still owns. In 1874, he returned to Macomb, and was engaged in general speculation until 1877, when he purchased, in company with A. V. Brookling, the clothier business of Major & Trotter. In August, 1878, Mr. Brooking sold his interest to his partner and withdrew from the firm, since which time Mr. Kenner has been the sole proprietor. Mrs. Kenner died September 3, 1882, leaving six children--J. B., Mary C., Mattie R., Willie and Ollie, twins, and John. One child, James, a twin brother of John, died at the age of 11 months. February 25, 1883, Mrs. Anna B. Garrison, nee Seward, became the wife of Mr. Kenner. He is a democrat, but has no political aspirations. Mr. and Mrs. Kenner, and two of the children, are members of the Christian church.
J. H. Phelps, merchant tailor, established business in Macomb, October 1, 1877, in the Bailey block, on the north side of the square, upstairs. He afterwards removed to the east, and then the south side of the square, and in February, 1882, removed to his present location, in the Opera House block. Here he has a room 20x65 feet in size, in which he carries a stock of about $3,000 worth of goods in his line. He furnishes employment to some four men.
J. H. Phelps, the leading merchant tailor of Macomb, is a native of this county. He was born February 14, 1847, and nearly all his life has been spent in Macomb. He learned the trade of tailor when 17 years old, which has always been his business. He now has a good trade established, and is a genial, accommodating gentleman. He was married in May, 1869, to M. K. Shrier. They have had three children, two of whom are now living--Willie and Orrin.
George Milligan, merchant tailor, commenced business in Macomb, in 1873. His present place of business is in the First National bank building, up stairs.
Thomas J. Beard was the first to deal in hardware, exclusively. He was a tinner by trade, and on coming here in 1834 or 1835, did that kind of work. Later on, he put in a stock of goods and was the first to make a business of selling stoves. He died in Macomb, in April, 1878.
Scott & Brooking, dealers in hardware, agricultural implements, stoves, cutlery and lamp goods, commenced business in December, 1881, being successors to Cook & Scott, who had purchased the stock of C. S. Cottrell, some five years previously. The stand was established in 1856, by Cottrell Brothers. The present firm occupy the whole of the three stories of the brick building on the south side of the square, each of which is 24x170 feet in floor area. In addition to this, they have two ware rooms, one 20x70, and the other 20x40 feet is size, used for storage purposes. The firm, composed of Robert Brooking and J. W. Scott, carry a stock of about $12,000, and do a business of about $40,000, annually.
Robert Brooking, of the firm of Scott & Brooking, Macomb, is the oldest son of Alexander H. and Laura (Wayland) Brooking. He was born November 17, 1849, in this county. He remained on a farm until 1863, when he came to Macomb and entered the high school. In 1868, he removed to Mexico, Audrain county, Missouri, and remained four years, engaged in farming and merchandising. In the fall of 1872, he returned to McDonough county, and went into the hardware store of C. S. Cottrell, there he remained four years. Meanwhile the firm was changed to Cook & Scott, and for them he clerked five years. He then bought Cook's interest, and, thus, January 1, 1881, the firm of Scott & Brooking was established. He is a genial, accommodating gentleman, thoroughly understands his business, and deservedly has a good share of public patronage. He was married June 12, 1871, to Addie Farmer, a native of Indiana. They have had two children--Frank A., and Ray E. He is a public spirited citizen; was collector of taxes in the city for 1876, and always takes an interest in public matters. He is a staunch republican, and frequently takes active part in the various political contests. Being an able speaker, his aid is much sought for during the political campaigns of the county, and he has thus, at different times, rendered valuable assistance to the party of his choice.
J. A. Smith has a general hardware establishment on the west side of the square. The business was originated by C. L. Stewart, who was succeeded by McIntosh & Blount, who were followed by Blount & Smith. In August, 1881, it became the property of the present proprietor. His sales room is 23x108, in which, and in a room in the second story, of the same size, he carries $10,000 worth of goods in his line.
Joseph W. Hays was born in Hire township, McDonough county, Illinois, August 5, 1836, his parents being Wm. H. and Mary (Funk) Hays, with whom he resided on a farm and attended school until reaching the age of 15 years. He then spent one year in Wisconsin, then went to Pike's Peak, and from there to Henry county, Missouri, where he remained until 1863, at which time he returned to his native county, and has since been a resident of Macomb. Here he served as a book-keeper for Thomas J. Beard for about 12 years, and in 1874, entered into partnership with C. L. Stewart, under the firm name of C. L. Stewart & Co., and engaged in the hardware business, which they conducted for two years, then selling out to J. W. McIntosh. In 1876, Mr. Hays received the nomination for the office of sheriff, on the democratic ticket, but was defeated with the rest of the ticket. In 1879, he received the appointment of deputy sheriff and served one term, since which time he has served in the capacity of clerk and book-keeper for J. A. Smith, hardware merchant. In 1867, Mr. Hays was united in marriage with Maggie Mitchell, a daughter of James Mitchell. They are the parents of four children--Lena, Jennie, Frank and Amanda. Mr. Hays is a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the A. O. U. W.
The hardware establishment now operated by Wells Bros., on the north side, originated with T. J. Beard, in 1871. He was succeeded by C. L. Stewart, who sold to the present proprietors in 1875. They occupy both stories of the brick two-story building, owned by the Beard estate, and carry a stock of about $10,000 worth of goods.
George M. Wells, deceased, came to McDonough county, in 1856, and, in partnership with Joseph Burton and W. W. Wells, engaged in the dry goods business in Macomb, the firm name being G. M. Wells & Co. This partnership continued for about three years, when George M. Wells disposed of his interest and withdrew from the firm. He then retired from business, his death occurring soon afterwards, in September, 1860. He was a native of Connecticut, and was born in 1822. While yet a small boy, he removed with his parents to Erie county, Ohio, and assisted in tilling the soil until he attained his majority, when he came to Illinois, and engaged in merchandising in Schuyler county, and remained there until coming to Macomb. Mr. Wells was married in Rushville, Schuyler county, to Louisa M. Foss, and their union was blessed with seven children, two of whom died in infancy, and five are now living--Anna E., the wife of Dr. T. M. Jorder, of Chicago; Edward L., Louisa H., the wife of Frank R. Kyle; George P. and Wheeler F. The widow of George M. Wells, is still living in Macomb, and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank R. Kyle.
Edward L. Wells, of the firm of Wells Bros., hardware merchants, was born on the 18th day of January, 1843, in Brooklyn, Schuyler county, Illinois, his parents being George M. and Louisa (Foss) Wells. With his parents, Edward L., came to Macomb, in 1856, where he was bred to mercantile life. In 1864, he engaged in the hardware business with Thomas J. Beard, and did business under the firm name of T. J. Beard & Co., Mr. Beard having established the business some years previous. This partnership continued for some five years, when Mr. Wells disposed of his interest and retired from the firm. He remained out of active business from that time until 1875, at which time he, in company with his brothers, George P. and Wheeler F., under the firm name of Wells Bros., succeeded C. L. Stewart in the hardware business. In the month of October, 1869, Edward L. Wells was united in marriage with Mary C. Baker, a daughter of J. H. Baker, and as a result of that union, they now have two children--George M. and Edward B. Mr. Wells is a Royal Arch Mason, in politics is a republican, and always exercises his right of franchise. He has had no ambition for political preferment, although he has been a member of the city council of Macomb.
George P. Wells, also a member of the firm of Wells Brothers, was born in Schuyler county, Illinois, December 23, 1848, and came to Macomb, with his parents, in 1856. In 1875, he became associated with his brothers in the hardware business, which they still continue. Mr. Wells was married December 10, 1873, to Mary L. Walker, a daughter of James D. Walker. They are the parents of four children--Mary, Walker, Charles and Nellie. Mr. Wells is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in politics is a republican, and has served as a member of the city council.
E. M. Farmer, a leading merchant in the boot and shoe line in the city, commenced business in the Scott building, on the southeast corner of the square, in August, 1882. Previous to this he had been a member of the firm of Farmer & Ross, in the same line of trade, next door but succeeded that firm upon removal. His salesroom is 20x100 feet in size, and he carries a stock that will average in value about $10,000.
Ed. M. Farmer, boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, came to this county when but three years old, from Indiana, where he was born September 21, 1855. His parents were Charles and Elizabeth (Iceminger) Farmer. The former died in December, 1868, and the latter is still living. He came to this county with his parents and settled in Macomb. His father was a tombstone cutter, and came to his death in consequence of a collection of marble dust about the heart. Ed. M. worked on a farm most of the time until 17 years old, when he commenced learning the trade of shoemaker. He was industrious and worked at the bench for five years, then engaged in business on the east side of the square. He then formed a partnership with Joseph Durr, which continued three years, when Durr's interest was purchased by S. A. M. Ross. The firm of Farmer& Ross continued three years, since which time Mr. Farmer has been sole proprietor of the business. He now has one of the best establishments of the kind in the city, and is an agreeable and accommodating gentleman. He was married in November, 1876, to Ida M. Smith, a native of this county and daughter of John T. Smith. They have had three children all of whom are now living--Walter, Roy and Della. Mr. Farmer received his education in the common schools, and his opportunity was quite limited, by personal endeavor and application, however, he has secured a fair business education. He has been brought up in this county, and is well known throughout its borders.
B. F. Randolph, boot and shoe dealer, commenced business about the year 1868, on the east side of the square, on the site of the present Masonic block. He was the successor of C. M. Ray, who established the same several years previously. In 1872, Mr. Randolph removed the stock to his present location on the north side of the square. This room is 20x74 feet in size. His stock is valued at about $10,000.
Among the representatives of the boot and shoe firms, Kerman & Howard must not be missed. This establishment originated with J. N. Brown, in 1869, who was succeeded by Lamon and Blount. Mr. Blount retiring, the firm name was changed to that of P. E. Lamon, and in August, 1880, that business was purchased by the present proprietors. They are located on the north side of the square, where they carry about $8,000 in stock.
The pioneer drug store of Macomb was established by T. B. Maury, in 1849, and was by him continued until 1856.
The popular drug store now conducted in Macomb, by John M. Keefer, was opened in 1861 by George D. Keefer, in company with a brother-in-law as a silent partner, but three years later George D. bought out the interest of his partner, and continued the business alone until the winter of 1866-67, when John M. Keefer bought an interest, the firm name then becoming George D. Keefer and Brother. This partnership continued until the death of the senior member of the firm occurred, which was on the 14th day of July, 1879. The firm, by excellent business qualifications, and a thorough mastery of the drug profession, was eminently successful. John M. Keefer is now the sole proprietor of the business, and carries a full line of everything which is kept in a first-class drug store. On the 25th day of February, 1879, John M. Keefer and Lucy Beard, a daughter of T. J. Beard, were united in marriage. Two children have been born to them, one of whom, Ruth, is now living. Mr. Keefer, also, has two children by a former wife. In politics, he is a democrat, always exercising his right of franchise, but has no ambition for political preferment. He is a Royal Arch Mason, having joined the order in 1865, and is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Keefer is one of Macomb's prominent and most successful business men, and takes an active interest in everything intended to benefit that city and vicinity. He is a stockholder and director in the Macomb Tile and Sewer Pipe company, and is, also, a stockholder in the Macomb Building and Loan association. He is a native of the state of Maryland, and was born at Clear Spring, Washington county, Maryland, March 31, 1839, his parents being George and Susan (Fogwell) Keefer. When John M. was 14 years of age, his parents removed to Dayton, Ohio, and in the fall of 1854, to Canton, Illinois, where the father was engaged in the drug trade up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1862. The mother still resides there, at the advanced age of 80 years. In 1861, John M. Keefer enlisted in the United States service, and served as hospital steward for three years. After his discharge, he went to Virginia City, Montana territory, and remained until the fall of 1866, at which time he came to Macomb, and engaged in the drug business with his brother, as heretofore mentioned.
