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McDonough ILGenWeb |
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1862 Bethel Township
July 17, 1862, William Gunning, Assessor
List of able bodied
male Citizens of the Town of Bethel and County of McDonough between the ages of
Eighteen and forty-five years, taken by Israel Curtis In pursuance of General
Order No. 99 of the War Department and instructions of the Adjutant General of
the State of Illinois.
Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, Remarks
ARCHER, George C. - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Enlisted in Company A., 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
ARCHER, John - 35, Illinois, Farmer, Enlisted in Company E, 2d Regt. Illinois Cav.
ASH, Thomas - 20, Missouri, Farmer
ARNOLD, Ira - 35, Ohio, Farmer, Enlisted in Company I, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
AUSTIN, Theodore - 18, Ohio, Farmer, Enlisted in Company I, 78th Regt. Illinois VolBAKER, John - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 24th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BLACK, James - 35, Ohio, Farmer
BOWMAN, J. S. - 20, Ohio, Farmer, Company G, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BOWMAN, William - 20, Ohio, Farmer, Enlisted in Company 78th Ills. Regt.
BOYD, William - 24, Ohio, Farmer, Company D, 124th Illinois Regt.
BRAWDY, John D. - 35, Kentucky, Farmer
BRUNDAGE, Daniel - 35, Illinois, Farmer
BRUNDAGE, George W. - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Enlisted in Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
BRUNDAGE, James - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Illinois Regt.
BRUNDAGE, John - 43, Illinois, Farmer
BUFORD, James - 25, Missouri, Teacher
BULLOCK, Chas. - 28, Illinois, Farmer
BULLOCK, Thomas - 30, Illinois, Farmer
BUTTERFIELD, James - 35, Ohio, FarmerCALVIN, Clay - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company H, 2d Illinois Cav.
CALVIN, George B. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
CLARK, Daniel - 22, Ohio, Farmer
CLARK, Jacob P. - 28, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CLARK, James Scott - 20, Virginia, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CLARK, L. D. - 40, Ohio, Farmer
CLARK, Milton - 20, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CLARK, Reuben R. - 38, Ohio, Farmer
CLARK, Silas - 18, Ohio, Farmer
COLBERT, Thomas - 25, Virginia, Farmer
CRISP, William - 40, Illinois, Farmer
CUMBRIDGE, Nicholas - 21, Virginia, Farmer, Company F, 62d Regt. Illinois Vol.
CURTIS, Edward - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company H, 2d Illinois Cav.
CURTIS, James - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CURTIS, John - 25, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
CURTIS, John F. - 19, Illinois, Farmer
CURTIS, Lewis - 25, Illinois, FarmerDANLEY, Robert - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Company D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DEENER, William D. - 35, New York, Farmer, Company D, 124th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DEGARMO, Allen - 22, Illinois, Farmer
DEGARMO, John - 40, Illinois, Farmer
DEGARMO, Robert - 18, Illinois, Farmer
DEVOLD, James - 25, Illinois, Farmer, Company F, 62d Regt. Illinois Vol.
DICKASON, Charles - 30, Ohio, Farmer
DICKERSON, James - 42, Virginia, Farmer
DIXON, Harlan - 22, Illinois, Farmer
DIXON, John - 24, Illinois, Farmer, Company G, 10th Missouri Regt. (Deceased
DOWNEY, Aaron - 35, Virginia, Farmer, Company F, 62d Regt. Illinois Vol.
DRISKILL, John - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
DUNN, Thomas - 18, Illinois, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, A. J. - 25, Illinois, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, James A. - 25, Illinois, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, John A. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, John A. - 35, Tennessee, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, John M. - 25, Illinois, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, Joseph M. - 30, Tennessee, Farmer
DUNSWORTH, Tilman - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.FLEW, Silas - 32, Ohio, Farmer
FLINN, Miles - 40, Ohio, Farmer
FLINN, William - 38, Ohio, Farmer
FOWLER, J. T. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
FRESHWATER, Joshua - 40, Ohio, Farmer
FRISBY, Abraham - 30, Virginia, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
FRISBY, Hiram - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Enlisted Regt. unknown
FRISBY, Phileum - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Enlisted Company I, 10th Regt. (Mo)
FUGATE, I. Q. - 40, Tennessee, Farmer
FUGATE, John W. - 43, Illinois, Farmer
FUGATE, Martin V. - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
FUGATE, Samuel N. - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.GIBBS, L. T. - 40, Mass., Farmer
GIBSON, Amos - 43, Indiana, Farmer
GIBSON, George W. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
GIBSON, I. W. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
GIBSON, Joseph - 30, Illinois, Farmer
GRIFFITH, James - 30, Illinois, Farmer
GUNNING, William - 40, Ohio, FarmerHAYS, Benner - 25, Ohio, Farmer
HAYS, Craighead - 25, Ohio, Farmer
HAYS, William N. - 22, Ohio, Farmer
HENDRICKSON, Wm. L. - 35, Ohio, Company G, 10th Missouri Disch
HIETT, John D. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
HINCK, John M. - 42, Missouri, Farmer
HINCK, William - 19, Illinois, Farmer
HOGG, Samuel C. - 30, Farmer
HOLSTINE, Archibald - 40, Illinois, Farmer
HOLTON, John W. - 18, Illinois, Farmer
HOLTON, Reuben A. - 30, Illinois
HOOVER, James N. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
HOOVER, John - 28, Illinois
HORREL, William J. - 28, Illinois, Farmer
HORRELL, C. C. - 32, Illinois, Farmer
HORRELL, James N. N. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
HUSTED, Amos - 35, Indiana, Farmer
HUSTED, Talman - 30, Ohio, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.JOHNSON, John - 45, England, Farmer, Company D, 124th Regt. Illinois Vol.
JOHNSTON, Eyre - 19, Ohio, Farmer
JOHNSTON, James - 30, Ohio, FarmerKEE, William S. - 40, Tennessee, Farmer
LARCUM, Daniel - 40, Ohio, Farmer
LAWYER, Samuel - 35, Illinois, Farmer
LAYNE, William R. - 30, Illinois, Farmer, Company C, 10th Regt. Illinois Vol.
LOY, David M. - 18, Ohio, Farmer
LUCAS, Joseph
LUCAS, William - 20, Illinois, Farmer
LUCAS, William 2d - 25, New York, FarmerMATHEWS. Thomas B. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
MATHEWS, Thomas D. - 28, Illinois, Farmer
MATHEWS, William - 43, Tennessee, Farmer
McCULLOUGH, Hugh - 40, Illinois, Farmer
McDONOUGH, Lee - 35, Illinois, Farmer
McGAUGHEY, William - 40, Pennsylvania, Farmer
McLURE, Robert L. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
MESSINGALLS, Benjamin - 42, Illinois, Farmer
MILLER, Charles - 35, Ohio, Farmer
MILLER, Charles Jr. - 35, Ohio, Farmer
MILLER, John S. - 40, Virginia, Farmer
MILLER, Mawin - 28, Ohio, Farmer
MILLS, Ladson - 40, North Carolina, Farmer
MINER, Noah - 35, Ohio, Farmer
MISNER, Chas. W. - 22, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
MITCHELL, J. T. - 30, Kentucky, Farmer
MITCHELL, Theophelus - 35, Kentucky, Carpenter
MONK, Simon - 20, Illinois, Farmer
MONK, Thomas W. - 28, Illinois, Farmer
MONK, William - 22, Illinois, Farmer
MONTEE, James - 25, Ohio, Farmer
MONTEE, T. C. - 35, Ohio, Farmer
MOORE, Henry - 25, Virginia, Farmer
MOORE, John J. - 45, Kentucky, Farmer, Company D, 124th Regt. Illinois
MOORE, Wm. W. - 19, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 11th Regt. Illinois Cav.