E. A. Lane, the druggist on the east side of the square, under the Miller House, is the successor to Lane & Gore, who opened a new stock of drugs, medicines, etc., in 1877. Mr. Lane became the sole proprietor in April, 1878. The room is 18x60, and is well filled with a choice stock, valued at $2,000. In 1870, a drug store was established in this building by Twyman Bros., who were succeeded by McMillan & Ervin, in December, 1871. These latter gentlemen continued about a year, when William Ervin sold to McMillan, but in about a month the latter was succeeded by Ervin & Kyle. In about a year this firm became William Ervin & Son, and the stock was removed to a building on the south side of the square.
Enoch A. Lane, proprietor of a drug store in Macomb, and a business man of the place, is a native of this county. He was born in Industry township, where his parents are old settlers. Enoch was brought up on a farm, and enlisted in the army, February 27, 1865, in company G, 49th Illinois infantry, and served until September, 1865, when he was discharged at Springfield, Illinois. After his army experience, he returned to this county, and attended the city high school one and a half years, after which he taught school one and a half year in Chalmers township. He then entered the drug store of P. H. Delaney, where he continued for a little more than eight years. At the expiration of that time he established his present business. He was married December 23, 1875, to Martha F. Benton, a native of Indiana, but at that time a resident of Bushnell. Mr. Lane is the owner of 160 acres in section 13, Chalmers township, the homestead formerly owned by his father. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias, and the G. A. R. Mrs. Lane is a member of the Presbyterian church.
Ervin & Son, druggists, who are spoken of above, came into existence, as a firm, in 1873, and removed to their present location, on the south side of the square, in March, 1877. Their salesroom is 60 feet long by 18 feet wide, and is well filled with a choice assortment of fine drugs and fancy articles that will invoice nearly $3,500.
Frank R. Kyle, another leading dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, etc., on the south side of the square, commenced business in February, 1862, purchasing the same of T. B. Maury, and continued to occupy the building now used by Joseph Durr, until the spring of 1868, when J. McMillan purchased an interest, and remained in about a year, when he sold out to Mr. Kyle, who operated it until the fall of 1872, when he negotiated for his present business, into which he removed, in November of that year. In the spring of 1873, his brother, Joseph B. Kyle, became a partner in the business, remaining about a year, since which time, Mr. Kyle has continued to run the store alone. His room is 20x80, and he carries a stock of about $3,000.
Frank R. Kyle established his present business in Macomb, in the month of February, 1862, and consequently, is the oldest merchant in his line in the city. He is a native of the state of Illinois, and was born on the 26th day of January, 1840, in the city of Macomb, his parents being James B. and Sarah P. (Rice) Kyle. He received his education in the public schools of Macomb, and, after reaching his 18th year, commenced mercantile life in the capacity of a clerk in the drug store of Dr. D. B. Rice, with whom he remained about two years. From that time until the month of August, 1861, he acted as a clerk in a clothing store, and then enlisted in company H, 2d Illinois cavalry, and served as a bugler for six months, then being discharged, on account of physical disability. Returning to Macomb, he engaged in the drug trade, as the successor of T. B. Maury. He continued to run this store until the spring of 1865, when he sold it to Dr. Ritchie, and established his present business, on the south side of the square. Frank R. Kyle and Louisa H. Wells, a daughter of George M. and Louisa (Foss) Wells, were united in marriage on the 9th day of June, 1869. As a result of this union, they are the parents of one son--Ralph B. Mr. Kyle is a republican, has been a member of the city council, but has no desire for political honors. He is a Presbyterian, and a Royal Arch Mason, having served as high priest of that order for several years.
L. M. Rost established a drug business on the west side of the square, in August, 1881. In February, 1882, he was succeeded by the present firm of Rost & Stinson, of which he is a member. Salesroom, 20x60.
P. H. Delaney first commenced in the drug business in the spring of 1865, in the building now occupied by J. H. Maloney as a grocery store. He had, as a partner at that time, H. W. Gash, but in about a year, the interest of the latter was purchased by J. W. McCartney. In another year, W. H. Hainline became the owner of Mr. McCartney's interest, and shortly afterwards the stock was removed to a building on the site of the present Stapp & Newton store. After about two years of partnership, Mr. Hainline sold out to Mr. Delaney, who has run it ever since. He has since removed to this present location, and has a fine salesroom, 20x130, in which he carries a large stock of fine drugs, paints, oils, toilet articles, and fancy articles, that will invoice about $4,000.
P. H. Delaney, druggist in Macomb, came to this county in 1865, from Nashville, Tennessee. He was born in Queens county, Ireland, June 22, 1841, and remained in his native county, until 1848, when, with his mother, he came to America, his father having died in Ireland. They landed at New Orleans, and went thence to Clarksville, Tennessee, and there remained until 1849. He then went to Mississippi, and lived until 1857, clerking in stores, and attending school. His principal education, however, was obtained by personal application and endeavor, when not in school, and so far as his business qualifications are concerned, he may properly be called a self-made man. In 1857, he returned to Clarksville, Tennessee, and engaged in the drug business, continued two years, then read medicine with Dr. E. B. Haskins as preceptor two years. The medical education thus obtained, was subsequently supplemented by attendance on a course of medical lectures at Nashville, in 1859 and '60. From Tennessee, he went to Quincy, Illinois. During his stay at that place the civil war broke out, and in defense of the Union of his adopted country, he enlisted in company A, 16th Illinois infantry, and served as private until 1863, when he was promoted to the position of hospital steward, and remained with the regiment until mustered out at Springfield, in 1865. He participated in all the engagements during that noble march from Atlanta to the sea, including the battle of Bentonville, in which about one-third of his company were killed. At the conclusion of his army service, he came to Macomb, and bought a stock of drugs from Dr. Ritchie, on the west side of the public square, and formed a partnership with H. W. Gash. The business under that firm continued about one year, when Gash sold out to John W. McCartney, who subsequently died of consumption in Maryville, California. Then P. H. Delaney became sole proprietor, and is now engaged in that business on the north side of the square. In addition to the drug trade and office work, he is a taxidermist, and has numerous specimens of rare and beautiful birds of various families and climes. He was married in 1857, to Mary E. Lane, a native of this county. They have one child 16 years old, who is now attending St. Francis college in Quincy, Illinois. Mr. Delaney belongs to all the fraternal societies, and is a genial, whole-souled gentleman.
The jewelry house of Stocker& Son was established by L. Stocker, in 1854, in the clothing store of J. R. Brown, on the west side of the square. A year later he removed to the south side in a small frame building. During the year 1860, he erected a brick building on the site of his present location, but which, in 1878, he tore down, as it was inconveniently small, and built his present double brick store, two stories high. In 1879, the present firm was formed. They occupy a sales room of 18x80 feet in size, and carry a stock of jewelry, silverware, etc., which is one of the largest in the county.
L. Stocker, jeweler, has been a resident of Macomb since 1854, in which year he came from St. Louis, Missouri, and established himself in the jewelry business, which he has continued to the present time, and has a good trade. He is the oldest jeweler in Macomb, and undoubtedly carries the largest stock in his line of any house in McDonough county. He is a native of Germany, having been born in Bavaria, on the 26th day of April, 1830. He learned the jeweler's trade in his native country, where he resided until 1851, when he emigrated to the United States, and settled in St. Louis, Missouri, there following his trade. The ceremony, which united in the holy bonds of matrimony L. Stocker and Miss M. B. Pechtold, also native of Germany, was performed in the year 1851. Eight children have been born to them. One died in infancy, one drowned at the age of 10 years, and six and living--Edward, Amelia, Josephine, Herman, Lucinda, and Pauline. Politically, Mr. Stocker is a democrat, but from 1856 to 1867, affiliated with the republican party. He takes only enough interest in politics to perform his duty as a citizen. He is a member of the A. F. and A. M., and of the I. O. O. F.
Charles Kline, one of the leading jewelers of Macomb, established his place in 1872. He carries a large and well assorted stock of goods in his line in his fine store building on the north side of the public square.
Charles Kline, one of the pioneer jewelers of Macomb, came to that city in 1859, and, in 1861, commenced working for L. Stocker, and so continued until 1868. He then went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and accepted a position in the wholesale jewelry house of his uncles, C. Preusser & Bro., which he retained for four years. Later, he returned to Macomb, and established his present business, in which he is meeting with marked success. Mr. Kline was born near Frankfurt-on-the-Main, on the 25th day of February, 1835. When only 13 years of age, he emigrated to the United States, alone, the journey across the Atlantic consuming 46 days. Arriving in New York, he immediately proceeded to Detroit, Michigan, where he commenced his trade of a jeweler, with one of his uncles, all of his male relatives being jewelers. December 8, 1848, the store in which he was working was consumed by fire, and Charles lost all of his personal effects. The following year he went to Grand Rapids, where he worked at his trade until 1852, then going to Columbus, Ohio, from there to Cincinnati, and from there to St. Louis, Missouri, at the latter place he was unable to procure work, so he proceeded up the river, and for about a year worked in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. After working in various other Wisconsin towns, we find him next at Hannibal, Missouri, then at Palmyra, then at Muscatine, Iowa, next at Memphis, Tennessee, and in 1859, in Macomb. In June, 1864, Sadie M. Pearce, a daughter of Jesse Pearce, became the wife of Mr. Kline. They have four children--Kittie, Charles A., Bessie and Florence. Mr. Kline is a democrat in politics, but has no political aspirations. He is a Knight Templar, has been a member of the I. O. O. F., since 1862; was one of the charter members of the A. O. U. W. lodge of Macomb, and also belongs to the I. O. M. A.
The jewelry and stationery store of T. B. Shafer, was established by him in 1879, in the place he now occupies, on the northeast corner of the public square. He carries a finely selected stock in both lines, of about $8,000, and does an annual business of about $14,000. General watch and jewelry repairing is carried on, and all novelties in wall paper, notions, fancy articles, silverware, jewelry, books, stationery, etc., kept on hand.
T. B. Shaffer, jewelry, is a native of Hancock county, Illinois, born in Plymouth, September 18, 1851. His parents are still living in that county. He received a good education, graduating at the high school. In 1879, he came to Macomb, having previously been engaged in the jewelry business two years, and two years in the lumber trade, in his native county. On coming here, he engaged in the jewelry business, and in connection, kept a book store, in 1882. Mr. Shaffer is a member of the K. of P. and politically, a democrat.
The book, stationery and artist's material depot of Anderson & Fentem, on the north side of the square, was established by Julia Trull, in November, 1880, and who was succeeded in March, 1884, by the present proprietors. Their art sales room is 22x110 feet in floor area, and the stock they carry will reach about $5,000 in value.
William E. Anderson is a native of this county, born in Tennessee township, November 15, 1863, and is a son of William J., and Sarah A. Anderson. His youth was spent on a farm, and like most farmer's sons, he attended the common schools, as opportunity afforded, and secured a fair education, which was subsequently supplemented by a course of instruction in the schools of Macomb. In 1883, he taught school in Scotland township, and in the spring of 1884, engaged in business. He is now a partner in the bookstore firm of Anderson & Fentem.
George R. Fentem, one of the proprietors of a bookstore in Macomb, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, october 29, 1858, and there lived until the fall of 1864. He then came to this county, and settled in Hire township. He early engaged in agricultural pursuits, and in 1880, and until 1882, attended Normal school at Macomb--then having the necessary qualifications, he taught school at Pennington's Point, and in Bethel township. Then he went into business in Macomb. He was married September 2, 1884, at Springfield, Illinois, to Ida M. Patterson, a native of Sangamon county. Mr. Fentem is a member of the K. of P.
E. H. Black, dealer in books, stationery, toys, wall papers, etc., is the successor of S. J. Clarke. In 1869, he purchased one half interest in business with Henry Seymour, and continued with him, under the firm name of Seymour & Company, until April, 1871, when he withdrew and entered into business for himself, succeeding Mr. Clarke. His place of business is in the Opera House block.
John H. Grigsby, has a fine grocery stand on the west side of the square. He commenced business in August, 1884, buying out Samuel Frost, who had purchased the building and put in a new stock two years previous. Before this, Barclay & Simpson had run a grocery store in the same building, succeeding John Keefer, who had had a drug stock in the same building. The salesroom is 20x50 feet in size, and the stock is invoiced at $2,000.
John H. Grigsby, fourth son of Nathaniel Grigsby, of Blandinsville, was born in that township, December 7, 1861. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of 19 years, engaged in the stock business upon his father's farm. August 27, 1882, he was united in marriage with Lulu E. Paggett, a native of Indiana, but at that time, a resident of Blandinsville. They have one child--Callie L., born October 7, 1883. After his marriage, Mr. Grigsby continued to reside upon the homestead farm until his removal to the city of Macomb, in August, 1884. He then engaged in the grocery business, which he still carries on. He is a member of the Golden Rule, Macomb Council No. 17. As a business man, Mr. Grigsby is enterprising and prosperous. Socially, he is a genial, pleasant gentleman.
In the year 1871, J. B. Simpson and T. J. Farley, under the firm name and style of Simpson & Farley, established a grocery store on the west side of the square, where they continued until July, 1883, when they removed to the northwest corner of the public square, in the Opera House block. Soon after the removal, Mr. Simpson disposed of his interest to W. H. Davis, and the firm name changed to Farley & Davis. They carry full lines of groceries, provisions and queensware, and their stock would invoice over $2,000.
W. M. Lipe established his present grocery business on the northwest corner of Lafayette and Franklin streets, in 1878. In 1881, he erected the building now occupied by him. It is of brick, and the salesroom is 20x90 feet in floor area, and two stories high.
Lucian Brooking is a son of W. T. and Louie (Walker) Brooking. He is a native of the state of Texas, being born on the 4th day of January, 1858. At that time the family were sojourning in that state, on account of the ill health of W. T. Brooking. They soon afterwards returned to McDonough county, Illinois, and settled on a farm on section 7, in Macomb township, where, after reaching a suitable age, Lucian helped till the soil. He received his education partly in the district schools of his township, and partly in the Macomb public schools. On the 11th of March, 1879, Lucian Brooking and Jennie Munsell, of Hamilton, Iowa, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. He then engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he followed until the fall of 1884, at which time, on account of the loss of his entire crop by the hail storm, he left the farm and removed to the city of Macomb, where he engaged in the grocery business, which he continued till March, 1885, when he sold out to Booth Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Brooking have had two children born to them, one of whom died at the age of nine months, and the other, Albert M., is still living. In politics, Mr. Brooking is a republican, but has no ambition for political preferment.
The grocery business of Booth Bros., was established by W. T. Brooking & Son, in 1884. On January 1, 1885, the senior partner withdrew and the business was run by Lucian Brooking, until March, of the same year, when it was purchased by the present proprietors. It is located on the southeast corner of the square, under the Miller house.
Venard & Simpson, groceries, provisions, flour, feed, etc., commenced business in January, 1884, succeeding Crissinger & Venard, who had purchased the stock of William Davis about a year previous, and had moved it from the building now occupied by Wm. Ruckle's billiard room, to its present location. The salesroom is 20x50 feet in size, and contains stock to the amount of $1,800.
W. F. Smith, the enterprising dealer in groceries, flour and feed, on the south side of the square, established this business in October, 1884. The salesroom occupied by him is 22x65 feet in floor area, and the stock carried by him will invoice about $2,300.
W. F. Smith, a son of John S. and Mary A. (Risley) Smith, was born in Miami county, Ohio, March 4, 1845, and when one year of age was brought by his parents to Macomb. When quite a small boy he commenced work with his father as a plasterer and brick-layer, which he followed until 1861, when he enlisted in company B, 16th Illinois infantry, and served with that company for three months, being then discharged on account of his extreme youth, 16 years. But young Smith was determined to be a defender of his country, and, in 1862, again enlisted, this time in company I, 78th Illinois infantry. At the battle of Chickamauga he was taken prisoner, and was confined for 14 months in Richmond, Andersonville, and other places. It was then arranged that 10,000 sick and wounded should be exchanged, and young Smith was counted as one of that number. He was then, in 1865, mustered out of the service, and returned to Macomb. In March, 1866, he went to Brookfield, Missouri, and took charge of the mason work for the Hannibal & St. Joe railroad, which position he filled until December 23, 1867, at which time he was united in marriage with Alice E. Barber, a native of Syracuse, New York, and immediately returned to Macomb. Here he remained, working at his trade, until the spring of 1869, when he went to Hannibal, Missouri, and again took charge of the mason work for the same road as before, which position he held until 1873, when he removed to Denver, Colorado, and followed his trade. In 1876, he took charge of the mason work of the Denver, South Park& Pacific railroad, and continued in that position until 1880. In that year he organized what is known as the South Park Lime & Flux Co., and was chosen its general manager. On November 7, 1883, he sold his interest in said business, and returned to Macomb, and, after a short visit, again started westward, going to Washington territory, and other points in the west. March 13, 1884, found him at Bentonville, Arkansas, where he built a house, and settled down. He was well pleased with the climate, but could not say as much for the people, so he sold out and returned to Macomb, where he has ever since been engaged in the grocery business. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were both dancing teachers, and for many years taught dancing schools. Mr. Smith has traveled in every state and territory in the union, as also through Mexico, being generally accompanied by his family. During the past year, he, together with his wife and son, Edwin F., traveled about 37,000 miles. In politics he is a republican, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R.
Brooking and Sutton, who are among the leading grocers of the city, located on the southwest corner of square, in a fine, new brick building. The members of the firm are J. H. Brooking and W. C. Sutton. They established the stand in November, 1882.
Cook and Smith are dealers in groceries and provisions, on the south east corner of the square, under the Miller House. This stand originated with D. Shumate in 1867 or 8, in a room to the north of this. From him it passed into the hands of Lusk and Crissinger, who sold out to the present proprietor. The sales room is 22x90 feet in size, and the stock carried is about $3,000.
J. W. Cook, a son of William and Sarah (Criswell) Cook, was born in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, on the 8th day of May, 1844, and came to Macomb with his parents in 1851. In 1859, he commenced life as a waiter boy in the Randolph house, and served as such for about three years. Then, on March 4, 1862, he began working at the tinner's trade, and after following the same for some nine years engaged as a clerk in the hardware store of C. S. Cottrell. At the death of Mr. Cottrell, Mr. Cook, with J. W. Scott as a partner, purchased the business, and, under the firm name of Cook and Scott, conducted the business for five years, when Mr. Cook disposed of his interest to his partner and withdrew from the firm. He then formed a partnership with H. K. Smith, and, under the style of Cook and Smith, engaged in his present business, grocery and hardware, and to-day finds him engaged in business in the very room, where, from 1859 to 1862, he served as a waiter boy. In July, 1878, Mr. Cook was united in marriage with Jennie E. Randolph, and, as a result of that union they have two children--Rea and Jay. In politics he is a republican, and has represented the first ward in the city council for two years.
William Cook (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania, and settled in Macomb, Illinois, in 1851. By trade he was a carpenter, and for several years acted as a ship carpenter, running from Pittsburg to New Orleans. He was married in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, to Sarah Criswell, and resided in his native state until 1851, when he removed to Illinois, and located at Macomb. But he had no more than settled down in his new home when he was attacked by that dreadful disease, cholera, which caused his death suddenly, in 1851, after an illness of about ten hours. His widow resided at Macomb until June, 1884, at which time her death occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Cook were the parents of two children, both of whom still reside in Macomb--J. W. and Mattie, now the wife of W. H. H. Bonham.
J. H. Maloney carries a general stock of groceries, flour, feed, queensware, etc., on the west side of the public square. He, in company with M. P. Agnew, purchased the business of Loven Garrett, in 1879. The stand was established by D. M. Graves, from whom Mr. Garrett bought it. After Mr. Maloney had run the business with Mr. Agnew for about a year, he purchased the interest of his partner, and has ever since run it alone. He carries about $1,500 to $1,600 in stock, and does a large business.
J. H. Maloney, proprietor of a general grocery store in Macomb, came to this county in the spring of 1871, from Michigan. He was born in that state, March 1, 1857, and there remained until coming here. In his native state he worked in a carriage and wagon shop, having there learned the trade of blacksmith. He received a fair education in the common schools of the place of his old home, and upon his arrival here engaged to work at his trade in the carriage shop of J. R. Gribble, and there continued for two years. He worked at his trade for different parties, until he established his present business. He was married, May 4, 1873, to Margaret McGann. They have had three children, all of whom are living--Hattie, Louis and Walter. Politically, Mr. Maloney is a democrat. He is a genial, accommodating gentleman.
Gamage & McMillan are among the representatives of the grocery trade. This place was established by J. S. Gamage, May 1, 1873. In November, 1881, the present firm was formed. They have a nice salesroom, 22x70, on Randolph street, a few doors south of the public square. They carry a stock of about $2,000.
John McMillan, one of the business men of Macomb, is a native of Ohio, and was born August 17, 1818. He is a son of John and Mary (McKinney) McMillan, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania. Both his paternal and maternal grandfathers were in the war of the revolution, and came from Scotland to this country in 1745. John remained in his native state until the time of his coming to this county, in 1854. He was brought up on a farm, and, at the age of 18 years, learned the trade of druggist, in Canfield, Mahoning county. When he removed from Ohio, he came west, and bought a farm in Schuyler county, Illinois, near Huntsville; thence he went to Doddsville, and engaged in business two years; then came to this county. In 1860, he engaged in the drug business with J. W. Ellis, and continued eight months; then formed a partnership with A. B. Stewart, and under the firm name of J. McMillan & Company, carried on the trade until 1865. In September of that year he sold his interest, but remained in the store for one year afterward. He then clerked for Frank R. Kyle, 18 months, when he removed to Winona county, Minnesota. Returning, in the spring following, he entered into a partnership with Mr. Kyle, and continued until 1872; then sold, and purchased the business of Twyman Bros., and associated Captain Irvin as a partner. Subsequently he disposed of his interest there, and again, with Frank Kyle, worked until about 1881. November 1, 1881, he went into business with J. S. Gamage, and has since continued. He was united in the bonds of matrimony, October 5, 1848, with Louisa E. Bruce, of Canfield, Ohio. They have had three children--Lewis, who was the first child, died when young; those living are Ella L. and Lua, wife of Willis Holmes, and living in Macomb. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan are members of the Presbyterian church, of which organization he has been an elder. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. His home is on North Campbell street, in Hayes' addition, where he is comfortably situated.
The popular grocer, W. F. Wells, established his present business in March, 1882, and carries a fine, clean stock.
Among the prominent merchants of Macomb, is W. F. Wells, who is engaged in the grocery business. He is a native of the state of Illinois, and was born in Brooklyn, Schuyler county, on the 22d day of November, 1850, being the son of G. M. and Louisa (Foss) Wells, who removed to McDonough county, in 1856, and settled in Macomb, where W. F., was educated in the public schools, and afterward engaged in mercantile life. In 1872, he became associated in business with his brothers, Edward L. and George P., and, under the firm name of Wells Bros., engaged in the hardware trade. This partnership continued until December, 1881, when Wheeler F., retired from the firm, and, in March of the following year, established the grocery business in which he is now engaged. He has gained a wide reputation for honesty and fair dealing, and, being endowed with a natural ability for mercantile pursuits, has been eminently successful. In the fall of 1870, Wheeler F. Wells and Ella R. Dodds, a daughter of Samuel Dodds, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. As a result of this union, there has been one child born to them--Annie. Mr. Wells is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges of the city of Macomb.