MORGAN, Isaac - 22, Virginia, Farmer
MULLEN, Andrew J. - 30, Illinois, FarmerNANKWILT, Wm. H. - 30, Maryland, Farmer
NUNN, J. L. - 35, Kentucky, Farmer
NUNN, William R. - 30, Kentucky, FarmerORING, Alfred - 30, Ohio, Farmer
PARKS, George S. - 20, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PARKS, John M. - 25, Ohio, Farmer
PATRICK, Charles - 35, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PATRICK, Samuel - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PENNINGTON, John R. - 25, Ohio, Farmer
PENNINGTON, Samuel - 28, Ohio, Farmer, 1st Brigade Yates S. Shooters
PETERS, Chester J. - 28, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
PETHTEL, Solomon - 35, Ohio, Farmer,
PRUIT, Jacob - 30, Illinois, Farmer, 62d Regt. Illinois Vol.REED, G. B. - 35, New York, Farmer
RENO, Joseph - 17, Kentucky, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
RIGG, Jesse R. - 35, Illinois, Farmer
RIGG, Joseph - 42, Kentucky, Farmer
RIGG, Peter - 35, Kentucky, Farmer
RIGG, Russell - 40, Kentucky, Farmer
RINGS, John W. - 40, Ohio, Farmer
RINGS, William - 22, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 10th Missouri Discharged
ROBINSON, Andrew - 28, Pennsylvania, Farmer
ROBINSON, James - 25, Pennsylvania, Farmer
ROUSE, Samuel - 30, Illinois, Farmer
RUSH, A. H. - 38, Pennsylvania, FarmerSAILOR, Isaac - 35, Tennessee, Farmer
SCOTT, Amos - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SCOTT, James M. R. - 19, Illinois, Farmer
SCOTT, John - 25, Illinois, Farmer, Company C, 16th Regt.D'O
SCOTT, L. W. - 25, Ohio, Farmer
SHAW, William - 30, Illinois, Farmer
SHEPHERD, Solomon R. - 19, Ohio, Family, Company D, 28th Regt. Illinois Vol. Deceased
SHEPHERD, Thos. J. - 17, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol. Deceased
SHOOPMAN, Jacob - 30, Illinois, Mining in Oregon
SHOOPMAN, Jacob 2d - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
SHOOPMAN, John S. - 21, Illinois, Farmer
SPIVER, James - 18, Illinois, Farmer
STONEKING, Erastus - 30, Virginia, Farmer
STONEKING, David - 35, Pennsylvania, Farmer
STONEKING, George - 35, Pennsylvania, Farmer
STONEKING, Jacob - 30, Pennsylvania, Farmer
STONEKING, John - 40, Pennsylvania, Farmer
STONEKING, William J. - 30, Pennsylvania, Farmer
SULLIVAN, Daniel - 40, Pennsylvania, Farmer
SWARTZ, B. C. - 35, Illinois, Minister, Douglass BrigadeTATMAN, Hiram - 30, Illinois, Farmer
TAYLOR, Edward - 22, Illinois, Teacher
THOMPSON, Wm. - 40, Illinois, Farmer
TOLAND, D. L. - 27, Ohio, Farmer
TOLAND, James - 25, Ohio
TOLAND, Solomon - 30, Ohio, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
TOLAND, William - 21, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 78th Regt. Illinois Vol.
TUNIS, Joseph - Farmer
TWADDLE, John W. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
TWADDLE, Wm. H. - 30, Ohio, FarmerVALENTINE, T. W. - Absconded
VANWINKLE, Francis W. - 25, Illinois, Farmer
VENARD, George - 22, Illinois, Company H, 2d Illinois Cav.
VENARD, J. B. - 30, Illinois, Company H, 2d Illinois Cav.
VENARD, John - 24, Illinois, Company H, 2d Illinois Cav.
VENARD, William E. - 30, Illinois, Farmer
VOOHEES, John - 45, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.WALLACE, S. D. - 25, Missouri, Teacher
WARNTZ, Joseph - 25, Ohio, Farmer
WARREN, B. F. - 35, Ohio, Miller, Mooved in to Chalmers Towns
WILBURN, T. J. - 40, Ohio
WILLEY, Absolom - 28, Ohio, Farmer
WILLEY, Charles - 40, Kentucky, Farmer
WILLEY, Isaac - 30, Illinois, Farmer
WILLEY, Lewis - 26, Ohio, Farmer
WILLEY, Siles - 25, Ohio, Farmer
WILLEY, Stephen - 30, Ohio, Farmer
WILLIAMS, W. - 35, Ohio
WILSON, Eli - 40, Illinois
WILSON, Eli - 18, Illinois, Company C, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WILSON, John - 40, Illinois, Farmer
WILSON, Samuel - 40, Illinois, Lut Col. 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WILSON, William - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company C, 16th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WILSON, Zachariah - 16, Illinois, Farmer, Company A, 84th Regt. Illinois Vol.
WORMLEY, George E. - 30, Ohio
WORMLEY, John F. - 28, Ohio
WORMLEY, S. S. - 30, Ohio, Farmer
WORTHINGTON, Joseph Sr. - 40, Ohio, Farmer
WORTHINGTON, Joseph Jr. - 22, Ohio, FarmerYOUNG, Melvin - 18, Illinois, Farmer, Company D, 124th Regt. Illinois Vol.
YOUNG, William H. - 20, Illinois, Farmer, Company B, 10th Missouri
Contributed 2000 by Robin L. W. Petersen
McDonough County ILGenWeb Copyright