W. G. McClellan & Bro., are dealers in groceries, crockery, glassware, etc., on the west side of the square. This business was established by W. G. McClellan, in 1880, a few doors south of their present location. In March, 1883, he removed to the building now occupied by them, and in March, 1884, the present firm was formed. Their salesroom is 22x90 feet in area, and in addition they have a wareroom 8x70 feet in size. They carry a stock valued at $3,500.
Maury & Stoffer, dealers in groceries, etc., are located on the north side of the square, in the Bailey block. This firm commenced business in March, 1883, on the east side under the Miller house, buying out Frost & Maury, who had succeeded Charles Mustain. The latter had purchased it of Simpson & Lipe. In October, 1883, they removed to their present location. Their salesroom is 20x85 feet in size, and they carry stock to the amount of $2,000.
T. B. Maury, a son of one of the pioneers of McDonough county, came to the county in 1837. He was then only a boy of 15, as he was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, November 12, 1822. His parents were Abraham and Nancy B. (Bell) Maury, both native Virginians. They came to Illinois in 1834, and three years later settled in Macomb, where the former died in 1838, and the latter in 1875. They were the parents of six children, four of whom survived them--T. B.; Willia G., the widow of W. S. Stepp; Mary, now the wife of J. P. McCandless, and John W. T. B. Maury upon coming to Macomb, entered a store as a clerk and chore boy. In 1848, he established himself in the boot and show business, but one year later changed to the drug line, thus becoming the first exclusive drug merchant in Macomb. In 1857, he changed his business to that of grocer, but, in 1860, again established himself in the drug line. In 1862, Mr. Maury enlisted in the service of his country, and served as hospital steward of the 84th Illinois infantry for one year, when he was discharged on account of physical disability. Returning to Macomb, he served as constable, deputy sheriff, and as a deputy in other county offices, at different times, until 1869, when he received the appointment of postmaster, and served in that capacity for upwards of eight years, giving entire satisfaction. He then established his present grocery business, and has met with deserved success. Politically, Mr. Maury is a republican, and is a member in good standing of the Grand Army of the Republic, and of the Royal Arch Masons. He was united in marriage, in 1846, with Rachel Hampton, a daughter of V. C. Hampton. They have had seven children born to them, four of whom are now living--Elizabeth, now the wife of George Baker; Willia B., now the wife of Oscar Gash; Samantha, now the wife of Wadsworth Stoffer, and Millard F.
The grocery establishment now controlled by George W. Pace & Son, was established in 1865, by J. T. and Robert Adcock, on the corner of Randolph and East Jackson streets. Shortly after its inception, J. T. Adcock became sole proprietor, a position which he held, with the exception of a short time when James Shannon was associated with him, until September 1, 1884, when George W. Pace, and his son, Henry, succeeded him, under the above firm name and style. They carry a good stock and do a fair business on a basis of square and honest dealing.
William I. Pace, deceased, was a pioneer of this county, having came here in 1830, when the country contained but few settlements. He was a native Kentuckian, and by occupation a farmer. In 1830, he was married to Sally J. Vawter, and coming to Illinois, first settled in Chalmers township in the place now known as the Robert Venard farm, but in the spring of 1835, moved to Scotland township, on the farm now owned and occupied by A. J. Pace. There in 1850, Mrs. Pace died, leaving eight children--Ingram A., since deceased; Thomas J., now a resident of Chalmers township; Susan E., wife of W. H. Dawson, of Macomb; George W., of Macomb; Permelia J., wife of George W. Porter, of Chalmers township; Andrew J., residing on the homestead; Anna, wife of J. T. Adcock, and Amanda, wife of Henry Smith. In 1851, at Gettysbug, Pennsylvania, Mr. Pace was married to Mrs. Esther Doubler, formerly Adair, and afterwards they resided in Scotland township, which was their home until the death of both in 1855. They had one daughter--Fannie Bell, now the wife of Dewitt Roberts, principal of Grant street high school, Denver, Colorado; Mr. Pace took an active interest in political matters, and for a number of years was assessor of McDonough county. He was captain of a military company and went to Nauvoo to arrest John Smith. During the years of 1833-34 and 35, he was engaged in selling the Seth Thomas clocks, and was favorably known throughout the county.
George W. Pace, one of his sons, was born in Chalmers township May 13, 1835, and made the farm his home until 19 years old, when he was engaged as clerk in the postoffice for five years. He then resumed farming, and continued two years when he came to Macomb and entered the store of O. F. Piper, as clerk, and has since been engaged in mercantile business, either as clerk or proprietor. He was at one time engaged in partnership with A. P. Wetherhold, and again in the grocery trade with J. E. Lane. In September, 1884, with his son Henry, he engaged in his present business. September 5, 1860, he was married to Sallie J. Sweeney, they have had four children--Henry, James M., principal of schools in Secor, Illinois; Lizzie and Hattie. Mr. Pace is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Universalist church.
George Adcock, dealer in groceries and mears, commenced this business in May, 1884, purchasing of David Scott, who had operated this business for two or three years. The stock is valued at about $1,500, and the store is 20x114. The building was erected in 1875, by David Scott, who first occupied it with a stock of furniture. In a couple of years he closed this out to John McElrath, who removed the stock to another building. It was then occupied by Farmer& Ross, as a boot and shoe store, and afterwards by Mr. Scott as grocery store.
John and Thomas McElrath opened the first furniture and cabinet making establishment in Macomb in 1843. It is told of them that in 1849, John Anderson wanted a dozen chairs, and as lumber of the right kind was scarce, McElrath and Brother went out with a team, cut down a cottonwood tree, and from that, split out the chair bottoms, and had the chairs ready for use in the hotel when court convened. Some of these chairs are in existence yet. The firm continued until the death of Thomas McElrath, since which time it has been continued by John McElrath, and to-day is one of the institutions of the city.
M. T. Winslow, the leading merchant in the furniture business, commenced in May, 1882, purchasing the stand and stock of B. F. Martin & Son, the pioneer furniture dealers. He has large warerooms in the opera house block, and carries an immense stock of all goods in his line, from common stock to high art goods.
M. T. Winslow, one of Macomb's prominent and enterprising citizens, came to the county in February, 1856. He is a native of Jefferson county, New York, and was born on the 7th day of August, 1824. He received a fine education, and subsequently studied medicine, taking a course of study at the Geneva medical college, and followed this profession for some six years. In 1849, he was married to Sarah M. Blount, and in 1855, they removed to Qunicy, Illinois, where Mrs. Winslow died in February, 1856, leaving two children, one of whom, M. Rosa, is still living. Immediately after the death of his wife, Mr. Winslow removed to Macomb, and entered the employ of McCoy, Randolph & Blount, bankers, and, at the expiration of a year, purchased an interest in the bank, the firm name then being changed to Randolph & Co. This company subsequently purchased stock of a bank in Nebraska, but, in 1858, closed their bank business, on account of the crash of the previous year. As his health at that time would not permit Mr. Winslow to engage in business for himself, he accepted the position of book-keeper with a hardware firm. In January, 1864, Thomas M. Jordan established a bank in Macomb, and Mr. Winslow conducted the business for him for some four years, when, in company with Leonard Holland, he purchased the business. Two years later he sold his interest to his partner, Mr. Holland, but continued in the bank for some time after. In 1871, Mr. Winslow succeeded in forming a stock company, with $60,000 capital, obtained a charter, and organized the Union National bank. He served as book-keeper and teller in that bank until January 1, 1876, when he accepted the position of cashier, of the savings department of the First National bank, and served in that capacity until May, 1882, when he purchased the furniture business of B. F. Martin & Son, which he still owns and conducts, and has the principal trade in that line in the county. Mr. Winslow's past business experience has proven him to be an excellent manager. He affiliates with the republican party, and has served the people as city treasurer, as a member of the city council, and of the board of education, in each of which positions he have entire satisfaction to both democrats and republicans. From his youth up to the present time he has been a faithful member of the Baptist church. M. T. Winslow and Sarah A. Wolverton were united in marriage in 1859, and six children have been born to them, four of whom are now living--J. Edward, Sarah Eliza, Ivy Dell and Walter M.
B. F. Martin & Son, the representatives of the undertaking business, are located on West Jackson street. They were engaged in the furniture business from 1861 or '62, until May 1882, when they sold out to M. T. Winslow, and followed the branch of it as above. W. E. Martin, the junior partner, was the late mayor of Macomb. Prior to the formation of the present firm, B. F. Martin was engaged in the furniture business, being the first in that line in the city.
B. F. Martin, one of Macomb's prominent citizens, was born in 1814, near Georgetown, Kentucky, at which point he learned the show-making trade, at which he worked up to the time of his coming to Macomb, in 1834. He then discontinued his trade, and worked at carpenter and cabinet work, subsequently becoming the first furniture dealer in Macomb, which business he has continued up to the present time. In 1861, he formed a partnership with his son, William E., under the firm name of B. F. Martin & Son, which partnership continued until May, 1882. In politics, Mr. Martin is a republican, and has served as mayor, and as a member of the city council, but, personally, he has no admiration for official position. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have been the parents of nine children, five of whom are yet living – William E., the partner of his father; Amanda E., now the wife of W. J. VanHoesen; John B.; Ida, now the wife of J. B. Blazer; and Minnie. Thomas J. Martin, the third child, died at the age of 35 years. Edgar, the next to the youngest child, died at the age of 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are members of the Christian church. He is a charter member of said church, organized in 1845; was selected as one of the elders at that time.
W. E. Martin, late mayor of Macomb, is a son of B. F. and Margaret A. (Head) Martin, and was born February 3, 1842, in Macomb, where he received his education. At the age of 17 years, he commenced mercantile life as a clerk in a grocery store, and served in that capacity two years in Macomb. At the time of the breaking out of the war, he was at Marseilles, this state, and went to Springfield, with the intention of enlisting in the 16th regiment, but they had not arrived yet from home. He then returned to his home, and his mother prevailed on him to wait until the next call for troops, but, as he soon afterwards, on the 21st of May, 1861, engaged in the furniture business, he did not enlist. Two of his brothers, John B. and T. J. Martin, however, were doing service for their country. W. E. continued in the furniture business, under the firm name of B. F. Martin & Son, until the month of May, 1882, when the firm sold out to M. T. Winslow. Since that date, Mr. Martin has been carrying on the undertaking business. In politics, he is a republican, and has served as a member of the city council two terms, and was the late mayor of Macomb. W. E. Martin and Albertine Hovey, a native of Urbana, Ohio, were united in marriage at Urbana, Ohio, the 5th of April, 1866. They have had five children born to them, four of whom are still living – Charles, Samuel, William, and Edward. Ever since reaching his majority, Mr. Martin has been an honored member of the I. O. O. F., and is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has met with deserved success in the different lines of business with which he has been associated, and, as an executive officer, has met with the approval of the citizens of Macomb.
The lumber firm of Blount Bros. is composed of J. W. and Asher Blount. In 1864, J. W. purchased the interest of Joseph Anderson, in the lumber firm of Anderson Bros., and under the firm name of Anderson & Blount, continued for two years. In 1866, Asher Blount purchased the interest of James Anderson, and the firm became Blount Bros., and continued until 1875, when J. W. retired from the firm, but in January, 1882, again came into it, and the old firm name was restored.
J. W. Blount, one of Macomb’s substantial citizens, and a resident of Illinois since 1844, was born in Ellisburg, New York, July 12, 1821, his parents being Ambrose and Betsy (Wood) Blount, both of whom were natives of the New England states, and who had four children born to them before removing to New York. J. W. Blount resided with his parents, assisting them in tilling the soil, and taught school, until he reached his 22d year, when he removed to Quincy, Illinois, there commencing mercantile life as a clerk. In April, 1847, Rebecca S. Randolph, of Macomb, a daughter of Benjamin Randolph, became his wife. They have been the parents of six children, five of whom are yet living – Ivy E., now the wife of John S. Provine; Ida L., now the wife of Frank J. Blount; Junia A., wife of George Kerman; Ambrose B. and Nellie R. B. In 1848, Mr. Blount removed to Macomb, and followed merchandising about one year, then returning to Quincy, where he again entered the employ of S. & W. B. Thayer. He remained with this firm 12 years with the exception of three intervals, when he came to Macomb on account of his health. In 1856, he became a permanent resident of McDonough county, and from 1857 to 1864, followed agricultural pursuits. In 1864, he succeeded Joseph Anderson, of the firm of Anderson Bros., lumber merchants, thus becoming half owner in the business. In 1866, Asher Blount succeeded James Anderson in the firm, the firm name then being changed to Blount Brothers, which partnership continued until January 1, 1875, when on account of ill health, J. W. Blount retired from the firm, and engaged in the hardware business. January 1, 1882, he sold his hardware interests and again became the partner of his brother in the lumber trade. Politically, Mr. Blount is a republican, being formerly a whig. He has been a member of the city council, as also of the school board, having served as president of the board for two years. Ever since 1847, the I. O. O. F. has claimed him as an honored member.
Asher Blount, of the firm of Blount Bros., lumber merchants, was born in Jefferson county, New York, May 27, 1819. He came to Macomb in 1866, and engaged in the lumber business with his brother, J. W., as noted above. Previous to coming to Macomb, he had been engaged in agricultural pursuits and blacksmithing. In 1848, he was married to Roxanna Miles, who died in 1860, leaving three children – Mary, now Mrs. J. W. Hosman, Frank J. and Fred P. In 1868, Mr. Blount returned to New York, where he married his present wife, Cynthia S. Barney. They have two children – Harry and Myra. In politics, he is a republican, but, previous to the organization of that party, he affiliated with the democrats.
The lumber yard of J. S. Gamage originated with that gentleman in 1879. It is located on West Jefferson street. He carries about $5,000 worth of stock, and does a fair business.
The leading dealers in agricultural implements, who devote their attention to that line of trade exclusively, are Isaac Van Hoesen, and Sylvester & Morrison.
The farmer’s agricultural implement house of W. J. VanHoesen, was erected by VanHosen & Son, in 1867. It is a large warehouse, 24x108; located on the corner of Randolph and Calhoun streets. The present proprietor, W. J., the Son, of the former firm, handles a large line of agricultural machinery, among which may be found the Plano self-binder, threshing machines, etc. For a long time he made a specialty of handling the McCormick goods. Their sales will average under favorable circumstances, about $40,000 per annum.
Isaac W. VanHoesen, who is well known throughout this county, came here May 2, 1856, from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, driving through with a team. He is a native of New York, born at Kinderhook, Columbia county, October 1, 1804. He was brought up to manufacturing business, his father before him having been employed in that line of trade. From New York he removed to Ohio, and remained one year, then came directly to this county as before stated, settling at Macomb. His first employment here was work in the clerk’s office, under Isaac Grantham. He then engaged in selling the McCormick machinery under the general agent for three years. In 1862, being familiar with the business, and a good salesman, he made a contract with the company, and secured the general agency for this county, and some other territory adjoining. He was successful in the business, and thus continued until October 1, 1870. From that time until September, 1882, he was the local agent at Macomb, for the same company. In 1882, he sold out the business to C. R. Sylvester, and has since been living mostly a retired life, not being actively engaged in any business. He was married May 31, 1828, to Jane Cornell a native of New York. By that union there were five children, three girls and two boys, all of whom are still living – Gertrude living at home, Margaret, who was married to Allen Miller, deceased, now the wife of T. J. Price, living at Macomb; Emily living at home; W. J., married, and living in Macomb; and Isaac N., married to Ritta Bagby, and living in Lawrence, Kansas. His wife died June 10,1874.
W. J. Van Hoesen, the fourth child of Isaac and Jane (Cornell) Van Hoesen, was born in Kinderhook, New York, August 12, 1840. He came west with his parents, and engaged in business at Macomb. He was educated in the common schools of his native state, and always made his home with his parents until his marriage January 5, 1863, to Amanda E. Martin, daughter of B. F. Martin, of Macomb. They have had seven children, six of whom are now living – Willie, now in Des Moines, Iowa; Gertie, Nellie, Harry, at home; Jennie and Margie. Politically, Mr. Van Hoesen does not follow in the footsteps of his father, but is a democrat. He is now engaged in the agricultural implement and farm machinery business, at Macomb.
Sylvester & Morrison, dealers in agricultural machinery, are a new firm located on the south side of the square. The partnership was formed in 1885, and opened February 1, 1885, at this point for business. They carry a full line of agricultural implements and machinery, and have the exclusive agency for McCormick’s harvesting machinery, and for the Springfield, Ohio, engines and threshers. They are agents for the Weir, Furst & Bradley and Buford plows. The store room they occupy is one of the best in the city, having been built for a dry goods establishment.
Charles R. Sylvester came to this county in 1872, from Louisiana. He was born August 23, 1834, in the state of Maine. His father was a mechanic, and Sylvester, possessing natural aptitude in that direction, acquired in his youth considerable skill at that occupation. He remained in his native state until 22 years of age, then went to Minnesota, there engaging in various occupations from 1856 till 1870. Three years of that time, however, were spent in the army. He enlisted in 1862, in company I, of the 7th Minnesota infantry. Among the engagements in which he participated were, Nashville, siege of Vicksburg, and many others. From Minnesota, he went to Louisiana where he was engaged in building a sugar house. He remained in that state only a short time, coming then, as before stated, to this county. He followed carpentry, principally, for some time after coming here, then engaged in the agricultural implement trade, which he now follows. Mr. Sylvester was united in marriage, in October, 1863, with Rachel R. Elliott, a native of Maine. Mr. Sylvester’s parents died in Maine, his father in 1846, and his mother in 1842. He is a member of the G. A. R., and politically, a democrat.
Levi Morrison, one of the businessmen of Macomb, is a native of York county, Pennsylvania, born July 9, 1850. In 1866, he left his native state and came to Schuyler county, Illinois, remaining near Astoria six months; he then came to this county and settled in Scotland township, on a farm in section 4. In 1873, he left the homestead, went to Oregon and settled in Marion county, where he remained till 1880, engaged principally in farming. He sold out there and came to Scotland township, this county, and made that his home until 1884, when he formed a partnership with Charles Sylvester, in the farm machinery and implement business. During the summer of that year he moved to his present home in the city of Macomb. His parents are now residents of Kansas. Mr. Morrison was married to Elmira Taney, of Carroll county, Maryland, March 23, 1873. They have four children – Anna C., Andrew M., Bettie M. and Almira A.
George Gadd, a popular grocery and restaurant man, has his establishment on the west side of the square. This place of business was established by Peter Hesh and Gabriel Gesler, in 1875. In 1878, it was purchased by Mr. Gadd, of John Gessler, into whose hands it had come. The room occupied is 20x120 feet in size, and the stock is valued at about $3,000.
William Palmer, who keeps the restaurant on the southwest corner of the square, commenced business March 6, 1885.
The city bakery of Tuggle& Gilfrey, is located on North Randolph street, in a building 20x70 feet in size. The present firm are the successors of Henry Beckhaus, and they have an investment of about $1,400.
The restaurant now run by W. B. Lane was established in 1873, by that gentleman and Garry Adcock. In about six months Mr. Lane purchased the interest of his partner and continued the business in the same place, on the east side of the square. He carries a complete stock of confectionery, oysters, tobacco, etc., to the value of nearly, if not quite, $1,000.
The restaurant and bakery in the opera house block, is operated by J. Gesler & Co., who, as the successors of Twyman & Johnson, commenced business on the 27th of January, 1885. This place was established by A. P. Swanson, in the fall of 1872. The room they occupy is 20x70 feet in floor area, and they carry a stock of about $1,500.
James Gesler, proprietor of a restaurant in Macomb, is a son of David and Margaret (Griesheimer) Gesler, and a native of Chillicothe, Ohio, born November 26, 1854. The following year, David Gesler removed, with his family, to Macomb, McDonough county, Illinois. He was, by trade, a tinner, which occupation he followed after coming here, and in which he is still engaged, in the city of Macomb. James Gesler was reared and educated in this city, and in 1873, entered the bakery of Tuggle & Gilfrey, as clerk, and continued in the same business 11 years. January 27, 1885, he purchased his present business. Mr. Gesler was married May 18, 1882, to Laura E. Wolf, a daughter of Henry Wolf. Their residence is upon North Lafayette street. Mr. Gesler thoroughly understands his business, having had years of experience, and being naturally a genial and accommodating gentleman, is well calculated for the trade of restaurateur. He is well known in this city and county, having spent nearly all his life here, and numerous are his friends and acquaintances, who can testify to the toothsomeness of his viands, and the excellence of his menu.
Among the leading representatives of the millinery business of Macomb, is Mrs. M. F. Jacobs, who established her business on East Jackson street, in 1858. She afterwards removed to the east side of the square, and to her present location, on the north side, July 10, 1872, in Bailey’s block. The room she occupies is 14x80 feet in size, and the well selected stock she carries will invoice from $1,500 to $2,000.
Mrs. M. A. White established the business of millinery and dressmaking, on the north side of the square, in the spring of 1869. She removed to her present location, on the east side, in 1873. The salesroom is 20x80 feet in size, and the stock will invoice about $1,500.
In the spring of 1857, Mrs. A. Cary established the business of millinery and dressmaking, on the north side of the square, and in the following year moved to her present location, on Randolph street, a few doors south of the square.
Mrs. S. A. Askew commenced the business of millinery and dressmaking, in August, 1878, on the south side of the square, as the successor of Mrs. Good, who established the business. She moved to her present location, on the northeast corner of the square, in September, 1881. She carries a stock of millinery, fancy articles, etc., that will invoice in the neighborhood of $2,000.
Mrs. L. C. Donaldson, since 1877, has been a dealer in dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, glass and tinware, at the store where she now is. Her store is well supplied, and she is doing a large business.
Gary W. Adcock first entered into the meat market business in September, 1878, in partnership with his brother, Z. T., on the east side of the square. In December, 1882, they removed to the present location, and on the 10th of December, 1883, Gary purchased the interest of his brother, and has run it alone, since. His salesroom is 20x70 feet in size.
The meat market on North Randolph street has been run by J. R. Hubbard ever since July 18, 1882, he succeeding the firm of Davis & Hubbard, until early in March, 1885, when he died.
D. S. Hampton, who runs the feed store on the south side of the square, in the building owned by the Cottrell estate, commenced business in March, 1879, in the building now occupied by Rost & Stinson. He removed to his present location in November, 1883. His room is 20x80 feet in size.
E. P. Dawson, cigar manufacturer, commenced business in 1865, on the west side of the square. He was the successor of a man by the name of Shufort, from Quincy, who, a week before, had purchased the same of F. M. Schaffer, who had established the first factory of this kind in Macomb. The present location of this place of business is on North Randolph street, in the McDonough building, where they have convenient quarters. S. B. Dawson is the manager.
Thomas Smithers, the leading barber of the town, engaged in the business some time since.
William T. Smithers, son of Thomas T. and Sarah E. (Gunter) Smithers, was born in Rushville, Illinois, May 28, 1851, but has been a resident of McDonough county since childhood. After he had attained the age of 14 years, he commenced the barber’s trade, and has ever since followed the same. In 1871, he was united in marriage with Hannah Usher, a daughter of George Usher, of Colchester. They have had four children born to them, two of whom are now living – Maurice and George. The entire family have always adhered to democratic principles, politically, and those living and entitled to the right of suffrage, vote the democratic ticket.
Thomas Smithers, now deceased, was a native Kentuckian, being the son of Thomas Smithers. In 1833, the family removed to Illinois, and settled in McDonough county, engaging in farming. His mother afterward died here, and his father continued to reside in the county, with the exception of a few years spent in Rushville, until his death which occurred in 1865. There were eight children born to them, seven of whom are yet living – John B., of Macomb; Mary J., the wife of Jefferson Pennington; Susan, the wife of Benjamin Vail; Robert, of Galesburg; James, Joseph, and Thomas T. Thomas Smithers, Sr., was a soldier of both Mexican and Black Hawk wars.
Thomas T. Smithers, Jr., learned the cooper’s trade after arriving at a suitable age. In 1850, at Rushville, Illinois, he was united in marriage with Sarah E. Gunter, and now resides in the city of Macomb. He enlisted in company D, 28th Illinois infantry, and, after serving one year was honorably discharged. He is at present engaged in making mortar for mason work; in fact, be has mixed the mortar for nearly every brick structure in Macomb. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Smithers were the parents of 13 children, six of whom are now living – William T., Joseph, Susan, wife of George Upton; Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Frank Hohenadel; Charles B., and Edwin.
W. J Wolf, barber, commenced business on the 6th of February, 1879, at his present location on the south side of the square. He operates three chairs.
C. Hall, another knight of the razor, commenced business on the west side of the square, in January, 1883, as successor of Leach & Hall. He runs one chair.
Leach & O’Neal are among the barbers of Macomb, and as a firm, commenced operations in March, 1884, as successors to Trip O’Neal, in the second story over W. M. Lipe’s store. They have two chairs.
A. J. Thomas was the pioneer photographer of Macomb, locating there in 1849. He afterwards formed a co-partnership with Pearson, who sold out to S. B. Danley, who is at present following the same line of business. Mr. Danley came into possession of this place in August, 1863, and is, therefore, one of the oldest photographers now in business in the city.
S. P. Danley, the subject of this sketch was horn in Miami county, Ohio, December 19, 1834. His father, Thomas Danley, was born in the state of Vermont, but his mother was a native of Ohio. Thomas Danley was by trade a carpenter, which occupation he followed in Ohio, until 1853, then removed his family to Illinois, and settled in McDonough county, and was here engaged in farming until his death, which took place in the fall of 1872. Mrs. Danley survived her husband several years. Of the twelve children born to Mr. and Mrs. Danley, seven are now living – Elizabeth, now the wife of Leonard Odenweller; William; Lucy, now the wife of Wesley Jones, resides in Kansas; S. P., Van M., Robert; and Mary, wife of D. K. Miller. S. P. Danley, learned his trade of wagon maker, and followed the same at Macomb until 1861. He then enlisted in company A, 16th Illinois infantry, and served as musician nine months, when he was discharged on account of physical disability caused by injuries received in a railroad accident. Returning to Macomb, he, in August, 1863, engaged in the photograph business and is now the oldest photographer in Macomb. Mr. Danley has been twice married. In 1861, to Emma Fox; she died in 1862, leaving one child which died in infancy. In 1863, Mr. Danley was married to Amanda Duncan, daughter of William and Amanda Duncan. By this union seven children have been born – Mary A., Catherine B., Lucy, Lamote, Harry, Rolla and Nellie. Mr. Danley is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R.
Thomas Philpot located in Macomb in August, 1863, and opened a gallery for the taking of photographs, ambrotypes, etc., and has been continually in that line of business, in this place, with the exception of about three months when he was located in Galesburg. He is one of the oldest in this line in the county.
The Patterson Brothers established a photograph gallery in Macomb, in June, 1881, and ran it very successfully until in 1885, when Edgar Patterson became sole proprietor. The gallery is handsomely fitted up, and Mr. Patterson excels in this art. A sketch of Mr. Patterson appears later on, in connection with a mention of his father.
H. W. Gates established a photograph gallery in August, 1884.
The business of livery stable keeping has three able representatives, Winslow H. Taylor, A. Monger and A. D. Tobin.
The livery stable now occupied by Winslow H. Taylor, originated with Silas French, who built the barn, which is located on Randolph street just south of the old Randolph house. Mr. Taylor purchased the business in 1880, and has continued in that line ever since. He has about 15 head of horses, and all necessary buggies, carriages and other appurtenances, and has a large patronage. The barn is of frame, 50x120 feet, besides sheds, etc. Mr. Taylor owns a beautiful hearse and does the principal business in providing for funerals.
The brick livery barn on east Jackson, now occupied by A. Tobin, was erected in the year 1869, by Alexander V. Brooking. In 1871, he built the back part and added one story to the older portion. He ran this place for some 16 years, when he sold out to A. Monger, but in a short time bought it back. He afterwards sold it to Robert Thomas who, in turn disposed of it to the present proprietor, A. Tobin, April 22, 1884. It cost about $4,000, and is one of the old standbys in this line. Mr. Tobin keeps about eight horses and all the necessary equipment. He does a fair business.
A. D. Tobin, the gentlemanly proprietor of the above mentioned livery stable, is comparatively a new settler in this county, having only been here since April 1, 1884. He is a native of Missouri, and was born December 23, 1857, his parents being Alfred and Mary (Leath) Tobin. His early life was spent on a farm, and his education received in the common schools. He remained on the old homestead until 23 years of age, then remained in that county three years before coming here. His father died when he was but four years old. His mother is still living in Page county, Iowa. He engaged here in the livery business, has a good stable, and a fair trade. When 22 years old he was married to Alice E. Roberts, a native of New York state. Her parents live in Missouri. They have had one child which died when about three months old. Politically, Mr. Tobin is a republican.
Monger’s livery stable is located on west Jackson street near the square. This stable was established by William Dodds. He disposed of it to Benjamin Murphy, who, however, ran it only about six months, selling it December 6, 1884, to A. Monger, who has run it ever since. He keeps about 14 horses and good equipments generally.
A. Monger, proprietor of one of the leading livery stables of Macomb, came to this county in 1854, from Clinton county, Ohio. He is a native of that state, and was born January 17, 1832. He was brought up on a farm, and his time was for many years occupied with the business incident to agricultural life. Upon his arrival in this county, be settled in Sciota township, where he purchased 160 acres of unimproved land, and proceeded to make a farm. He there lived until 1870, when he moved to the village of Good Hope, and engaged in the livery business. The place being too small to furnish the amount of business desired, he traded the property towards the purchase of a stable and stock in Macomb, where he is now engaged in the business. He has been twice married, first to Emeline Hudson in 1853. By that union there were three children, none of whom are living. The first wife died in 1864. He was married, the second time, in 1866, to Ruth A. Hudson. By this marriage there are three children – Cora Dell, now married to Charles McNalley; Ira and Lucinda N., living at home. Mr. Monger is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; politically, he is a democrat.
Turner’s feed and sale stable was established by D. Turner. He built the barn, and moved into it December 1, 1882, but has since built several additions, until it is now 60x110 feet in size, and is fitted up with accommodations for 225 horses. This is the headquarters for the horse buyers of this section. Last year there was sold from it 24 car loads, besides many in small lots. The barn is located on South Lafayette street, near the square.
In the line of shoemaking, Joseph Durr has been the longest in trade in Macomb. He is a native of Ohio, who came to Macomb in 1846, when but 15 years of age. Here he learned the trade of shoemaker, which he has nearly ever since followed.
Patrick O’Meara, shoemaker and general repairer of foot gear, has been established in business here since 1881, on the west side of the square.
Patrick O’Meara was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1817, and is a son of Patrick and Fannie O’Meara. He left his native county in 1847, and came to America, landing in New York city, where he remained about a year. From that city he went to Springfield, Massachusetts, thence to Chicago, Illinois, thence to Canton, coming to Macomb in 1853. He learned the shoemaker’s trade in Ireland, serving an apprenticeship of seven years, and after coming to Macomb, engaged in that business, which he has followed since that time. He is a good workman and thoroughly understands his business. He had a family of six children – Carroll T., now in business in Chicago, Illinois; Michael J., now in Winfield, Kansas, where he is engaged in the boot and shoe business; William, deceased; William P., who is now engaged in clerking in the dry goods store of George Bailey, at Macomb; Fannie E., at home, and Mary E. deceased. All of these children have enjoyed the advantages for obtaining a liberal education and are intelligent and useful members of society.
David Knapp commenced the business of shoemaking, in Macomb, in 1868.
David Knapp, secretary of the Macomb Calendar Clock company, came to this city in March, 1866. He first came to the county in 1856, and settled at Prairie City, where he engaged in work at the trade of boot and shoe making. At that place he made the first pair of boots ever there manufactured. Subsequently he moved back to Fulton county from whence he came, and remained until 1866. He is a native of Ohio, and was born July 16, 1833. He was brought up to the trade of shoemaker, making his first pair of shoes when but 11 years old. The family moved from Ohio to Logan county, Illinois, in the fall of 1844, where for one year his father managed a farm then engaged in business in a shoe shop. The subject of this sketch worked with him, and in 1851, moved to Canton, and worked at his trade until coming here. His mother died in Ohio and his father in Canton, Illinois. Mr. Knapp, when he come here worked at his trade for 18 months, then opened a shop of his own, and has since continued the trade, except when engaged in the clock factory. He was first married in 1860, to Harriet E. Bidamon, a native of Illinois. By that union were two children, one of whom is now living, Sarah E. His first wife died in August, 1865. He was again married in September, 1872, to Mary Jane Sosman. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. and of the M. E. church. Politically, he is, and always has been, a republican.
Ingram & Sons, the oldest firm now in Macomb in the painting line, are located on north Lafayette street. The establishment was founded by B. D. Ingram, and the present shop was built in 1866. They do a full line of house, sign and ornamental painting, graining, paper hanging, calsomining and decorating.
B. D. Ingram came to this county from New Albany, Indiana, in March, 1856. He is a native of that state, born in Floyd county, October 5, 1830. His youth was spent mostly upon a farm. His mother died when he was only two years old. His father’s death occurred in 1876, in Indiana. The subject of this sketch, when 17 years of age, went to Waterloo, Iowa, where he was engaged for five years at the painter's trade. He then returned to Indiana, and remained until the date of his coming here. After coming to Macomb, he engaged in painting, paper hanging, etc. He has continued in that business until the present time, with the exception of three years, which he spent upon a farm in Hancock county, Illinois. He subsequently sold his farm, and returned to Macomb. He has been twice married – first, December 5, 1855, to Sarah J. Argenbright, a native of Harrison county, Indiana, who died May 28, 1872. He had, by this union, seven children, five of whom are now living – Alice, Charles B., Eddie S., Nellie M. and Frank C. Mr. Ingram was again married December 3, 1874, to Lucia A. Osmer, a native of New York. By this marriage there is one child – Ruth C. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has been, politically, a republican, but now supports the prohibition party. He voted that ticket at the election of 1884, and is a staunch advocate of the cause of temperance. Mr. Ingram’s sons are engaged with him in the business of painting, calsomining, graining, paper hanging, etc.
W. L. and James L. Gribble, under the firm name of Gribble Bros., are among the leading sign writers and carriage painters of this section. They are able artists, and have their shop over the factory of their father, J. L Gribble, for whom they do the carriage and buggy painting.
J. L Hoskinson is conducting a harness-making and saddlery establishment, on the south side of the public square. This institute originated with A. E. Hoskinson, in 1852, and was conducted by him until 1877, when he was succeeded by his brother, the present proprietor.
J. L. Hoskinson has been a resident of the state of Illinois since 1844. He is a native of Monongalia county, West Virginia, and was born February 24, 1819, his parents being Charles L., and Mary (Lantz) Hoskinson, who were the parents of five children, three sons and two daughters. Three of the children removed to Illinois – J. L., Elizabeth, deceased, and A. E., also deceased. When J. L. was about eight years old, the family moved to Shelbyville, Indiana, where, in 1828, the father died. The mother subsequently, was married to Whitfield Chandler, in Greene county, Pennsylvania. Both are now dead. When J. L. was about 16 years old, he went to Martinsville, Indiana, and served an apprenticeship at the harness and saddlery trade, and remained until he had reached his majority. He then worked at his trade in the state of Pennsylvania until 1844, when he came to Illinois and located at Rushville where he was engaged in the harness business until 1877, when he came to Macomb, and succeeded his brother in business, where he still continues. He was married July 10, 1842, to Edith Edwards, at Mt. Morris, Greene county, Penn. They have had eight children, five of whom are now living – Helen M., wife of G. A. Wilson, M. D., of Peoria, Illinois; William O., who during the civil war, enlisted in the 10th Missouri regiment, served 19 months and was honorably discharged. He subsequently enlisted in the 16th Illinois, and served until the close of the war, and then enlisted in the regular army; Thomas J., George M., who resides in Macomb; Charles E., also a resident of that place.
F. J. Hoffman, who is engaged in the business of harness making, established his present business in 1861, on the east side of the square, and moved to his present location in about 1876. He occupies a room 22x60 feet in size and carries about $4,000 worth of stock.
Joseph M. Martin & Son, builders and contractors, on Jefferson street between Lafayette and Randolph, commenced business in 1873, as successor to J. M. Martin, who had established the same in 1849. The shop is 20x40, one story high.
The first account of any banking institution dates from 1856, when William H. Randolph & Co. opened a bank and exchange office in Macomb. They, in an evil hour, took stock to the amount of $20,000 in what afterwards proved to be a wild cat bank of the worst species. The country was flooded with the issues of this bank, though not all being of the series assumed by Messrs. Randolph & Co. The name of this institution was the Nemaha Valley bank, having a large number of stockholders throughout the county. Its plan of doing business was substantially as follows: Its stock was divided into a certain number of shares and sold to parties desiring them, the buyer being entitled to a certain amount of the bills of the bank in proportion to the number of shares held. The bills held by each contributing purchaser constituted a series for which he was only to be held responsible, each redeeming the series assigned to himself. Arrangements were entered into by the holders of the different series to redeem the notes of each other when presented for payment, and sending them in for redemption. This arrangement served to strengthen the confidence of the people in their stability.
This county was also flooded with the notes of the Platte Valley bank, another institution of the same wild cat species. When the crash in 1858 came the notes of these banks were at once presented to the different depositories for redemption. Messrs. Randolph & Co., though having but $20,000, continued to redeem until they had paid out over $25,000, and, then becoming satisfied that they would never be enabled to obtain anything from McCoy, the owner of the Nemaha Valley bank, they were forced to suspend. The loss to the firm of Randolph & Co. has been put down at $100,000, and many others in Macomb suffered from the effects of the collapse.
There being now no bank in the city, in March, 1858, Charles Chandler opened a private banking establishment on the northwest corner of the public square. At this time, it will be remembered, many failures of bankers and other business men were occurring all over the country, yet notwithstanding, the people of the county reposed in him unbounded confidence and trusted him implicitly, depositing with him their means without fear that their trust would be betrayed. Hard times continued until the second year of the war. In 1861 the country was drained of its silver as well as of its gold, and sufficient change for the transaction of business could not be obtained. At this juncture Mr. Chandler issued several thousand dollars of “scrip,” of the denomination of five, ten, twenty-five and fifty cents each, which were readily received by the people everywhere, and we doubt not that today there is a small quantity of this currency scattered throughout the country and held as a souvenir of the war. Mr. Chandler continued this private bank until February 8, 1865, when a charter having been procured, the
was organized, with a capital stock of $50,000, and with the following stockholders: Charles Chandler, Joseph Anderson, Joseph Burton, J. W. McIntosh, C. V. Chandler, A. E. Hoskinson, S. F. Lancey, Henry C. Twyman, J. H. Cummings and J. B. Cummings. The bank was opened for business on the morning of April 17, 1865, with the following officers in charge: Charles Chandler, president; J. H. Cummings, cashier; C. V. Chandler, teller; Joseph Burton, Joseph Anderson, S. F. Lancey, A. E. Hoskinson and Charles Chandler, directors.
The capital stock of this financial institution was increased, February 2, 1871, to $75,000, and October 2, of that year, to $100,000. At that time the officers of the bank were: Charles Chandler, president; J. H. Cummings, cashier; C. V. Chandler, assistant cashier; with the board of directors consisting of Charles Chandler, J. W. McIntosh, S. F. Lancy, D. Runkle, A. E. Hoskinson, J. H. Cummings, and C. S. Cottrell. Mr. Cottrell dying in December, 1876, D. G. Tunnicliff was elected to fill his place in the board of directors, and at the same meeting David Scott was chosen to fill the vacancy made by the retirement of A. E. Hoskinson. In December, 1878, the bank and the community at large met with a severe loss in the death of Charles Chandler. On the 14th of January, 1879, at a meeting of those interested, Charles V. Chandler was duly elected to the office of president and director. This makes the management of the bank in the hands of C. V. Chandler, president; J. H. Cummings, cashier; J. W. McIntosh, H. C. Twyman, J. H. Cummings, C. V. Chandler, L. Stocker, D. Runkle and E. N. Hicks, directors.
The following is the sworn statement of the bank at the close of business on Tuesday, March 10,1885:
Loans and discounts $303,868.37
Overdrafts 11,366.33
U.S. bonds to secure circulation, 4 per cents 100,000.00
U.S. bonds on hand, at par 20,200.00
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 80,192.47
Due from approved reserve agents $45,777.63
Due from other national banks 4,884.28 50,661.91
Other real estate $1,386.28
Furniture and fixtures 8,000 60
Current expenses 2,417.66
Checks, other cash items $7,996 07
Bills of other banks 4,786 60
Fractional paper currency, nickels, pennies, 259 42
Specie, gold coin 18,140.60
Silver coin 8,220.60
Legal tender notes 42,060.60
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 4,500.00
Total $653,944 51LIABILITIES
Capital stock paid in $100,000.00
Surplus fund 112,500.00
Undivided profits 13,989.33
National bank notes outstanding $90,000.00
Less amount on hand 7,200.60 82,800.00
Individual deposits subject to check 212,719.70
Demand certificates of deposit 131,068.87 343,788.07
Due to state banks and bankers 867.11Total $653,944.51
The bank has sometimes much larger lines of deposit than shown above, often exceeding three and four hundred thousand dollars. On July 10, 1882, it was $581,848.47.
C. V Chandler, who is without doubt McDonough county's most prominent and enterprising citizen, was born in the first ward of the city of Macomb, on the 25th day of January, 1843, and is still a resident of the same ward. His education was received partly in Macomb, partly in Danbury, Connecticut, and partly at the Lake Forest academy, Illinois. He was prepared to enter Williams college, in 1862, but, becoming imbued with the spirit of patriotism, he returned to Macomb and enlisted as a private in company I, 78th Illinois volunteer infantry. He only served as a private about nine months, being then promoted to the rank of 2d lieutenant. During the battle of Chickamauga, on the 20th of September, 1863, he was wounded, a rifle ball passing through both thighs, and a few moments later received another wound, the ball passing through one thigh. Mr. Chandler was the last man wounded in his company. He had just taken hold of a small hickory tree, and remarked to the 1st lieutenant, “I guess we are through all right,” when, almost immediately, he was struck. He then caught hold of his limb, and modified his remark, thusly: “I guess we are not.” Mr. Chandler afterwards cut down said tree, and now has a cane made therefrom. After the battle, he obtained a furlough and returned to Macomb, where he nursed the wounds until March 1, 1864, at which time he returned to his regiment, and was much surprised to find that he had been promoted to adjutant, the commission dating from the day he was wounded. But he soon found that the injuries he had received would not permit him to remain in active service, and so, in April, he resigned his commission and returned home. Upon his return, he entered the private banking house of his father, which soon afterwards was changed to the First National bank, and served as teller until the death of his father, December 26, 1878, at which time be became the president of that institution, which position he still retains. He is also the president of the Bardolph Fire Clay works, this being his seventh year as such. He is the largest stockholder of the Macomb Wagon company, and is its present president, and was one of the incorporators of the first pottery works in Macomb. Mr. Chandler is the largest property owner in Macomb, being the builder and owner of the Opera House block, which is known as Chandler’s Block, besides which he has eight other large, brick business buildings located on the square. Like his father before him, Mr. Chandler is an ardent republican. He was appointed city treasurer in 1870, and has held that office continually to the present time. This is the only office he would accept, as his private business is so extensive that it requires his entire attention. He is the present commander of McDonough Post, No. 103, Grand Army of the Republic; is also a Royal Arch Mason, a member of the Knights of Pythias, and also of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. On the 28th day of August, 1866, C. V. Chandler and Clara A. Baker, daughter of Judge J. H. Baker, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. As a result of this union, they have been the parents of six children – Charles J., died in infancy; Clara, Mary, Ralph, George and Isabella. Mr. Chandler’s father and his wife’s father, were both natives of Alstead, New Hampshire, so, when they visit in that section, they find their friends living side by side. Before their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler lived in the same ward.
Jesse Henry Cummings, the cashier of the First National bank of Macomb, is a native of Cecil County, Maryland, and was born December 29, 1834. His parents were James and Rachel (Hall) Cummings, who were natives of the same state and county. The former died in 1837, leaving a widow and six children, aged from three to fourteen years, all of whom reached maturity and were married. Three of them are still living – John B., of Bushnell; J. H., and Sarah, the wife of Joseph Hamilton, and residing in Pennsylvania. About 1838, the mother, with her family, moved to western Pennsylvania, where Jesse H. was educated in the common schools, and lived until he reached his majority. He then, in March 1855, came to Macomb, his brother J. B. having preceded him. Upon his arrival, he first served as clerk in the hardware store of T. J. Beard. In the summer of 1856, he entered the bank of Randolph & Co., and there laid the foundation of his future business life. When that bank closed its doors, Mr. Cummings again clerked in a mercantile store, and in 1861, entered, as clerk, the banking house of Charles Chandler & Co., and thus continued until the bank was changed to the First National, since which time he has been cashier and director. He is a man of excellent business qualifications; is a stockholder and director in the Macomb Tile and Sewer Pipe company; a director, and the treasurer of the Macomb Pottery company; and a director in and treasurer of the Macomb Building association. For 10 years he was a member of the city council and is president of the board of education. He was married November 3, 1857, to Ella Pearson, daughter of Isaac S. Pearson, and the union has been blessed with three children – Harry W., May and Jessie.
Was organized under charter in 1871, with a capital of $60,000. The officers were the following named: W. S. Bailey, president; L. Holland, cashier; M. T. Winslow, teller; N. P. Tinsley, W. S. McNair, C. S. Cottrell, William Wetherhold, L. Holland, W. S. Bailey and J. W. Blount, directors. The bank opened its doors for business on the 1st of October, 1871, and from the start did a fine business. The first statement made by it, under the laws of the United States, governing such institutions, was on the 16th of December, 1871, which was as follows:
Loans and discounts $46,231.77
Overdrafts 1,284.60
United States bonds 60,000.00
Due from agents 17,848.64
Current expenses 847.78
Checks and other cash items 312.52
Bills of other banks 5,863.00
Fractional currency 890.44
Specie 103.00
Legal tenders 18,390.00
Total $146,771.10LIABILITIES
Capital $60,060.00
Undivided profits 1,256.13
Circulating notes 54,000.00
Individual deposits 35,514.97
Total 1146,771.10W. S. Bailey has been the president of the bank ever since its inception, with the exception of during the years 1879 and 1880, when W. E. Odell occupied that position. L. Holland was succeeded in the office of cashier, in July, 1880 by I. N. Pearson, who held that position until January, 1883, when he was succeeded by Albert Eads. The present officers are as follows: W. S. Bailey, president; Albert Eads, cashier; J. D. Hixon, assistant cashier; A. B. Blount, clerk; W. S. Bailey, J. W. Blount, W. E. Odell, I. N. Pearson, G. W. Bailey, M. F. Jacobs and Albert Eads, directors. On the 9th of April, 1878, this bank reduced its capital stock to $50,000, which is the present amount. Notwithstanding that it was the second bank established in Macomb, it has steadily grown in public favor and gained in profitable business, until it is now as strong a financial institution as any in this section of the state of Illinois, as will be seen by its last published statement made of the condition of the bank, at the close of business, March 10, 1885. This is as follows:
Loans and discounts $98,861.54
Overdrafts 1,034 44
U.S. bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00
U. S. bond on hand 5,800.00
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 24,500 00
Due from approved reserve agents 13,180.54
Due from other national banks 245 35
Real estate, furniture and fixtures 1,258.00
Current expenses and taxes paid 1,385 51
Premiums paid
Bills of other banks $5,524.00
Nickels and pennies 297.29
Specie 10,217.00
Silver certificates 2,500.00
Legal tender notes 13,500.00
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer 2,250.00
Total $230,894.74LIABILITIES
Capital stock paid in $50,000.00
Surplus fund 25,126.51
Undivided profits 4,711.30
National bank notes outstanding 43,100.00
Individual deposits subject to check $57,314.49
Demand certificates of deposit 50,642.44 107,956.93
Total $230,894.74Among Macomb’s prominent citizens we will mention Albert Eads, the present cashier of the Union National bank of Macomb, who was born in Knoxville, Illinois, on the 23d day of April, 1842, his parents being John and Margaret (Anderson) Eads. Albert was left motherless when not yet three years of age, and he was then reared in the family of his grandfather, in Morgan county, Illinois, until reaching his 12th year, when he attended school at Knoxville, remaining there until 1859, with his father. For the next year he attended school at East Hampton, Massachusetts. When the civil war broke out, it fired Albert’s patriotic heart, and he enlisted in company C, 51st Illinois infantry. He enlisted as a private, but was immediately chosen as second lieutenant, and, before reaching his 21st birthday, he was promoted first lieutenant and served as such until February, 1865. In February, 1864, he received severe injuries from a fall, and in July, 1864, was detailed as a military conductor, from Nashville, Tennessee, to Huntsville, Alabama. He was taken prisoner during the month of September, 1864, and was exchanged in the November following. In February, 1865, he resigned and then returned to Knoxville, Illinois. During the fall of 1865, he took a course of study at Eastman’s Business college, in New York, and in 1866 and 1867, he was engaged in merchandising at Topeka, Kansas. In 1868, he came to Macomb, where he carried on the dry goods business for two years. For the next few years he gave his attention to a farm which he had previously purchased near the city. In 1876, he entered the Union National bank as a bookkeeper, and now holds the responsible position of cashier in said institution. On the 28th of January, 1868, Mary C. Tinsley, a daughter of N. P. Tinsley, became the beloved wife of Mr. Eads. They now have one child – Lizzie E. Mr. Eads is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is a Royal Arch Mason, having served as master of the Blue lodge for 11 consecutive years. Politically, he is a democrat, but has had no ambition for political preferment.
The agency of the American Express company was established in Macomb in the latter part of 1855, or early in the year 1856, with John Brown as the first agent. It was then located in Mr. Brown’s dry goods house, on the south side of the square, but has occupied various buildings since that time, and is now located in the Odd Fellows' block, on the north side. J. S. Gash is the present agent.
Macomb has a branch office of the Western Union telegraph located in the business portion of town. Previous to its establishment, the business was all done at the depot. On the 14th of March, 1884, the present office was initiated in the second story of the Stocker block, where it is at present located.
The pioneer hotel, as has been mentioned, was reared by James Clarke, in 1831. It was a large hewn log edifice, a story and a half high. Here he remained for many years. Later he built a fine brick addition in front of this. He was the landlord until succeeded by George Head. Silas French afterwards purchased the property, and built another story to the brick part, and made other additions. After running it some time, he rented it to Thomas A. Brooking, in 1850. He was the landlord for several years. After this, it passed through several hands, became known as the St. Elmo, and has been torn down to make room for improvements.
The Park house was built in 1856, by the county for a jail, and was used as such until the latter part of November, 1876, when the new jail was completed. At that time the old building was sold, and was remodeled and altered into its present form, and opened by Richard Williams as a hotel, under the name of the Williams house. In August, 1882, he was succeeded by Thomas J. Jolly, the present proprietor. The structure is of brick, 60 feet square, two stories high, and contains 10 sleeping rooms, besides the usual other rooms of a hotel. The name, Park house, was given it by its present owner, as it lies just south of the city park.
Thomas Jarvis Jolly, landlord and proprietor of the Park hotel, at Macomb, was born in London, England, September 13, 1841. He is a son of Thomas and Susan (Jarvis) Jolly, both natives of England. Thomas Jolly, Sr., was, during the latter portion of his life, a wharfinger at the East India docks, London. Previously, he had been a relieving officer (here known as supervisor) in the employ of the Risbridge Union. He died in London in 1879. His wife died in Suffolk, in 1863. The subject of this sketch was educated in his native city, and on arriving at a suitable age, engaged as clerk in a dry goods establishment, occupying the same position until he came to America, in 1867. He was married July 30, 1865, to Emma Hayes, a native of Somersetshire, England. On coming to America, he came directly to Macomb, and commenced clerking in the old Brown’s hotel, where he continued a short time. He then entered the Randolph house as clerk, which position he occupied for 14 years, during which he gained a knowledge of hotel-keeping, and of the wants of the traveling public. In 1882, he engaged in his present business, in which he has met with abundant success, his house being full at all times. Mr. and Mrs. Jolly are the parents of seven children – Emma, now in Idaho; Albert, Arthur, Horace, Ethie, Rosa, and Chesterfield.
The Randolph house, the largest hotel in McDonough county, was built by William H. Randolph. He commenced its erection in 1856, and finished it the year following. On its completion, it was opened by D. C. Flint, but he not meeting with the success anticipated, in 1858, Mr. Randolph, although having many other business interests and cares, assumed the position of landlord, which he kept until the 1st of November, 1864, when he was killed, as is detailed at length elsewhere. He was followed by his brother, Jacob Randolph, Mrs. W. H. Randolph, George Fay, Cuyler, and A. V. Brooking. In May, 1883, the hotel was rented by the present proprietor, Phineas J. Miller, who at once reopened the caravansary. The building, which is a large, three-story brick building, some 120 feet long on the front, and some 90 feet deep, contains about 40 sleeping rooms, a large and convenient office, a ladies’ parlor, and a dining room about 30x40 feet in size. The ground floor is occupied by five or six stores, and the office, etc., of the hotel are in the second story, a wide and commodious stairway affording ingress thereto. It is well furnished, and has a good trade.
Among the more prominent hotel men of the county, is Phineas J. Miller, the proprietor of the Miller house, a son of Joseph H. and Phoebe Ann (Janney) Miller. He was horn in Alexandria, Virginia, on the 24th day of March, 1833. In 1846, the family removed to Illinois, and settled at Vermont, Fulton county, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. The parents died there, leaving a family of four children, of whom Phineas was the eldest. He assisted in tilling the soil until about 1855. In April, 1856, at Vermont, Illinois, he was united in marriage with Caroline E. Dray, a native of Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Moses and Eliza Dray. He then resided near Vermont, until 1864, at which time he removed to Pekin, Illinois, and engaged in the livery business, following the same until 1871. During the next nine years he acted in the capacity of bookkeeper in a Pekin distillery. Mr. Miller, in May, 1883, removed to Macomb, McDonough county, where he has since been the proprietor of the Miller house, formerly known as the Randolph house. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have reared a family of six children – Fannie J., a teacher in the Galesburg schools; Louis, a printer by trade, and at present working on the Minneapolis Tribune; Maggie, who graduated at Pekin, and is now a teacher in the Galesburg schools; Harry H., a telegraph operator, at Chicago; Edwin J. and George P. Mr. Miller is finely educated, is an excellent accountant, and a genial, whole-souled gentleman. Mrs. Miller, his wife, is a lady who is highly esteemed by all who have the honor of an acquaintance with her. She is a kind mother, and is ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy.
The Williams house was built by Richard Williams, the present proprietor. It is located on North Randolph street, about a block and a half north of the public square. It is a neat frame building. 36x68 feet in ground area, two-stories high, with a porch or veranda running the whole length of the front of the building. It contains besides office, dining room, etc., about 20 sleeping rooms, and has a liberal patronage. The house cost about $4,000.
Richard Williams, proprietor of the Williams house, is a native of Missouri, where he lived until 10 years of age. He then came to Illinois, and lived for a few years in Mason county, thence to Fulton county, where he lived upon a farm. Here he moved from the latter county to McDonough, in 1858. He was, for a number of years after coming here, engaged in carpentering, in the city of Macomb, helping to build the Randolph house, a school house, and other buildings. He then worked 14 years in the mill located in the south part of the city, after which he began keeping hotel at the Park house, then the Williams house, where he continued until he built the house which he now occupies. The Williams house is favorably known to the traveling public, and has the reputation of being well and neatly kept. Mr. Williams receives fully his share of the public patronage, and is a deservedly popular landlord. He was married October 5, 1859, to Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of George W. Bennett, of Fulton county. They have one daughter – Alice. Mr. Williams’ parents were John and Elizabeth (Johnson) Williams, natives of Tennessee.
The Macomb board of trade was established by F. A. Thomas, in 1883, in the small frame building next to the Scott block. He continued to operate this until November 26, 1884, when it was purchased by the present proprietor, S. L. Hawkins. Previous to this, however, on March 4, 1884, it was removed to its present location, in the second story of the Stocker building. Mr. Hawkins does a regular commission business through Chicago, in the various commodities sold on the board of trade of that great center, wheat, corn, oats, pork, lard, flour, etc.
The Macomb greenhouse and market garden is operated by I. L. Pillsbury, who built one of the conservatories, which is 14x30 feet in dimension, in 1882. In 1883, he built the other, which is 11x60 feet in size, and added the hot beds. He has in all, about 2,500 square feet of glass. He devotes to the business of market gardening upwards of five acres of land, and is doing a fine business, supplying a large part of the county, although he does some shipping. One of the greenhouses is largely devoted to raising of blossoms, as cut flowers is a specialty with him.
The North roller mill, of Macomb, was built by N. P. Tinsley, in 1857. He sold it, in l881, to David Scott, who is the present owner. It is located in the extreme northern portion of the city, and is a fine large structure, three-stories and a basement in height, and has, in addition, a grain warehouse, with a capacity of holding 10,000 bushels of grain. The mill cost Mr. Scott some $8,000, and he has made additions and repairs, in the shape of new machinery, to the extent of $8,000 more, and is a complete piece of property. It is fully equipped with four sets of buhrs, and seven sets of rollers, all driven by a 60-horse power engine. The mill is both a merchant and exchange mill, and does an immense business.
The Center mill was built in the spring of 1879, by David Scott and John Penrose, at a cost of $12,000. The co-partnership of these parties lasted for about two years, when Mr. Scott bought the interest of Mr. Penrose, and ran it up to a short time since. The mill is a good one and in good repair. It contains four sets of buhrs and a complete set of rollers. The motive power is furnished by an engine of 50-horse power, which is located in the basement. The building is 40x60 feet in ground area, and is located on lot 1, block 25.
In 1849, N. P. Tinsley built a mill in the southern part of the town of Macomb, which he operated until 1856, when he sold it to Clisby & Trull. This mill was afterwards removed to Colchester, and in connection with the annals of that place, a history of it is given in full.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 1048-1097. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright